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Everything posted by Gallifrayen

  1. His post was from 2012 in case you didn't notice. You might have better luck going to their website.
  2. Stop using your face to touch the buttons. Faceroll is just a metaphor it's not meant literally. All joking aside. Do you mean you are pressing the incorrect keys or that you start typing the numbers you intend to press?
  3. You have an ability called grapple, it closes the gap.
  4. well people ditching a warzone for a flashpoint Q was causing warzones to get imabalanced.
  5. LOL so I was making an alt today for fun, thought I'd make a cyborg. Why aren't all the good human faces available for male cyborgs too? well just all the human faces in general. Cyborg has only like 4 different faces with a mix of different ears filling in the spaces between the 4 faces. I'd also like to have the option to "mirror" cybernetics so I can switch what eye the device is over and what not. This isn't actually a complaint I just thought it was weird that it was so limited since the description about cyborgs was that they were specifically human with enhancements/repairs to their body.
  6. Social 1 pants dromund kaas social vender, go.
  7. Yes, very intense stuttering at times even though the game says I'm at 60 fps. It has nothing to do with crowded areas as it seems to be the worst for me at the character creation screen. Which leads me to believe something in the coding is actually causing a conflict since 1.4
  8. Contrary to what you might think you and or your friends should not be able to survive without defensive cooldowns vs 6 people while being healed. This isn't the MMO where healers are pretty well immortal we rely a lot of guard and taunts to help a lot with keeping people alive.
  9. Everytime I use it when I have a quest that tells me to goto dromund kaas, I get there and it doesn't recognize that im on the planet. I have to run all the way back to my ship, fly somewhere else, then back to DK for it to work. sigh, I bought this to save myself some travel time but its only causing a headache.
  10. My Shadows are not blurry close up but after zooming out quite a ways you notice they get rather blurry. Shadows may be transparent but they're not meant to be blurry. Which is what this patch added by improving their graphics.
  11. Too bad the shadows now just go super blurry when you zoom out the camera. inb4 "people will complain about anything" I don't believe fixing something involved breaking another aspect of something else. *good patch though, like the group finder change.
  12. lol yeah, they designed the corruption to look like Darth Vader I think. He was pale but that may just have been from wearing a survival suit all the time. lol Would be nice if you could select which phase of corruption you wanted to display, I'm sure that would be a step in the right direction
  13. Does anybody think they will ever add more ships? Or Animal based mounts?
  14. Make friends. It's a massive multiplayer online video game. If you prefer to by anti-social then you're in the wrong genre.
  15. They designed it far to close to a single player game, even with it being "revolutionary" with the 4th pillar voice overs!! World of Warcraft quickly did it better with a lot of the redesigned zones in Cataclysm, voiced over story quests without making me feel like you're forced to sit still and watch it in video format. Being unable to control your character in these moments actually takes away more than it adds to the game. Full character control at all times outside of flight path stuff is important. I feel they would have been far better suited to just have character/main planet quests voiced over, a lot less work wouldn't feel nearly as repetitive. But also unlike World of Warcraft there are not alternate places(planets) to go at certain levels and you are forced to do planets because of your class story like a single player game. I quit wow and play this game because I have more fun however when it comes to leveling alts I find it sometimes to just be spacebar spam sessions.
  16. So just a question I am on a PvE server is Ilum still pvp flagged? I havn't had the chance to get it yet. I like PvP my friends an I just went to Harbinger months ago when our other server pop dropped to nothing. Will I be able to world PvP on Ilum?
  17. I think a partial solution would be to have the dailies rotate which quests are available (the same amount each day, same total rewards to keep it simple). Just have it switch between planets so its at least different scenery to a point day after day.
  18. There should be a punishment for leaving. Players that always leave if its not going their way are the people complaining at 50 that pvp is too hard blah blah gear too big a factor. Gear is a lot smaller factor than knowing how to play, not ever battleground is going to go your way even if you're in a pre-made.
  19. How many people can be a part of a premade now? Last I played it was 4 people.
  20. You people having no FPS problems are your PCs more than Quad core? I actually have to run a virtual drive with swtor files on ram to get proper fps in this game for whatever reason. I also run BF3 mac graphics perfectly in 64 player servers on huge maps. It doesn't make sense to me that this game is more of a resource hog than BF3 but its all in the coding.
  21. Wrong the Harbinger was moved as well to a NEW server also called the Harbinger!! I figured this out earlier when I too had to do a name change.
  22. Whenever I did mount or engage in combat I get what seems like a full fps lockup for a split second maybe a second. Does anybody else get this? Does anybody know how to prevent this? I know there are problems loading in this game, you can even notice fps stutter is you spam the character panel I don't know why it would do that but any help would be appreciated.
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