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Legacy Names no longer unique


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I agree, especially all my friends that did just that and were forced into changing their legacy names / gamer handles they've had for years because someone who doesn't even play anymore (potentially) already took them. They are all quite excited to be able to change them back and enjoy the names they've put lots of thought into over the years.


I would feel the same about it if they let us change our first names back.. you know, the ones people actually know an individual character by. The change of our stable (Legacy) names where others can have them and we lose the character identity and reputation (or have our hindered by griefers and other poor players) associated with them is an awful and far reaching side effect.


I would rather lose the name than have other potentially harmful people sharing it with me. That's why Legacy names are completely meaningless to me (as of this change) and I'll just hide them on all of my characters to ensure I am not associated with negative elements in-game.

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Dude, last names being unique never made sense in the first place and this allows people that want to RP that they are part of the same family do so.


Why exactly could you not do that before? Is your imagination not strong enough for role-play? I don't intend this to be antagonistic. I simply fail to understand how people role-play at all without exorcizing their imagination. Is this the same thing as "hard core" RPers who shut out people because the little floaty over their head isn't "RP enough?" I honestly don't get this argument.



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Like getting your legacy name back you were forced to change. :)


Yeah it is not like everyone is going to be running to steal everyone else's name. The reality is that people who really care about names deeply often choose names that other players don't consider. Now some players might be using "in-universe" names from books or such and other's want to have that too. I've seen a number of Vhetts, but when you're talking about a name like that why should one player really get the privilege of using it over another, neither person "invented" the name, it's just an alternate spelling of Fett. Sure some people will have come up with the same name, but this isn't going to be a problem for 80% of the people who care about names.

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Dude, last names being unique never made sense in the first place and this allows people that want to RP that they are part of the same family do so. My friends and family members have wanted to have the same family surname from the moment the Legacy system was introduced, but we couldn't. Well, now we finally can.


Your first name is your unique name (just like in the other MMOs you talk about). It's the one that is used when you mail things, join teams, join guilds, are added to friends lists, etc. and that is still keeping it's uniqueness, just like in those other MMOs.




Once you make a name in an MMO, first or Surname, thats it should be unique, dont matter if it makes sense, Bio introduced it and people like myself used a surname was have used for years in other MMOs, now anyone can use it. How does that work? and the most annoying thing about it is, Players like myself have been on since early realse and a new FTP player can come in and just pick my surname up just like that. A joke. Bioware please protect all Founder members surnames.

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Why exactly could you not do that before? Is your imagination not strong enough for role-play? I don't intend this to be antagonistic. I simply fail to understand how people role-play at all without exorcizing their imagination. Is this the same thing as "hard core" RPers who shut out people because the little floaty over their head isn't "RP enough?" I honestly don't get this argument.




Yes, but now when other RPers see us standing together it won't be me with the actual name (Blackavaar) and them with a misspelled version of the name (Blackavear, Blackava'r, Blackavoar).



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Once you make a name in an MMO, first or Surname, thats it should be unique, dont matter if it makes sense, Bio introduced it and people like myself used a surname was have used for years in other MMOs, now anyone can use it. How does that work? and the most annoying thing about it is, Players like myself have been on since early realse and a new FTP player can come in and just pick my surname up just like that. A joke. Bioware please protect all Founder members surnames.


Do you really think this is going to be a problem. Do you really think that someone is going to target your name specifically and even if they did, do you really think this will have any real impact on your game play or social experiences in the game?

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Once you make a name in an MMO, first or Surname, thats it should be unique, dont matter if it makes sense, Bio introduced it and people like myself used a surname was have used for years in other MMOs, now anyone can use it. How does that work? and the most annoying thing about it is, Players like myself have been on since early realse and a new FTP player can come in and just pick my surname up just like that. A joke. Bioware please protect all Founder members surnames.


Ever played Champions Online or Star Trek Online? Neither first nor surnames are unique there, because they have Global names. Doesn't seem to be such a problem for their players.



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Your first name is your unique name (just like in the other MMOs you talk about). It's the one that is used when you mail things, join teams, join guilds, are added to friends lists, etc. and that is still keeping it's uniqueness, just like in those other MMOs.




Except some of us that screwed over on server transfers that lost our first names that we put time and effort into to obtain.....

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Once you make a name in an MMO, first or Surname, thats it should be unique, dont matter if it makes sense, Bio introduced it and people like myself used a surname was have used for years in other MMOs, now anyone can use it. How does that work? and the most annoying thing about it is, Players like myself have been on since early realse and a new FTP player can come in and just pick my surname up just like that. A joke. Bioware please protect all Founder members surnames.
Believe me, names are very important to me. I was OCD enough to park my name on every PVE server I could just in case there were sever merges someday. Very glad I did now. Hypothetically, let's say all current pve servers were merged into one giant mega-server. And you had to pick a new legacy name because you lost the server lottery and were forced to move. Would you be more interested in keeping the name you've used in GW and WOW, or would you rather have a new unique name that is not the same as you have been using for years?
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Do you really think this is going to be a problem. Do you really think that someone is going to target your name specifically and even if they did, do you really think this will have any real impact on your game play or social experiences in the game?


