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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Legend has it that if you look hard enough, can make out through the dust, cobwebs and time-worn stone, a secret facility embedded somewhere into this game, where this could be settled.


It's called PVP, more specifically ranked.


Get your balls our of your friggin purses. Agree to use stuck or not to use stuck before the match. play a few matches. stream it, let the server watch, cheats will be spotted I'm sure.


other than that, can we all please shut the hell up about game genie and watchmen?


much love


<3 kloma. the voice of reason.

(sadly no one will listen...)

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Legend has it that if you look hard enough, can make out through the dust, cobwebs and time-worn stone, a secret facility embedded somewhere into this game, where this could be settled.


It's called PVP, more specifically ranked.


Get your balls our of your friggin purses. Agree to use stuck or not to use stuck before the match. play a few matches. stream it, let the server watch, cheats will be spotted I'm sure.


other than that, can we all please shut the hell up about game genie and watchmen?


much love


Someone. give this man a medal!

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Get your balls our of your friggin purses. Agree to use stuck or not to use stuck before the match. play a few matches. stream it, let the server watch, cheats will be spotted I'm sure.


Wait. I thought GG doesn't use /stuck or cheats? Then why is there a need to agree not to use /stuck before the match and keep an eye open for cheating?



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Wait, so let me get this straight. Basically you just said that because my friends said X and B, I'll make a decision based on no valid proof but hearsay. How gullible are you, seriously? I could say the same thing in reverse to GG (and other guilds from other servers I've been on) that have cheated, yet I'm 'cool' with them. Try again. This proves nothing to me.




I mean, you're just going on to prove my post correct. So, thanks, I guess? Jeez, this is too easy.



You sure? Want me to go digging up some of the old posts from the 'Ranked Trades' Thread?



Fair enough.




This is severely incorrect and a false assumption. But, coming from a person that believes what others tells them, not surprising.



Lol, saving this as a quote so you can never edit it.





And I haven't seen any from Watchmen. You see where this is going?



And you heard from the man himself folks. This man condones the usage of /stuck and various other bugs and glitches. Think we're done here. You've only proven your love for a specific guild and distaste for another.



Win Trading Did Happen. I was a willing participant in some of those matches. And as I said at the time it wasn't a big deal to me. I figured if I can help them get their gear than everyone wins. I didn't expect the entire server to QQ about it. Let's not try and make claims that "win trading" can't be proven because that's being ridiculous. Let's not all pretend to be innocent here. I've seen firsthand some game genie members using exploits to win WZs. And to tell me that nobody in their guild has ever used exploits in any of their wzs is also BS. The actions of a few members from Game Genie does not represent the actions of their entire guild. The actions of some members of Watchmen in lowbies (which I haven't participated in) do not represent their entire guild. I've never seen them exhibit the kind of trolling behavior that a lot of people on here claim they've done and I PVP almost every single day for several hrs. Also, this thread is supposed to be a shoutout pvp thread. Let's get back to that and save the QQ'ing for the PVP hate thread.

Edited by luddott
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~What happened to the thread?! I always came here to see who I needed to make sure I ran away from... Take this nonsense elsewhere!~


Shout out to all the tanks who risk their health to let me throw a few more heals around <3 I love me a tank that knows how to guard.

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Wish I checked the forums earlier!

Since our feared guild does not rely on stuck

Watchmen may still be pounded into muck,

No matter the vast length of your excuses,

the rants on our imagined abuses,

All that matters is your PvP skill,

something which your new guild clearly lacks still.

We wait for when Watchmen has all the gear,

the time for when they queue rated draws near,

if one believes Aeonetta at her word,

fleeing their last server declared absurd,

the true reason just recently overheard,

sparking competition why they transferred.


Brilliant, as always :)

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Win trading is ********, the entire server community (even the "oh so evil" GG folks) agrees on that fact, and a group that openly engaged in the practice with the limp-wristed defense of "need to gear up to be competitive" were being censured for doing so.


Especially since it takes no time at all to be in min-maxed Partisan, and that's more than enough to be competitive.


I wanted to take the time to respond to this. When we arrived here we heard stories of a few guilds dominating pvp and many players not participating because of it. PvP in SWTOR, ranked and regs, requires max participation to be much fun. So the intention was to gear ourselves and others to encourage them to participate in pvp on this server.


