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Dailies the worst MMO invention ever?


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Nothing ruins the fun of a game for me like dailies. Day in and day out, you go to the exact same place, for the exact same reason, to kill the exact same mobs using the exact same buttons. How could anyone give a care about what they are doing or have any fun at all doing such mindless routine?


And, heaven forbid you have more than one 50, then you spend hours everyday doing this mindless activity to gear rather than playing the game you bought.


And if that wasn't enough, they put in dailies where you have to run around with 20 other people trying to get 6 of the 10 (or so) crates to complete a dailies.


Worse way to grind for gear ever. I think that is one of the main reasons I quit wow when I did (many years ago now): the game did nothing but produce cookie cutter areas and then make you grind the same quests over and over for rep to get gear. I really wish swtor hadn't coupled that MMO feature when it was made.

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i feel like its a necessary evil, i dont want to have undoable content such as extremely hardcore FPs that give the best gear, but i also dont want the gear given to me with almost no effort.


Dailies, while as monotonous as they can be, provide for something to do be done with a reward in addition to endgame content

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I enjoy the BH dailies for some reason. Its a nice relaxing way to start off my gaming session. I dont always feel like a warzone or flashpoint right when I log in, so I casually do a few dailies while I figure out what I want to do that evening.
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It depends. In general, dailies are a cheesy way to get people to log on.


That being said, I like the PvP daily. The activity is fun for me and it becomes a nice goal to shoot for every day. The problem is when the daily activity is a chore. Most of the quest dailies people do for credits fall into this trap.


My advice to developers is to scale back quest dailies. As much as it helps to get people out to do them, it burns people out in the long run.

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whos the idiot genius who came up with "dailies" anyway? it's boring as heck


AFAIK, WoW introduced them at the end of Burning Crusade. Dailies seem very good on paper. It encourages people to log in daily, and every daily quest gets a ton of mileage (great ROI).


I believe it's a huge factor in burning people out in the long run though.

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Here's an idea might take some time to implement but would help a lot. Basically it's variety, all planets should have a daily section, but the player only needs to complete certain tasks to complete his daily, so that it doesn't matter which planet he does them in but once they are done on one they are done for the day,

And dailies should be different every day with u being able to pick what planet u want to complete them on. Say u need to gather so and so materials within ur profession kill this many rakhgouls etc. and most importantly is for the heroics missions on all planets to be used for dailies, most or all of them. With so many heroics in this game that would bring a lot of variety. I love how gw2 did the daily section, at least the pre 80. It's about the only nice thing in that game.

Edited by ChrisMattar
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So far, I don't mind the dailies because it's my choice whether or not to do them. If I'm needing credits or some decent mods that I don't have the crafting materials for, I do the dailies. If I don't need them, I find something else to do.




People talk like they are forced to do them or something.

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I don't mind dailies... it's something to do if I choose to do it.


I wish they would provide more choices though for what you can get with doing dailies. Mostly it's just gear right now. Some games allow you to work towards repuation with a certain faction, and once you get enough rep, you can buy unique cosmetic gear, mounts, etc.


It would be nice to be able to grind for faction with each planet, with unique rewards for each.

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Like! Anything like that, that can get u unique items or useful cosmetic or other surprises is worth going for, but not when u know exactly what ti expect, from a psychological viewpoint it's a total downer.


I don't mind dailies... it's something to do if I choose to do it.


I wish they would provide more choices though for what you can get with doing dailies. Mostly it's just gear right now. Some games allow you to work towards repuation with a certain faction, and once you get enough rep, you can buy unique cosmetic gear, mounts, etc.


It would be nice to be able to grind for faction with each planet, with unique rewards for each.

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SWOR should implement missions like CoH's Radio/Newspaper and Tip missions.


So instead of going to do the exact SAME missions every day, send players to a handful of hotspots (so that world pvp will still be encouraged) where they will get randomly-generated missions on randomly-generated maps to accomplish random objectives. Make some of them a bit more challenging than others, just for fun.


Then place a cap on how many can be done per day in each hotspot.


We'd burn out less quickly because we wouldn't be following the exact same steps by rote every day.--

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Like! Anything like that, that can get u unique items or useful cosmetic or other surprises is worth going for, but not when u know exactly what ti expect, from a psychological viewpoint it's a total downer.


hehe, I have been known to grind like a son-of-a-gun when the right carrot is dangled in front of me. :D


This game just doesn't dangle the right carrots. I could really care less about gear stats, as I don't PvP and I don't do Ops. But give me a chance to work hard for something that is rare and unique, and I am there!

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Nah... dailies are fine if you don't turn them in to a job or a grind.


I actually enjoy them as a bit of a warm up which I need as I have several toons at 50 that play very differently. So I log on and start my dailies while guildies get organized or while I wait for group finder. After completing a few quests, everything is ready and I QT with a few creds some comms and ready to jump right in and do my part.


Another thing, I stopped this obsession of running them all in one sitting or having to run them in any particular order. And I don't necessarily rush through them as fast as I can as if trying to avoid them. Instead, I park 50s in different locations so I can make sure they all get some creds and comms as needed.


I quit trying to look at dailies as anything more than what they are. A source of quick creds and comms while I prep to do other things.


So... worst MMO invention ever? No. Not by a long shot.

Edited by Qarran
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I have no major objection to dailies they are (or rather used to be) a reasonably quick way to get a credit injection and definately assist with gearing up alts (implants and creds for mod ripping).


I do have major issues with trying to smash 6 bloody boxes on Black Hole with 64 other people trying to do the same or the Ilum dailies taking over an hour as you head to quest area wait for respawns, get ninja'd, wait for more respawns ... yeah way to encourage poor gamemanship!!


Seriously Bioware reduce the cap to create a new planet instance for both Ilum and BH ... tbh more than 20 of the same faction trying to compete for the same quests is not fun. Fix the respawn time on the BH boxes, make them instant or like a 1 minute timer. The mob respawn timer seems to be fine on BH but definately needs tweaking on Ilum.


My first attempt at dailies since the server merge was at 2pm UK time today there were 40+ people on Ilum and 64 on Blackhole. I don't even want to think about how painful dailies will be at peak gaming times.

Edited by jjones_
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I don't do the Ilum, belsavis, bh dailies anymore...I don't need anything from there that bad that I would force myself to do a long tedious grind...if it doesn't bother you then great keep doing them. I personally don't have alot of time to play and I certainly don't want to spend it doing those boring quests. Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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