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Everything posted by Quilpo

  1. That explains a lot actually. I only PuG and sometimes I can get plenty of kills and end up winning easily...rest of the time we fail miserably. I really noticed the difference when I went on my char on ToFN, I guess Red Eclipse isn't a bad place to be.
  2. Speaking as one of the crap concealment operatives i.e. without super ninja skills, on Red Eclipse, thank you for (hopefully) scaring a few more people into panicking. Fun video to watch too, looks like a few people missed the point but I'm amazed there are still any Repubilc subs after the stunlocking team were finished.
  3. I was playing Voidstar and defending the second set of doors when I see a sniper setting up a little too close to the bridge, being a Commando I ran up and concussive blast sent him flying. I go back to grav rounding everything in sight and then notice that he's returned and set up in exactly the same place, so I send him flying yet again and have a chuckle. He returns and sets up in a slightly different place, *boom*. By the 4th time I could barely breathe, needless to say I always keep an eye out for snipers in Voidstar now.
  4. Jedi are out, due to their general philosophy. Agents are out, as their entire thing is selflessly doing the dirty work. Smugglers are possible, haven't played much of their story but there's room for some narcissism and manipulation in there; nice little rich girl rebelling to a life of petty crime has some potential too. Not played SW but it seems like it's more a war-based thing, being a warrior. Inquisitor is all about manipulation and narcissism, killing and killing until you get their way but you'd need to ignore the whole 'being a slave' thing at the start (or is that just non-humans?) So, Smuggler would be my choice
  5. Just got one from Taral V, can't remember the name of it but it looks very cool, nice and beefy with 3 barrels sticking out the end of it. Lovely shade of crimson too.
  6. I still don't get it. Why is a name that important? You can spell it a little differently, add in apostrophes to get pretty much exactly the same effect, there's a few different options. No-one in their right minds would quit a game they enjoyed over losing a name, so if that isn't trolling then I'd genuinely like to know what kind of mind people who consider quitting over it ARE in.
  7. I agree, I have a level 32 Commando and I KNOW I'm better just because my gun is bigger. Incidentally, Trooper is the worst story I've played so far but I've only gone through the Consular and Agent storylines so you could be spot on about that too.
  8. My Commando is only lvl 31 and my Gunslinger only 16 so take what I say with a pinch of salt but in terms of PvP, the Commando kinda needs to set up somewhere and stay motionless for a relatively long period as most of the big nukes (especially in gunnery) need to either cast or channel, for this reason if you want to stay at range and do damage then the Gunslinger requiring cover isn't much of an issue when compared with the Commando.
  9. They're both pretty good, I'd always lean towards the female though as whatever you thought of DA2 she was damn good in that too and just sounds so sultry; even if her American accent when undercover sounds absolutely awful.
  10. Over on Nightmare Lands we have goats. I kid you not, endless film titles with goat in them, the Imperial fleet got bored of it within 4/5 hours but as far as I'm aware it's still going strong on the Republic side... Frankly, I'm happy for a little bit of stupidity in general chat, everyone has to be a reasonable human being irl so as long as they're not impacting anyone's enjoyment by ninja looting or whatever I think it's something you need to suck up and not take too seriously.
  11. Some names matter, I had a Jedi (only level 14 so it's not too bad) where the name was taken on my destination server and after drinking a little too much this Jedi ended up rejoicing in the name of Prolapse. Haven't played it since. Count yourself lucky that you get another rename, think a little and enjoy a bit of creativity but above all REMAIN SOBER whilst doing so.
  12. If you don't have the two talents from the foot of the Kinetics tree, one that increases your force pool and the other that decreases the cost of abilities, I'd recommend getting them ASAP, maybe once you get Rejuvenation as the cost reduction on Deliverance will also help.
  13. I'd wait till you can get Cull in all honesty, concealment is still a little weak until you get some more abilities in the mid 20s but until you can get Cull, with Lethality you'll be standing around waiting for things to die with a few TAs and nothing to do with them; ofc you'll still be useful if you're skilled but that goes for any class and any spec imo.
  14. Do you even know if that's possible? Isn't it entirely possible that as it's an, at least semi, automated process that the system will flag up your name as being in use (as it is, by you) and then force you to change the name whereas if you had done bugger all you'd be left with the name you wanted? That is one of the reasons I'm not going to do it for any potential destination servers, or I might do it for one of my characters as I don't particularly like the name and it could make a it a free name change. Might be nice to get a BW answer on that, as I'm curious now.
  15. Yep, I'd listen to this. If you're willing to lose a little more dps when going the Lethality hybrid way, getting the TA procs on your KPs might be worth looking into, no idea whether the extra few culls would make for better damage or not but if you want something to play around with, it's an interesting idea imo.
  16. Lethality relies on being within 10m for Cull which puts you slightly oujt of the melee fray but that's much later in the tree and still relies on getting in a few Shivs for TA generation so if you just want a bit of support it might be best to go for Corrosive grenade and pick up a few more talents helping poison effects (like Imp Brew in concealment) and then go pretty deep into the healing tree; pretty much the only way to up your damage a little and still be able to heal pretty comfortably.
  17. I'd say getting Kolto Probe is a pretty good idea, I went straight up concealment whilst levelling and found it worked pretty well in PvP once you get Lacerate but until youi get your healing companion some of the PvE can get a little touch and go so a bit of extra healing would help. I would say it's better to go concealment to start with, without cull and some of the other high lvl lethality talents it can be a little rough but being able to stealth around a lot better and pick your targets makes concelment work at lower lvls imo.
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