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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) Allow my inquisitor to wear his hood AND his mask at the same time.

2) Hutts as new playable race (one can dream, can't one?)

3) Less restrictions on social gear so I am able to change my style without the need to play "the Esseles" or "Black Talon" 24.000 times.

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1. Alterac Valley and Wintergrasp style PVP.

(In the meantime, now that there are actually people on servers turn the Ilum weeklies back on.)


2. Shared Legacy credits and 'bank' for storing and trading items.


3. Reduce load times / travel time (door + load + ship + load + exit ship + load + airlock + load + orbital station + load + planet)

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3. Reduce load times / travel time (door + load + ship + load + exit ship + load + airlock + load + orbital station + load + planet)


Amen, the game has too many time sinks related to travel as it is. Time sinks and credit sinks need to get reduced all around.

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  1. Ability to reverse engineer ANY item for Schematics.
    Loot and extracted Mods/Armor/Enhancements/Crystals/Hilts from gear that covers everything up thru Campaign. We can RE Black Hole Implants/Ear/Enhance/Mods, but nothin below it for Schems? (Tionese, Columi, Rakata)
  2. Decreased LOAD times with less steps.
    If I'm going to fleet, then let me pick fleet like several of the fleet ships spread out on planets. Trying to goto Belsavis, Hoth and other planets with the requirement to hit the Ship > Oribiting space station > Base is a drain on load and play time. I paid for Black Hole direct load and that was brilliant! Thank you - do more like that as it increases play time and frustration with load steps/time. :)
  3. Anything Bound is Bound to Legacy only.
    Including those Rakata Bracers you can make and Sashs, etc. At a minimum you should be able to shuffle gear between your ALT's and those Schematic drops as well loot drops from bosses you can't use on the character that picked it up. (Like Rakata Mainhand for Sniper that you picked up with your Tank during an EV HM run. - Should be able to mail over to my ALT that can use).

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  1. Great Appearance Customization: What's the point in letting me unlock extra creation options for a race if I can't actually apply them to the character I unlocked them with? Maybe I find I want body 3 or body 4 instead of body 2 after playing a bit. Maybe I'd like colours of my armor to look different then the main body armor. Perhaps I'd like to wear certain armor without losing all the bonuses of wearing my PVP armor set.
  2. Armor that's designed for combat, and with SW in mind: AKA, no skirts on dude with two lightsabers....seriously, you'd trip over in that thing
  3. Better Animations: Battle Forms should have different animations, and for the love of all that is holy, please change the jumping animation to be more fluid. Jedi's backflip, roll and carwheel around when dodging/jumping. They don't jump up and down stiffly like they have a carrot up their backside. Also if I'm in Juyo form my character should take a Juyo form combat stance, forms have different stances and movements for attacks. This needs vast improvement, its not Star Wars without epic athletic fight scenes. Also what the heck is with the Marauder using one lightsaber in all the Sith Warrior cutscene's when he has two available to him...its strange and weird.

Edited by Selvec
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1. Cost reduction of moving level 50 mods (30k per mod is WAY to much).

2. Better protection against mount knock-off.

3. A quick travel to ship.


4. A more pronounced audio warning for a group finder pop.

Edited by Erikusz
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1. New endgame PvE content - HM Terror, NiM EC. Trust me BW, this is rather important.

2. Consider modifying the combat system. TERA and GW2 both use a more dynamic combat system than the one here. Perhaps adding new abilities when you raise the level cap that can interact with each other (example: if you bleed and poison someone they get a merged debuff - "sepsis.")

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3D space (with reasones to go up there)


Character customization (obviously)


Player housing (expanded storage)


All three of these things should have been inplace from the beginning. This game is way too fixated on the single player experience to be an mmo. It has no sense of community. Everyone looks the same. There's no place to go and call your own within the game. I have 4 toons and have yet to talk to a single other player. It's not an mmo. There is a reason I payed $15 a month for 3 years for SWG even though I had nothing much to do anymore gamewise.



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I just personally want to thank everyone that has given feedback. I have read them and I hope Bioware continues to as well and will also give us feedback. There are a ton of great ideas that have alot of thought behind them. This is a great resources to see what your clients/subbcribers would like to see changed, added or fixed. Kudos to you all!! See ya in the game.



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1. The ability to join back to a Rated Warzone after DC

2. The ability to see how many teams are queueing for Rated Warzone (So you know if you can get a match or not)

3. A PvP section added to the fleet (another ship perhaps) where players could duel and socialize


Bonus: Solo Queue (Normal Warzones) separated by Group Queue (teams of 2, 3, and 4 players),

and the ability to choose the warzone at least in Solo Queue.




1. Add a Legacy trait, that will unlock all visited Taxi points to all characters (on the same faction ofc). This way, people would be more likely to go through all the stories, as you wouldn't have to travel hundreds of hours of terrain you have already gone through, each and every time.

2. Add a legacy trait, that will give all the characters the discovered Datacorn bonuses. Again, finding Datacorns on your own is fun, but there is no point in forcing players to redo them (They will just feel like a grind, done with the help of youtube/google)

3. Focus more on exploring, than the boring 'here's a camp, take the quests, do them, and move on to the next camp'. More quests on the roads and explorable areas (in future content).


Bonus: Force using compaion(s) for non-force users :p

Edited by SneiK
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Companion Skill Tree


i think that companions should have a skill tree simular to the players character and skill points are give every level you reach starting from lvl 10 and each companion gets one skill point each lvl.


the skill tree should consist of the following:


Crew Kill, Mission Skills and Combat Skills


Crew Skill tree will give the Companion skills in the crafting ability that the player has chosen, whether it be Artifice or Armstech etc. These skills will give plus points towards what they graft. e.g one skill

might give the companion a +1 chance of increasing the chance of a scematic being make from the item crafted.


