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I thought no LFG dungeon finder at launch was a good idea.


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Before EA, I agreed with the decision to not include a dungeon finder at launch for pretty much the reasons they gave: It's not necessary at release.


Of course, I didn't realize that all the flashpoints would be out of a single area.


Several times so far I've waited through a queue (so server was full) and tried to get a group together and there just isn't anyone available (they're all out and questing I suppose). Usually I go off and quest myself but am thinking how cool it would be to have a matching system that let me know when enough people are looking to form a group. I'm not asking for instant flashpoint teleports or cross server matching but I would like something more robust than sitting in a relatively sparsely populated area looking to form a group.


Usually I give up after a few minutes but there have been times when a group is missing one or two people and end up sitting there spamming forever.

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Before EA, I agreed with the decision to not include a dungeon finder at launch for pretty much the reasons they gave: It's not necessary at release.


Of course, I didn't realize that all the flashpoints would be out of a single area.


Several times so far I've waited through a queue (so server was full) and tried to get a group together and there just isn't anyone available (they're all out and questing I suppose). Usually I go off and quest myself but am thinking how cool it would be to have a matching system that let me know when enough people are looking to form a group. I'm not asking for instant flashpoint teleports or cross server matching but I would like something more robust than sitting in a relatively sparsely populated area looking to form a group.


Usually I give up after a few minutes but there have been times when a group is missing one or two people and end up sitting there spamming forever.


It's happened to me several times, and no fun.


They need to add something to make it easier to group up.

Edited by dozerking
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It's amazing how much crap the Random Dungeon Finder takes, only to be missed so when one plays a game other than That Other MMO That Shall Not Be Named.


On a more serious note, it's taken That Other MMO That Shall Not Be Named seven years to achieve the amenities we take for granted, and TOR hasn't even launched yet. Give it time: I am sure Bioware is quite aware of the benefits an RDF-like matchmaking service would provide to its players. One bit of That Other MMO's functionality at a time, though: Support for macros and UI modding, I think, are more badly needed priority.

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Before EA, I agreed with the decision to not include a dungeon finder at launch for pretty much the reasons they gave: It's not necessary at release.


Of course, I didn't realize that all the flashpoints would be out of a single area.


Several times so far I've waited through a queue (so server was full) and tried to get a group together and there just isn't anyone available (they're all out and questing I suppose). Usually I go off and quest myself but am thinking how cool it would be to have a matching system that let me know when enough people are looking to form a group. I'm not asking for instant flashpoint teleports or cross server matching but I would like something more robust than sitting in a relatively sparsely populated area looking to form a group.


Usually I give up after a few minutes but there have been times when a group is missing one or two people and end up sitting there spamming forever.


While yes, they may be out questing, nothing is stopping you from looking for a group while questing. Just make sure your searching for a group on a level appropriate flashpoint (droummand kaas for hammer station, balmorra for athiss, etc.).


You'll probably find several like minded people who would love to do the instance, but are questing because they didn't want to sit around spamming.

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You need to read the forums more--your problem isn't that Fleet is deserted of players wanting to run the leveling flashpoints. Not finding a group is clearly your fault for A) not being in a large guild and/or B) not being social enough! Edited by Zhit
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I hope this game NEVER has a RDF type tool. IMO, it ruined a certain MMO's community. Most people just sit in cities now.


The problem in TOR is those people not just sitting around in cities don't know who's trying to form a group or not.

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Before EA, I agreed with the decision to not include a dungeon finder at launch for pretty much the reasons they gave: It's not necessary at release.


Of course, I didn't realize that all the flashpoints would be out of a single area.


Several times so far I've waited through a queue (so server was full) and tried to get a group together and there just isn't anyone available (they're all out and questing I suppose). Usually I go off and quest myself but am thinking how cool it would be to have a matching system that let me know when enough people are looking to form a group. I'm not asking for instant flashpoint teleports or cross server matching but I would like something more robust than sitting in a relatively sparsely populated area looking to form a group.


Usually I give up after a few minutes but there have been times when a group is missing one or two people and end up sitting there spamming forever.

If you can wade through the "go back to WoW you kiddie gamer" posts and various other insults, whether veiled or not so veiled, you will see that the vast majority of people want the same as you. Unfortunately we also see a very small, but very vocal, minority trying to impose their will on the rest of us. Edited by Umbral
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While I do miss the old lfg channel, it was removed for a reason: Thing became spammriffic(even more so than trade chat)


But it was easy to leave :p


Basicly you joined when you wanted to get a group left when you didnt :p


Or i could think of seeing all the instances the game have and have people put them self into them making it easy spotting.

For example people you play a lv 10 and you see that people are looking for tank/dps/healer for arthiss you whisper them relog and join.


Not so much needed now but i can see theuse for that ystem when people are at end levels and levling alts

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A LFG tool is absolutely critical here. Not having one means that at maxed level if i want to put a group together i need to sit at the Imperial Fleet and spam, instead of questing, or ship combat, or PVP.


All those arguing that it keeps people sitting in cities dont realize that it actually discourages that.


People sit in cities because of a lack of content, not because they enjoy sitting around in a queue

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People sit in cities because of a lack of content, not because they enjoy sitting around in a queue


While it might be tangentially, I feel obliged to say this: Well said. At least TOR won't suffer from that particular problem, as if push comes to shove and you level-cap, you can always run around trying to max affection on your companions.

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But it was easy to leave :p


Basicly you joined when you wanted to get a group left when you didnt :p


Or i could think of seeing all the instances the game have and have people put them self into them making it easy spotting.

For example people you play a lv 10 and you see that people are looking for tank/dps/healer for arthiss you whisper them relog and join.


Not so much needed now but i can see theuse for that ystem when people are at end levels and levling alts


Hey, I'm not against adding a LFG channel, or any kind of global interface/tool that helps people form groups regardless of where they happen to be.

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Are you using the LFG option in the who function?


nobody looks at that. i always use that but haven't found a group yet through it. i've resorted to spamming every 5 mins to get a group


lfg bt

lfg saving face

lfg athiss




anti-lfg ppl would rather have ppl like me spamming i guess than to have a tool to eliminate this.

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I hope this game NEVER has a RDF type tool. IMO, it ruined a certain MMO's community. Most people just sit in cities now.


yes, so what ppl do now is spam LFG while STILL SITTING IN CITIES! don't you get it? not having a lfg tool doesn't make ppl more social or want to leave cities... it just adds unnecessary spam!

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I hope this game NEVER has a RDF type tool. IMO, it ruined a certain MMO's community. Most people just sit in cities now.


Maybe they do, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the dungeon finder. In fact, last time I played WoW the dungeon finder *freed* me from hanging around the city. You queued up and went off and played. As soon as a group popped you were in and then back out to questing.


I think most of the city campers are doing 1 of two things:


1) Selling items or services

2) trying to for a group for a raid which doesn't have a matching system.


I haven't played it in a long while but I don't recall leveling characters sitting in a city queueing up.

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