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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Since Theron


I provide a public service. Call it trolling if you like, but it's more of an ego check. You see, everything is hunky-dory as long as these guys are able to run rampant, saying and doing whatever they want. It's them asserting themselves as the alpha class, kind of like when dog pees in another dog's yard...but then cowers in fear when a bigger dog with much more bite comes along.


Really, I'm doing them more of a favor than anything else. All this back and forth keeps them on the front page, and elevates their social status when really, they're more like Tony Danza: no one cares anymore. And in the spirit of keeping things on track in this thread...


I don't always give a shout out to GG. But when I do, it's more like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

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I provide a public service. Call it trolling if you like, but it's more of an ego check. You see, everything is hunky-dory as long as these guys are able to run rampant, saying and doing whatever they want. It's them asserting themselves as the alpha class, kind of like when dog pees in another dog's yard...but then cowers in fear when a bigger dog with much more bite comes along.


Really, I'm doing them more of a favor than anything else. All this back and forth keeps them on the front page, and elevates their social status when really, they're more like Tony Danza: no one cares anymore. And in the spirit of keeping things on track in this thread...


I don't always give a shout out to GG. But when I do, it's more like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.


I kinda like this guy...


And a super classy shout out to the Shadow that stuck it out in an arena this weekend, after the rest of his team quit. Once we realized what had happened we were going to let you 1v1 us, but Werko got anxious and landed the KB before we could stop him. You sir, are a trooper, I wish I could remember your name.

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Does ranked still happens in this server?


I don't have the means to get a 4-man team going (I've got 1 person in my guild that could run with me) and as far as solo ranked queue concerned the pops aren't frequent enough. Especially because unranked will pop a lot faster..BW needs to add the ability to queue for both cause I would do that.


EDIT: I did manage to get 7-8 ranked games between 10-11 PM EST. It was a mix of a small group of maybe 10-12 people. So not much variance but we did have some close, exciting games as well as utter facerolls. (there was a healer that was DPSing :eek: )


DOUBLE EDIT: If you have a place for a Balance (bad, I know) Shadow I would be happy to run in a group at some point.


EDIT™: Shoutout to Whooter for being an annoying healer to go up against in arena.

Edited by jackrunip
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I don't have the means to get a 4-man team going (I've got 1 person in my guild that could run with me) and as far as solo ranked queue concerned the pops aren't frequent enough. Especially because unranked will pop a lot faster..BW needs to add the ability to queue for both cause I would do that.


I was getting some solo ranked pops earlier this evening, but there weren't many in queue since it was slow, poorly matched (no healer in any of them), and I was with Freon for every single one. Not that I mind the latter…


Kendiaro reported having frequent pops earlier still (around 6 eastern) and a lot more group variety.


To your specific point, Fiama, I may not be in a PvP guild, but I am in a big guild that has a lot of competent people, some of which are very competent at PvP. I've been itching to do more group ranked, and if there were a night where we knew good groups would be queuing, I know that other people in <Aisthesis> would jump at the chance. If you want to group with us, just say the word. The trickiest thing for me is that I raid a lot, so there aren't a lot of full nights where I'm not already committed.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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It was! Special shout out to Fiama for sitting out in a match when the opposing team had a DPS DC. Made it a heck of a lot more intense.




I did that again for another ranked that had 3 except I forgot to leave the spawn zone. Counted as a loss too. :t_redface:


*raises glass* Here's to a sniper whose name started with "S" and had the legacy name of Smokin' (I think). It was a 3 vs 4 in regs (BW's queue system is wonderful) and after the first round the other 2 imps left. Props for sticking around Smoke!

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It was! Special shout out to Fiama for sitting out in a match when the opposing team had a DPS DC. Made it a heck of a lot more intense.


This must be the impossible to kill Kym that plagues me in WZ's... Nice to meet you.... Please stop healing your friends so much, it makes killing them very difficult.

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Shout out to Whammy.


Because Smash is hard with 3 pocket healers.


Every class is easy when you are rolling with good healers. I hate facing that dude, he's playing a faceroll dps class, but he plays it very well. And last night sucked really bad because he was running with 2 other smashers and at least 1 shadow. Chances of healing through that... 0.

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until there's some sort of server wide agreement not to use smash mara/sent, operative/scoundrel heals, or ap/tactics in ion cell, i see no reason to chastise others for doing so.


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Edited by jackrunip
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Maybe we should start asking for treats after each match? The Pubs definitely have plenty of cookie cutters on hand.


Why don't you post a legitimate shout out, instead of bringing your butthurt trolling to a forum intended to be positive with incessant jabs at players better than you?

I know you love the art of forum PvP, but try to back it up in game.


A thank you to Whooter (Catheana) for the fun games over the past few days. Although I miss the competition from your Sentinel.

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Yeah, definitely starting to really respect Xaverri. Nice person.


I wish I was as patient as that dude. For someone that solo-queue's like 90% of the time, that kid's a saint.


I also must shout out to Rokstag. I had the misfortune of running into him in 3 WZ's last night, and he reminded me why I hate Shadows so much. GG my man, now please leave me alone.

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