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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


Learn not to expect everything for free.


It's not free if you are spending 15$ a month and people kinda have the right to get pissed like why would i spend 15 dollars a month if im gonna have to pay 10 dollars (my best guess) on content updates anyway?

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Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


Learn not to expect everything for free.


How is it for free when your PAYING a $15 month subscription, I hardly call that free.... And this new planet hardly constitutes a legit expansion....


Whats that phrase the marine used in Aliens? "Game over man... Game over "


thats pretty much what's happening with SWTOR... They have all this content that was started long time ago and was suppose to be part of the subscription price, but now there losing subs left and right and there going to milk this sucker straight into the ground...


Soon as I heard they were breaking out the cash shop I knew there going to screw over their paying subscribers...

Edited by Monoth
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You guys are just running wild in here lol! This can be taken so many ways it isn't even funny. Maybe he means, it will cost you cartel coins, something as subscribers we are building up now as we speak. And just maybe some of you will blow all your cartel coins on other things. Now what? You either will have to buy more cartel coins to get it, or wait till next month when your next hatch of coins comes from your subscription. They can't guarantee how each and everyone of you is going to allocate your coins. Maybe this is the (if anything/ possibility)


You guys all need to chill out lol!


This is the problem (in bold)... subscribers should never have to pay for new content unless it is an actual X-pack... look to DDO for an example, VIP's get all content included in their subscription and the new X-pack had to be purchased, and they can purchase vanity items and useful items from the game store. Non-subscribers have the choice of spending their game-store credit on either content (adventure packs, races etc), vanity items or useful items.


If subs only gave you store-credit then it's really no different to paying for the credit packs individually, so what incentive is there to subscribe?

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They have already said this will not be an expansion and you will not be charged for it.


They better not charge subscribers for it.


If they go the route AoC did and sell access keys to every single thing they ever put out...playfield access it was called...they will drive people away.


People like me.


If I'm paying the $14.99 a month, I expect something to come from that, other than the "unrestricted access" of PvP, Ops, etc.


Otherwise, go entirely F2P, offer no subs, and then you can sell passes.

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heres how I see it



- minimum of 2 new worlds (1 imp, 1 rep)

- new class

- new race

- additional full sized zone to at least 4 existing planets

- increase level cap

- Expansion to all class storylines

- new companion (minimum) for ever class

- new war zone

- new ops

- new crafting recipes and materials



Same as above but released in chunks over a year


I will pay up to $40.00 for a complete expansion

I WILL NOT pay anything extra for updates spread out over a year. My subscription covers the cost of updates!


Oh and for any smart ones, if they do go the expansion route, then I still expect the smaller updates through out the year on top of the paid for expansion.


This new planet, from everything we been told, doesnt come close to qualifying as a EXPANSION. Its just a large update. Like Darkness Falls or New Frountiers were in DAoC.

Edited by Kalfear
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One planet is not a lot of content at all. One planet is the equivalent of one zone in World of Warcraft. Adding another planet is roughly the same (at best) as adding the Isle of Quel'Danas during The Burning Crusade.


Definitely not worth paying for like it's a true expansion.


Exactly what I said, and guess what? Isle of Quel'Danas patch was included at no additional charge to your normal subscription. Charging subscribers for normal content updates that should be included in your sub is shady business and I'm sure most others would agree.

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Exactly what I said, and guess what? Isle of Quel'Danas patch was included at no additional charge to your normal subscription. Charging subscribers for normal content updates that should be included in your sub is shady business and I'm sure most others would agree.


MM ye but on the flip side outlands was one place, so its not the number of places but the size of the place. even then all this is pure speculation on whats going to happen and not what actualy is going to happen.

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MM ye but on the flip side outlands was one place, so its not the number of places but the size of the place. even then all this is pure speculation on whats going to happen and not what actualy is going to happen.


Makeb will likely be the size of one zone, two at most if they make it more sand box like tatooine or hoth....either way it's no where near as large as a featured expansion and therefore shouldn't cost anything extra to a subscriber. People have been paying their subscription for months with no major content updates all this time have more than payed for access to Makeb, I'd hate to see all the loyal subscribers shafted like that.

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Makeb will likely be the size of one zone, two at most if they make it more sand box like tatooine or hoth....either way it's no where near as large as a featured expansion and therefore shouldn't cost anything extra to a subscriber. People have been paying their subscription for months with no major content updates all this time have more than payed for access to Makeb, I'd hate to see all the loyal subscribers shafted like that.


Your assuming its going tobe the size of one zone, it might be it might not. Im not going to pay for a sub and makeb so its one or the other so thats besides the point. And its not like Makeb is the only thing that is coming, its just the normal scare mongering that normally goes on within these boards that scare people away.


Its plain and simple to see what some people are doing, they have cancled there subs and they will twist anything to make people panic and make others leave with them as if that somehow proves a point.

Edited by Shingara
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Its plain and simple to see what some people are doing, they have cancled there subs and they will twist anything to make people panic and make others leave with them as if that somehow proves a point.


Dude, people aren't making things up to scare players. Jeff Hickman said in an interview that they are still debating on whether or not to charge subscribers for Makeb. check out 9:35 of the video.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Dude, people aren't making things up to scare players. Jeff Hickman said in an interview that they are still debating on whether or not to charge subscribers for Makeb. check out 9:35 of the video.


Ye discussing. not in stone. What has happened now though is people are taking it for granted it will cost 1p to £10. If it costs cartel coins there is every chance even if it does cost we as subscribers will have that covered by our alloted cartel coins we shall accumilate over time anyhows.

