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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lower the cost of War Hero and other Higher end gear.


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No way. Work for it. People that endure the grind; Reap the rewards.


I have 3500 Ranked WZ comms and 2000 WZ comms in the bank, and today I dinged level 49 (49 Valor) on my Sentinel. Going to start building up my credit pool to buy my augmentations.

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That would be a fail system as very few would actually do it.


Failed how? Because so little people are doing team ranked? Getting 8 people in full wh/augmented gear is not easy not to mention all having the right roles/classes (must/should be op classes ofc). Playing all day and losing to the same "enemy" team is no fun at all. But solo ranked should be easier. No premades sound awsome to me. Some people actually like competition. There should be a ladder anyway. Just like in starcraft/warcraft games.

Edited by Givemedanger
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This is my story, in a nice list format. :)


  1. Hit level 50, start grinding for Centurion/Champion tier.
  2. By the time I hit Valor 60, I had a ful Champion set.
  3. Worked on Battlemaster set, and then got another set since it was announced that without the original mods, you wouldnt get the expertise upgrade in 1.2.
  4. Got a full Battlemaster set, I think I was 74, so I grinded my way up to Valor 80 Conqueror cause I was still having fun.
  5. War Hero is released, and it's an even longer grind than Battlemaster was. And the pride of having Battlemaster is null and void, since now Battlemaster is easy as hell to get, with like 12,000 WZ comms total.
  6. Start grinding War Hero gear, and realize it will become just as cheap and easy to get as Battlemaster, once Champion War Hero is released.
  7. Took a break and came back two months later.
  8. Noticed all of the glaring and boring flaws of having a gear grind, stun fest PvP game.


The irony here is that you were never really facing people who out-geared you but you still felt cheated by the system and I can't blame you. Gear grinds just suck.


^This guy gets it. :)


Thanks! :cool: Now I'd say we should start working on WrykilX, but he's just so butthurt.

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the difference between you and I is that I don't think I'm entitled to the same rewards as other players who put in a greater effort....


...So stop your delusional sense of entitlement waterworks about how you should have the same rewards as another player who probably puts in twice the amount of your time and effort...






L2AnusLube <-- will mitigate butthurt


FYI, I have been playing since launch, have characters in full war hero and characters in recruit. The entry level gear gap is stupid and unfun for people trying to break into level 50 pvp (who spent the leveling process actually questing and not grinding comms). Read what you are quoting and think before making unfounded assumptions next time you post.


Edit: It's also pretty funny that you think you should win because you play more, not because you play better.

Edited by LarryRow
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No way. Work for it. People that endure the grind; Reap the rewards.


I have 3500 Ranked WZ comms and 2000 WZ comms in the bank, and today I dinged level 49 (49 Valor) on my Sentinel. Going to start building up my credit pool to buy my augmentations.


Noob. The entire point the OP was raising is that competing in 500-900 PVP matches to attain the best gear, VS full Campaign gear in under 1 week is a bit unbalanced.


Case in point - You have 3500 Ranked WZ and 2000 Comms and you just dinged 49. Congrats. 99% of the SWTOR base did that, its called pre-50 pvp.


Entering 50 pvp with your 5500 comms is not impressive when you meet 8 x War Hero 100 Valor players - this is too unbalanced, and taking 500-900 PVP matches to earn 14 pieces of gear is a bit much.

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I like how people that are fully geared say to earn it and put in your time blah blah. Thats garbage and doesnt help the future of this game. The games going F2p. Obviously the system didnt work.


In 6 days this game is about to take possibly its biggest exodus yet. Why make possible new players not have fun sooner in PvP ??


I say lower the costs. The only people who dont want this are the people who need the edge.

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To the Original Poster:


It takes less time than that. You are not including the daily and weekly. Dailies earn you 100 Rated comms (that's 700 a week), and the weekly earns you another 300. Do those, and you get 1,000 rated comms a week from QUESTS.


Please stop complaining.

