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Everything posted by SithBongious

  1. What are you so worried about? We had 28 on our Fleet tonight at 9pm ! How much more love do you need?
  2. Its called copy and paste like a server transfer they have done in the past. Sigh
  3. We all know we have only 3 servers, and that more than likely we are going to be merged into a USA or EU region. Which region will it be?
  4. Wow, you can take time out to give a bad answer here, but you cant give us anything real. Why did you bring down OUR servers? We are getting ZERO merges. Why do we have 3 servers (1 pvp 1 pve 1 rp) to cover 85 people? This is one of the reasons i unsubbed. Your broken promised and your so awful to your community. WHY ARE WE GETTING ZERO MERGES? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? Is 3 servers to cover 85, 45min-3hour WZ pops, 2-3 hour LFG tool pops - and we dont get 12 slots and we get ZERO GROWTH in population? WHY THE F*** did you even sell this game to us? Your horrible Bioware.
  5. Bioware, if you want me as a customer for any longer, you will do the right thing and read my 6 points. 1:- The most heartbreaking - Lockout Timers on Raids?! I can run BT or D7 1,000,000 times a week, or even LI HM, which drops better loot than EV SM, but Im NOT allowed to re-run a raid?! WHY, oh WHY, oh WHY, oh WHY have you not just fixed this already BY IMPLEMENTING the following Guideline :- """Please note, once a raid is completed, it is not LOCKED OUT for Re-Running, but you WILL be LOCKED OUT of the gear for that raid"""" Id even go as far to suggest that with the 8 raids we have split over 3 ACTUAL RAID LOCATIONS with the difference being difficulty - (EV SM,HM,NIM) (KP SM,HM,NIM) (EC,SM HM) why not go ONE STEP FURTHER, and say "All Loot for the raids will remain unchanged. However, the Loots will share a Global Raid Lockout - Completing EV NIM will reward you with NIM loots BUT LOCK YOU OUT of EV SM and HM loots for the week. These raids however will still be re-runnable by you, with loot already taken for that Raid for the week" Cmon Bioware - DO I HAVE TO ACCEPT that i log in on Wednesday, Clear EC HM and then log out for the entire week? Theres ZERO to bring me back, and when F2P comes, who wants to PAY to raid when you do it once and thats it. Its a system that needs to be re-evaluated. 2:- Broken Promises In the years leading up to this game (my first MMO) I did read alot about how one of the ways SWTOR was going to have that WOW factor, was the promise of unrivalled content. The game so far has been released coming up to one year, and we have been fed 3 raids with a total of 14 bosses - Almost 5 months has been on 4 bosses in EC alone. The announcements of 2 new raids (1 being a NIM EC) was promising, but those announcements are so long ago now. You promised to deliver the community that WOW factor many times before this game launched, and you have broken promises with this game too many times. 3:- Lack of Commitment to your Community Your SWTOR Community IMO is simply not just us the gamers, its your staff. The black and white of it is, you have reduced your staff by over 1/2, thus reducing the level of commitment us your customers are receiving by your own company. Theres no justification at all for a business model that develops a game like this, spending the millions of dollars you have spent, launching it, disbanding your staff, and then expecting your customers to simply "swallow it" Now, your telling the 1+ million players who have at one time bought this game and on top of that, paid for subscription time, your telling us "Oh, now the game is free...", ensuring that all of us who have actually paid for the game, will never be fully thanked or focussed on, because you have got what you wanted, halved your staff so you can spread your bonus's to less people, and overall, you have alienated yourself from your community. We pay for a service and experience, now by the time F2P is in and completed, the question is, "how many of US will still be here paying?" But we all know you dont care, because with F2P comes microtransactions, and thats where your commitment is now, and not with your community. And your customer service, honestly, shows how much you just dont give a flying F about us. For a company that created such amazing solo-player games, your first MMO adventure is definitely not a customer service friendly experience. 