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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) A reason to push to a Legacy Level beyond 25. For a game that pushes for it's player base to level alts and raise their Legacy Level, literally half of the system does nothing. It appears (since there are no specifics given, appearance and conjecture is all we have) that any perks that would have been placed in the Legacy system are going to be sold via the Cartel Points system.

I sincerely hope this isn't the case, but if it *is* then at least add a cost-reduction system tied to a higher Legacy Level. I know the Devs have a phobia regarding inflation, but as it stands the current system only has so many cash sinks anyway. Those that exist aren't going to really draw down the wealth of those who heavily farm credits anyway (and likely have the high Legacy Levels).


2) Ability to at least modify the color scheme of our armor sets independent of whatever the chest piece originally was. There already seems to be a variable tied to each chest piece that notes what it's primary and secondary colors are (the value that each other piece looks at when you set their color to the chest). Allowing players to manually set those values (even if we can only set the chest's values and tie the others to that) would go a long way.


3) A constant Test Server that allows every patch, even bug-fixes, to be tested by a segment of the player base before they are launched. I have respect for every QA team, but there have been a recent history of very large and obvious bugs making it past the team (the recent problem involving the 3rd boss in EC is the most obvious in recent memory). Any extra effort to set up and monitor the test server shouldn't be too much greater than the weekly effort to correct each buggy patch released.

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I want to keep mine easy(ish) to implement.


1) Primary/secondary color control. They've implemented the "match to chest feature", and it matches off of what seems to be 2 colors off the chest in question. 2 simple sliders to change these colors, will add a lot to customization. :cool:


2) New Companion customizations. Even race changes on some companions. Is there a reason that boot lick Quinn can't be Chiss? Or for Andronikos to be Mirialan. Some companions couldn't change very easily. Vette mentions being Twilek a few times, etc. Just an idea though for the ones that don't mention their own race.


3) New races. Obviously this is something many people have said. Just add a race that has all/most of the assets already available as companion models, and fill in the gaps. Togruta, Mon Calamari, Devaronian, any standard speaking races.

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1. More Legacy wide perks/gear (Less character only perks and bind on pick up gear)

2. More events like the Rakghoul event

3. A way to queue for specific Warzones ( I don't care if I have to wait in queue longer, I just hate Hutball)

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1. Togruta playable species (more species in general)


2. More customization options, for example expertise crystals in every single color purchaseable with comms. Increased variety of armors with less cost for swapping mods.


3. More pvp options such as cross server queueing, option to select which WZ to play solo queue ranked matches, more maps etc.

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I only PvP so...

1. Same pvp offhand for EVERYONE (same expertise as mainhand, same stats as mainhand, ability to remod like mara/sent/merc/gunslinger).

2. Solo Ranked PvP queue (no premades whatsoever - normal comms as reward, minimum expertise to queue for solo ranked).

3. Cross-server pvp (team ranked/solo ranked).

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1. Hair with hoods. I realize this is NOT an easy fix due to clipping, but with my head/hair combination, when my hair suddenly disappears when a hood goes up, I look absolutely ridiculous with a gigantic cranium, that I just can't take seriously. I cringe every time my character looks up in a cinematic. If there is ANY way to fix this, please do so; it's gotten to the point where I refuse to wear a hood without a mask.


2. Lower mod-removal costs. I'm sorry, but it's exorbitant and breaks the bank every single time.


3. Another female companion for Inquisitors. I love Ashara, but... Dark Side romanceable female? Or maybe a way to make Ashara fully Dark Sided in a story update? Actually, the latter would be preferable to the former.



Zash does NOT count!


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1. Cross-server PvP & Group Finder tools


2. The option to omit certain PvP games from your queue such as Huttball (I'm fine with ranked remaining random, I just hate landing in this god forsaken game in normal queuing).


3. Dynamic World events, even including PvP. What I think would be nice to see is that these "contested planets" as they're listed at times become a hotzone, which means that a zone invasion event begins, let's just say for Alderaan as an example. NPC imperials begin to attack certain Republic points, prompting Imperials to join the fight ala PvP. Imps have a given time to capture all the points and by doing so maybe secure "resource X" for their faction, gaining a faction-wide buff for XP and Warzone gains, same applies to Republic if they win and repel the attack.


These events could happen periodically and only the winner gets that buff, and let's say control of a certain point somewhere that offers certain items, or maybe even just access to a new flashpoint. The details could be worked out on that later.


Number 3 is ambitious, but hey, it's something that could lead to some fun content. I could go on with suggested improvements and about that idea but you get the jist of it. So, there's 3 anyway.

Edited by Kratuk
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Trying to be as realistic as possible here, a lot of these lists seem very far fetched.


1) Re working of Ilum and outlaws den into a world pvp zones that work.

2) Being able to replay your class story at level 50 to be able to experience the story in a more cohesive manner as well as not having to start a new character to replay your story.

