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No content to counter GW2 launch?


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Hey, a year ago, SWTOR was that.


And exactly... People will play this game again in a few weeks when they are disappointed and realize that GW2 was over-hyped like EVERY OTHER MMO IS.


yeah? and what if gw2 is better or at least good enough not to leave behind what you built there?

Edited by vandana_
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Hey, a year ago, SWTOR was that.


And exactly... People will play this game again in a few weeks when they are disappointed and realize that GW2 was over-hyped like EVERY OTHER MMO IS.


Pretty much. I think GW2 is the last of the big releases for the year, so people will start to recycle back through the MMOs, while demanding a paradigm shifting new MMO rescue them (even though most are not sincere in their demand). Though I guess for some Pandaria will get a short cycle resub going for WoW. And frankly SWTOR and GW2 can coexist nicely since they do not compete economically, and economics seems to be a big hot button for a lot of players. People can play both, and many will.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm as disappointed as anybody with this last event and the pace of new content coming out...but BW did say the new op is coming next month, followed by everything else you listed, although you did miss Makeb.


The real question is if that is enough to keep a significant number of people from moving on, which I doubt at this point. Over half of my raid group, and 30-40% of my guild, is planning to be playing "something else" next week. From other reports I've heard from other guilds, in these forums or in game, I've found no evidence that those numbers are unique.


Last night may have been my guilds last raid; about half the people had re-started their WoW accounts before last night and we had a Resurrection scroll frenzy after the raid because we figure for our next raid we may as well do something different than farm EC HM again; a little something to tide us over until GW2

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Am I the only one who has liked the content they have provided?


Your not the only one :) Plenty of peeps enjoy it, they just don't come to the forums everyday to broadcast it as much as those who are frustrated come to the forums to constantly whine about it. not that the whining's bad, but that's simply the truth. frustrated people voice their opinions far more often then satisfied people do.


On the OP...they did release things. many things. a week long event with nice rewards (even if they weren't the rewards I wanted...a legacy weapon is pretty sweet. first one in the game atm.). they have a huge new patch incoming that they already told us about (why tell us a second time). f2p is coming, whether you think it's good or bad (im mixed atm). they have lots of positive changes coming to the game.


In all honesty, it just sounds like you wanted a reason to grip about the game. So they didn't put it out the EXACT same week that GW2 came out. Plus i think your over-hyping the game. GW2 will most likely go down the exact same road every other MMO has gone down. I've seen others labeled as "the most anticipated MMO of all time". It's nothign new. I've seen people blast a game verbally, and say that game "X" coming out will kill it. I've been around long enough to see this same process happen close to a half dozen times.


Im not going to judge GW2, nor am i going to elevate it to Diety-like status. I learned along time ago to not do that...it tends to ruin the game for you. so I'll be interested to see just how quickly GW2 falls, like every other MMO has. the big question is simply how far will it fall. If they do a good job...it won't fall too far. I personally hope it's a good turnout. I like SWtOR, but i also like trying new things. and most the GW2 beta didn't entice me. but SW certainly hasn't been sitting on it's behind either...they've been pumping stuff out. sounds like you just didn't want to give them credit for it.

Edited by Elyx
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How many people said swtor would kill wow? About as many as people saying GW2 will kill SWTOR.


Just an fyi anyone who says game x will kill game y are always wrong so listening to them is a wrong decision. When people start saying that just ignore them because they have never been right before and they never will in the future.

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On the OP...they did release things. many things. a week long event with nice rewards (even if they weren't the rewards I wanted...a legacy weapon is pretty sweet. first one in the game atm.). they have a huge new patch incoming that they already told us about (why tell us a second time). f2p is coming, whether you think it's good or bad (im mixed atm). they have lots of positive changes coming to the game.


Last week's "event" was subpar by the standard they set by the Rakghoul event. The whole unlocking 6 items the first day and then releasing 1 each day after, which turned into a "who can click on the box/terminal faster" race and the speeder stealing on the last phase. The last event brough the community together and this one had people at each others throats a good portion of the time. The rewards are whatever.. not for me.. but the reward for finishing the event (a different color pet than the one we just received the week before for our transfer reward and 20 commendations and a title.. pshh.. come on now). Huge patch? What huge patch? You mean the one that is going to be split up every 6 weeks? Or are you talking about Makeb? Which was once said to be free to all of us, to only be clouded by an interview last week at GamesCon with them now "discussing" whether or not they are going to charge us for it? Yeah.. thats going to go over real well. I'm hoping they don't try to weasel out of it and say its free by making us use our "loyalty" cartel coins they are going to give us for being subscribed to pay for it.


