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Legacy Names no longer unique


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I never said @handles weren't unique. I said you could have 50 Revan Skywalkers running around in STO, which is 100% true. Some people in this thread act like it's some great tradegy that someone else can use "their" last name. TBH I've never played a MMO before where that wasn't the case.


Edit: The person we are talking about's statement is academic, because there are no global names in this game, only server specific.


Again, the words were "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER". So doesn't matter about server specific or not. It's still qualified as such on a particular server until the change now. And the first reply I put in this thread was a response to someone who first posted what other MMO did that to UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS and the person answered CRYPTIC DOES. I said Cryptic does NOT. Now, can you prove the statement is incorrect that Cryptic does NOT as I said? Because ever since I said that, I've been getting replies trying to argue me down but yet to prove Cryptic's form of UNIQUE IDENTIFIER is not unique to each player.


Example: There are not more than one @Grand_Nagus or @The_Grand_Nagus or whatever that guy's name is. Tried to think of a pretty well known person in that game.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Again, the words were "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER". So doesn't matter about server specific or not. It's still qualified as such on a particular server until the change now. And the first reply I put in this thread was a response to someone who first posted what other MMO did that to UNIQUE IDENTIFIERS and the person answered CRYPTIC DOES. I said Cryptic does NOT. Now, can you prove the statement is incorrect that Cryptic does NOT as I said? Because ever since I said that, I've been getting replies trying to argue me down but yet to prove Cryptic's form of UNIQUE IDENTIFIER is not unique to each player.


What people are arguing with you is not that the @name is not a unique identifier - it is we all agree it is. But that the Legacy system is not a unique identifier because it does not have to be displayed or accessible at all times. You cannot use it to accurately identify which characters belong to which player unless said player opts to turn there Legacy name on at all times.


The @name is something that SWTOR doesn't have, and never has had.

Edited by Fettered
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What people are arguing with you is not that the @name is not a unique identifier - it is we all agree it is. But that the Legacy system is not a unique identifier because it does not have to be displayed or accessible at all times. You cannot use it to accurately identify which characters belong to which player unless said player opts to turn there Legacy name on at all times.


The @name is something that SWTOR doesn't have, and never has had.


And where did I say it was? I have been in here almost repeating myself constantly that I was referring to Cryptic's @names are not shared. I haven't even said if the Legacy should or should not be shared. I was merely correcting that post that said Cryptic shares global names.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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And where did I say it was? I have been in here almost repeating myself constantly that I was referring to Cryptic's @names are not shared.


You said, "Again, the words were "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER". So doesn't matter about server specific or not. It's still qualified as such on a particular server until the change now."


I can only assume because STO doesn't have different servers and they haven't really changed their system that this statement was in reference to the Legacy name, which is not and has never been a true unique identifier.

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You said, "Again, the words were "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER". So doesn't matter about server specific or not. It's still qualified as such on a particular server until the change now."


I can only assume because STO doesn't have different servers and they haven't really changed their system that this statement was in reference to the Legacy name, which is not and has never been a true unique identifier.


Wow. Please. Follow.


I am NOT talking about whether the Legacy names are or are not ANYTHING.




Answer a simple test and don't even bring LEGACY into your answers.


1. What is Cryptic's form of unique identifier? Use the peek. Fifth grader put down: @handle


2. Is Cryptic's form of unique identifier actually unique or shared with many players? Use the copy. Fifth grader puts down: Unique to each player.


Now if you disagree with the cheats in the test, you are NOT smarter than a fifth grader, Jeff Foxworthy.


My first post in this thread was on page 53, last post. Click the link in it to see what I was replying to. And from that, I keep getting "you are saying this and that about Legacy". I have not even put my 2 cents on what Legacy should or should not... could or could not be yet.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Answer a simple test and don't even bring LEGACY into your answers.


The problem is this is a thread about SWTOR and changes to the Legacy name. I'm trying to stay on topic here, I assumed you were, you know posting about this topic. :rolleyes: But hey I can devolve into personal attacks too if that's what we're actually doing.

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The problem is this is a thread about SWTOR and changes to the Legacy name. I'm trying to stay on topic here, I assumed you were, you know posting about this topic. :rolleyes: But hey I can devolve into personal attacks too if that's what we're actually doing.


I put a simple correction to an earlier post in the thread and getting hit from all sides about stuff I haven't said WORD ONE about. So excuse me for getting defensive with all the hits.


