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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You know you have played SWtor to much....


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You know you have played SWTOR too much when making food in the kitchen and when someone enters you grab after your lightsabers.


You know you have played a jedi sentinel to much in SWTOR when out at street in the night when you meet some random guys you take up a imagined gun and then think "wait a second a jedi sentinel use lightsabers", and then switch out your imagined gun with imagined lightsabers. :p


This two things happens to me all the times after I started to play SWTOR :p

Edited by Sentinel-Jordal
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You know you have played SWTOR too much...when you're watching a TV show on your laptop, the villain walks on screen, and your fingers move for the hotkeys for your attack rotation.


LOL..... this also happens for some when viewing the forums too I think. :p

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When you have left your ship to go to a planet , then returned instantly to your ship, then left your ship again to a planet , then instantly returned ( this is because you end up facing your ship door btw ) ,then returning to the planet , then returning to your ship and then finally the sentence ends where you arrive at the planet and turn around to run forward.


That has happened twice to me over the 9 months or so, lol :)


Cheers ,



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You are busy looking for the spacebar when you are caught in a boring conversation.


LOL I have actually done this whilst I was sitting at my computer, speaking to someone on the phone. I looked down at the space bar after realising I was pressing it.


"*** am I doing?" :D

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(during the chevin event)


.....when your wife comes home and she's all tired and tells you

"I was at the bank and I had to wait in the line for 2 hours!"


and you said to her

"I know how you feel honey, I've been waiting in the line for the event too!"

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