I find the ire this draws interesting because according to some of the accounts we've heard, this is exactly how some of you geared up. However, whether or not this is true is completely irrelevant to the point. Our intention was and still is to help the server as a whole as well as ourselves because as previously stated - pvp thrives on max participation.


It was very disappointing when we saw members of Guerilla /spitting and trash talking us in general when they tried to queue against us, knowing we were at the time fresh 55s and thus undergeared. This paints the picture of people who don't care about a healthy pvp environment or healthy competition. It's equally disappointing to hear disapproval of something that only helps the community as a whole while simultaneously defending exploits and glitches - something that discourages honest players from participating in pvp.


In regards to "limp wristed" excuse of gearing up, and how competitive partisan gear is. I'm sorry but we don't view it this way. This is a game of stats. If two players of equal skill face off, one in partisan the other in conqueror, the conq will win every time. Even a 10 point stat difference is an advantage, any pvp guild worth it's salt knows that. Please don't tell us the stat gap is too small to matter. We know better and so do you. Why people don't accept a guild trying to get equal footing before facing them in ranked is very indicative of the level of sportsmanship these guilds have.


Everyone on The Ebon Hawk is on the up-and-up. Certainly, there are split opinions on /stuck and corner capping on Novare


Both /stuck and corner capping are not how the game was intended to be played. When an objective is being capped there is supposed to be a visual indicator of it. You are not supposed to be able to kill yourself to get to an objective faster.


but aside from those "exploits" (which everyone is equally able to do, so suck it up buttercup!), if you got beat, their team was better or yours was worse.


By this logic, I should be okay with having my home ransacked by burglars since I'm capable of ransacking other people's homes.


But no, it does not make you a better team. A better team would be able to capture an objective without resorting to these tactics.


The bottom line is this. The Watchmen reserve the right to a fair game. This means two things:


First, we will not do ranked until we are on equal terms with enemy teams both gear wise and composition wise. We are working hard but currently we are not, so you'll just have to wait.


Second, we will not play against any persons who are known to engage in exploits or glitches. If anyone doesn't like that then that's their problem.


Finally, this is meant to be a thread to call out other players who are doing well. So in the spirit of returning this thread to it's intended purpose I'd like to give a shout out to Letho (I hope that's correct spelling) - you are one tough SOB to kill.


Also Scheukradeur (almost certain I butchered that, I'll edit that if someone corrects me) - you are an excellent sniper and throw up a ton of damage whenever I see you.

Edited by TDRedmage
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If two players of equal skill face off, one in partisan the other in conqueror, the conq will win every time. Even a 10 point stat difference is an advantage, any pvp guild worth it's salt knows that. Please don't tell us the stat gap is too small to matter. We know better and so do you.


Any PvP guild worth its salt knows that virtually 0% of all matches are won by a 1v1. It's a team match, which lessens the hurt of inferior gear significantly. Play better than the other team as a team, and quit ************ about your gear. :3


But no, it does not make you a better team. A better team would be able to capture an objective without resorting to these tactics.


A better team would would suck it up and beat the other team with better teamwork even despite said tactics. :rolleyes:

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Shout out to <The Watchmen> giving the "top" guilds a run for their money.


Posted this 2 days ago, and this thread has taken a serious nose dive ever since. Very telling of this community IMHO.


It cracks me up that some of the guilds posting in this thread who are slinging mud about <The Watchmen> have done the same or worse. Kickball, pre-arranged matches, win trading, I don't care how you spin it...it's all the same thing. Not to mention relying on the gear gap and essentially having most of the server on farm mode for how long now? I can't count how many times I've seen certain players log out and switch toons/factions for the sole sake of running with pals to farm the PUGs whenever it was advantageous to do so. And now you want to turn up noses at someone else for what they're doing? Gimme a break.


I just hope that they do gear up before server transfers. From what I've seen, they'll be the warm water in the enema this "community" needs.

Edited by TheronFett
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It's equally disappointing to hear disapproval of something that only helps the community as a whole while simultaneously defending exploits and glitches - something that discourages honest players from participating in pvp.