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it not a real expansion, but i would pay 5 or 10 dollars for it at the most, but i will be pissed if they charge $39.99 for it or something, it is not world that. wow's expansions give us a 5 lvl cap increase and they charge $29.99 or something for it, and this is similar but allot smaller, so i don't think $5 - $10 is unreasonable.
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Not saying we shouldnt worry :p just saying, its a pointless dicussion since BW arn't gonna come in here and say "hey guys, so how would you like this payment model to work?"


They've already said how it would work.


It just seems like they are already changing their minds.

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it not a real expansion, but i would pay 5 or 10 dollars for it at the most, but i will be pissed if they charge $39.99 for it or something, it is not world that. wow's expansions give us a 5 lvl cap increase and they charge $29.99 or something for it, and this is similar but allot smaller, so i don't think $5 - $10 is unreasonable.


The big problem is saying one thing, then now saying something else in my mind. It makes anything said completely untrustworthy. :(

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it not a real expansion, but i would pay 5 or 10 dollars for it at the most, but i will be pissed if they charge $39.99 for it or something, it is not world that. wow's expansions give us a 5 lvl cap increase and they charge $29.99 or something for it, and this is similar but allot smaller, so i don't think $5 - $10 is unreasonable.


I think it is unreasonable. They SAID it was coming, free to subscribers. If you think there's enough content in this game that they can nickle and dime the current players, so be it. I disagree and I have a very strong feeling that I wouldn't be the only one to leave if they pulled this.

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Really hate to be the one to break it to ya, but every PvE planet on the 3 servers I play on frequently has multiple instances. The game is packed and player numbers are growing. Guilds are reforming. The game is stable now which means you've already lost.


Really?! Growing huh? What 3 servers do you play on?

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Here's what you can probably expect:


1. Free to Play goes live, meaning Cartel Points(CP) and the "cash shop" are in place, allowing you to buy CP with real money and use to to buy things from the cash shop.


2. If you subscribe to TOR, you get free CP each month to spend on the cash shop however you like.


3. New content comes out, such as Makeb B and additional player levels. It's available for purchase on the cash shop. If you subscribed and didn't spend your free CP on other stuff, you just use them to purchase the new content. If you don't subscribe, you pay out real money for the content.



Now, I have no insider knowledge with Bioware or anything, but this is generally how hybrid F2P games work. So in a sense, the content will not be "free" but anyone who stays subscribed will likely be able to get it without having to pay more, even though they still have to "purchase" the content using the CP they get for subscribing.

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If the content includes the next chapter of class quests, brand new quests and dailies... Then I am all for it. As long as the expansion PUSHES storyline and furthers my adventure and it has a lot to it then yes. I have paid for expansions that had less in FFXI, so I may be a bit complacent. As long as the cost is no more than 20, I don't see the big deal. Edited by oMGitsree
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to spend on the cash shop however you like.


3. New content comes out, such as Makeb B and additional player levels. It's available for purchase on the cash shop. If you subscribed and didn't spend your free CP on other stuff, you just use them to purchase the new content. If you don't subscribe, you pay out real money for the content.


Now, I have no insider knowledge with Bioware or anything, but this is generally how hybrid F2P games work. So in a sense, the content will not be "free" but anyone who stays subscribed will likely be able to get it without having to pay more, even though they still have to "purchase" the content using the CP they get for subscribing.


Ok, I have to say that this makes sense to me. Good point.

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If it costs more than a month of cp given to subscribers, I'm not going to buy it and I'll move on to something else. It sounds like it's not much bigger than when WoW added the Isle of Quel'Danas in BC. With borderlands 2, gw2, and PSO2 coming out I wouldn't stick around for it. I left when the sevrers were all dead and came back after they merged. They'll not be getting a second return, even in a f2p aspect.
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Here's what you can probably expect:


1. Free to Play goes live, meaning Cartel Points(CP) and the "cash shop" are in place, allowing you to buy CP with real money and use to to buy things from the cash shop.


2. If you subscribe to TOR, you get free CP each month to spend on the cash shop however you like.


3. New content comes out, such as Makeb B and additional player levels. It's available for purchase on the cash shop. If you subscribed and didn't spend your free CP on other stuff, you just use them to purchase the new content. If you don't subscribe, you pay out real money for the content.



Now, I have no insider knowledge with Bioware or anything, but this is generally how hybrid F2P games work. So in a sense, the content will not be "free" but anyone who stays subscribed will likely be able to get it without having to pay more, even though they still have to "purchase" the content using the CP they get for subscribing.




But how do they justify removing content from subscribers one they stop subbing?


Under the LOTRO model subscribers KEPT all the content they had when they were subscribers once the game went F2P.


SWTOR is saying it will remove content from subscribers that stop subbing.


Which again makes it seem like a gouging have your cake and eat it model (for EA), by trying to hit players for stuff they should already own. :eek:

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But how do they justify removing content from subscribers one they stop subbing?


Under the LOTRO model subscribers KEPT all the content they had when they were subscribers once the game went F2P.


SWTOR is saying it will remove content from subscribers that stop subbing.


Which again makes it seem like a gouging have your cake and eat it model (for EA), by trying to hit players for stuff they should already own. :eek:


But if you've bought it in the cash shop then why should it be removed?


Yes you will lose access to your extra slots, bank tabs etc, because they were available as part of the early game i.e. you haven't bought them in the cash shop.


All BW have said so far is certain things will be restricted from the current game.


Edit. - Yes you will lose access to the Ops that you haven't bought from the cash shop

Edited by mothear
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I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


Source your quote or it's hear say. :rolleyes:


If you quote something, it is YOUR responsibility to source your quote. :p

Edited by Urael
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