4:- Loading times Never played a computer game before with such horrendous load times. And your missions encourage us to be stuck staring at THE SAME loading screen picture so often. Go to your faction HQ. Go to your HQ Fleet. Back to your faction HQ. Sounds easy enough, except for a mission that takes 3 minutes to action, your confronted with 15-20 minutes of Loadscreens. For me, its simply ridiculous. Honestly. Too many load screens from Mission to Ship in, to ship out, to planet in, loading into a planet after PVP and missing the queue because it popped and the 3 minute load screen F'D you? Its just atrocious 5:- Clear PVP Imbalance, even for the casual So in pvp 10-49, you can achieve 200-300 wins / 400-500 matches it seems just by turning up. When you first hit level 50, you wouldnt take green gear into EC HM. But its OK to have your first 50 PVP match vs 8 players in War Hero gear, on a chat program, using hack programs, and your happy to suggest PVP is OK, even though at 40 comms per loss, its around 3000-6000 PVP matches perhaps more to earn your Full War Hero gear, even though when you had World PVP, players reached 100 Valor just by forming friendships with their enemies and spending hours farming valor? You have done ZERO to address this, and for the casual Queue Solo'er like me, and trust me, theres more of us than there are of Queue Group'ers, its absolutely unforgiveable. Tell me, is it fun getting anal probed every match 97/100 times? 97 x 40 loser comms + 3 x 140 winning comms = *** :S 6:- Perhaps the most crucial - Your achilles heal - Cutscenes Everyone by now spacebars everything. Lets face it, nobody honestly cares about the Cutscenes, and honestly they feel like an amazing cop out, due to the fact that you're given millions throughout your questing to level 50, with many of them giving you copy and paste replies, and when you actually HIT level 50, theres maybe what? 4-5 cutscenes again.. Ever? Unless you replay old content and see the same cutscene over and over. Why is this your achilles heal? Because when it comes to content, you CANNOT release it without Voice-Acting. So, you need 4 Imp Females, 4 Imp Males, 4 Pub Females and 4 Pub Males. You need 16 people to record voice acting for the classes you are creating, and now your wanting to advertise a new Cathar Class? So another 4 people required for the voice-acting required? If i wanted to watch a movie, id hook it up on my 100" Projector. This is a game, and I, the customer, want content. You the company, say "Sorry, we have a FlashPoint idea, but we need 16 people, and 20 people with the new Cathar race, to come in and speak millions of lines before we can give you, the customer, what you pay for" Its your biggest crutch, because unless you have the VA completed, your unable to release the content. Thats why the raids have ZERO cutscenes, because its TOO HARD BASKET to complete, especially with 16 man groups. B/W, drop the VA, and release content for the game. Or am I to accept, that running Cademimu in my Campaign Gear is the only thing I can be happy with?
  6. The answer is simple. Merge the 3 x Asian servers into 1 for FP/PVP queuing, merge our GTN's and thats it.
  7. Ill just put a request into the moderators to close this topic. Im just wanting an answer to the question for my topic. Since it is not occuring and again being new, never heard of e-peening etc.. Thanks anyways SWTOR community sorcs for your help.
  8. Why would alacrity help me to do anything as a healer other than burn through my heals quicker? Im just wanting to find out if its bad to ask for a 790+ bonus healing healer
  9. Hi Ejou ! Ive not heard of askmrrobot - What does it mean to post a askmrrobot? And myself also, not such a fan of crit, bigger overall heals leads to less need for crit. But everyone has their own playstyle which is also really cool !
  10. Theres the screenshot -> http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/610/proofnxd.jpg So imagine that I then go and pop my Campaign Relic +315 then my Exotech Triage Adrenal for +535 ! You said reaching 790 is only possible WITH RELIC AND ADRENAL combined right? Theres my 2nd screenshot with the relic/adrenal used -> http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/1406/relicadrenalstats.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now my stats are here, my original question/point for thread. Was i so wrong to ask for a healer to join our group who has a Bonus heal of 790+? Since im not a very huge poster here, I thought i would ask the sorc people here, and again im still getting yelled at. Confused here.
  11. Heya Karasuko. Even with the 5% crit chance buff, im still below 30. When the 27 gears come out with Denova NiM and the new Ops, then my WP should boost gradully enough to bring my crit to 30%, if it doesnt, its not a prob. Surge on the other hand is at 79% and this is a stat i have not tried to spec into at all, just through the enhancements and my offhand do they come with Surge. But its worked out well. I have a screenshot also ive posted here if you like to have a glance !
  12. My buffs are there ? i edited out my player name?! DIdnt you notice i was targeting myself and removed the name? :S http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/610/proofnxd.jpg
  13. As u can see no adrenals/relics - only my stim is active, also in case anyone asks also, ive NEVER collected a stat datacron. Thanks in advance sorcs.