One of the reasons I was initially excited by the arrival <The Watchmen> was that y'all were a group of sharp, coordinated pvpers, coming to the server with the intention of improving our pvp experience. That was really exciting.


Even if win trading helps the server in the way that you imply it does (I'm far from convinced), violating the ToS to help the server is never appropriate. Ever. I don't understand how you can take a stance against something as innocuous as corner capping (and declare that'll you'll not play with those who utilize this tactic), but openly engage in and admit to win trading. The whole thing reminds me of counterfeiters complaining about being taxed or something. I don't know, that was an awkward analogy.


This is a game of stats. If two players of equal skill face off, one in partisan the other in conqueror, the conq will win every time. Even a 10 point stat difference is an advantage, any pvp guild worth it's salt knows that.


This is absolutely true.


But this isn't GW2: gear, and differences in gear quality, exist for reason. That some few people on the server have ground out conqueror gear does not mean that you're entitled to it, that you should cheat to get it, etc. Doing so is the functional equivalent of deciding you want to participate in progression raiding, noting the UWA is in complete 72s and utilizing a cheat or exploit to acquire it. Is the playing field leveled? Is the only difference left one of skill? Sure, but only because you've eliminated the work that your opposition has put in: grinding gear takes planning and dedication. Putting the server into conqueror gear overnight would suck. And I say that in someone not even in full Partisan.


With that in mind, can we keep in mind the seriously minimal differences between Conqueror and Partisan? Trust me, Guerrilla and Game Genie are not successful because they have awesome implants. The reward for their diligence and work grinding Conqueror is present, but minimal. Partisan gear is absolutely competitive, in my opinion. If you disagree, that's fine, but I've no problem going toe to toe with Game Genie or Guerrilla members. They just tend to have infinitely better coordination than the random PUG I queue into.


Both /stuck and corner capping are not how the game was intended to be played. When an objective is being capped there is supposed to be a visual indicator of it. You are not supposed to be able to kill yourself to get to an objective faster.


We agree on /stuck. This is an exploit and, as of the recent livestream, this is undeniable. Fortunately, it's being fixed, so perhaps this will no longer be an issue.


I'll just refer you to Nadir on the corner capping thing. This is no longer an exploit: it has been corrected.


First, we will not do ranked until we are on equal terms with enemy teams both gear wise and composition wise. We are working hard but currently we are not, so you'll just have to wait.


Entirely valid. But if you're not going to do ranked, don't queue for it.


Second, we will not play against any persons who are known to engage in exploits or glitches. If anyone doesn't like that then that's their problem.


Also valid. However, considering that you've more or less accused every experienced ranked team of exploiting, I'm pretty sure you guys are already king of the hill, if only for lack of competition. This is unfortunate.




Above said, between Ezio and Tlallajj y'all have two truly excellent assassins on your hand. I *********** love fighting Tlallajj, on his sin or his new sniper: gracious, smart, and objective-oriented. Wunderbar!

Edited by Satedbuffalo
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Any PvP guild worth its salt knows that virtually 0% of all matches are won by a 1v1. It's a team match, which lessens the hurt of inferior gear significantly. Play better than the other team as a team, and quit ************ about your gear. :3


I was not suggesting matches are won by 1v1s. The team is a sum total of it's members, meaning a fully conq team still has a distinct advantage over a fully partisan team, or a half conq/half part team. Slice it however you like. And again, the argument was for opponents of equal skill. If both teams play well as a team then it will come down to gear. Not to mention the fact that the argument is not solely about gear, but also composition. We have recruited new members and are still learning each other. Because of this we probably do not function as well as a team than the guilds we would be up against. This takes time and practice. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


A better team would would suck it up and beat the other team with better teamwork even despite said tactics. :rolleyes:


We have stopped corner caps and invisicaps many times. That doesn't make it ok. The fact is if they are willing to cheat we don't know how far that extends. Having to factor in enemy cheats - known and unknown - is not how we play the game. We have the right to make that choice, just as you have the right not to respect it, just as we have the right not to care what you think.

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Even if win trading helps the server in the way that you imply it does (I'm far from convinced), violating the ToS to help the server is never appropriate. Ever. I don't understand how you can take a stance against something as innocuous as corner capping (and declare that'll you'll not play with those who utilize this tactic), but openly engage in and admit to win trading.


