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Everything posted by covrich

  1. This sadly the limitations have quite removed this. I have enjoyed stories but it just feel as Epic as the likes of KOTOR or the end of Dragon Age Origins etc. I dunno I like the game alot and the stories but there is an element of anti climax compared to BWs previous attempts...
  2. I like it, means people can be and get what they want
  3. Actually not really we have 100up and down where I work (UK), granted its and expensive line but given all the satellite sites and vpn access the syncronised uplink is just as important and the down link. That said in Europe UKs internet is not that good compared to the rest of it. but 50+mbits is not that uncommon for some residentials people now
  4. I dunno what to say I have and am a full supporter of the game but the maintenance and server shutdowns are becoming more and more regular. I am sorry but tonight was a shambles.
  5. Last night on TOFN the queue was up to 1Hr 45.. and it actually took 1hr to actually go down. BUT I am not going to complain. It was patch day and I suspect a lot of people jumped on to have a look etc. It will die down again. Lets give BW a bit of a break on this one.. when the game launched people were going mental about 2 hour queues.. they then opened more servers.. Then they got spares now they combined them together and new patch generates interest that the server floods for a few days. I have a busy job and a young family so my play time is limited so Ill just fire up the client a bit earlier when I want to play and if its still not ready go and do something else..Yesterday I saw someone say they were going to unsub because the maintenance window was extended ..
  6. The one thing about size 3 males are they are about 8ft. Ideal for wookies but disproportionate for other races
  7. I must admit sometimes I find some of the things I make my empire alts do are so brutal , but I like teh diversity of it. I actually am making my BH in general a Good guy. not a pure angel but a good guy.
  8. I like the idea that the capitals should be the hubs.. I find it insane the fleets are where everyone flocks too and teh capitals are void .. I do think they should open up or add incentives to return to some planets at least.. Just because it isn't what normal MMOs do it doesn't mean swtor cannot be different in that respect. For its short comings swtor has vast and beautiful worlds and there is no reason why they cannot be virbrant with activity in other areas than the same group of people doing the same quests
  9. I totally agree I just think and hope that more of the richer ingame content will follow. I want current planets to be populated and vibrant with people needing and wanting to go back there. Not more planets. It would be nice to visit Courscant or Dromund Kaas to be busy places and much more a hub than empty places with sparse static NPCs
  10. Id happily pay for an expansion for this game.. just one with adequate additions or expansions to pay for.. the Announcements in E3 alone IMO are not enough for this unless it was a very small fee. But something like complete open space and / or a whole class chapter (although they may have to go down one chapter per faction to reduce 8 separate stories). It would be cool / good if they can incorporate these into existing planets too so that it mixes it up a bit and the planets are just just level 24-28 for example
  11. I wouldnt want night time on Hoth The odds of surviving are 725-1. Mind you, that has been known to be wrong from time to time
  12. I know its coming soon but Id like to be able to hide headslot on companions and match colours up too. I am suprised actually there hasnt been an armour dye feature. 200% speeders would be great though especially on large vast areas like Hoth
  13. Reported this a while back.. I know they have bigger fish to fry and it isn't a breaker but this has been knocking around for ages and it is annoying when you're in VO and the humm is present and I always see a floating blade too. Id rather they pooled more resources to these things (and teh transfers etc) than Legacy which IMO can wait a little longer
  14. Patch taking a lot longer to deploy.. I hope there isn't a problem
  15. I am not that interested in PvP admitedly but I am glad to see it gets some love and fixing up to keep PVPer happy. I said this elsewhere but Id rather they delayed Legacy stuff which as nice as it is, I think BW have bigger fish to fry at the minute,
  16. I was under the impression 1.3 was more of a smaller update 1.25 as you say and 1.4 was another bigger update like 1.2. I may be wrong however
  17. I am with you. I really enjoy the game, admittedly I am finding it difficult to group as someone who is enjoying several characters and classes depending on what I feel like (I dont even have my main at 50 yet although he is in the 40s). It has its flaws and I am concerned about a few things, but I am patient and will continue to play regardless because even if I am playing sveeral KOTORS mostly solo at the minute.. I am really enjoying it.. when thinsg moe forward I hope that populations improve and I can do more FPs and Heroics without having to go several levels higher and such.
  18. I am on Legions Of Lettow EU Generally I play 8-11pm and its normally 30-40 on fleet occasionally more.. Planets are very lonley however.. I was on Hoth and whilst the vast snowy plains look nice its so lonley and dead
  19. I enjoy the game a lot and want to give it my support and see it grow.. However I am concerned on a number of levels about issues in the game. Id rather these core issues were tackled first like the server pops and such, Id rather that got more resources and legacy stuff which is nice but not at critical put on the back burner for a few months.
  20. People losing their jobs is not nice news, no matter how strongly people feel for or against a game.
  21. We don't even know when 1.3 is coming at the minute!
  22. I am a long time supporter of this game, I really enjoy it but cannot deny I am getting very worried and concernec about the servers health I havent seen more than 30-40 on fleet in ages (if that at peak on weekends) the other day I was the only person on one of the planets.. Ill admit i am the type for player playing loads of classes and play what I fancy and really taking my time with my main. But I would much rather have a busy server for groups , heroics and when I fancy Flash points or even general talking. I can play teh game in single mode and dont mind that, but truth be told the place feeling dead is a concern. I do really like the game and really want it to work but BW seen so quiet I am getting worried I cannot deny.
  23. You learn them from your crafting trainer or by buying schematics from the Galactic trade network. What crafting profession have you picked? For example if you picked Artifice you can learn things such as lightsaber hilts and crystal schematics and then while exploring you will want archaeology to scavenge things like rhubat crystals and artifacts from teh world.. you can then send your companion to craft these. Alternatively you can send companions to gather materials for you but of course these do cost money whereas picking them from the world is free.
  24. While the logic behind how the lockboxes work now is illogical, the missions I have seen on the GTN have been going for silly prices
  25. Well being the altaholic I am (have quite a few different characters with certain trades etc) I am levelling up my Trooper with UT to 400 at the minute. It seems she is far more profitable at the moment selling her gear in the GTN. It is at the moment at least self sustaining all her missions anyway and there is some profit in it. At the minute my Slicer is doing level 6 moderate and adundant missions (plug teh leak and Azure Databanks) had a few criticals for missions from there.. I suspect Missions may be slightly more scarce now. Hopefully that will mean you can up the price. Doing that and some level 6 adundant tech parts which are selling have so far been turning up a bit of a profit. If it was decided that slicing was still too profitable by BW I do think it would have been better to announce a change and at least have any change make sense.. having Rich / bountiful missions which are broken compared to abundant / moderate ones really makes no sense and sort of makes half the missions redudnant. The change they have actually implemented is illogical. IF they wanted to reduce the income id rather it was at least logical.
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