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Legacy Names no longer unique


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They're doing this because of the server transfers, in which a large number of players (myself included) lost or had to alter their original legacy names because the names were already taken on the new servers. We got screwed, and this is BW's way of trying to fix it.


While I do believe you that alot of players did in fact lose their desire lagacy names during the transfers. IMHO, I also believe EA/BW is doing this more in line with the the upcoming F2P model. Imagine the influx (if there's any) of players where they are locked away from certain lagacy names. It's just bad business sense (since any F2P is a potential customer to the "Cash Shop").


Again this is pure speculation and my personal opinion.

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Just make it like Everquest 2 then where you can change your surname at will. It's the first name that will always be unique and the one everyone should be concerned with anyhow. Legacy names are nice to have, however you can turn legacy names off if you want, you can't turn character name off , just not display them on your screen. Edited by Aethelstun
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No MMO has ever made a "Global Name" usable by all players. Bioware really screwed up this time.


In fact there is at least one that I've played personally. Don't ask me to say which one, as you already seem to "know" otherwise. Suffice it to say, it's a well known one though.


And am I the only one relieved that I picked a legacy name unique enough to not have to worry over it?

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My legacy name was "stolen" by a guild member, so I'm loving this.


It is what it is.. People who don't have what they want will want this, And people who do have the name they wanted will not like it. I'm soneone who has the name I wanted but its a name I would never have chosen if I knew it was not unique.


So now I will have to change my name to stay Unique. I'm not happy my unique name was taken from me but I will live with it. It's just another title that I will never use now.

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IZSo now I will have to change my name to stay Unique. I'm not happy my unique name was taken from me but I will live with it. It's just another title that I will never use now.
I'd wait until you actually see or hear about someone using the same unique legacy name you came up with. It might be a non-issue for you in the long run.


Another thing to consider with this whole debate is that they have said there is a possibility of having legacies be account-wide and not just server-wide at some point in the future. This new change would allow for that eventuality if it ever comes to pass.

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a more simple format


because they wanted to


because they felt like it


for the fun of it


i cant get any more simple that that

you changed your tune. Before you said something MUCH different and not along the lines of "because they wanted to"


please, in the future, do not be confusing :) Thanks!

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God forbid BioWare makes the Legacy names unique and keep them like they were. God forbid a company makes players use their imaginations if a name is taken! :eek: No...we can't do that. We have to cater to the arrogant, insolant pigs that play in this generation. The "I WANT IT NOW!!" generation along with the "I have to think?! well....that's dumb...."


This just in...Legacy was supposed to be a unique brand to our characters. A family tree that only OUR FAMILY was to be part of. Not have 1000 different Starstriders along with 1000 different solos along with 1000 different Tobins along with 1000 different Tarkin.


Sometimes...I just don't get their thinking over there. Legacy was promised to us to be a brand for our characters. Our Legacy something that would NEVER EVER change unless we deleted characters. Now we learn that other characters can simply take OUR name if we had it first because "it's cool" and they don't want to use their imagination so you give them the easy way out instead of having them use more of their brain power?


DAMM SHAME bioware. You went back on the BEST thing you created for this game. Legacy...it was supposed to be unique. You said in your own words. now it's....not.


lol to all the 10000 starkillers out there and 10000 organa's :p

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what did i say that was different


"why have end game gear if everyone is going to have it to


why make a toon at all if somebody else is going to make one of them too"


That made it sound like you were being totally irrational and not even thinking about how different it is to some people to have end game gear, a different toon or a Legacy that is written in stone that NOBODY else could get.


That is what you did differently. Maybe you didn't mean to sound like that. But it is what I took it as. Legacy should be something that is 100 percent YOURS. NOBODY else should be able to take that name. Now...I can be the 100000 skykiller and nobody would give a ***** about it. That's not right....


For me, this is a big blow to one of their biggest innovations in the game :(


Again, I am sorry if I misinterpreted it differently friend.

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God forbid BioWare makes the Legacy names unique and keep them like they were. God forbid a company makes players use their imaginations if a name is taken! :eek: No...we can't do that. We have to cater to the arrogant, insolant pigs that play in this generation. The "I WANT IT NOW!!" generation along with the "I have to think?! well....that's dumb...."


This just in...Legacy was supposed to be a unique brand to our characters. A family tree that only OUR FAMILY was to be part of. Not have 1000 different Starstriders along with 1000 different solos along with 1000 different Tobins along with 1000 different Tarkin.