All participants were willing and learned quite a bit. Any questions they had on their class or pvp in general were answered, we did nothing but help other players. The fact is we currently do more to promote PvP than BioWare does. I think there is a stark contrast between doing something to help the community and doing something to win a warzone.


That some few people on the server have ground out conqueror gear does not mean that you're entitled to it


Entitlement is not our motivation. Not being at a disadvantage because we rolled fresh while others have been here since launch, coupled with finding players who don't pvp because they can't match the gear of people who also engaged in kickball matches (who currently criticize us) and have full conqueror sets 2 weeks after the expansion launched is (run on sentence, sorry). We are simultaneously being criticized for not participating in ranked and taking steps to gear up faster so that we can.


We do not like the idea of being at any disadvantage, however small, and being criticized or judged for the outcome of the match. If both parties are on equal terms in regards to gear and composition, then the outcome could only be because of player skill and teamwork. This is the match we want. Not gear v gear or comp v comp. When it happens we want no question as to why.


With that in mind, can we keep in mind the seriously minimal differences between Conqueror and Partisan? Trust me, Guerrilla and Game Genie are not successful because they have awesome implants.


I would argue it's moderate. Have you added up the stats of gear sets and compared the totals? Even if it's minimal, it exists. And yes, I've killed my fair share of both those guilds. However the "every advantage" argument applies this time as well. Why can't I have the advantages my opponent has before facing them?


Also valid. However, considering that you've more or less accused every experienced ranked team of exploiting, I'm pretty sure you guys are already king of the hill, if only for lack of competition. This is unfortunate.


Then the fault lies with them for exploiting, not with us for refusing to put up with it. As stated by other Watchmen we DO NOT throw this accusation around lightly. It's starting to sound as if we accuse anyone of cheating, and that's far from the truth, very far.


And with that I have said all there really is to say and I will no longer reply to any posts regarding these issues. If you wish to engage me then you missed your window. This thread has a truly excellent intention and it is unfair to the server to derail it with drama. If anyone has other questions or comments you may contact me directly.

Edited by TDRedmage
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I wanted to take the time to respond to this. When we arrived here we heard stories of a few guilds dominating pvp and many players not participating because of it. PvP in SWTOR, ranked and regs, requires max participation to be much fun. So the intention was to gear ourselves and others to encourage them to participate in pvp on this server.


I find the ire this draws interesting because according to some of the accounts we've heard, this is exactly how some of you geared up. However, whether or not this is true is completely irrelevant to the point. Our intention was and still is to help the server as a whole as well as ourselves because as previously stated - pvp thrives on max participation.


See, this is what kills me about you guys. Not everyone on this server plays in Gamempireilla. In fact, the vast majority of us don't. So even if every single one of your accusations against them are true (which I personally have seen zero evidence of in a year plus of playing against them, but whatever), how exactly is it okay to use your win-traded gear against the rest of the unwashed masses who earned their gear fair and square by grinding it out? How does you winning, by using the gear that you basically cheated to get, help "the server as a whole" when you don't even use it to play against the big, bad guilds?


Personally, I think the fact that you all are totally surprised by the ire you've drawn must be due to an amazing lack of self awareness that is both hilarious and tragic. Between your shady methods of gearing up coupled with the fact that you queue dodge from tough competition like <Game Genie> or <El Kamino> (which leaves four other players hanging against the toughest teams on the server), y'all shouldn't find it surprising that much of the pvp community has zero respect for your guild.

Edited by Prisoner
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Wait. I thought GG doesn't use /stuck or cheats? Then why is there a need to agree not to use /stuck before the match and keep an eye open for cheating?





i said agree to use it or not. just set some rules for the match, regardless of arguments pro/con about /stuck and just decide if you'll allow it or not., play it out and record it.


ffs people a really positive thread about ALL of the community has become the statue for a great big pissy pigeon.


shut the hell up, and fight it out. it'll be fun, we'd all like to see it.

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See, this is what kills me about you guys. Not everyone on this server plays in Gamempireilla. In fact, the vast majority of us don't. So even if every single one of your accusations against them are true (which I personally have seen zero evidence of in a year plus of playing against them, but whatever), how exactly is it okay to use your win-traded gear against the rest of the unwashed masses who earned their gear fair and square by grinding it out? How does you winning, by using the gear that you basically cheated to get, help "the server as a whole" when you don't even use it to play against the big, bad guilds?


