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Defense Medals


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I think that either:


1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


My reasoning:

It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party

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Suggestion forum is for suggestions. General Discussion is for Discussion.


So with that in mind. I disagree. In top tire games having someone sit on a node to call incomings and defend it is essential, if you ain't doing this, then blah. Take away the medals that allow someone to do this, and nobody would want to do it, ever.

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The problem itself is not the medals, its the non-existing option to kick someone thats on defence. I have been trolled many times by some %¤#&&/ that goes afk on defence and then just admits it and says "well you cant kick me anyways". And its true


Its basicly impossible to kick someone thats missusing the system, and anoying for the people that actually are trying to win the match, and them giving the false illusion of defence. As you see someone on defence, but that person is just sneaked up and afk.


The medals for defence are needed, since most matches are really dependent on having good incomming caller

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i can see the plus and the minus for it, for fresh players at low levels like under lvl 15 the best way to register for points is to defend for a few medals and then go out and attack just for the lack of skills you have limiting your survivability.


Also why did you make 2 identicle topics ?

Edited by Shingara
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To be perfectly honest with you sometimes i will get stuck as last guy at a node and i would like my defense medals, plz.


this is how it is. I go into Alderaan, and 7 people zoom off to mid and right. NONE go left to defend lol


same thing happens in NC



if i gotta defend all game, i better get my 8 medals

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I think that either:


1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


My reasoning:

It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party


So , how do you plan to motivate people to defend without medals again?


If there were not any defense medals, people would simply not hang around to defend.The defense medals let a fresh 50 in his useless recruit gear at least do something useful assuming he can call properly.

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But there has to be a way to punish those whom abuse this defense.... I mean if u are the inc caller chances are u will be fighting and most likely killed but at least you are doing damage... they can award medals that way... but there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that 5 and sometimes yes 6 people are over there "inc calling" and ALL of them should be rewarded while the other 2 or 3 ppl are actually trying to do something productive and are barely walking away with like i said 3 medals... i mean im not easy to kill but 1 does not fare well against 5 opponents
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At least in CW you should not get defender medals unless your team is projected to win.


Or hand out defender points at the end of the match, depends on win or loss.

Edited by anwg
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defenders are necessary, and a sucktacular job that most people don't want to do.


if you take away the only incentive for being a defender, you'll get people mindlessly zerging, which always means you lose the wz, which leads to more QQ about how bad pugs can't hold a node.

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Another thread on this topic. I am a defender, 9/10 times if the game is not huttball I am defending. It can be quite a boring job and the only thing that keeps me doing it is...well I am good at it but the medals are a nice consolation prize. Removing the medals and in a pug warzone no one will want to defend to call out incs.
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If I spend the entire match sitting at our node and not one enemy ever comes over, I have still contributed more to our team's win than those guys who spent the entire match fighting on the enemy's node without taking it.


Therefore, I deserve to have more medals than they do, but will wind up getting about half as many.


In conclusion, please remove all medals except defender medals.



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If I spend the entire match sitting at our node and not one enemy ever comes over, I have still contributed more to our team's win than those guys who spent the entire match fighting on the enemy's node without taking it.


Therefore, I deserve to have more medals than they do, but will wind up getting about half as many.


In conclusion, please remove all medals except defender medals.




Hahaha this.

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I think that either:


1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


My reasoning:

It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party


I disagree if your defending then you should be rewarded for it. if those medals were remove it would cut everything you get in a match down by more then half.

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If I spend the entire match sitting at our node and not one enemy ever comes over, I have still contributed more to our team's win than those guys who spent the entire match fighting on the enemy's node without taking it.


Therefore, I deserve to have more medals than they do, but will wind up getting about half as many.


In conclusion, please remove all medals except defender medals.




You should get medals just for being bored to tears.

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Removing defense medals is the wrong way to stop people from AFK'ing. There are several reasons why:


- Good luck trying to get a PUG to guard a node.


- If I'm not mistaken you can vote to kick if the person is AFK. They have to enter combat end the vote.


- How do you know they are AFK? I don't usually guard nodes being a healer but sometimes I get stuck there and sometimes no one comes my way (granted I'm a Commando so I have stealth scan that is constantly on CD). Sometimes people will be there just not doing anything because there is no need. Stealthers come to mind. Why run around if you have a good hiding spot (meaning somewhere unlikely to get AoE'd or scanned looking for you)?


