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A Tale of Two Games: ToR and WoW - Review!


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Now, also make each alt a different class. Hey, different story!

So that's 2 (alignment) x 8 (class) = 16 different stories


Next, change your gender as well

2 ( gender) x 2 (alignment) x 8 (class) = 32 different stories


Even changing your species has some effect, though I'd agree that that difference is extremely minor.


And even then you can add more variation by the degree of how far you take your alignment decisions, which results in several million story variations.


Compare that to WoW now:

2 factions x 2 zone alternatives = 4 "story" (as far as you could call that story) variations, but no more than that, not in any way, no decision making or anything. Just get 15 boresnouts in STV or collect your 15 boresnouts in Desolace. The story is exactly the same regardless. There is no "class story" whatsoever. They considered it, made a half hearted start on it, reduced it to a 1-hour grind (which most people skip anyway), and that's it. Not even worth mentioning.


Your wrong on so many levels I wont even bother. Yes Tor has story but it doesnt have the replay ability your trying to claim.

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Played wow for 6 years, was great once but last 2 expacs i been looking for a new game and its finally here.. Wow pvp is boring and imbalanced as any game ive ever played.. Raided that game thousands of times and battlegrounds/arena thousands of times as well. thank goodness i dont have to look at that game anymore and im sick of ******* like you coming into star wars and comparing games. If you want that worn out used up taken out back and beat to death game then by all means dont let the the door hit u on the rear on the way out ..
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The comparison, should be...what was it like in vanilla wow? How was PvP at that time? That's what you should be comparing all of your experiences from. Not a 7 year old polished game, that took 7 years to get there. ToR will be here for a long time to come. Mark my words. There are new people joining everyday. But then there are those "fanbois" that you call it also leaving. It's a love/hate relationship, just like everything else. Either you like it or you don't. We aren't here to twist your arm if you don't wanna play.


/end thread

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all I read was blah blah blah I like WoW blah blah blah


If you bothered to noticed each planet has its own quest story to follow (several quests linked together with a interesting story to follow) In addition to your class quest....


I agree the individual side quests are rather boring and distract you from the bigger quests.... but it's definitely not a game breaker like your describing....


And why do people keep assuming that Bioware/EA spent 90% of the budget on VO's? Could I see some proof of this? or are you making it up like all the other people? If you figure in inflation VANILLA WoW was not cheap to make either and it had no VO's...


Bioware comes up with a semi original idea with Huttball and all we get is "Oh it's to different and scary, I want WoW style games" and then the same person knocks the game for being to much like wow.... (shakes head)


Bioware definitely has bug issues right now, especially with end game content, but that's pretty much par with all MMO's unfortunately...


The only thing I can knock Bioware for is playing it really safe in making SWTOR, they took very few chances with this game and even tho I personally find it enjoyable it is a bit bland in some areas... But it does give them a foundation to build on....


I have a feeling a lot of the people who are dissing SWTOR and saying WoW is so much better are also on the WoW forums saying how terrible WoW is also... lol

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Who am I? I'm some dude that led a top-US CS:S team for many years, was a part of two top-10 WoW guilds, and played in several WoW Arena Tournies (including the CGS invitational) and many many CS tournaments, including the CPL. I also had a stint working for an indie game developer several years ago. I like to think that I know what I'm talking about, and usually, I do.


OMG.... the epeen is strong in you. I don't care what you think, your opinion is entirely worthless, and WOW sucked from day one. Period. Take your pretentious BS and go sell it to someone else; the forums here are already full up on lame-*** worthless opinions.


Thanks for dropping by; if you can get your head out the door, please make sure to close it behind you.

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I like to think that I know what I'm talking about, and usually, I do.


WHOA! Ego check! Ego check! Man battlestations! Dive! Dive! Dive!


I have worked in the government for over 15 years now and have participated in hundreds of high level briefings. Stay tuned for my comparison review of SWTOR, WoW, Rift and LOTR to....Pong. Not the B&W version, mind you, but the color version. It should be a great review because...I like to think I know what I'm talking about and usually I do. :rolleyes:

Edited by Dechomai
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Another WoW fanboy fanboying for WoW...



I played WoW since BETA and LOVED it all the way to watching DW sink into the ocean... However, I am now done with WoW as there is not a single character from the lore that I want to fight and china pandas sounds stupid to me.


