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Legacy Names no longer unique


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Why??!?! You do have a unique name....its called your first name or the one you used at creation? Now you want two unique names?


Actually, there were numerous threads out there to unlock the first names for all accounts, and lock down the last names. I could care less about my first name. You assumed that all your own.

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Two questions:


1) Why didn't Bioware do this when the transfers began....


and 2).....why didn't Bioware tell us this was going to happen?


1: Because they were still unsure if they wanted to go free to play or not, thus not having to worry about the sudden influx of complaints they knew they would get when the F2P players would cry out, "All the good names are already taken!!!"


2: See this thread? They didn't want to hear it. They knew we would be extremely upset if they did, so they saved themselves a few days of headache by not telling us.

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whats this account name your talking about because i can garantee on all the mmo's i have played not one of them have known my account name that i log in with most of the time its because its my email


Cryptic uses handles for all characters, it has somewhat changed recently with the Perfect World merger but the gist of it is my name on the forums is (well, was, I think that was what changed but I don't use their forums) KurganNazzir. All characters I make in Champions Online and Star Trek Online will have this name attached to them in the form of @KurganNazzir. So I make a character named Nazzir and, if you have handles turned on, the name would appear as Nazzir@KurganNazzir. In this way, they were also able to make acct wide friend/ignore lists because it friends/ignores the handle rather than the character name. So if I pissed you off while playing Nazzir, you could add me to ignore and be able to ignore Locana@KurganNazzir and any other characters I have. You can view what I'm talking about in this screenshot if you want, look at the chat tab.

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Problem with this thinking is a lot of people didn't get beaten to the punch. The server transfers cheated them out the name they had, in some cases I am sure for players that did not have the name first.



My point still stands.


If you were put into a position where you were made to change your name, whether you had it on another server first or not, it's probably not original.


If it was, and someone copied it, do you really want to still be using it anyway? Come up with something new instead of crying to Bioware about it.


Please note I'm not directing this to any one person, as I have no idea if you cried to Bioware or not.

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Cryptic uses handles for all characters, it has somewhat changed recently with the Perfect World merger but the gist of it is my name on the forums is (well, was, I think that was what changed but I don't use their forums) KurganNazzir. All characters I make in Champions Online and Star Trek Online will have this name attached to them in the form of @KurganNazzir. So I make a character named Nazzir and, if you have handles turned on, the name would appear as Nazzir@KurganNazzir. In this way, they were also able to make acct wide friend/ignore lists because it friends/ignores the handle rather than the character name. So if I pissed you off while playing Nazzir, you could add me to ignore and be able to ignore Locana@KurganNazzir and any other characters I have. You can view what I'm talking about in this screenshot if you want, look at the chat tab.


is it like Real id but forced for everyone to see rather than who you chose to let see it

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Oh goody. Lord Douchebag McFuzzlebunny can now be related to me if he see's my legacy name and decides he likes it.


I just had to make that part of my sig , I'm thanking you. So grabs popcorn.. Very interesting discussion here , I can't wait until phase 2 of the transfers . Should be superb!





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1: Because they were still unsure if they wanted to go free to play or not, thus not having to worry about the sudden influx of complaints they knew they would get when the F2P players would cry out, "All the good names are already taken!!!"


2: See this thread? They didn't want to hear it. They knew we would be extremely upset if they did, so they saved themselves a few days of headache by not telling us.


If this is the case, then I suggest Bioware needs to grow up.


I'm sure warning the players first is way more preferable then being sneaky about it.


I don't care about the change...I care about the sneaky way they did it.

Edited by Skoobie
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Actually, there were numerous threads out there to unlock the first names for all accounts, and lock down the last names. I could care less about my first name. You assumed that all your own.


Ok...so lemme get this straight. You don't care if there's a million "Wraiven's" which is what I would find you by in my friends list for groups and what not for reputation, but you would rather me pick up another "Wraiven" and assume its you and come to find out that persons a complete d-bag and ban every "Wraiven" from my friends list because the first name has no uniqueness to it but rather have a unique legacy name to find you by?


I'm good with either or but from playing other MMO's I'm used to first names in my friends list not last's ?


Just seems backwards from every MMO out there....most of us have friends on a list based on first names not last??


I've just never played another MMO that I added people to my friends list with a last name!?!?!??

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is it like Real id but forced for everyone to see rather than who you chose to let see it


No, you were not forced to see them. But you had an option to turn them on or off. At the same time, if you did not want people knowing you were online, you could type /hide and you could appear offline to all your friends. Was really a great system that should have been implemented here.

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Ok...so lemme get this straight. You don't care if there's a million "Wraiven's" which is what I would find you by in my friends list for groups and what not for reputation, but you would rather me pick up another "Wraiven" and assume its you and come to find out that persons a complete d-bag and ban every "Wraiven" from my friends list because the first name has no uniqueness to it but rather have a unique legacy name to find you by?


I'm good with either or but from playing other MMO's I'm used to first names in my friends list not last's ?


Just seems backwards from every MMO out there....most of us have friends on a list based on first names not last??


I've just never played another MMO that I added people to my friends list with a last name!?!?!??


I think I understand our differences now. I came from games that you /friend people based off their account names/sir names. You came from games that you /friend people based off first names.


We are used to playing on the opposite sides of the spectrum.

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Cool. Now every Jedi is going to be named Skywalker. Every BH will be named Fett (they were clones after all), every Scoundrel will be named Solo. every Sith Warrior will be named Vader. The absolute lack of imagination and originality is what caused there to be name changes when the transfers took place, to begin with. This was a ridiculous change with no purpose for doing so. What it does is invalidate those who worked to get those coveted names first. Now everyone will be named Chang (most common family name in the world). Who the hell was demanding this and why the hell would BW spend countless hours and dollars to accommodate this foolishness?