In all honesty, it just sounds like you wanted a reason to grip about the game.


I don't "want" a reason to gripe.. I HAVE a reason to as do the rest of the player base simply by the reasons mentioned above. There are STILL bugs in the game that have been here since beta, bare bones guild functionality, and a plethora of other items to add to the list for everyone, not just myself to be upset about.



I like SWtOR, but i also like trying new things. and most the GW2 beta didn't entice me. but SW certainly hasn't been sitting on it's behind either...they've been pumping stuff out. sounds like you just didn't want to give them credit for it.


I don't know what your idea of "pumping" is, but apparently it is far different from anyone else's. Sorry if I seemed to have flamed you in any way, but I wasn't going to sit there and let you try to tell me that I didn't have a legitimate right to be upset with quality of the past event and the pace of content release going forward that has been mentioned so far.

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It doesn't matter if SWTOR had a new expansion coming next week, people are still going to try GW2 because it's new, it's hyped, it has no subscription. Heck, I'm not excited for GW2 at all but I bought it and will play it. But I'm not unsubbing and I'm still looking forward to more TOR content.
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Plus i think your over-hyping the game. GW2 will most likely go down the exact same road every other MMO has gone down. I've seen others labeled as "the most anticipated MMO of all time". It's nothign new.


It's true. GW2 is overhyped. And it really isn't anything new, just a beefed up GW1 which most of the players that purchased GW2 didn't even play. lol


There is this amusing segment of peeps (really nerds) that hype new games and flock to them, one after another. For some reason, they think it's cool to be the first to play a game, make level cap, try it out, and then critique it before they move on to the next one. They burn through games like there's no tomorrow because...well, because they're vampires and leeches contributing nothing to the world aside from troll threads and negativity. They want to find meaning in these games, and they want them to matter.


What they fail to realize is that video games and MMOs are just a place to burn some time and have fun. They are largely void of meaning and aren't cool by any stretch of the imagination. There's a reason why we don't use our real names in these things. It's not to protect our anonymity, it's to create anonymity so we don't have to admit and socially acknowledge that we play them.


but SW certainly hasn't been sitting on it's behind either...they've been pumping stuff out. sounds like you just didn't want to give them credit for it.


While I empathize with your overall post you need to come correct on the above though. BW hasn't pumped out any new content since 1.2, aside from the Scavenger Hunt (if you want to call that new content lolz). They really have been sitting on their thumbs and taking our money. But whatever...

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...eventually even die hard fans like myself are going to have a hard time convincing themselves to stick around just for the sake of it being a SW game.


I just canceled my pre-order for GW2. after what ive seen in the beta weekends and stress tests, i dont even want to play GW2 anymore.


Does more really need to be said?

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There won't be any significant content for a while, what limited remaining dev staff there is I imagine is almost fully working on the F2P changes, with maybe a couple doing another mini event.


SWTOR killed itself. GW2 had nothing to do with the 90% of the people who are already long gone.


Some top maths going on here.

Edited by Hessen
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Am I the only one who has liked the content they have provided?

No you aren't. Just trolls still who are bitter that their Tera Online was a HUGE bust and The Secret World didn't pan out etc. This will be by far the best f2p game out there. The content and storyline is by far miles ahead. I love all the planets and lately leveling alts, I have noticed a lot of new little things they added like more npc guys doing things, smoke coming out of some exhaust pipe in Hoth which I never saw before and the smoke looked pretty damn real, etc. People just except way to much since WoW which no mmo will ever come close to being (well Vanilla and BC).


Just like movies, they build this hype up and are usually disappointed. Glad I am not like those people. I just relax and play what is given to me and I love it. Plus have yet to come across this lag and yeah seen some bugs but nothing near to where how people cry. Also did all Operations and the hardest levels of them and have had nothing but fun.

