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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Legacy bank for credits, unused planet comms, and items to share with alts.

2. Server transfers to any server.

3. Name changes.



Other issues that I'd love to see implemented/fixed:

1. Fix the ghetto booty caused from a number of jedi robes.

2. Guild ships.

3. Friends list to work off of legacy rather than specific characters.

4. Shorter respawn timers for mission items.

Edited by Wessly
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  1. Jump to lightspeed / Xwing vs Tiefighter Space combat

    Including fully modifiable ships. Capital ships for guilds and reasons to use these.

    eg battles with other guilds, needs at least one of each crafting type to build/upgrade/repair the capital ships


  2. Multi Spec

    Dual spec for PvE (eg Jug tank or Jug DPS) & PvP spec. including for all of these gear swap (id like this to not use current inventory space so a gear sets tab also


  3. Real content updates

    Class & world Story (
    not that bothered if it does not increase level cap
    ), Operations, Warzones, flashpoints. Make it all as multi player as possible make me want to do stuff with my friends or others

    PUT the massively multi player back in :) we all love KOTOR but this is supposed to be an MMO

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1. Space exploration really needs to be vastly expanded on very disappointed of current system! Think there should be a system put in place that guild's can create there own fleet type battle group starting off of course small to having a imperial/ republic star ships. Which can roam freely in a very large 3d space area travel to other planets maybe settle there to build a city were it could be raided by opposite fraction's if they can get pass your fleet first! Not to mention personal ships in space combat were those ship stat's actually worth something. This concept can be expanded upon its a general opinion in nature but believe you have to put allot of effort into.


2. Customization there isn't enough the concept of mod's of gear is great idea should not be limited in just social gear think all gear should be modable so you can make you character look the way you want it to look like not guided by stat's of maybe a piece of gear you find not so attractive click slide over the mods to something you do feel looks good still having to earn those stat upgrades!


3 Immersion the feeling is just not there sure the story for when your leveling is fun but once your done it feels like well what know!

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1. Threat meter of some type. I'd even take a simple name coloring with a dps/tank toggle.


2. Debuff/Buff customization. Is that DoT about to expire mine or the one of the other 4 sorcs in the raid?


3. Easier way to manage items across alts. Legacy bank tab would be killer.

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1) Defensive rates being effective against all attack types (give Sorc/Sage a buff in their Force accuracy in order to not let them behind)


2) A crafting materials dedicated part in the closet, which could placed between Mission items and comms. (crafting materials take so much place in the closet when leveling and crafting in parallel, unused material take also too much place in the bank - also very boring when there is no place in the closet when reverse engeenering = materials lost)


3) Allow offensive and defensive targetting at the same time. (Would allow tanks to switch guard swapping/attacking and healers to switch attacking/healing more efficiently)


4) (I know 4th of 3 is bad) More attractive techstaves/electrostaves (they should have some lightnenings or glowing effect when drawed instead of being inert - Shadow/Assassin's abilities should be able to use with electrostaves and not only double-bladed lightsaber - give Qyzen the ability to use Techstaves, his first weapon looks like a stave and was cool but now I'm frustrated to see him use a blade instead)

Edited by Altheran
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1. Mouse Over Casting: this is a staple for healers in MMOs, especially in group content, this should have been in at launch, this was brought up at the guild summit as well.


2. Through Casting/ Target of Target Casting: as a healer i should be able to target the boss and cast a heal on the bosses target, or target the tank and cast a dot on the boss, again this is a staple of MMOs


3. Ready Check: really... why is this STILL not in game.... should have been at launch, brought up at guild summit, very annoying in group play, staple of MMOs

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Awesome thread idea. :)


1. Improved character creation and character recustomization service. And remember, quality over quantity! This is probably my biggest let down in this game and it is not even funny how many leagues ahead of TOR the other games I am interested in are in this area. For smaller and basic customization, this should be offered in-game for credits, while the cash shop should sell full recustomization and exclusive customization options for cartel coins.


2. More modable gear that looks good. Let my characters (of BOTH genders) show a bit of skin tastefully, and wear attractive colors like royal blue, emerald green, and pastel pink. And for the love of pete, either add a hide shoulders feature or knock it off with the shoulder pads, puffy collars, and airplane wings on everything!