"The Solo's are stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder's"

"Them's the Tatooine Solo's who's nerf-herders. Us Hoth Solo's are Wampa wranglers. No relation..."

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finished chapter one worked really hard dont make me laugh


Why do you insist to continue to humiliate people just because they do not agree with you? Seriously, man...chill it out. I understand you do not agree, but you can disagree without being a jerk to people.

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is it like Real id but forced for everyone to see rather than who you chose to let see it

I don't know what real id is but Wraiven already answered you. :)

No, you were not forced to see them. But you had an option to turn them on or off. At the same time, if you did not want people knowing you were online, you could type /hide and you could appear offline to all your friends. Was really a great system that should have been implemented here.

This was a hug issue during CO beta, there was no way to hide handles at all so it appeared above your character and in chat no matter what. I don't know when it happened but I was glad to see it had changed.



My biggest gripe with the Legacy name is it never should have been an alternative to having a surname and that is what a lot of complaints were when it was announced. I don't mind all of my characters having the same surname because that's what I did in LOTRO so that everyone knew who I was when playing a character they hadn't yet met (Hi, I'm a severe altoholic), but I know others felt it was just wrong to have the same surname on their 'Pubs as their Imperials. The other complaint was people wanting to have their friends/family in their Legacy.

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... This was a ridiculous change with no purpose for doing so. What it does is invalidate those who worked to get those coveted names first... Who the hell was demanding this and why the hell would BW spend countless hours and dollars to accommodate this foolishness?"


Indeed. It really does appear to be a decision not well thought out. An extended 'maintenance' that introduced a controversial move that essentially makes legacy names meaningless. This is what they are willing to invest in? Hours of downtime to make a mechanic they were trying to build pointless? Sad thing is, a while ago I had already had a feeling this would happen, with the forced transfers and all, and wondered how they would pull it off. Well looks like the cat is out of the bag and there aren't going to be any surprise thrills to keep our loyal server natives happy. For shame.


Let's be honest here, there will be a good chance for the Legacy names to still be semi-unique if they don't bring us content and the people keep leaving like they have. /smirk


haha, good one :)

Edited by Tordos
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finished chapter one worked really hard dont make me laugh


Feel free to try and do in in 24 hours on a new server... Yeah its easy on a server that's months old your not fighting for spawns or rushing as some other guy might get them 10 min before you. That did happen to a friend on my server he lost the name he wanted by about 15 min.. But its no worry now as Legacy Names and just another dumb title that no one will use..

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Bioware made a mistake by not allowing Legacy names to be non-unique. They are correcting their mistake. ?


Yes but in real life you dont make people, design what they look like, customize them. If bioware want to let other people use legacy names already in use then they should never have introduced it. You will always get people standing by Bioware even if they **** up like they have now. As I said before if you have a founders title and have been with the game since early release you should be protected. Its sickning a new player who has never payed a fee for the game can come in and take a name from a person whos been here since the games release. Sickning.


I agree. What they should do is F2P players shouldnt be allowed a legacy name just so they cant destroy loyal, paying customers reputation because they would just end up leaving the game once they have done so, and henceforth destroying what the paying player has worked so hard to build up from scratch.

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Do you really think this is going to be a problem. Do you really think that someone is going to target your name specifically and even if they did, do you really think this will have any real impact on your game play or social experiences in the game?


You forgot this is the TOR community. I easily know an X amount will be griefed in this new way.

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Ok...so lemme get this straight. You don't care if there's a million "Wraiven's" which is what I would find you by in my friends list for groups and what not for reputation, but you would rather me pick up another "Wraiven" and assume its you and come to find out that persons a complete d-bag and ban every "Wraiven" from my friends list because the first name has no uniqueness to it but rather have a unique legacy name to find you by?


I'm good with either or but from playing other MMO's I'm used to first names in my friends list not last's ?


Just seems backwards from every MMO out there....most of us have friends on a list based on first names not last??


I've just never played another MMO that I added people to my friends list with a last name!?!?!??


Think outside the box, please. Obviously if the first name was unbound, BW would set it up to where that person's Legacy name or First name/Legacy name combo would show up on your friends list.

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Cool. Now every Jedi is going to be named Skywalker. Every BH will be named Fett (they were clones after all), every Scoundrel will be named Solo. every Sith Warrior will be named Vader. The absolute lack of imagination and originality is what caused there to be name changes when the transfers took place, to begin with. This was a ridiculous change with no purpose for doing so. What it does is invalidate those who worked to get those coveted names first. Now everyone will be named Chang (most common family name in the world). Who the hell was demanding this and why the hell would BW spend countless hours and dollars to accommodate this foolishness?


"The Solo's are stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder's"

"Them's the Tatooine Solo's who's nerf-herders. Us Hoth Solo's are Wampa wranglers. No relation..."


I might use my free legacy name change to change all my characters to Chang or Darth Briefcase :)





Edited by BadOrb
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Look. Every MMO requires uniqueness. You can't have 2 players with the same name. Legacy should be just as protected. It is what makes you connected to your characters. The fool that proclaimed that my $15 a month shouldn't get me this is wrong. I live in a country where being unique (or a poser or a 1 of tens-of thousands of "individual" goth chicks) is your right. Apparently he comes from a land where individuality is frowned upon or even punished. In my country you can even change your name to a crazy, meaningless symbol if you like, JUST to stay unique.
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Still waiting for Sir Copperfield to chime in on this issue :D


Seriously, IMO this is a cheap move. Had it been done to first names, I doubt it would have been such a big deal to people.


It isn't a back-breaking straw for me but I'm certainly not happy about it either.


This just adds to the growing list of lttle things done to alienate me from wanting to continue playing.

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