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The little lock on left of the hot key bar


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Stop clicking and key bind and that won't happen.


Genius! Shear genius I tell you!


No, seriously OP, you don't have to keybind EVERYTHING but keybind every ability you use in combat plus your medpacs and adrenals.


I don't have Heroic Moment, or my stims keybound, but stims last 1-2 hours and Heroic Moment has a 15 min (or if you don't have 5 companions done 20 min) cooldown so there's no point on binding it.


At the very least you should have 12 abilities bound (Powertech) and at most 24 (Sentinel/Marauder or Scoundrel/Operative).

Edited by AshlaBoga
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on the hotbar????? :eek:


Am I the only one who can't be bothered to hotkey...


- those 60 minute buffs

- saber forms / gas cylinders / etc...

- heroic moments

- emergency fleet pass + quick travel

- my DD Flaregun I use when I score in huttball


I never need to use them in emergency situation and I can be bothered to bind them, I'll forget them anyway.


I keep that lock locked at all times and have yet to accidentally unlock it though...

Edited by Lionflash
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The OP has a point. It is in a precarious spot. By design it makes no sense to have it right on the edge of a Hot Key.


No matter what people say about using or not using key binds and macros it just makes no real sense for it to be placed there. It is just to easy to hit by mistake for those that place some sort of command there. You can hit it by mistake and the next thing you know is that your are moving things around. I've done it many times myself. It is a bit irritating when you go to utilize something from one of the slots and it is not there or moved and you have to stop and try to find it. Every once and a while I place Stims and MedPacs in places and when in battle if go to use it and its not where I expected then things can go wrong. :rolleyes:


So I am with the OP on this. It would be nice if it was moved to somewhere else. Like I said, by design it makes no sense to have it right up against a Hot Key. No matter if you use Key Bind and Macros or not.

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Hey everyone

I wish they would move that little lock at the left of the hot key bar to the top bar..

So when I am in combat and using my mouse I don't move my hot keys around or lose some!




Same here, it has been one of my main hates since TOR's release. I hate it when you lag and of all the places on your screen you click that tiny lock by accident but dont notice, then go to fire off some actions but you move em and clone em all over your action bar in mid fight. Stupid positioning of that button if you ask me. Id settle for an hot key to unlock your bar. or an option to remove that lock if you wish to do so, would be nice.

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You must play the game the way you are told by people in the forums, you must keybind or you are a los3r who will be l33t beat down everytime you log in even on PVE. Seriously people, keybinding is not the only way to play, just because it works for you, doesn't mean it works for everyone. OP do you keep hitting the lock or forgetting to relock after doing bar changes? If you are hitting the lock, not much anyone can do to help you, I like the lock where it is, its obvious that its there for locking the toolbar unlike others where its been buried in the menus.
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I am a clicker (on a 55 inch tv, so the buttons are bigger) and i hit the unlock button too many times to count. It should be moved from a design point. Even when I am not clicking on the hotbar to use an ability, I sometimes click it by mistake and never realize it until it is too late.


Fix the problem, not blame the player. And for the record, I have been top damage in many warzones while being a clicker, the 55 inch tv helps :D

Edited by itsmymillertime
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Yea, I always have to laugh at the people who talk down to clickers. I'm mostly a clicker and have dished out my share of pwnage in MMO's over the years. With that said keybinding your most commonly used abilities does help considerably and there are UI adjustments that you can make to minmize the risk of accidentally unlocking the bars (as others have pointed out). From a design aspect, I agree that the default UI isn't the best way. In fact, I think it should be a drop down menu option...though I'm sure some might prefer it to be a handy click-able.
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No matter what people say about using or not using key binds and macros it just makes no real sense for it to be placed there. It is just to easy to hit by mistake for those that place some sort of command there.


^ this.


It's bad design, plain and simple.

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Then try to get a programmable mouse, that will improve your game play experience a lot more.


By all mean, mouse clicker doesn't mean you have no skill, it actually means you are giving yourselves a more difficult time to play comparing with the people taking in hardware advantage, it costs you more skill to play in order to achieve the same. A smart mouse or keyboard doesn't make you epic, but it is a quality of life improvement.


If you can manage playing with hot-bar clicking, I see no reason where you would not enjoy changing your mouse habit.

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I am not a "clicker" and I have run into this problem. It's simple. I lose track of my mouse cursor since essentially I don't use it to click on anything. However, I do use the mouse buttons to turn and what not, and when I do, if the cursor is over a quickbar, it moves the ability right off the bar causing huge problems especially with my Naga mappings.


Now, having said that... this is totally my fault. I forget to lock the quickbars after making a change or moving things around. I have never accidentally unlocked the bars during a fight. The lock is small and requires a precision click, so that is not the issue. That said, I like the locking mechanism as it stands.

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Am I the only one who can't be bothered to hotkey...


- those 60 minute buffs

- saber forms / gas cylinders / etc...

- heroic moments

- emergency fleet pass + quick travel

- my DD Flaregun I use when I score in huttball


I never need to use them in emergency situation and I can be bothered to bind them, I'll forget them anyway.


I keep that lock locked at all times and have yet to accidentally unlock it though...


Nope. But I have all those abilities in the leftside bar nowhere near the unlock button.


'Course, since I keybind everything, I don't ever actually bother locking the buttons, Only time I'm clicking there is when I WANT to move stuff around.

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I am a disable veteran and that is the way I play..Why can't they just put it at the top of the screen in that bar .


This. My abilities get moved off the hotbars during a fight very often. I tried placing the Malgus plama bomb thing icon in the 1st box but that hasn't helped; the abilities still get removed and lost.


The little lock isn't a lock. Woud be nice to have it perma locked in preferences.

Edited by pooks
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I wish they would move that little lock at the left of the hot key bar to the top bar..


I have the same problem. Best 'fix' I've thought of is with the UI editor now you can change the original main bar to become one of the secondary bars so the 'lock button' is no longer on the 'new' main bar.

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