3. New Companion content: SGRA, new non-generic Companions (sorry HK-51, but you kinda are since you're for every class), new Companion quests.

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1. MORE CHARACTER SLOTS on a single server! (I have friends who want to start to play, and no slots with which to join them.) Consolation prize would be some sort of mentoring system where I can de-level so I can play along with them at least.


2. Ability to unify colors for companion gear and hide their helm/etc (its there for your character, so shouldnt be much add.)


3. Ability to travel to group-mates destination if its not a set planet or such. (to keep groups together on the end-of-planet class quests that occur on space stations/ships/etc. Frustrating to find a group and the have to go all different directions to do class quests alone then hope to get back together at the next planet.)

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Out of game, I would like to see Bioware give us a video developer blog that does not reveal release dates for what they are working on but rather shows us a behind the scenes look at what they are working on right now so that we can see what is coming down the pipe without making any promises about it. I think that would be awesome and I would like to see one every week, though I know that might be unrealistic. Maybe once every two or three weeks would be more practical.


I understand that there are three development teams. The blog could be rotated between these teams for each episode and would reveal only one thing that team is currently working on in each blog episode. This way we minimize the interruption of their work for the interview, but still get to have some interaction and news from the developers that would go a long way to making the community happy. This means that if they were on a once-every-two-weeks schedule for the blog each of the three teams would only have to make a blog once every six weeks - longer if the blog schedule itself is actually on a once-every-three-weeks or more schedule.


In game, I want to see:


1. More companion and NPC romance story content and other story options (i.e. new companions, unlock love interest quest lines on current companions - both OGRA and SGRA, more romance options with non-companion NPCs if you don't want to romance your companions). Bioware promised us SGR before the end of 2012 and I want to see that implemented sooner rather than later. I would rather see that before I ever lay eyes on a new droid companion I cannot romance. Don't get me wrong; I am very excited over the new droid companion, but I would rather be able to get more story with companions I already have first - especially companions I didn't get until late in the game and therefore spent less time getting to know them.


2. New playable species starting with iconic Star Wars movie and TV show species and not expanded universe species (Togruta, Nautolan, Wookiee, Kel Dor, Rodian, Mon Calamari, etc. as opposed to Cathar).


3. Ability to customize your PC more somehow after character creation, both appearance-wise and gear-wise. This could involve appearance tabs, extra "dolls", barber shops, cosmetic surgeons, or whatever in-game mechanic could be best implemented, but I want to have the option to use it - even if I have to pay for it with in-game credits (though I will not use it if I have to pay real money for it on top of my subscription fee.). This also includes expanded body types and more appearance options on the slider bars we already have, like the ability to give my chiss a beard if I so desire (unless that violates the lore somehow that I am unaware of). I hate that my human female has hair style options unavailable to my chiss or miraluka characters. It just doesn't make sense to me beyond being a software limitaion issue.

Edited by TaoAlchemist
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1. Fire through target to target's target. As a healer in Lotro, this is a great benefit, allowing me to throw a hit in among the heals if we need a quick dps boost. (You could disable in warzones if the concern is that it would leave an imbalance in PVP. )


2. Perhaps it's just something the raids i've been in haven't used, but a target assist window for the group to see who's hitting whom would also improve group gameplay.


3. In game voice chat. Would really help with pugs to be able to communicate easily.

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1) Fix the crazy well known bugs (killing the shielded droid in D7, corpses disappearing in LFG groups, the seats eating you in KION. Actually, don't fix that last one I love it)


2) More to do in Space, missions, exporations, fully controllable sequences, guild capital ships, etc.. etc..


3) Give Cybertech some love :(

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1. More questing in common areas to promote world pvp.

2. A real achievement system with titles and cosmetic pets/speeders to unlock.

3. A more user friendly way to display outfits you want, mod system is extremely clunky and cost prohibitive. Look at LotrO's cosmetic system for an example.

