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Everything posted by Wreckingeyes

  1. I think Kitru is fine for this but this is where you are wrong http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6485333&postcount=1
  2. Election's over bro http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6531101&postcount=18
  3. This. Now compare that to some other classes that got only one PvE rep or PvP rep for their entire class. Kids need to stop being such spoiled babies.
  4. I'm convinced you single-handedly ruined Waka's chances of ever winning. Btw can you ask Waka to make his video unprivate plz:rak_03: it was a convincing ad
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdy-zRJR97s This is why Edit: Lol he took it down
  6. Hold up. You think Waka's boys not doing the same thing?
  7. Better*. I'd say NamikazeNaruto is much better as well. Though, neither of these opinions mean a thing to these polls. It's not about who is better. It's about who can represent the class as a collective. That's why I'll ask you again, are you 12 years old or just that stupid?
  8. Are you 12? This is literally the dumbest post I have ever read in my life.
  9. Tip: Elitism will not win you more votes with the common man, who outnumber the 'elite' who actually don't do ranked. If you're trying to help Waka, you're doing a bad job of it.
  10. This is just a nomination thread boys. Vote over here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=665188&page=2
  11. You're overly cocky for a backpedalling wannabe. http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?do=finduser&u=2036750 07.10.2013, 09:12 AM was your ONLY post made in the PVP forums (Which isn't the Assassin forums) made in months. (There are Shadows and Assassins that read y'know, their class forums rather than the trash of PvP.) Comparing it to Shadow / Assassin active forum users such as NamikazeNaruto or Kitru. (Who kept their stuff up to date or engaged our class forums, rather than asking people to come watch them stream) I'd say you're not very useful to us. Seems all you want is a title rather than having the correct person qualified for it. Either way, my level of care for you personally is nil. I can care less if you win or lose. I'm just calling stuff out as I see it.
  12. One of those boys hadn't posted a thing on these forums for months. He even wrote a goodbye post. Only once these polls came he got all his friends to chime in and vote for him and suddenly started making 'contributions' on these forums. It's funny because the lowest guy actually did more than the inactive higher guy had done in months. But popularity contest it is. Idiotic system.
  13. Lol +1. Also since you're here BW, why don't you take the time to investigate those exploiters?
  14. Dear BW, Please be careful if you leave this entirely in player hands. I've noticed some votes will be going to a specific person due to either 1 - Their friends voting because they asked 2 - Popularity 3- Persuasion This is a serious concern for me, as I've noticed many people are promoting certain persons simply because their stream convinces said people to go vote. Some of these people being nominated have not even been active in the forums for months nor do they donate or contribute as much to the community as some other nominees have. Others who remain active in this community have and continue to devote to it. It would be utterly upsetting to see said persons be cast out simply because of a popularity contest. Please consider this strongly before just 'leaving it entirely' in the player hands.
  15. Your vote itself doesn't matter to me. I just don't want the person who represents my class to only be active outside these boards and forcing us to go to them rather than them contributing to us as a community. Do you get it?
  16. That has nothing to do with forum / community participation. His threads / posts are non existent on this page. I can understand KBN, Kitru and Xinika, but Wakalord is not providing the community support no matter how many ranked games he is playing, and no that doesn't really come from 'watch my stream'.
  17. No he's not. Not on these forums at least and hasn't been for months. How is this supposed to be the right fit for our community?
  18. My vote definitely goes to Xinika (aka Aeonneta)
  19. Squad Six is awful. LOL are you srs?
  20. Like I said. No one will miss you. You dont wanna play the game then **** and ****. People leave games all the time. Your argument is invalid.
  21. Um, bro, people been doing threads like this since day 1. Who are you again? Anyway, cy@. You will not be missed.
  22. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Seriously, why do you morons make these threads? You think BW cares if you unsub?
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