And that was actually making a funny than attack with a play on the game show called "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. Thought putting his name in there would clue that. Guess not.

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I put a simple correction to an earlier post in the thread and getting hit from all sides about stuff I haven't said WORD ONE about. So excuse me for getting defensive with all the hits..


If you've read a great deal of this thread you'll see that the vocally upset people here have tried to claim that the Legacy name = the Cryptic @name. This is likely why people "hit you from all sides".


The other side of that coin is that many of us have also said, hey an @name in SWTOR would be cool, especially if it comes with the ability to have separate surnames for each character like it does in Cryptic games.

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This is the perfect opportunity to change that. We demand decoupling of the Legacy system from the naming system! And account wide legacies rather than server wide, and more character slots per server. Too much? :D
^^^ This, This...a thousand times, this!
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sigh... yet another straw on the back of the very tolerant yet very disappointed camel that is I...


at the rate we are going I wouldnt be surprised if they introduced a mechanism where you could ninja someone else's first name by paying enough in the cash shop!


with 1.4 completely destroying sorcs I wonder just how much more Im prepared to take before I finally just unsub and quit for good with a massive sense of disappointment and a bitter taste in my mouth...

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"at the rate we are going I wouldnt be surprised if they introduced a mechanism where you could ninja someone else's first name by paying enough in the cash shop!"


With FTP comming soon, Bio will bend over backwards to keep them happy and get them to sub, its a fine balancing act keep new unpaying players happy and interested and yet keep vetran fee paying players happy. Loosing the legacy is a poor start as you say who knows in the future what else we will loose.


If they want I will pay £20.00 to keep my legacy name, im sure there will be only a few willing to pay that to save their names. So the majority of names will be free to take, but a small number will have a unique name and paying for it makes it ligitimate. :D

Edited by AlannTH
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If they want I will pay £20.00 to keep my legacy name, im sure there will be only a few willing to pay that to save their names. So the majority of names will be free to take, but a small number will have a unique name and paying for it makes it ligitimate. :D


TBH, doin't give them any ideas. You may regrette what you wish for. :p



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If you have a lot of disposable income that is burning a hole in you pocket, you can always send it my way! I will assue you it will be put to good use! :p




Its symbolic, I will pay for pure principle of the thing. So I hope Bio give us this option.

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In a few months time after the Cartel Shop has been introduced you will see a big clolorful picture on this site .......


"Buy this name contract and bind your leagacy name to you only 9,99 at your closest Cartel Shop first come first under a limited timeperiod"



Edited by Thyl
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In a few months time after the Cartel Shop has been introduced you will see a big clolorful picture on this site .......


"Buy this name contract and bind your leagacy name to you only 9,99 at your closest Cartel Shop first come first under a limited timeperiod"




it will only be us the Loyal fee payers that will spend real money. The FTP players wont spend a thing because they dont want to. Thats why they are not playing now because they dont want to pay a fee or pay real money for a game. thousand of FTP players will be here soon and once they bought the game thats it Bio wont see a bean out of the vast majority of them, its us that will purchase items. If Bio are banking on these FTP players injecting new cash into the game they are sadly mistaken.

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First of all - If first names were not unique, how do you send credits or an item to a specific character via email?



They could take a page from CoH and have an unique global name you can use for sending messages, mails, friends list. They wouldn't have to know name of your newest alt for that.

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I do not get the reasoning behind this, Why the hell are you make the one unique feature in this game no longer unique. There is no Reason to be doing.


It "MY LEGACY" not "everyone and anyone else" Legacy.


For same reason our names are unique....... This single the worse idea to come out of bioware, I use to tell people this game have no problems compared to korean devs cause there the worse in my eyes for stupidity and fixing stuff, But I starting to Bioware just as bad.

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In a few months time after the Cartel Shop has been introduced you will see a big clolorful picture on this site .......


"Buy this name contract and bind your leagacy name to you only 9,99 at your closest Cartel Shop first come first under a limited timeperiod"




I predict this to be wrong.


In a few months the "Legacy" button will be replaced with the "Cartel Shop" button, and all unlocks will be in cartel coins, in a final dismantling and decimation of the whole <sic> legacy system.

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Personally I think it's great my girlfriend and I can share a legacy name. I would almost like to take it a step farther and allow to people to actually be in the same legacy if the two accounts allow it. Now I understand how that would not really be practical but a man can dream.
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