Sometimes...I just don't get their thinking over there. Legacy was promised to us to be a brand for our characters. Our Legacy something that would NEVER EVER change unless we deleted characters. Now we learn that other characters can simply take OUR name if we had it first because "it's cool" and they don't want to use their imagination so you give them the easy way out instead of having them use more of their brain power?


DAMM SHAME bioware. You went back on the BEST thing you created for this game. Legacy...it was supposed to be unique. You said in your own words. now it's....not.


lol to all the 10000 starkillers out there and 10000 organa's :p


That's quite the rant... that's also truly pointless or hypocritical. You seem to be mocking people for not being able to be imaginative, but then you start complaining that people will steal your name, and list very unimaginative names. Are you that unimaginative, or do you really want to cater to the unimaginative? :confused: So many mixed messages! I admit, I come off a bit insulting, but some clarification would honestly be great.

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"why have end game gear if everyone is going to have it to


why make a toon at all if somebody else is going to make one of them too"


That made it sound like you were being totally irrational and not even thinking about how different it is to some people to have end game gear, a different toon or a Legacy that is written in stone that NOBODY else could get.


That is what you did differently. Maybe you didn't mean to sound like that. But it is what I took it as. Legacy should be something that is 100 percent YOURS. NOBODY else should be able to take that name. Now...I can be the 100000 skykiller and nobody would give a ***** about it. That's not right....


For me, this is a big blow to one of their biggest innovations in the game :(


Again, I am sorry if I misinterpreted it differently friend.


i just dont see it as some big deal


i bet some where on corosunt dave skywalker was sitting in a cantina ans some said to him hey aren't you related to anikin skywalker, which he quickly replied no that whiny little ***** is no relation to me


the fact my BH cant have a hat like cad bane but a smuggler can annoys me more

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That's quite the rant... that's also truly pointless or hypocritical. You seem to be mocking people for not being able to be imaginative, but then you start complaining that people will steal your name, and list very unimaginative names. Are you that unimaginative, or do you really want to cater to the unimaginative? :confused: So many mixed messages! I admit, I come off a bit insulting, but some clarification would honestly be great.

Yes. You are correct. A lot of people nowadays are not imaginative. I'm not saying all. It's just the truth. A lot aren't. :) I am sure you are though :)

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why not just make first names now unaffected? Legacy names allow players to tell each other apart... That tends to get more contention than Legacies because you only have 1 legacy per server, which means only ONE last name, but 8 characters... *facepalm* moron alert!
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At very least I feel like they should have polled the community on this one first to see if the majority really wanted this or not. I don't like that they make decisions like this on their own without taking our input.


i know! it's so weird for a company to make decisions based on what they feel is right for the company/product. What a strange world we live in today


you guys do see this right? they need to do this to fix an issue that would have happened with merges/transfers. . .and you guys are just crying. ITS A GAME

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At very least I feel like they should have polled the community on this one first to see if the majority really wanted this or not. I don't like that they make decisions like this on their own without taking our input.


Polled the in-game community perhaps (read: ALL the players), as they did in Beta. If they were foolish enough to go on the word of the forum "community" though, this game really would be doomed.


In either case, it's already been established that BW made one of those crazy, never-before-heard-of decisions on their own. As they should 90% of the time.

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This is just one more way BW is proving they care more about the people who will be coming in F2P than those they already have. To take away Legacy names, many of which have been here since launch, and let anyone use them as well is simply a slap in the face and they aren't even trying to hide it. Keep taking our money while giving us less and less and removing anything that might make a new player say "hey its not fair they've been here since the beginning and have something I want."


Legacy is simply one more causality of the F2P plague that has gripped the MMO universe. Give me less while making me pay more and please sir may I have another.

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To take away Legacy names, many of which have been here since launch, and let anyone use them as well is simply a slap in the face and they aren't even trying to hide it.
Thankfully, those loyal customers who had lost their beloved legacy names they've had since early access can now have them back after they were forced to change them with the merges.
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Thankfully, those loyal customers who had lost their beloved legacy names they've had since early access can now have them back after they were forced to change them with the merges.


Merges and the Legacy names that players lost because of them are regrettable, but this is not a solution to that problem. Comparing the server merge issue to this is an argument not worth making. Bioware decided to take one of the few things that wasn't broken and break it. Guess they had to make it match the rest of the game :(

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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. There are some decent people on these forums, but there are people that have multiple accounts and just keep posting against this arguement. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. Edited by AlannTH
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