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Fan site forum??


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So let me get this straight. We get a fan site forum, something that no one ever even bothered to think about but we can't get Server forums for each server? Something we have been asking for since Beta???? Does anyone else see the issue here or am I just asking for too much. We have less then 20 servers across the game and we can't even get individual server forums? You need to step it up Bioware. Edited by Silko
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So let me get this straight. We get a fan site forum, something that no one ever even bothered to think about but we can't get Server forums for each server? Something we have been asking for since Beta???? Does anyone else see the issue here or am I just asking for too much. We have less then 20 servers across the game and we can't even get individual server forums? You need to step it up Bioware.


Well, they already said server forums will be coming after server merges

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So let me get this straight. We get a fan site forum, something that no one ever even bothered to think about but we can't get Server forums for each server? Something we have been asking for since Beta???? Does anyone else see the issue here or am I just asking for too much. We have less then 20 servers across the game and we can't even get individual server forums? You need to step it up Bioware.


I asked them for a place that agrigated 3rd party information. Joveth liked the idea. Eric implemented it.


There is far too much information that gets leaked to the world at large BEFORE it hits the forums. Having a 3rd party forum will help us all stay informed.


But you can't see the forrest for the trees. :rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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  • Dev Post
As some of the other folks have stated, we do have plans to introduce individual server forum after automatic transfers. I don't have an update on when the automatic transfers will happen, but it is definitely in our plans for the forums to create individual server forums!
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As some of the other folks have stated, we do have plans to introduce individual server forum after automatic transfers. I don't have an update on when the automatic transfers will happen, but it is definitely in our plans for the forums to create individual server forums!


Again I have to respond to this just like last time this response was given... running a forum of my own I know just how simple it is to add additional forums and folders. In barely more time than it took me to type this response out I could have created a new folder for every current server out there.



  • It takes seconds to create a new forum.
  • It doesn't increase cost to have additional forum sections.
  • There is no debugging process, so there is no real need for "testing".
  • Having more places to post doesn't directly equal more people posting, so it wouldn't exactly make sense to require more staff to moderate.
  • Having specific server forums would allow players to better control and organize where they are posting, which could actually HELP moderation.
  • Having specific server forums would also allow players to more easily create individual server events, increasing player interaction.


I am trying to grasp this idea of "We want to add these new forums. We will just add them later." If you know you want them. If you are saying it WILL happen. If it takes little to no time to accomplish it. If it costs nearly nothing to create (save the cost of the person who spent that minute putting them all up). What is the purpose of dragging your feet??? It just baffles me.


***Note: Personally don't care about individual server forums, just severely dislike the proverbial feet dragging when its not at all necessary.

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As some of the other folks have stated, we do have plans to introduce individual server forum after automatic transfers. I don't have an update on when the automatic transfers will happen, but it is definitely in our plans for the forums to create individual server forums!


Why does it have to wait that long? Its a real hinderence for trying to recruit outside of spamming in Fleet. Leave the generic forums for the locked servers and make forums for the rest of the servers already.

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So let me get this straight. We get a fan site forum, something that no one ever even bothered to think about but we can't get Server forums for each server? Something we have been asking for since Beta???? Does anyone else see the issue here or am I just asking for too much. We have less then 20 servers across the game and we can't even get individual server forums? You need to step it up Bioware.


I bet the fan forum will be what they open for non subbing FTP players. They are just setting up the infrastructure for the change.

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As some of the other folks have stated, we do have plans to introduce individual server forum after automatic transfers. I don't have an update on when the automatic transfers will happen, but it is definitely in our plans for the forums to create individual server forums!


I'm glad you think you guys can just take your time with everything. First you said you'd be putting out content so fast that you would justify a monthly sub. . .and now you're saying that when it hits Free to Play you're going to be releasing content even fast than you had planned to before.


How are we supposed to believe this when you can't even do Forced Transfers, Paid Transfers, or give us Server Forums. Its pretty sad to think this game is run by 2 people left in the company. . .but it's sure what it feels like.

Edited by FourTwent
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Your webmaster can literally set up individual server forums on Monday in like 15-30 min (a realistic amount of time). Good lord, if this is any indication of how long it takes you folks to make new ingame content, we're screwed lol.
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Not going to let this die. We have been asking for Server forums since day 1. We have less then 30 servers across the US Europe and Asia-Pacific. You keep saying your going to add them after the server merg yet its months after the fact and we have yet to get any server forums. It would take less then 1 hour to create server forums. In fact your current way of organizing "servers forums" has more sub forums then we would have if we had individual server forums for the servers that are currently not locked. These locked servers are basically a big waste of space seeing the the population can only get smaller on said servers. I can not think of 1 MMO that has multiple servers that does not have individual server forums. This is a joke.
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As some of the other folks have stated, we do have plans to introduce individual server forum after automatic transfers. I don't have an update on when the automatic transfers will happen, but it is definitely in our plans for the forums to create individual server forums!


Glad to hear Server Forums are on the way. This was really necessary from the start.


Hopefully you guys won't moderate them with an iron fist like you did the Server Threads. Let people have some fun, especially the PvP servers.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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