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Everything posted by malyj

  1. It would be nice if you noobs who don't feel like putting any effort into learning how operative works so you can try to counter it would at least name the character who touched you and made you whine about it on the forums. protip; spec into snares to prevent the op from rolling and use them 1.5 sec after the op rolls, or wait for the dbl roll and they are just sitting there for 6-8 seconds, to prevent them from being resisted. Are you also they type of player who uses 2 of your cc's after a jugg leaps to you or a mara uses force crush? At least try to put a little effort into learning how to fight a class. Getting rid of roll immunity on conc along with the auto crit tactical would completely gut the spec. And to whine about that when juggs do the same dmg as concealment but can keep their whole team alive and all their defensive cd's is completely insane. Or to whine about concealment burst when PT exists or a sniper can do the entire concealment burst in one shot. If they nerfed concealment AGAIN, it will have been nerfed twice before PT, which also had bad defensive cd's compared to other classes, was even touched. There are some design and population issues that can make some classes seem worse. Operatives have to spend a lot of time that could be spent attacking trying to stay alive. Using rolls and self heals means they aren't attacking and they have to constantly do this when they are being attacked. However, if the operative is on the stronger team and doesn't have to spend any of the time that they are attacking to try to keep themselves alive, then they can spend more time attacking and might make them look better than a normal match with even teams. Tanks and healers are very strong in this game and when good players group up it often causes massive team imbalances. Also, the pvp population is so small due to bad design over the lifetime of the game that noobs are playing with people who have been playing the game for 10+ years. The low population combined with better players usually grouping together to get less of the bad players on their team causes teams to be so wildly imbalanced and some classes might perform better in this situation than others. All that being said, I agree operative is op in huttball with double holotraverse and a particular talent I won't mention. But like 15 people in the game care about winning huttballs and they are much less common than they used to be. Also, contrary to what has been said in this thread, slows do effect the roll. I roll like 2 ft after being force crushed or spike slowed. People also seem to pretend every operative is simultaneously lethality and concealment and has both tacticians and debilitators equipped.
  2. bioware claims it is to create a less toxic environment. the real reason is they ask number farming ******* what they should do to fix regs and the only suggestion they gave was the leave timer, because people leaving ruins their number farm. it was also an easy change to make it look like they are doing something to address the situation in regs without actually addressing any of the real issues contributing to the problem. the real issue stems from how imbalanced teams are 95% of the time and from the devs being so bad at their jobs that people don't care about trying to win the match. instead they try to pad the scoreboard as much as possible in an attempt to impress themselves.
  3. malyj

    roll bug

    since you retarded devs think that the 15 min lock out timer for regs does anything positive, can you finally fix the roll bug that has been in the game since launch? maybe also add some resemblance of team balance and fix desync sometime this year too?
  4. If one or two operatives hurt you so bad you need to go whining on the forums to nerf a class into the ground that you don't even know how to play, could you at least name them and give them a little credit for making you act like such a little *****?
  5. If you actually listened to the community or played your own game you would realize that not having the deserter debuff in regs actually increases the experience of all the players compared to decreasing it. You would also realize that the main reason people leave mid match, when it could be argued that it diminishes the experience for the other players, is because of team balance. This is because you allow 4 man premades to stomp on pugs. Several suggestions have been mentioned in this thread to alleviate this issue that you seem to have overlooked when coming up with your out of touch response that leaving regs needs to be addressed. Most matches result in one team demolishing the other team because you put no effort into trying to meaningfully balance the teams. All you guys do now is recycle old garbage with worse performance. Your trash civil war reskin has worse performance than queshball, but again you don't play your own game so you wouldn't know that. I get called a hacker all the time in huttballs because people see my character glitching around after rolling up or down in elevation because this is more believable than how trash the developers of the game must be for this is somehow part of the game. If only they knew how long it has been in the game, then they would really be shocked. Fix team balance and game performance issues before you feel like you need to blame and punish the players for wanting to leave a match. Preemptively unsubbing, you have proven time and time again you are not worth the money.
  6. In my experience people mainly leave wz's because they either don't like the map or don't want to get farmed by 4 ******* who queued together with fotm classes. Allowing players to leave maps they don't like within the first two minutes that a match is starting has no negative consequences and lets people avoid maps they don't like. This also helps people who like the maps that others don't like as they are likely to get the replacement slot. Removing this makes zero sense. You should rather focus on fixing the things that cause people to leave that actually has negative consequences. The biggest factor to mid match leavers is allowing 4 man premades to stomp on pugs all day. Either lower the amount of people that can queue together for regs or have them wait in queue until there is another 4 man premade to fight AGAINST. This change would also naturally balance the teams more which would have obvious positive effects on pvp in general. It's almost impressive over the 10 years this game has been out how many stupid ideas you as a development team come out with and implement that make 0 sense in the context of the game we play. I'd also recommend hiring people that play the game you work on.
  7. I'd like to thank all the people who leave huttball matches. As a solo player I often get your spot, which means I get a high rate of huttball matches. I would queue for only huttballs if I could.
  8. 1. Jurikins 2. Game Genie 3. Scoundrel 4. CSA 5. HPS 6. http://puu.sh/5qPTs.jpg
  9. Shout out to Nisza, one of the few healers that are hard as **** to kill. GJ on 2.4 mil heals in that CW
  10. 1. Whammy 2. Game Genie 3. Sentinel 4. CW 5. Overall Damage 6. http://puu.sh/5iyN4.jpg
  11. 1. Whammy 2. Game Genie 3. Sentinel 4. AH 5. Biggest hit 6. http://puu.sh/5gv3m.jpg
  12. 1. Jurikins 2. Game Genie 3. Scoundrel 4. HB 5. Obejectives 6. http://puu.sh/52eue.jpg 1. Jurikins 2. Game Genie 3. Scoundrel 4. CW 5. Healing 6. http://puu.sh/52eAf.jpg Diz and Peyton have dmg records 1. Jurikins 2. Game Genie 3. Scoundrel 4. CW 5. Healing 6. http://puu.sh/52eGV.jpg
  13. how is this AT ALL unfair? the achievement wouldn't make any sense if it wasn't part of it. what about in a year where there's 8 more? should just change the name of the title to "collector by 4-22-13". Catchy.
  14. what a stupid *********** reason to quit. i hope they revert this change just so you leave.
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