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6 Weeks for new Content!


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If they are gonna copy The Secret World's content plan, new content every 6 weeks. they they should also take a hint and copy from them the fact that they blog what is going to be in the next content patch right after they push out the patch.


Bioware has lost my trust when they say 'more content, and sooner then the last time' because so far they havent kept that promise.


a one week limited time event is not content in my opinion

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welll gee i know that they ran this game that i love into the ground and they keep toyin with our emotions with small videos of upcoming content .... content is takin way to long to be rolled out into the game there is no end game content its all a grind fest for armor/gear to do the ops/flashpoints ..


instead of beatin on my issue you as a player in the community should be standin tall with us other paid sub's unless you *****ed out and left already and are just trolling.


look this game can still be something to hold onto they just need to dump some serious content onto us thats what we have been settin our hair on fire for the past 5 months and longer for ...there's only so many times ya can run the same daily missions over and over and space missions and the same ops/fp's there is no brass ring there is nothing to find after lvl 50 to do right now alot of the lvl 50 content is just being used as a chat service to be social with there guild and friends ...


there is alot of heavy games about to drop soon and swtor will bea ghost town if they dont get off there arse and give us CONTENT


Please list examples of ANY MMO that has released content on a weekly basis.......


Would I like more content? Sure who wouldn't.... But to be fair Bioware has released content as fast as any other MMO out there with maybe the exception of Rift, but then again most of Rift's new content is just the same content with different skins on the mobs...

Edited by Monoth
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You mad about every 6 weeks?? It's been 5 months since they've had new content now!


And look where the game is...going F2P and 4 of 5 people who have bought it, have quit. 80% of the people who paid for this, don't like it.


Yeah...every 6 weeks is pathetically slow for a game with so little content. Do you REALLY think a new Warzone...a tiny little box, should honestly take 24 weeks to develop?! Because that's what it'll be...every 6 weeks an event, Operation, WZ or FP...they may even toss space in there, stretching the build times to 30 weeks. OVER 6 months between updates for any specific area is TERRIBLE!!!!

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your devs need to be workin around the clock eat sleep and work at there desk i dont care if they lose there homes and familes but content that should have already been in game will finally be in the damm game ...


Yes, this is totally reasonable. How dare those devs put their own families and lives above your enjoyment of a video game. That $15 a week that you pay is totally worth forcing someone to ruin their lives to make you smile for five minutes.

Bioware should ignore people like you.

I can only hope that you're one of the hordes of entitled teenagers and that someday you might grow out of it. But I don't have much hope. I suspect you are just selfish and tragically uneducated about software and gaming.

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Hold on, every Tuesday? You expect them to code, test and implement new content every Tuesday? Are these Bioware drones ever supposed to sleep or see their families or their friends? When exactly are they supposed to eat or take part in their own hobbies? Remember these people are people just like you and I. They can't work day and night all hours until they drop. I find it hard to believe you'd be okay if your boss demanded you produce months worth of work every single week.

To be fair, if they started with small things now, tested them for a few weeks and then implemented one thing a week, it'd be possible.


That's also completely moronic.

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Yes, this is totally reasonable. How dare those devs put their own families and lives above your enjoyment of a video game. That $15 a week that you pay is totally worth forcing someone to ruin their lives to make you smile for five minutes.

Bioware should ignore people like you.

I can only hope that you're one of the hordes of entitled teenagers and that someday you might grow out of it. But I don't have much hope. I suspect you are just selfish and tragically uneducated about software and gaming.


^ Even I agree with this. That was way to far saying that they needed to be chained to their desks and not allowed to go home, actually that is slavery.

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You must be new to the genre, the genre lives and breathes on hype, trolls, blogs, fanbois, hyperbole, and e-thug forum warriors. Quality has little to do with or WoW would have died a massive death in 2005 ....welcome to mmo's, enjoy your stay.


Sorry but Im not new to the genre. Ive been playing MMOs since EQ1 was in beta. For me the genre lives and breathes on whether it is good, if it keeps me entertained, if it continues to produce quality content, if I actually feel like im part of the world, if I still have fun. Quality has everything to do with it. If everything you were saying was true then their wouldnt be certain MMOs that I played for 5 years and certain ones that I played for 1 month to 8 months.

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Had they not had to make the changes that were caused by the impatient "experts" on gaming that bailed before the game got out of the gate, they would have had the ability to focus on the original game plan and done exactly as stated. They swamped the game, swamped the boards complaining about queue times. Severs were expanded, leaving a rift as those same complainers bailed. There was no lie, the same fan base that is complaining about it are basically the one's that caused it.


Thats no excuese. They have a huge staff (or had). Its not like everyone on the staff worked on opening servers or merging them

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