  14. Here a screenshot far out man... Any one back to main question on my topic and why am i being ridiculed? http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/610/proofnxd.jpg
  15. My power is 1303 Willpower 1965 Force Power 1265 Bonus Healing WITHOUT Adrenal/Relic is 791.3 I still have a green level 49 Earpiece. With Zero class buffs stims or relics or adrenals, my Base Bonus healing is 715ish. So again i ask you my fellow sorcs why is this such a bad thing, but the first two replies Ive had here were very similar things that were said on my server i really dont understand it
  16. **Posted this in my class forum's but noticed they only recieve around 10 views and 2 replies every 2 days so I thought it might be okay to post here also** Currently my bonus healing is 791.3, with my AOE ticks on myself going from 523-942. While on the fleet tonight, i asked in /1 chat for a healer to join our group as i was DPS, and was asking for a healer with 790+ bonus healing pst if keen etc... Anyways, i started to get flamed at this point on my server and ridiculed being told its not possible etc etc... Why is it that someone who uses innervate to heal for 10k+ in a single heal, 10k + in a Dark Infusion heal, and recieve 942 ticks from my AOE get so berated? Is it because im currently the servers most highest healing Sorc? But i just wanted opinions from my sorc ppl
  17. Currently my bonus healing is 791.3, with my AOE ticks on myself going from 523-942. While on the fleet tonight, i asked in /1 chat for a healer to join our group as i was DPS, and was asking for a healer with 790+ bonus healing pst if keen etc... Anyways, i started to get flamed at this point on my server and ridiculed being told its not possible etc etc... Why is it that someone who uses innervate to heal for 10k+ in a single heal, 10k + in a Dark Infusion heal, and recieve 942 ticks from my AOE get so berated? Is it because im currently the servers most highest healing Sorc? But i just wanted opinions from my sorc ppl Screenshot with 790 Bonus healing - No Relic/No Adrenal -> http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/610/proofnxd.jpg Screenshot with 930 Bonus healing - Yes Relic/Adrenal popped -> http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/1406/relicadrenalstats.jpg
  18. August, Not augment. Blah blah blah, I am a CE subscriber etc.. New low today from SWTOR. In pvp queue for 59 minutes no pops - had a friend log in around 30 minutes ago, have 3 instant pops via queue solo. What did I do again SWTOR? Thats right, Clicked "x" on the top right, and again wont log back in for a few more days now, if at all. Thankyou for reminding me how unbalanced some situations are in SWTOR and the only way to resolve these situations is to actually close your entire game, with loading screens, security key, launcher load times, you think I'm actually going to log back in then and there? lol PVP queue solo 59 minutes = Zero Pops Friend logs in 20 minutes later, receives 3 instant pops via Queue solo. Bye. /kneelbefore 25th August
  19. Noob. The entire point the OP was raising is that competing in 500-900 PVP matches to attain the best gear, VS full Campaign gear in under 1 week is a bit unbalanced. Case in point - You have 3500 Ranked WZ and 2000 Comms and you just dinged 49. Congrats. 99% of the SWTOR base did that, its called pre-50 pvp. Entering 50 pvp with your 5500 comms is not impressive when you meet 8 x War Hero 100 Valor players - this is too unbalanced, and taking 500-900 PVP matches to earn 14 pieces of gear is a bit much.
  20. Any mods, from any item you have worn that is bound, can be placed into legacy gear - and mailed to any of your characters. Why do you think mains who roll alts are geared up the minute they hit 50?
  21. Even at 121am in the early hours of now a new Monday morning, after almost 90 minutes of being in the queue for PVP, it pops and it seems almost unavoidable to run into the same 8 people who are themselves all on Ventrillo - In 50 pvp when you queue solo, and at 121am are unable to avoid the same 8 people who, are in groups of 2 x 4 and co-ordinating on Ventrillo "yes lets queue into this match or, guys back out we are in wrong match" - what did i do? Took the loss, and hit X on SWTOR. On a PVE server, where I choose to queue solo for just casual fun, Bioware, you have now somewhat questioned my worth in subscribing. Running in PVP against 8 people on Ventrillo at 121am on a Monday morning simply shocks me. Why did i just queue 90 minutes for a PVP match that lasted less than 5 minutes on Novare Coast as we were 3 capped. Do I queue again Bioware and take my chances? Or simply continue to click X and log back in the game 4-5 days later again? I implore for our poor, rubbish and ridiculous 3 Asian Servers to use DC Universe Online Mega Sever technology to show that solo queuing pvp at 121am on a Monday morning is possible for a casual solo queuer like myself. Otherwise, my clicking X and unsubbing creeps more in. Check your server logs and you will see around 20 people logged into my servers Republic side vs the 200 on the Empire side. And those same 8 will have been getting instant queue pvp due to those 8 being the only 8 throughout all of Asia on my server to be queuing. And taking 140+ comms from each match vs the 40 odd losing comms you will recieve. Same 8 for hours on end vs 200 people? It seems un-balanced. And its why I continue to hit X. Bioware, as a PVE'er, i say clearly you have no-what of an idea when it comes to designing fun PVE content. In my PVE'er view, you CLEARLY have NO-WHAT of an idea when it comes to creating an optional part of your game being PVP, and then for my Asian server, tune it to make it near impossible to gear progress or even have fun, when the players you meet were the ones who valor farmed their way to 100 on Ilum. Its getting to the point where every match day or night via Queue Solo is against 2 x 4's who are valor 100 full war hero gear on Ventrillo and I always thought - Isnt that what ranked is for?
  22. If i can add some more info it might give more insight? Personally, I didnt start any PVP until i achieved level 50. Since Tuesdays reset, Ive contested 39 PVP matches, my weekly is still at 4/9. Again any advice is helpful, I hope my extra info might bring around some more suggestions !
  23. Hi all, I have a very quick question just for some advice, as I have stood in the PVP area of the Imperial Fleet on Dalborra and asked in /S to no avail. Currently I'm valor 56, with 74 wins. This basically means for my PVP career, I have been at less than 2 wins per Valor level. Is this common? I'd love some advice. Cheers in advance.
  24. So with this change, of course leaning towards the Assasin class (they can stealth the entire instance aggro'ing no-one), how is a SWTOR player expected to achieve the millions of credits required for these new items, now that a BP run has been extended from 8 mins to 30+ mins again for all classes except Assasins. Any ideas?
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