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1.4 is as bad as 1.3. It's avoiding to fix the real issues with pvp.


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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.

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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.


Don't put me on your list. I don't agree with anything you have posted.

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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.


Mercs and Troopers have great DPS. They problem with them is they have no tools to stay up.


And you can't simultaneously complain marauders/powertechs and complain about too many stuns, slows and roots in the game at large, considering stuns, slows and roots are how a smart player levels the playing field against marauders, in particular..

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Have you read all of the Patch notes? A lot of your QQ is actually addresses in changes coming in 1.4.


Merc / Trooper DPS


This is true. I don't think these ACs got enough love. However, Merc/Trooper Healers are going to be near unstoppable thanks to the buffs they are receiving in 1.4.


Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP


Firstly, these classes aren't OP. Secondly, Mara/Sents are receiving a nerf to Undying Rage, the most QQ'd about skill in this game. On top of that, PT/Vans are getting their CC range reduced among other changes. So these classes did actually receive some nerfs.


Resolve issues


Resolve and CC is getting some serious changes. Fewer knockbacks, less hard CC due to skill range reductions. It is true that the Resolve bar will fill more slowly, however, there has been a major change to Resolve decay that is good:


When a player becomes immune to control due to Resolve, his Resolve meter will not start decaying until after all the current controlling effects expire (instead of decaying immediately after the immunity begins).


So, largely, 1.4 is addressing the QQ of the herd. You just need to read it more closely and become fully informed on the upcoming changes.

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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.


Only major issue here are players like you that don't understand game mechanics well enough to be posting much less claiming you speak for the "people"


All the things you mentioned are either getting attention or do not need fixing. BW has the raw data to look at on top of paid testers....but you know better right?

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For sentinels, don't forget GTBF just got nerfed by a second. That's a meaningful change.


And sentinels as a class didnt get a buff... Just the least powerful / least played tree got a buff. In other words, the sentinel/marauders you face will not be buffed, and will instead have reduced survivability.


I read posts like this one by the OP, and I seriously wonder if he's being paid by the competition. I mean, these complaints just don't make any sense.

Edited by heechJunzi
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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.



cry for yourself. i like my PT and i like melting face so L2P.

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One of the things I think I’m seeing is what I’m calling the Scrum Problem™. The fight space is being artificially compressed by the decreased engagement ranges. With resolve generating, on average, more slowly, and shorter engagement ranges we have fish, in a barrel, with their tails tied. Watch to see if this is happening, particularly in the 4-10m range. I don’t think that’s the solution.


The solution may be as simple as just increasing resolve generation by between 5% and 50%. The philosophy seems to be ‘why make one change when fifteen will do’, as opposed to the reverse.



Edited by DashaAdair
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Actually, they do get some changes but I agree it is not enough.


Maras get Undying Rage down to 4 sec from 5 sec, and PTs get 10m range on Thermal Detonator and 20% less slow on FB spam.


I played around on my 50 BM sorc that got copied to test a WHILE ago - 1.2 I think. Changed some specs, played with some stuff... I can confidently say, unless I find fun in going back and playing on my deception assassin (which also needs work), this is the last last last straw for me. I will not be playing my sorcerer or my sage again; PT is still about the same and the range change won't matter much except nerf the opening burst from range, which is not a big deal.


The loss of range on 30m stun for sorc is very noticeable and I hate it. The Overload is ok, not a bad change but once again I think unnecessary and I hate it since my dps sorc only got nerfed while getting no buffs. Basically, my Lightning/Madness hybrid only got nerfed. The AoE knockback is less effective with the 5 sec root; the 3 sec AoE stun is nice; everyone now gets 20 sec sprint so that talent is removed - so I stay at 20sec with no chance of bringing it down more (this should be 2.5 sec per point like deception so that sorcs can spec for 15 sec sprint to counter 15 sec leaps). Haven't been able to use the new heal much, but even looking at Corruption, I'm finding it hard to allocate 2 extra points for more healing on the instant self heal. There are just too many critical talents to pick up that creating those 2 extra points to boost healing tree seems, I don't know -- unfinished? If you want Corruption to get a bigger heal here, add it passively to another talent, like the one that adds effing 3% accuracy to a HEALER up in T6! Why is that still there btw, after numerous other nerfs and changes to this class? ;)


Assassins (deception) need a 30m ability to stop caps to make them viable, they kinda effed that up with the stun nerf.