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1. in game voice

2. ability to increase font size of all text (big screen tv as monitor, reading anything outside of chat window is annoyingly difficult)

3. legacy wide bank

4. make mobs targetable as soon as they appear on screen instead of waiting for entrance animation to complete

5. make dialogue choices more meaningful than companion affection and DS/LS points (which is also pretty pointless)


I know, that was more than 3.

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1) Dual spec- important for people who fill in needed roles for guilds on any given night.


2) Continued Class stories


3) Legacy levels past 30 meaning something (whether reducing Perk costs or something worthwhile).


4) Legacy bank for all characters in your legacy.

Edited by Toraak
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1. 3D Space (full blown NON-RAIL SHOOTER) (NOT INSTANCED)

2. Different questing paths when leveling (running the exact same missions on every toon you level is BORING and NOT FUN....I should be able to chose different paths or even alternate planets)

3. Codex Cleanup (for us lore nerds....we are tired of bugged entries or entries that are not available to us)

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1. make all non-internal/elemental attacks shieldable


2. daily quests for open-world pvp


3. alter resolve: current format really just encourages stuns as being rotational. i think a system based on whitebarness being based on how much of the resolve bar is filled at a given instant (like above 50% resolve is white) would discourage the stun wars aspect, also staggering of extent of resolve granted by different abilities: enough for a few seconds of whitebarhood from a hard stun like dirty kick, not quite enough from a break-on-damage soft stun/mez (whirlwind, flashbang, tranq), even less than that from knockbacks and pulls (overload, grapple) and just a little bit from roots-not being able to move ones character in an environment as dynamic as pvp absolutely entails 'losing control', albeit to a lesser extent than a stun.

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#1 Space. It needs to be completely redone with free roaming 3d space where players can actually bump into eachother in space and group to blow stuff up together or even pvp if they see an enemy. Please put in guild ships guild v guild pvp in those ships. Please put in space operations that involve using a guild capital ship and guild fighters where your group works together in fighters, turrets, steering the main ship to disable an enemy ship and then board it to continue the operation inside clearing deck by deck killing a boss per deck until you take over the bridge and loot the ship of all its spoils. Heck add in options to salvage ships or enemies you defeat in space so you can find upgrades for your ship. Add in pvp space warzones with ships etc you could have multiple phased pvp warzone with that...it could start on the outside with space combat then phase 2 could be boarding eachothers ships kind of like the voidstar only you fight to get to the bridge and take the opposing teams ship over. The point is there is so much potential with space you need to stop treating space as a minigame and start using it as a main resource that can expand your game into the future and make it unique.

#2 World pvp needs to be reborn. Please make it worth killing someone from the opposing faction in any world encounter on any planet...please open up opposing worlds and ships to attacks and raids from opposing factions! Fix Ilum so we can actually have large scale pvp there again with a purpose...I hate to say it you might have to add in an option to conquer the pvp zone in order to open up a pve raid...I know its been done before but hey its still fun. Please give us some world bosses to fight over instead of having to summon from a stone every 2 hours or wait for insane respawn timers have them up all the time with lockouts for those who have already killed him just like you have with nightmare pilgrim. Promotes world pvp if factions are fighting over the control of a boss spawn point.

#3 Better and more endgame. a 4 boss operation thats only challenge involves lag spikes and bugs does not fun content make. Can you actually test your stuff so it doesnt break and so we can play it the way its supposed to? Could you add more bosses per operation? I know you guys want operations that can be cleared in 1 night in say 3 or 4 hours max, but we need more challenges. I would rather see more unique bossfights in an operation than only 4 with a TON of trash to clear or skip in between. Please more bosses less trash and make the fights more challenging. Storymode you can keep easy for all the casuals that play this game but your remaining hardcore guilds want a challenge.

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1) real target forwarding (i can click on a group mate and still dps what they are hitting w/out changing targets)


2) more mini content: side games like fishing, speeder racing, anything NOT repeatable quests. Bored players will leave!


3) options to change armor colors to whatever we want!! So tired of looking like half the other players!

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1. More and -different- space content

2. Additions to encourage world PvP, such as rewards, removal of current restrictive features, or perhaps a server-wide PvP channel.

3. More guild features; a guild house/ship, a guild emblem, an overall guild rank, guild rewards, etc.

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