Mission Skills tree will give the companions skills when sent on missions, the skills may give the compaion a greater chance at returning with more of the item you need, e.g the higher the companion skill in archiology

the more chance that the companion will return with 10+ color or power crystals.


Combat Skills, these skills are there to aid you in combat, skills could be that they increase your weapon damange when in combat with you, they heal you better in combat, they have the ability to create a shield around you for 30 sec once your health reachs 50% also skill towards their own weapon use from damage to aiming.

Their skill could also be added to their UI so that a special ability can be used by the player e.g one skill could be that the player can send out his companion in stealth mode to stun an enemy and or to keeping an enemy busy therefore keeping an elite off you.

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1. Fix DPS consular class. It's very mediocre DPS at best. It's BS when a ranged DPS can hit for 4K at low level and not even geared. It's the only class I play and I will be unsubbing if it's not fixed soon. :mad: Do something BW and I don't want to hear about how wonderful the burst damage can be. There is no such thing with interrupts. IF the shadow does not have enough armor to deal with any other class, then I should be able to put down enough damage actually finish the fight. Right now I can't even run and come back since the cool downs are too long. :mad::mad::mad::mad: PvP players do not tell me how it's not true. Taking down noobs in your fully maxed PvP gear is not a test of the class.


2. Lower the removal of mod costs and repair cost.


3. Lower the difficulty of dailies. They take long enough already so please make it so a fully leveled character can make waste of the NPCs. I don't feel heroic at all with fully geared black hole. :p

Edited by Innocences
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1 - changed: - The character creation process. It's horribly simple with very few choices overall and i felt it was a huge letdown. I just want more choices with what we can add to our characters, makeup, jewelry, tattoos, piercings, signature emblems, hats, scarves, anything that people can play around with.


2 - Fixed: - speaking for pvp here,I would like to see resolve and expertise gone


3 - Added: - Ability to add modifications / upgrades to our speeders. for example an upgrade that allows materials. trash ect to be "sucked up" by the speeder when over the object. This would be a welcome feature for myself and many other gatherers that are probably sick of jumping on and off their speeder every time they want to pick something up.

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Here are a few things:


1. When another race is brought in, phase out the cyborgs as a standalone race selection and make cybernetics an option for every race. Right now the cyborgs are too human to really be a different race. Another option would be to have cyborg be a 'sub-racial' choice for every race at character creation. There would then be technically 8 races but only 4 different base races. Each race would have a toggle to be a cyborg or not, which would change a few things up (like racial abilities). Chiss cyborg would be great.


2. Add a bounty system for all players. It should also have a decaying renown/karma system attached. The renown could be something that relates to traitorous and loyal actions against your faction. You could betray your faction or stay loyal, depending on the faction of the bounties you take.


There would be some sort of faction spread throughout the galaxy (e.g. mandalorian clan-hutt conglomerate) posting these bounties (from unknown republic/empire employers) and eventual rewards like sliced GTN credit chips (large balances) and premium content(ship housing upgrades/new companions/mount/rare custom gear/titles/etc.) Players would be given a number of randomized bounties on every planet by this faction.


Players would have the choice to take bounties on Republic or Imperial NPC from this conglomerate faction. These quests would reward the player with a renown increase/decrease and credits/random rewards. The faction of the NPC you killed would place a bounty on the player's head and make you bounty-flagged to all other players. It'd give you a bounty status, similar to being PVP flagged, which disappears when your bounty is collected (you are killed - No one could just log out and wait out a timer). Players who collect on bounty-flagged players would get a decent renown gain in the direction they are leaning (loyal/traitor).


Players with traitorous renown and an active bounty could be collected by both factions, so you'd be hunted by Republic and Imperial players. The traitorous rewards would be possibly a bit more attractive than their safer loyalist counterparts but you'd need to risk that increased PVP to get the rewards. Some players may prefer to RP loyalist and not worry as much about rewards.


Every daily/weekly NPC would be scaled to the player's level (much like the recent event bosses) so it'd bring players of every level to some lower level planets.


e.g. Renown Scale:

+1000 Loyal


- Neutral (Starting Point)


+1000 Traitor

Edited by RAZIMx
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I agree with number 2 and 3 although for #1 I would have to say add a Haircut/Tattoo/Cybernetics vendor (Barber Shop)! I want to change my hair, beard, and tattoo! :rak_03:


I would just like player conversations with their companions actually mean something and show a difference. It would be aweosme to be able to turn Vette dark, turn Kaliyo light and so on. And actually have their personalities reflect it.


Implement an influence bar in which you can "debate" with your companions of their ideals and views. Companion affection can also tie in on how you can persuade them to see it from your point of view and such. :D

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1. bigger worlds. Some of the worlds are basicly just a city. Even a big map like tatooine feels more like part of a planet than the whole thing. Maybe it´s the lack of an ocean, i dunno.


2. smoother traveling. Could be via a fleet taxi. The fleet taxi would fly you to any planet spaceport bypassing the ship loading and the orbital station. Also reduce the loadingtimes of the planets plz.


3. more silly items. I dont know how it would work lorewise, but naming a few wow items that might work. Picknick basket, beerkeg, paperzeppelin, pumpkin head. I think they would work, with some starwarification.

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1. I feel segrigated from the Imperials as far as generally walking around planets. May be slightly different on PvP servers but I'd like a more open world existance.


2. Chairs


3. Chat bubbles

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more silly items. I dont know how it would work lorewise, but naming a few wow items that might work. Picknick basket, beerkeg, paperzeppelin, pumpkin head. I think they would work, with some starwarification.



I LOL'ed hard, i remember the Picnic basket, lool...big orcs and taurens with that s..t in Org, lol...was horrible

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