Overall, it feels like the last time when we all said don't make these changes, you'll kill sorcerers, no one will want to heal any more... blah blah blah, and BW didn't listen and we lost 2/3 of all player base. Feels very much like Deja Vu. I'm not happy with the changes to inquisitors, and I'm not happy with weak changes to already strong classes.


Oh well, BW doesn't want me to PvP in their game... if they go through with this as is, I've got nothing left but to oblige.



Edit: I'd really like a list of all the names of devs working on this so that I may keep it in my drawer and check for these names next time I buy a game, like a DO NOT PLAY list. I'm serious, I'm not trying to be hurtful here -- I do not want to play anything these folks work on again. And I HATE them for doing this to Star Wars. :(

Edited by Monterone
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Rage was hit too hard in 1.3 it needed a boost.


I'll take your word for it. Only specc'ed it one day and couldn't stand it, but not because I thought it was underpowered. Just under-useful, imo. No roots, no self-heals and no predation buff in exchange for a second leap and a single skill having a huge number seemed like a bad trade, so I didn't see the point.

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I can see pryotech getting a small nerf, but not Vanguard. Vanguards can shoot on the run. That about sums up their survivability. With roots, mez, and stuns so common, the shoot on the run ability is pretty much negated.


Oh well.....I'm pretty much out of here any way. I don't know if I will cancel my account or not, but I will definately be elsewhere much more when my destination is finally released. Loving the Beta though.


I'll wait and see how much I log on to Swotor then. It will likely be my "change of pace" game that I spend minimal time on. Depends on how my Vanguard plays after 1.4. Started out wanting to be a tank. Wasted a lot of time there so I'm not too thrilled about not getting something in return (tankwise) for the nerf. "White Damage" resist is a complete joke.

Edited by Sungas
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I can see pryotech getting a small nerf, but not Vanguard. Vanguards can shoot on the run. That about sums up their survivability. With roots, mez, and stuns so common, the shoot on the run ability is pretty much negated.


Oh well.....I'm pretty much out of here any way. I don't know if I will cancel my account or not, but I will definately be elsewhere much more when my destination is finally released. Loving the Beta though.


I'll wait and see how much I log on to Swotor then. It will likely be my "change of pace" game that I spend minimal time on. Depends on how my Vanguard plays after 1.4. Started out wanting to be a tank. Wasted a lot of time there so I'm not too thrilled about not getting something in return (tankwise) for the nerf. "White Damage" resist is a complete joke.


Vanguard and Powertech are mirror classes.

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Firstly, these classes aren't OP. Secondly, Mara/Sents are receiving a nerf to Undying Rage, the most QQ'd about skill in this game. On top of that, PT/Vans are getting their CC range reduced among other changes. So these classes did actually receive some nerfs.

play it on PTS,

a lots of nerf they didn't say,

play urself, we wont tell u,

pt now is nerf so much both in pvp and pve,

time to quit,

gw2 is much better.

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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues

These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.


Sorry, but no.


These are the thing that YOU want fixed, even though they don't need any fixing whatsoever. I honestly will never understand the people who claim to be the 99%, because honestly, you are not.

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Sorry, but no.


These are the thing that YOU want fixed, even though they don't need any fixing whatsoever. I honestly will never understand the people who claim to be the 99%, because honestly, you are not.


Well tbh he does speak for the 99%

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Sorry, but no.


These are the thing that YOU want fixed, even though they don't need any fixing whatsoever. I honestly will never understand the people who claim to be the 99%, because honestly, you are not.


So what your saying is, no class is OP, no class needs a tweaking the game is fine the way it is now?

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Major issues:


Merc / Trooper DPS

Murader / Sent OP

Powertech / Vanguard OP

Resolve issues


These are what the players want fixed. The resolve system is unenjoyable period. It needs to have some sort of diminishing return. Muraders / Sents, and Powertechs / Vangaurds are going to remain op until either you nerf these classes, or bring the other classes up to par with them. What is so hard to figure out about that? Bioware, you say you guys are listening, but you obviously not because you continue to avoid fixing the real issues us players, the people who you want to play your game, tell you we want adjusted.


So how are these classes OPd? Is it because your favored class cant beat them every time 1-1? I play a Tactics specced Vanguard and Arsenal specced Merc and I'm far from dropping my opponents like flies with either. It's never a easy win with those chars and it aint supposed to be. So c'mon, specify why those classes you named are OPd?

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