That said, I still want to play a game. I tried Aion, it was too grindy. I tried rift, it was too easy and lacked immersion. I tried DCUO, It just plain sucked - good try though. Then I bought SW:TOR and have absolutely loved every second of it. For the first time in six years I cancelled my WoW account and am planning on selling it soon (as soon as I find a buyer).


TOR is amazing. I find it is less glitchy that WoW was after any and all content patches, has more engaging gameplay, PVP is actually something fun to do. I feel like I EARN the upgrades I get rather than am just handed everything after killing a bunch of boars, Crafting system is unique and allows for a whole new level of goals outside of leveling, raiding, pvp...


Did I mention space missions? No? Well I am also VERY in love with that little distraction as well.


I should also mention that I am a 4 star general and led 7 of the top ten strike teams into Afghanistan. I also have several sharpshooter medals and my chest board has more ribbons on it than any other servicemen of my rank. With that said I like to think I know what I am talking about, because I usually do, and when I am wrong I have the guy who called me on it framed for treason and locked in Gitmo...


Semper Fi.

Edited by Tadshackles
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OMG.... the epeen is strong in you. I don't care what you think, your opinion is entirely worthless, and WOW sucked from day one. Period. Take your pretentious BS and go sell it to someone else; the forums here are already full up on lame-*** worthless opinions.


Thanks for dropping by; if you can get your head out the door, please make sure to close it behind you.


Disclaimer: His oppinion is entirely worthless, also. Please disregard his rage at WoW.

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Who am I? I'm some dude that led a top-US CS:S team for many years, was a part of two top-10 WoW guilds, and played in several WoW Arena Tournies (including the CGS invitational) and many many CS tournaments, including the CPL. I also had a stint working for an indie game developer several years ago. I like to think that I know what I'm talking about, and usually, I do.



So basicly youre some e-sport dude who wants to turn mmos into e-sport nonsense.


Can't be bothered reading what you got to say tbh.

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I played AC and people could actually take some of your items if you died via pvp. You could actually dodge most spells and the pvp was way better than WOW's ever was. This is an opinion but in my thoughts other than graphically AC was a superior game.


AC was superior in a lot of different ways than just this, eg, there was no triangle of tank dps and healer., anyone could quest it did not matter.


The thing is i know that is just my opinion and not fact so to the Op i say, Get off your high horse!

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Didn't like WoW, too much of an EverQuest clone. Only played WoW a few weeks before cancelling. Played EQ for years and by the time I got to WoW was tired of that kind of gameplay.


SWTOR has a lot of similarities to EQ / WoW, but there are enough differences to make it enjoyable and a fresh experience. WoW is old and tired.


Still, SWTOR isn't different enough to keep me here for years. A few months and I'll be moving on.


It's too bad SWTOR's space game is a pointless single player rail shooter. If that had been done right then I could see myself being here a long time. I have no use for rail shooters though, and never play SWTOR's.

Edited by --Grim--
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You mean like WoW? Actually, it's even less of the same storyline every time than WoW because of your class storyline.


Actually wasn't even talking about that. I was specifically talking about TOR and only TOR. But since you brought it up. At least in WoW I had multiple zones that I could level up in instead of just one planet per level range.

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what do you guys mean comparing TOR to WOW is unfair. Listen a minute TOR had ample time to learn from WOW's mistakes and what worked for WOW and to include it in their game but they didnt.

And if your going to give me the lame *** argument that this is like comparing it to vanilla wow. then i got news for you your an idiot.

every software developer, manufacturer of any industry takes what is good from their competition and uses it for their advantage.


TOR disappointed me a lot I was hoping that more would be done. I know the game is still new but they could have addressed a lot of issues early on. and not wait on it


I will probably revisit this game some time when they work out all the bugs. But it is not like most people would care anyway.

Edited by Gryhmoor
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Yay for reviewing a game at launch to one that is 7 years old. GG!


The funny thing is that if it was any other genre than MMO it would be.


"Stop comparing the 7 year old game to this, this is newer and have had a chance to look at what others did wrong before it and improve on it so of course it's going to be better."


If this had been an FPS and you could favourable compare a 7 year old game to it, the outrage would be insane.


As it would if it was an RTS or RPG or any other acronym for that matter.


But because it carries the MMO acronym it gets a free pass. Because it carries Star Wars, it gets a free pass and of course since it's BioWare, that's another free pass.


Look, no strikes at all, game is perfect, so why not compare it to the 7 year old game, it can only come up favourable after all, right?