- One possible solution is an auto vote kick. Have an AFK timer set to something like 2 or 3 minutes. Have an on screen warning for the tree guarding your node pop an onscreen countdown starting at 30 seconds. If they don't move/drop an AOE or check a box. Check box is probably best so they can't set a 10 minute long macro to do some action every 1:30 to prevent this. Why someone would go through the trouble of writing such a macro to avoid playing a game I would assume they have an interest in playing, if not why farm comms, is beyond explanation.

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I think that either:


1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


My reasoning:

It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party


you have to give incentative for someone to stand there and defend grass node when the battle is raging at mid or snow.. there always, always, always has to be a person at a node... would you stand there and defend it and call incommings while others are racking them up in battle.. i doubt many would.


and besides, the amout of defense medals u get by standing there is nothing . 5 tops if you dont get attacked once during the match. which has happened to me



working as it should be

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Why not make it like this.


1 person guarding a node - everything stays as it is now.

2 people guarding a node -instead of 500 def points per tick give 250 or make them tick twice as slow

3 people guarding a node ....


Or something similar..

This sort of a system would still reward solo defenders, and perhaps even 2 people defending, but would provide nohing for those who decided they want to give up or whatever.

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And what about snipers/gunslingers? I'm not saying they're pretty useless in attacking phase, but with all the low casting and channeled attack abilities they're very hard to play; instead, they're very dull and durable node defenders (if played well ofc).


So without defense medal they'll just stop playing WZ or they'll become pretty useless at all

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People will always game the system. In Huttball you see players going for deathmatch medals at the expense of securing mid or making goals. Should we get rid of medals for killing blows, total damage, 1v1 wins?


I DO hate to see people in ACW give up early and camp at a single turret. Maybe defender medals could be tweaked so that you don't get one for mere attendance if more than 2 or 3 defenders are at your node.

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this is how it is. I go into Alderaan, and 7 people zoom off to mid and right. NONE go left to defend lol


same thing happens in NC



if i gotta defend all game, i better get my 8 medals


Pretty much this^

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Suggestion forum is for suggestions. General Discussion is for Discussion.


So with that in mind. I disagree. In top tire games having someone sit on a node to call incomings and defend it is essential, if you ain't doing this, then blah. Take away the medals that allow someone to do this, and nobody would want to do it, ever.


I agree.


I think it's better to reward the few true defenders even if it helps some players justify giving up early. I think taking the medals out just to punish quitters, while that would be a good thing, is not worth punishing the true node defenders.


In other words, I'd rather reward a few selfless players and quitters than reward neither selfless defenders nor quitters. It stinks but maybe they can find way to do reward defenders but not quitters.

Edited by Shlamorel
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I do the objectives of the map I am on. This usually means if I am on offense, doing what it takes to keep the enemy from capping a node or casting my heals to get comrades back up. When people move on and no one stands to defend a node, then I will stay and do call outs from my point of view. To not reward me bacause more people would rather kill another player verse guard a node and lose is something I am not paying to play for. 232 wins and 1047 loses is living proof more imperials prefer to do just that in "my" matchs.
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I think that either:


1) Defender medals in PvP should be removed completely, or

2) Defender medals should be obtained ONLY by killing an opponent in a area whose node your team occupies.


My reasoning:

It has often been my experience that not even HALF WAY through a WZ people either give up (if the other team is challenging) or you have the player that simply decides he does not want to exert him/herself (maybe they dont feel they are good enough to play the match, or maybe they are just lazy) and just sits on the node... They do this because either way they can just sit back and soak up medals and walk out with 100 comms. This is severely insulting to the people in the same match that scratch and claw for every medal they walk away with. I find it highly unfair that im out there getting grouped up on with 5 of the vs 1 or 2 of us and barely walking away with 3 medals while the other 5 people just sit there and walk away with 8 plus.... Where is the reward for having TRIED to fight back.


Again, I think medals should be awarded for Killing/Healing in WZ only.... not for just standing there.... defense medals could easily be gotten by killing an opponent in defense if you are so keen having them, but NO MEDALS should be gotten for a player just sitting there and NOT contributing to the party


do what i do. as soon as they start having their tea party, quit. Everyone thinks rage quitters are the problem but we aren't. The real problem has and always will be, bads want to be carried and do nothing. This isn't fun. I hate it when opposing faction does it and I hate it even more when my team does it. point of PVP is to do PVP, not sit around a turret telling girl stories sipping on tea. But it's a known fact some guys wear panties. Unfortunately your solution isnt a good idea. As no one will want to guard said turret then when you are fighting for other turrets.

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