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L2AnusLube <-- will mitigate butthurt


FYI, I have been playing since launch, have characters in full war hero and characters in recruit. The entry level gear gap is stupid and unfun for people trying to break into level 50 pvp (who spent the leveling process actually questing and not grinding comms). Read what you are quoting and think before making unfounded assumptions next time you post.


The gear gap of what? The whole week it would take casual pvper to get a set of Battlemaster and augment it out? My heart bleeds.


If you didn't pvp with a lower level character and just PvE'd your way to 50 and now expect to hop right into level 50 warzones, then it just sucks to be you. Really, the options are there. If you did not take advantage of them, that's just tough. Bioware even took the steps to rework the rewards for the lower level PvP system so that you can get your Warhero Weapon and Battlemaster Offhand, should you be a duel weilding class, IMMEDIATELY upon hitting 50 if you merely just played lower tier pvp even casually while leveling.


When the new gear comes out, they will wait a patch and make today's Battlemaster the equivalent of War Hero. Until then, I hope your local convenience store is in walking distance so you don't blow all your gas money on kleenex runs.

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Failed how? Because so little people are doing team ranked? Getting 8 people in full wh/augmented gear is not easy not to mention all having the right roles/classes (must/should be op classes ofc). Playing all day and losing to the same "enemy" team is no fun at all. But solo ranked should be easier. No premades sound awsome to me. Some people actually like competition. There should be a ladder anyway. Just like in starcraft/warcraft games.


It's simple - if you don't reward people they will not do it. The only reason you have more then a couple teams per server queueing now is pugs that want the rated comms.

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The gear gap of what? The whole week it would take casual pvper to get a set of Battlemaster and augment it out? My heart bleeds.


If you didn't pvp with a lower level character and just PvE'd your way to 50 and now expect to hop right into level 50 warzones, then it just sucks to be you. Really, the options are there. If you did not take advantage of them, that's just tough. Bioware even took the steps to rework the rewards for the lower level PvP system so that you can get your Warhero Weapon and Battlemaster Offhand, should you be a duel weilding class, IMMEDIATELY upon hitting 50 if you merely just played lower tier pvp even casually while leveling.


When the new gear comes out, they will wait a patch and make today's Battlemaster the equivalent of War Hero. Until then, I hope your local convenience store is in walking distance so you don't blow all your gas money on kleenex runs.


Ahh I am going to enjoy your tearsofQQ when the latest PvP gear is going to be sold in the cash shop for $$.


And yes, if you think they are "just" going to offfer some leveling blues in the cash shop, you are delusional. It is called "testing the waters". Introduce a low impact starter gear first, then gradually work your way towards offering more and more gear. Perfect way to slowly get people used to the idea of selling gear for $$.

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Not to sound like a zen master or anything but it's not all about the goal, it's about the journey, if you like pvp then you'll do the wz no matter what, even if it is in 1-5% less effective gear.


This is so not true. I enjoy PvP, I don't enjoy being thron into PvP with ****** gear.


for the record all of my toons have about half WH and I legacy mail enhancements back and forth. Yet, I still think Gear Progression has no place in PvP whatsoever. It blows my mind that these so called PvP players enjoy gear progression. Gear Progression is for pixel Dragonslayers and not for the true PvP player swho enjoy skill based combat rather then Gear Advantage,

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I get a kick out of you guys that act like you somehow "earn your stripes" by mindlessly grinding instanced pvp in a video game, it isn't supposed to be work people, it's just a pain in the *** and a transparent, lazy attempt to keep everyone paying. Edited by Skullbash
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The irony here is that you were never really facing people who out-geared you but you still felt cheated by the system and I can't blame you. Gear grinds just suck.



Thanks! :cool: Now I'd say we should start working on WrykilX, but he's just so butthurt.