Personally, I think the fact that you all are totally surprised by the ire you've drawn must be due to an amazing lack of self awareness that is both hilarious and tragic. Between your shady methods of gearing up coupled with the fact that you queue dodge from tough competition like <Game Genie> or <El Kamino> (which leaves four other players hanging against the toughest teams on the server), y'all shouldn't find it surprising that much of the pvp community has zero respect for your guild.


^This. Some of us had to grind our gear in regs, sometimes pugging it against tough premades day in and day out. A lot of us are gonna queue ranked in Partisan, because otherwise ranked is dead. How is it helping the PvP on this server to create another overgeared guild?


They came here, talked smack in lowbies leveling up, wintraded to get gear, left any match that had real competition in it, then extended easy wins to get numbers for the record thread(this last one was the final straw for me).


To make this a shoutout post:

Shout out to Hex for all the fights in regs while I've been pugging. You've probably made me a better player.

Edited by RGMetal
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To make this a shoutout post:

Shout out to Hex for all the fights in regs while I've been pugging. You've probably made me a better player.


Thanks Toshirou! The feeling is mutual. <Hex> loves seeing talented players on the other side. ;)


I also want to give a quick shout out to <Inconceivable> and friends for some great WZs last night. That one Voidstar we played reminded me of a ranked match! Very fun.




And finally, to second what Kloma said... can we all just shut the hell up already about all this stupid crap? Everyone, save maybe like five people who keep dragging this out, is just really sick of talking about this little cat fight between Game Genie, Guerrilla and Watchmen. Y'all need to just queue for ranked and hug it out. Agree on rules about gear and /stuck and move on. My lord...

Edited by Zaandor
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Hi, Guys....Seems some stuff tends to stray from PVP shout-outs, so I'm going to throw a couple out there!


I'm not very active on forums...but positive shout-outs are definitely to be condoned. I have tremendous respect for so many players in both factions, it's a shame gameplay can get so bogged down with so much unnecessary drama.


Best players? Probably too many to name, in all honesty, but some standouts (you know who you are and I got nuthin' but love for yas!).


Going to give some guild shout-outs, instead. It's easy to read the forums and hear constant guild-BASHING, but I think it's important to acknowledge the skilled crews out there. Regardless of exploits / cheats / and all the other jazz you hear about, some guilds just have incredible skill that I think should be recognized. Of course, there will be tons more than mentioned, but these are just a few that stand out to me.


The Core -- My new home; already have tremendous respect for your collective abilities. You truly make my gaming experience a top-notch one, win or lose. Look forward to growing with you all and rocking out some PVP. Thanks for taking me in!


Dark Empire -- Always humbling playing against you and yours. Great movement; incredible focus fire. Every time I have the pleasure (or DISpleasure, as far as WINS are concerned), I try to learn something...and there's so much skill there.


Inconceivable / Team One -- Have always enjoyed playing with and against you. So many great talents, but great personalities as well. I have learned a lot from you and always enjoy the opportunity to meet you in PVP!


Hex -- Probably taken more grief than any other Imp guild out there....but at the end of the day, you have a great core of players that help coordinate events, include the PVP community, and improve most every aspect of PVP. Always strikes fear to see that Guild Tag shaded in red across from you in a PVP match.


Azure Blades -- My former home in a past life has had many rises and falls. It's great to see what AB is once-again becoming on the Ebon Hawk and the great crop of players that has lead the way. I enjoy running with you all!


Republic -- Have been seeing most of you in Pub V Pub more than anywhere, lately it seems . A lot of great talents and personalities in the guild. A pleasure running with you -- certainly makes me feel better about my chances if I see some Republic peeps in the OPS column.


Keep rocking out the PVP. I love you all -- even when you stomp on my face...


SAREINA / 55 Sage

***The Core***

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I would like to send a shoutout to the players in full buffed and buffed fully. I am in your guild pub side and so far like what I see. Would also like to send a shout out to some of the people who have left Silent Council for greener pastures lately. Way to fight tha POWA!
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