Its the principle if it was a free game I wouldent give a ***** but I chose it. I know people from GW and wow by my surname. I pay for my name as well as the gameplay. Its all our game we pay as much as you do, if we let this pass whats next? First names can be used? Just because your In game sruname means nothing to you other people are different. Its unique for a number of reasons to us. It would P iss me off big time to see someone wwho does not pay a fee for the game just choose my surname. This games offered a lot of problems we have had to turn a blind eye to but this is too far.


You cant stop people complaining we all pay a fee for the game so we sshould all have an input. A vote would have been nice.

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Except some of us that screwed over on server transfers that lost our first names that we put time and effort into to obtain.....


So, because you got "cheated" out of your first name others should continue to remain "cheated" of their Legacy names? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:



Edited by Blackavaar
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Believe me, names are very important to me. I was OCD enough to park my name on every PVE server I could just in case there were sever merges someday. Very glad I did now. Hypothetically, let's say all current pve servers were merged into one giant mega-server. And you had to pick a new legacy name because you lost the server lottery and were forced to move. Would you be more interested in keeping the name you've used in GW and WOW, or would you rather have a new unique name that is not the same as you have been using for years?


Id want to keep my original name.

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Its the principle if it was a free game I wouldent give a ***** but I chose it. I know people from GW and wow by my surname. I pay for my name as well as the gameplay. Its all our game we pay as much as you do, if we let this pass whats next? First names can be used? Just because your In game sruname means nothing to you other people are different. Its unique for a number of reasons to us. It would P iss me off big time to see someone wwho does not pay a fee for the game just choose my surname. This games offered a lot of problems we have had to turn a blind eye to but this is too far.


You cant stop people complaining we all pay a fee for the game so we sshould all have an input. A vote would have been nice.


I'm not trying to stop you from complaining. If I was I wouldn't be engaging you in a dialogue. What I'm trying to do is show you that the Legacy name being unique is not as big an issue as you and others are making it, logically speaking there are bigger problems with the system, the surnaming process and the game.

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do you really think this will have any real impact on your game play or social experiences in the game?


Yes, I do, because I have been recognized by my legacy name on both factions, reconnected with friends, and my low-level alts could draw from the good reputation my main had already built. A unique legacy name offers the assurance that it's the same player. There is a sense of community, recognition, accountability and reliability and a certain level of trust that is simply hurt by making the legacy names non-unique and taking away the certainty.

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My friends and family members have wanted to have the same family surname from the moment the Legacy system was introduced, but we couldn't. Well, now we finally can.


As I mentioned before, having the same family surname will not be exclusive to you.


Here's my earlier post:


How about this?


A person can use an in-game system to request taking your Legacy name for their character. Then you can approve that they do.


This would allow your family members/friends that want to share the Legacy name to do so with your permission.


Everyone's happy.


Would that work for you?





You're in a cantina with your wife. You're Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and you'd like to charter a ship to go to Tatooine.


The smuggler you're hiring says:


"It'll be 10,000 credits each. So 40k will get you your ship."


"But... there's only two of us."


"Oh, sorry. You mean that Sage over there - Bob Smith - he's not with you?"




"What about Alligator Smith over there?"


"No relation. It's just us two."


Silly isn't it? The Legacy offered up the opportunity to have an individual surname/legacy name if you wanted to display it.


The new system will allow us, to paraphrase Life of Brian, to be individuals together.



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Yes, I do, because I have been recognized by my legacy name on both factions, reconnected with friends, and my low-level alts could draw from the good reputation my main had already built. A unique legacy name offers the assurance that it's the same player. There is a sense of community, recognition, accountability and reliability and a certain level of trust that is simply hurt by making the legacy names non-unique and taking away the certainty.


I have to say I agree with this :)

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You cant stop people complaining we all pay a fee for the game so we sshould all have an input. A vote would have been nice.


MMOs are not a democracy, neither representative nor direct. Unrealistic expectations IMO. It's a fee for service business. You are completely free to determine your level of participation, but it's their game not ours.


Everyone does have an input. There are a dozen different ways to provide your input to Bioware, the forum being probably the least effective method IMO.

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Yes, I do, because I have been recognized by my legacy name on both factions, reconnected with friends, and my low-level alts could draw from the good reputation my main had already built. A unique legacy name offers the assurance that it's the same player. There is a sense of community, recognition, accountability and reliability and a certain level of trust that is simply hurt by making the legacy names non-unique and taking away the certainty.


So someone is going to steal you name to cash in on that? I just don't see it except in a few extreme cases of trolling and such behavior will be able to be reported and dealt with. But the system as it is has not accountability tied to it because it is optional. If you choose to display your Legacy name on every character people can use it as such, but if you choose not to display it then there is no accountability. You can be a perfect paragon of social behavior with your characters that have your legacy name displayed and a complete douche with those characters that don't display it and no one would be the wiser. In fact they would just ignore you based off of your first name and not legacy in that case.

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As I mentioned before, having the same family surname will not be exclusive to you....


Dude, I know what you posted before. That was a reply to my earlier post.


And your example is ridiculous. Has anybody named Johnson ever had that problem at an airport? What about all the Lees in the world? Do people have trouble telling them apart just because they have the same last name? No, and in a lot of cases they actually do have the same first name too. That can't happen here, because your first name remains unique.


Really, this issue isn't as big as a lot of you are making it out to be.



Edited by Blackavaar
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