Exactly. The only moment I actually remember is beating someone from the Republic side, of a rival guild. His Shadow vs my Assassin. Both of us in Battlemaster gear as this was before War Hero was released. I felt he was pretty skilled, and so he was always someone I would try to attack, even chase if we were already winning. I managed to run into him under the middle of Civil War, and we fought it out. Conclusion: I won with 78%~ of my HP left. But still the best time I had in PvP.


Skilled player vs skilled player, both with equal gear. That's how it should be. I love that competitive spirit. Gear grinds, ruin that. And that's why I look forward to GW2, in hopes to find more people with the same mentality. Not this swinging epeen with a gear crutch mentality. :rak_03:

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Ahh I am going to enjoy your tearsofQQ when the latest PvP gear is going to be sold in the cash shop for $$.

And yes, if you think they are "just" going to offfer some leveling blues in the cash shop, you are delusional. It is called "testing the waters". Introduce a low impact starter gear first, then gradually work your way towards offering more and more gear. Perfect way to slowly get people used to the idea of selling gear for $$.


I saw this and had to quote for truth. They already tested the waters in February to see how people felt about paying for Makeb, Cathar, and various other things.


Thread found here: Everyone forgets the survey.....

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Pvp should be about the competition. U cant deny that most games are blowouts. Only rateds are competitive and even those open other cans of worms.


Fact is this game will be going thru an overhaul. If making pvp more balanced is a goal then reducing costs and time on gear should happen.


Just add more cosmetic fluff to compensate

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Everyone had to work for the gear, can't you get it through your thick skull?


You got to progress, we have to get slaughtered.


I'd have no problem if I played equally geared folks, and it would just take a long time. I'd have no problem if slaughtering lowly-geared people didn't give me comms to get WH.


I have a problem with getting roflstomped by someone due to a statistical advantage. There's no chance for me to win.


Take your favorite FOTM class in recruit gear vs my full augmented and optimized WH scoundrel scrapper (Hypothetical)... You have no chance. I dont care how good you think you are, not how bad you think I am. The fact is that the gear gap between fully aug'd and optimized WH vs recruit is just... pitiful.

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That doesn't sound right...


What he means is anyone crazy enough to grind a full set of WH when you got to trade 3 to 1 for them obviously isn't going to see their cost as too much now that you can get ranked WZ commendations.


The cost for WH is okay if you assume this is the only set of armor you'll ever grind out. There's certainly no way I'll do it twice.

Edited by Astarica
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The cost for WH is okay if you assume this is the only set of armor you'll ever grind out. There's certainly no way I'll do it twice.


I'm almost done gearing out my second toon in WH. After that, I'm done. No way am I bothering to do it on a third toon.


Once wasn't so bad. Twice was a bit of a drag. Three times...no way in h*ll.

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Ahh I am going to enjoy your tearsofQQ when the latest PvP gear is going to be sold in the cash shop for $$.


And yes, if you think they are "just" going to offfer some leveling blues in the cash shop, you are delusional. It is called "testing the waters". Introduce a low impact starter gear first, then gradually work your way towards offering more and more gear. Perfect way to slowly get people used to the idea of selling gear for $$.


Actually no, this is what almost invariably happens:


1. Company announces gear for sale.

2. Guys in full WH quit the game (or claim to) even though they'd still be #1.

3. Eventually the gear sold would be some high blue/low purple gear that costs a stupid amount of money.

4. More people quit (or claim to) due to this perceived injustice.

5. Some guy actually buys the overpriced gear and realizes he still gets smashed by WH characters and quits the game.


In fact, F2P fails because they don't go all the way enough. If I'm crazy enough to spend real money on gear, I expect to be able to buy Conquerer gear right now.

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I'm almost done gearing out my second toon in WH. After that, I'm done. No way am I bothering to do it on a third toon.


Once wasn't so bad. Twice was a bit of a drag. Three times...no way in h*ll.


Currently doing my 3rd. It's painful. Made more painful by the fact that having done it twice, I don't feel like an entitled kid asking for something for nothing, I feel like I already earned it.

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