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I find it amusing how some people are comparing current GW2 vs. SWTOR situation to SWTOR vs. WoW from the end of the last year. SWTOR was supposed to "kill" WoW and in the end it did not. WoW got some sub hit for sure but the long-term impact was not as big as some people predicted. It is fact that WoW lost many subs this year but it has more to do with lackluster quality of late Cataclysm content.


The difference is, when SWTOR came out, WoW was still the same old behemoth which it was since years. With over 10 million active subs. The fact that SWTOR did not managed to "kill" it was expected becouse frankly no game could possibly accomplish such feat. And what is the current state of SWTOR? Less than 1 million subs and still falling down each month. The release of F2P plan less than a year after the game went out is a clear sign of EA/Bio going into panic mode. At this stage any large release on MMO market is potentially dangerous and EA/Bio have a lot more to worry about than Blizzard had in last December.


Of course there will be many people who will remain loyal to SWTOR and will stay. Simply becouse they like it from whatever reason. And SWTOR will most likely not "die". MMO can run for years even with small few hundred thousand subs base (EVE Online being a good example). But saying that "lolololol GW2 will fail hard same as always and everyone will be back to SWTOR" sounds like playing with fire. SWTOR is in much weaker shape than WoW ever was. That is SWTOR's own fault, not anyone elses. But games like GW2 can only magnify this problem.

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Anyone get the feeling that in a few months everyones going to be saying

"LOL GW2 bring on ESO the new messiah!"


Sadly, yes, as there will always be those people that whine about everything and then hype the next big game.


I just canceled my pre-order for GW2. after what ive seen in the beta weekends and stress tests, i dont even want to play GW2 anymore.


Does more really need to be said?


To each his/her own, as I'm currently patching in hopes I can make it before today's stress test ends at 7pm EST. >.<


Uh, so for you who are trying out GW2, what could Bioware possibly announce that'd make you think twice about leaving for now anyways?


Better save whatever they have until the GW2 honeymoon ends. And it will end.


It will end, all shiny effects wear off. The question is how fast will it end for individuals? Will they enjoy the content they do find when they hit level cap? Maxing crafts, getting legendaries, getting ****** looking PvP gear?


That said, if GW2 is very balanced post launch, or tweaked quickly to make it as balanced as possible, I will not come back. SW:TOR was the first game I tried PvP in, I fell in love with PvP. Then I realized after taking a break, how stupid it is all to have all the CC this game has, and how time consuming and boring gear grind is. So lets see...


Edit to add:


  • First, they would have to fix all of the bugs that are currently plaguing the game. They would also have to not break more **** in the future. I'm not sure if they have the competence to do this. GW2, ArenaNet fixes bugs relatively quickly. They fix them right the first time.
  • I got quickly tired of the gear grind here, GW2 doesnt have that, it's pure skill. For this reason, I doubt I would come back. Unless they make some drastic changes. I'm not saying have it handed to me, but cut down in time would be nice.
  • They would have to remove all of the CC in this game. Every class doesnt need a hard stun. But they should have learned this back in Warhammer, this mentality will likely continue.
  • They would have to optimize the engine to the point were massive 100 vs 100 battles are a reality, not a dream. And, well they probably wont do that either
  • They would have to double the amount of planets to level on. Running the same content I've already done before, minus 10-15% which is story. The other 85-90%, I've been there, done that, watch the cutscene, got the gear. But they just cut their staff, they're trying to save money. I dont see them spending a few million more to do voice overs to do that...
  • They would have to add some more customization. More armors, even those that were supposedly in beta. Or give us a outfit tab. Or dyes... This they could possibly do.
  • Better class balance. Right now, I would rather stick with Deception spec for PvP, it's my kind of playstyle, but it's definitely not wanted in ranked.
  • It would also require this, without empty promises of soon. I understand exact dates cannot be given, but keep the community updated. Dont promise something, and then never mention it again unless there is a forum post about it. Also, keep communication going. Dont promise more communcation and then slowly stop communicating less and less and each day.


I'm sure I could continue, but I'll stop.


The issue is, everything I said above: No gear grind, no insane amount of CC, massive open world fights, multiple leveling areas, customization from clothing to skill choices, and from what I've been reading class balance as well; is all covered in GW2. Plus with customization of skills I can make myself viable while still playing the way I like. These are things I would like, and while I enjoyed my time in SW:TOR, it's only right to try out GW2. :)

Edited by Katsuragisama
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