3) Hopefully in some sort of big expansion, awesome open world 3D space combat. This may seem to be impossible as it would take a ton of work but hopefully it can happen.


also barber shop plz!!! :D

Edited by Jemfisto
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Here are mine:


1. An option to enable Chat Bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat in addition to the chat window.

2. Being able to sit on all chairs.

3. A /liedown emote with proper animation (like if you lying down to rest) that allows you to lay down until you move.

Edited by Glzmo
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1) Transfers to other servers. I have a 50 stuck on Drooga's as part of free transfers, but I elected to play another destination server (Ebon Hawk). It's annoying I can't get all my characters on 1 server. There is no fundamental difference in leveling up on a PVE or RP-PVE server.

2) Appearance slots, or enhancement to be able to convert any piece of gear to orange. Orange gear, Adaptive Armor, and color matching are all steps in the right direction. But there's still some looks that can only be accomplished with gimped gear or don't have an orange equivalent.

3) Remove class restrictions from gear. It's very annoying not to be able to gear companions with something limited to 'Sith Warrior', even if the companion is portrayed as a Sith Warrior in game!.

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Here are mine:

3. A /liedown emote with proper animation that allows you to lay down until you move.


They did have one in beta...but it was creepy. I looked like the seductive dad in Snuggie commercials, not like a resting trooper.

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1. i would like to see this game compete with WoW and all other MMO's in every way and do better. ( example: ops need changing mechanics from SM to HM/NMM, achievments so when your done with ops there is something to go back to them and do, pvp needs more plain and simple, flying mounts, mini games, world events that last for a month and happen almost every month, space combat i think there is enough threads on this so read them, and more.)


2. When problems come up like lag/frame rate issues, gear not showing right on toon, ppl not getting there coms when there suppose to, or any other thing that makes the forums blow up and mass tickets coming in need to be taken care or right away not days, weeks, or months later. Or atleast daily updates so we know your working on it and some kind of time frame for when it will be done.


3. U should bow your heads in forgiveness to George Lucas for not living up to the star wars name this game should have done nothing less then become the top MMO in the world.

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1. Companion gear customization (unify to chest, hide helm, remove many of the class restrictions from armors or assign a class to each companion)

2. Ability to have a full party of companions while leveling

3. New game plus. Restart class story with all instanced content scaled for level 50.

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1. All Codex entries fixed, de-glitched, and available for ALL classes. Not requiring you to have to get some with a specific class as your group leader. Having a collection that you can't collect all of is pointless to even have in the game.


2. Group Finder Que for Dailies, Weeklies, World Bosses, and Vehicle missions.


3. Keep set bonus if you transfer mods to other armor, because ALL Rataka, Columni gear is bloody ugly. So is alot of the PVP gear.


Plus :


1. Color customization (dye) on all armor and a match scheme for companions. My FIRST complaint about this game, and it's STILL not been added.


2. Ship customization/decoration as well as your own living place on your capital world that you can customize/decorate. Such as a cabinet that displays all your rewards and titles you have earned. (think Fallout 3's apartment)


3. Continuation of romance with whom you marry as well as new added storyline content often.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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1) Lock the crafting windows to the last screen and settings. What I mean by that is:

If I select level 4 UT missions, I don't want it to reset to level 6 every time.

If I want to craft level 15 light armor, I don't want to scroll all the way down every time AND reset to sort by level.


2) color customization on all armor and a match scheme for companions.


3) the ability to preview what a weapon would look like before we purchase it (like how we can with armor)



4) a way to narrow weapons/armor/etc schematics by their actual level and rarity (blues & oranges) on the gtn

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1. More customisation:- Ship interior/exteriors and armour dyes.


2. More playable races beyond Cathar. These could be linked to the higher legacy levels for those who ground those out. This would give others something to aim for. There are plenty of other races in the game who have spoken basic as well as their own language - Nautolans, Togruta etc. There may well be issues with equipment for some of these races with regards to helmets. I think it would be better to have these races with the option to display helmets disabled rather than not to include them.


3. 1 or 2 more classes as 4 isn't very many. How about Imperial Trooper (emp)/Mercenary (rep) or SIS Agent (rep)/ Pirate (emp) or Imperial Pilot (emp)/Republic Pilot (rep)

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1. Mod extraction costs eliminated. Not reduced. Gone.


2. Encouraging and offering incentives for world PvP. Get us out of the WZs and into the world.


3. Atmospheric flight and 3D space flight with new customizable ships aka Jump to Lightspeed.


I know you said 3, but my fourth is one I would really like to see:


4. Advanced class respecs to whatever class you want. Or at the least to the other side of your AC (Shadow to Sage, Sentinel to Guardian etc.). First one is free. After that, make them once a month and cost 1 mil credits so you won't have people changing every 5 seconds to something else.


these are the things that will keep me as a satisfied customer.

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