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Materials - allow stacking of 999 units


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to play devil's advocate I should say that I am not a fan of people who sell things on the GTN in stacks of 1. I sell things in full stacks, 20, 99 or whatever is a full stack. It is frustrating enough when you get undercut, but when you get undercut by someone who sells in stacks of 1 it is hard to compete when you sell in stacks of 99.


For that reason I an not on board with increasing the stacks.

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Just to play devil's advocate I should say that I am not a fan of people who sell things on the GTN in stacks of 1. I sell things in full stacks, 20, 99 or whatever is a full stack. It is frustrating enough when you get undercut, but when you get undercut by someone who sells in stacks of 1 it is hard to compete when you sell in stacks of 99.


For that reason I an not on board with increasing the stacks.


You could always just sell less in a stack then.

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99 stack per inventory slot is ok.

99 stack per cargo hold slot is deffinitely not right, it should be around 999 since ship is a lot bigger than player backpack not to mention player backpack is so small that You can't see it and ship cargo hold is at last 3x bigger than player itself (unless it is body 4 male).


P.S. Isn't player backpack and example of super tech? It can fit tons of stuff without slowing down character movements and it even allows 100% combat performance for character wearing it.

Space compression, space folding, inertial field, micro universe etc comes to my mind when I think how's that possible:)

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99 stack per inventory slot is ok.

99 stack per cargo hold slot is deffinitely not right, it should be around 999 since ship is a lot bigger than player backpack not to mention player backpack is so small that You can't see it and ship cargo hold is at last 3x bigger than player itself (unless it is body 4 male).


I would be happy with this. That way I can still sell my stacks at 99 and have a cargo hold of 999. To be fair, I am a hard-core crafter, and I have over 20,000 mats sitting in my mail box because I can't fit them all in my bags. That is one thing I am worried about when Bioware force transfers me off my server. Not only will I lose my character name, but I will also lose all my mats in my mail box.

Edited by Zarahemla
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  • 1 month later...
Then how could they charge for more cargo space if you could cut 50 stacks down to 1?


And BINGO was his name "o".... BW wouldn't make that change just because it would cut into cash store profits. Anyone notice the tabs for the Cargo Bays have been truncated to allow like 10 now? (PTS 1.5)

Edited by dscount
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Just to play devil's advocate I should say that I am not a fan of people who sell things on the GTN in stacks of 1. I sell things in full stacks, 20, 99 or whatever is a full stack. It is frustrating enough when you get undercut, but when you get undercut by someone who sells in stacks of 1 it is hard to compete when you sell in stacks of 99.


For that reason I an not on board with increasing the stacks.


I don't see overall how this effects the AH in terms of bag space.


But I do agree with what you are saying. I hate seeing a bunch of 1's listed. And if I want to for example buy a full stack of stims(which for some reason isn't always cheaper, lrn2bulk sell people) it's just a pain.


For this I suggest everyone look to Vindictus's AH system. When you search an item, it lists how you ask it to(in this case I use cheapest first). It will then list how many of each item that person is selling.

So it'll look like this

Stim 14000 25 Player1

Stim 15000 5 Player 2

Stim 17599 1 Player 3


Even if that first player put in every one of those stims as a stack of 1, it only shows he has 25. After clicking his item, you can then choose how many of that 25 you wish to buy. Instead of what he forces you to buy. So you buy 3, then the next person to search that item sees:

Stim 14000 22 Player1


Now the other side of this is that you can post your next one for 1 credit extra each time. In which we'll say player 2 does this and takes up slots 1-5 with his cheaper wares that are taking up more space. But player 1 come in and puts 14999, undercutting everything he put up with his 25 items. Who's going to buy separates when you can buy multiples faster?


This system cleans up the AH/GTN system a lot.


Sorry for going off topic.

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Then how could they charge for more cargo space if you could cut 50 stacks down to 1?


Novelty items. Toys. You know what my bank in WoW was always full of? Crap. Some gimmick toy I like to pull out during raids once in a while. I loved grabbing my shrink ray, use it on a critter and have it shrink my whole group on a backfire.


This game lacks this in so many ways. This game has almost no toys. It has a few mini-pets and a bunch of re-painted mounts. All which are saved to their own area. Inventory in this game is overall a joke already.


When they started the battle tanks that engineers would make, I made everyone in the guild one. I hate farming with a passion. But the thought of having a guild wide mini tank war made me farm the mats for all of it.


TL: DR; They give us something worth filling it with, and inventory will matter.

Edited by Cindikle
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