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The Thing That Made You Laugh The Hardest


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Every MMO has these moments. Something unexpected, or a bizarre coincidence, or even just a funny bit of writing that jerked a long set of laughter out of you, to the point you were ready to fall out of your chair.


What was yours in SWTOR?


To get the discussion going, mine was this:


Hammer Station, my 4-man group plays it for the first time. All four of us complete newbs at the flashpoint. Got to the end with no trouble and got flattened in no time, I think two of us got thrown off the platform in spectacular fashion. Stunned silence on Skype as we all lay there, dead.


A second later someone's Vette comes back from a crafting mission and says, "Well... That's done."


Could not stop laughing for a solid five minutes, maybe longer.


(Oh. And please, before you post, don't say "F2P was announced" or "EA share prices dropped" or "Sub numbers plummeted" or anything like that. I assure you, you are not being as clever as you think you are.)

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The day my friend and I hit 50. I was like "hey lets try Esseles on HM with our companions it was cake while lvling". So we did and cleared all the way to the 1st boss and got completely destroyed.


See this is way before 1.3 and all the HM FP were nerfed into a complete joke.

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Imperial officer on DK that killed his suprise party, he dident know they were doing it and he though they were trying to kill him or something rofl.


Hah! Yes!


The one I have along that vein is Darth Barus:


Me: "I feel your anger, master."



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When I reactivated my WoW account last month.


Now that I think about it, maybe those tears weren't from laughing. Hm.


This is definitely one of those "you are not being as clever as you think you are" posts the OP said specifically to avoid. And yet... hm.

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I was playing Voidstar and defending the second set of doors when I see a sniper setting up a little too close to the bridge, being a Commando I ran up and concussive blast sent him flying.


I go back to grav rounding everything in sight and then notice that he's returned and set up in exactly the same place, so I send him flying yet again and have a chuckle.


He returns and sets up in a slightly different place, *boom*. By the 4th time I could barely breathe, needless to say I always keep an eye out for snipers in Voidstar now.

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My favourite and most humorous line comes from the Sith Inquistor story:



It's when you are tricking a noble in Alderaan into calling her former fiance (now a Jedi master) and you try to convince him that you are "a messanger of love" until he simply loses his Jedi patience over you :)


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Hah! Yes!


The one I have along that vein is Darth Barus:


Me: "I feel your anger, master."




And in the vein of "oldies but goldies" of funny situations there's always the Jedi that tries to make the bounty hunter drop his weapon...


Jedi: Drop your weapons and surrender

BH: So... has that ever worked?

Jedi: Some people have sense, others must be persuaded. *mindtrick handwave* You will drop your weapons and surrender to me.

BG: *mindtrick handwave* You will realize what a complete idiot you are...

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So my friends had this thing where they'd /y "BEGIN THE MATING DANCE!", then run around in circles /flapping. Cracked me up the first time I saw it.


One day, I was a PuG in a guildish run of EV. We were waiting at Soa, some tosspot had fallen into the lava. I opened up my map, saw that he was just at the pylons and thought "bet these guys haven't seen the mating dance". As it turns out, I'm not terribly adept at controling my character while typing with one hand. Two /flaps later, I look up to see myself falling into the lava. Vent erupted (with laughter, thankfully) and I was struck by fits of laughter all the way back to Soa . And after Soa. And that night. And the following day, iirc.

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I can't remember the specifics but it was one of the first Imperial Agent missions. You had to coerce some gangsters into releasing your employer's little brother. You give him the Light answer and the gangster asks, "What's your counteroffer?" You reply, "We can do it this my way or I can shoot you in the face" He then acquiesces and releases the little brother.


I'm paraphrasing a little but it made me laugh so hard.

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I believe it was at the end of the Correlia story line. My friend and I were doing it together and I won the role for the big speech at the end. I'm not sure why but my character decided to make a plug for being a bounty hunter for hire. The entire speech was simply an advertisement for me to make more money.


What brings joy to me is the fact that my friend, after doing all the work to save the planet, must now listen to me make the great speech on how I'm the best bounty hunter for hire. By far the greatest immersion breaker that could have happened for him. (Who cares what an imperial agent has to say anyways :p)

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Huttball ping pong.


Was up top, sorc kb'd, landed on the vents, pooof, landed on the sides to a jugger resting, force pushed off edge, went to duck in cover for a sabo at said jugger, rolled into cover back up on the ledge. Was my 1st time I ping ponged like that. Dont sound that funny, but man, all the bouncing around in just seconds was amazing.


I had to use a disappearing act to go hide and regain my composure. Luckily a guildy watched this short event, and he got a rather good chuckle from it as well.


Short version:


Poof, swoosh, pow, bing!

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For me, it's a simple one.


I was in Voidstar, we just brought down the bridge and our entire team charges over, with me (A Jedi Knight) leading the charge by a good 20 meters. In comes a Sith Warrior, doing the same, and we both managed to 'Force Push' each other at the exact same time off the bridge to our death.


The angles were so perfect and the animations were brilliant to me. It reminded me of that moment in Episode 3 where Obi-Wan and Anakin force push each other across the room.


I don't know why I found it so funny but I just died, we both must have thought... "..well I should have expected this"... laughing myself to the respawn locaiton.

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Hmm... there are several moments actually.


Balmorra, near one of those elevator lifts. I'm chatting away on vent not paying attention and... yup you guessed it, I sky rocketed right off the elevator full throttle to my death. Scared me a little I guess because a shrieked like a little girl and scared the hell out the guildies on vent. Got a new nickname out of it. Shriek. lol.


Inquisitor end of Chapter 1. The whole thing with Zash was hilarious and disturbing. My morose monster is... well, not quite the same. lol.


PUG False Emperor. Our healer, a newbie who was running one of his first flashpoints, disappears. We look on the map and see him a section ahead and asked him what the hell he was doing. He replies he was scouting for us. lol


Rakghoul Event. A guildie is helping a full group, myself included, find all the wreckage bits which were scattered all over the planet. He sees something at the bottom of a cliff drives off the edge. We all drive off right after him like lemmings to our deaths. "If a friend drives off a cliff would you drive off the cliff after him?" The answer is, apparently, yes. lol


There is also, of course, a lot in the story content. The one that sticks out my mind for some reason is on Corellia during the Jedi Knight story. An NPC tells you he doesn't know much about the Jedi but he knows the Jedi motto. "May the floor be with you." lol

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I cant really remember what made me laugh hardest, but I thought this was funny:


BH: "What do you expect me to do, go undercover as a cleaning droid?"

NPC: "Naw, nothing like that...although....naw, never mind."

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