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Best Star Wars movie moment of all time


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Hi there,


Theres a hundred things I can think of that I want to say, but there's one special moment that has made me think ever since.


Ep 5. When Yoda says "luminous beings are we, not this crude matter....". Very deep.


p.s I also like the AT-AT walkers, and being a young kid at the time, it nearly blew me away to see them on the big screen:)



Edited by SethMorganaa
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Best movie moment in SW has to be "Luke, I am your father" nobody knew......best kept secret in movie history. Even the actors were caught off guard. hands down the best moment.


Have to agree here. I was eleven years old in '80 and remember it vividly. Although our buddies had a chance to see Empire before we did, we still didn't believe it until we saw the movie for ourselves. Easily the best Star Wars moment for myself.

Edited by Pirana
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Best movie moment in SW has to be "Luke, I am your father" nobody knew......best kept secret in movie history. Even the actors were caught off guard. hands down the best moment.


Such moments are somewhat lost on me, in the sense I didn't experience them first hand (I wish I had) so I'm a bit of an Prequel Episodes kid.


My favourite moment of all time is when Sidious finally reveals himself to be Sith with that scream of pure evil, then takes down 3 masters within a few seconds. And my favourite moment from that is when he blasts Windu with lightning:



Oh, what a great actor :D

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Such moments are somewhat lost on me, in the sense I didn't experience them first hand (I wish I had) so I'm a bit of an Prequel Episodes kid.


My favourite moment of all time is when Sidious finally reveals himself to be Sith with that scream of pure evil, then takes down 3 masters within a few seconds. And my favourite moment from that is when he blasts Windu with lightning:



Oh, what a great actor :D


I can understand being a prequel kid bc I am only 25. but I also remember when I was little and playing games every one always liked to say Luke, I am your father. that and we always drew a parallel between the lifesavers and light sabres

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One scene that always gets me is Luke taking out the speeder bike in RotJ. I love how it plays out. He has this look of determination and confidence as he gets up and pops his lightsabre. The sounds are awesome his new sabre flares into life and the speeder trooper just opens up on Luke, the deflection sounds are cool as are Lukes moves. Chops the airfoil or whatever it is off the front of the speeder bike. Job done.


It also links right back to his training droid scene in ANH and shows how far he has come and is now a powerful force to be reckoned with.


The scene only lasts a few seconds. It's not the best SW movie moment ever. But it's a hella lot of cool. :D

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With the prequels, you come into it knowing where the story must go, so the impact is a little different, but some scenes are only better for it. My very favorite:



  • Sidious revealed -- even more than the preceding duel with Mace Windu or the subsequent one with Yoda, seeing Darth Sidious at the height of his full dark side apotheosis, with the voices of thousands of years of Sith Lords speaking through him, is still bone-chilling to me. Then again, I personally feel Ian McDiarmid owned the prequels.

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With the prequels, you come into it knowing where the story must go, so the impact is a little different, but some scenes are only better for it. My very favorite:



  • Sidious revealed -- even more than the preceding duel with Mace Windu or the subsequent one with Yoda, seeing Darth Sidious at the height of his full dark side apotheosis, with the voices of thousands of years of Sith Lords speaking through him, is still bone-chilling to me. Then again, I personally feel Ian McDiarmid owned the prequels.


this ^^

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One of the first ones that comes to mind for me is the Death Star Trench scene. Everything about it is so damn tense! The music, the countdown, the visuals of the ships flying down this narrow trench, the TIE fighters picking off the heros--it's insanely tight! Artoo even gets shot! Just a perfect climax!


Additionally, in Revenge of the Sith when Obi-Wan strikes down Anakin it's tragically satisfying. Anakin getting his just desserts, but at the same time being a pitiful and terrifically sad character. Coupled with his mask going on for the first time and it's just quite a powerful couple of moments.

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the alternate ending in RotS (i believe it was a bonus feature). Anakin jumps Obi-Wans blade and cuts HIM in half. Then he goes to the Emperor and stabs him. troops are in shock, but they dont shoot. I love it when the bad guys win


We are talking about the MOVIES, not the games.

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Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to...

[Ozzel stops, and suddenly begins to choke, clutching at his throat]

Darth Vader: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett?

Captain Piett: Yes, my lord?

Darth Vader: Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field, and deploy the fleet, so that nothing gets off the system.

[beside Piett, Admiral Ozzel utters one last strangled gasp, and falls over dead]

Darth Vader: You are in command now, Admiral Piett.

Admiral Piett: Thank you, Lord Vader.

[Piett motions for someone to clean up admiral Ozzle's remains]

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I always felt scenes taking place on the Death Star were the best. The crew did a great job producing this "cold, mechanical" atmosphere whenever there was a scene on it. Silent, except for the distant beeps and bloops of computers and machinery, which still made the setting very hollow. Stormtroopers patrolling corridors and imperial officers at work managing logistics. Although I couldn't articulate it at the time, the vibe resented well with my young imagination and I remember thinking, "Yeah, that's what it has to be like on a giant space station".


Order 66 was good too. Very depressing and emotional scene.

Edited by CephalicRex
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I agree with u all!


Thats right, when Han went into the carbonite, I was a little shocked.


"I love you........I know..........(blast).."


Im near to tears here.




Han Solo's such a ******.


Thank god Harrison Ford didn't read the line "I love you, too" as a cliche response, but rather make it "I know." (If you watch the documentery, they actually talked about this being retaken several times)


Harrison Ford, best portrayer of Han Solo, hands down.

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Maybe not my favorite moment of the movies, but finally seeing Luke (any Jedi, really) start kicking butt on the deck of Jabba's barge was pretty great. You hear about how awesome the Jedi were, but all you get for the first two movies is a whiny boy, and two hunchback old dudes.


That and the final fight scene with Vader, Luke, and the Emperor. The fact Luke loses, and more than that, WILLINGLY loses in order to keep from succumbing to the same hatred and emotions that turned his father, was a pretty great moment.



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