Sarcasm aside, yes, MMOs get constantly changed and new stuff added and old stuff changed, that's the way it is. However that just means that you as a competing developer has a living design sheet to what is working and what is not, especially when you try to make a product that is as similar in structure as TOR is to WoW.


You can actually clearly see it in the design process where they were in WoW when they were making quests.

lvl 1 to Alderaan is clearly classic WoW/TBC all you do is run around kill, use and collect, the bonus quests are all "kill many dudes" and the chains are "kill some-->kill LOTS-->kill boss-->hand in boss drop."


Then there's Alderaan, Balmorra and Quesh where the bonus objectives begins to diverse while the basic quests are still same old same old. One of the best bonus chains I did was on republic Aldaraan where I had to

1. kill 10 guys

2. gather some keys

3. then use the keys on a door

4. get a code from inside that room

5. reprogram some defense turrets

6. gather explosives, use explosives on a loading droid who put them into a shuttle

7. kill the pissed off Sith who appeared because you blew up his spaceboat

8. hand in an item he dropped.


That was actually fun because I had to do a lot of different things in succession and none of it had any cutscenes to tear me out of the game.


Then around Belsavis it falls apart again and you begin to get bonus chains that are "kill many-->kill LOTS-->kill boss-->hand in item" again.


Oddly enough your basis quest objectives begins to differ and look a lot more like the quest structure of WotLK where you had to do different things in a row.


It's as if they looked at basis WoW/TBC and said "we need these quests!" designed some planets and added bonus quests. Somewhere along the timeline WotLK comes out and the bonus quests not yet added gets a lot more involved.


The rest of the quests they add to the remaining planets becomes the WotLK pattern while the bonus quests regress to "kill 10 dudes-->kill 45 dudes (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot)-->kill boss" for gods know what reason.


It feels very incoherrent troughout the game.

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Disclaimer: His oppinion is entirely worthless, also. Please disregard his rage at WoW.


You spelled opinion wrong, even though I spelled it correctly for you in my original post. Perhaps a quick read over before hitting submit would be helpful.


BTW, you are right. My thinking WoW was the most overblown, useless, childish MMO ever is just that, my opinion. Sorry all the posts in this thread weren't bashing TOR like you had hoped. Better luck in the next 3,458 threads that say TOR sucks compared to your beloved WoW.


Panda's.... rofl.

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I played 2 other MMOs for more than 2 years...WoW (hate the setting), and Eve Online (definitely the best MMO ever with the best developer). If I had to rank them and TOR, WoW would definitely come in last...not least due to its often incredibly childish fanboy community.


I mean, there's a bunch of 13 year old clowns from WoW plotting to bash this game on the forums simply because they feal "their game" is threatened. It's incredibly childish...and sadly reflects on the majority of WoW players I met.


In short: I love Huttball, don't consider any of the bugs game-breaking, and generally enjoy the game. Couldn't disagree more with your analysis.

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Sorry you did not have a nice time playing an awesome game. I was not part of a top 10 wow guild, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night, so that makes my opinion on the game just as valid as yours, and I think it is the bee knees.


LOL, thank you for the laugh. Seriously, I love pompous threads like this, apparently so do a lot of folks based on the number of replies. Either the OP is a master troller or just a good old fashioned misanthropic alpha geek. Either way, fun to read one sided opinions thinly disguised as objective feedback.

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I played 2 other MMOs for more than 2 years...WoW (hate the setting), and Eve Online (definitely the best MMO ever with the best developer). If I had to rank them and TOR, WoW would definitely come in last...not least due to its often incredibly childish fanboy community.


I mean, there's a bunch of 13 year old clowns from WoW plotting to bash this game on the forums simply because they feal "their game" is threatened. It's incredibly childish...and sadly reflects on the majority of WoW players I met.


In short: I love Huttball, don't consider any of the bugs game-breaking, and generally enjoy the game. Couldn't disagree more with your analysis.


The opposite can be said about TOR's fanboys, though. In fact, any game's fanbois are horrible. But saying that "All the WoW fanboys come here to bash this game because it threatens it" excuse whenever somebody brings up a complaint or an issue they're having.


If the entire forum/game was filled with fanboys, would ability delay get fixed? Would there be any new tools added?


Personnally, it gets EXTREMELY annoying when I have a complaint about X in a game and some fanboy says "I think X is amazing, why don't you just quit your subscription because you dislike ONE SINGLE ASPECT of this game?! You troll"

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