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Scoundrels still need NERF!


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Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik.

This is where DEVS must take a closer look. Dirty kik also bring a BUG not yet fixed since the launce of the game.

The animation needed for you to stand up even when trinket is used makes imposible to use your defensive abilities in time. What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. If the scoundrel is smart he will use dodge+prone+recuperate (2% HP/3 sec) and put you down. If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman.

I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win).

Now they are the GODs of healing and zerging fastest in all games. Ask tanks and they will admit this is the only class that drop their Hp so fast from all other classes.


Comparing with deception/infiltation shadows/assasins dps this class is terible OP.

To fix it you must fix animation BUG first, then their opening burst. Also remove healing from dps classes. Or whatever is needed to counter them proper. Is not fair to fight them back when you have lost half Hp alrdy and you must face them with their defensive CD ready wich give them a HUGE advantage. Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst.


On my realm their number have increased alot, all Wz are full with them ppl realizing how strong this class it is.

As i stated before myself have one and i know how strong they are (have all other 7 specs). But i hate this class since SWTOR release cause it was an OP and GOD mode class.


Discuss. Cheers.

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4k crit Backblast, 3k crit Blaster Whip. If 7k is half your HP, that's your problem right there. You don't know what you're talking about, so please **** with this thread.

First like he said its not half your hp

Secondly even with half health left, after the intial attack, scoundrel has really loaw damage, so you can easily beat him with half health, but if ur 2 scared u ll die cuz u have lower health i guess u ll lose psychologically :D

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Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik..

So you only have 13k HP? and that is with 2 healthy crits

What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. .

That is just false. CC break works perfectly fine on this ability.


If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman..

First of all, they won't need to heal up to kill a tank.

Second, in that 2 minute battle you had no friends run your way?

I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win)..


Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst..

UM... Scoundrels destroy VG/PT 1v1... it's not even close.


Discuss. Cheers.

Although this is a troll.. I didn't want any readers to be misinformed.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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The whole thing about the Dirty Kick animation bugging out when 'getting up' doesn't even happen.


Now if we're going to talk about that, Guardians/Juggernauts Force Push takes forever to stand up afterwards and you start rubberbanding back to where you were pushed for a few seconds. Not like you should use a CC breaker after a push, but if you were to, you also aren't able to move freely, you continue to rubberband back to where you were pushed and effectively get nowhere.


Scoundrels are fine... Operatives on the other hand...!

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Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik.

This is where DEVS must take a closer look. Dirty kik also bring a BUG not yet fixed since the launce of the game.

The animation needed for you to stand up even when trinket is used makes imposible to use your defensive abilities in time. What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. If the scoundrel is smart he will use dodge+prone+recuperate (2% HP/3 sec) and put you down. If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman.

I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win).

Now they are the GODs of healing and zerging fastest in all games. Ask tanks and they will admit this is the only class that drop their Hp so fast from all other classes.


Comparing with deception/infiltation shadows/assasins dps this class is terible OP.

To fix it you must fix animation BUG first, then their opening burst. Also remove healing from dps classes. Or whatever is needed to counter them proper. Is not fair to fight them back when you have lost half Hp alrdy and you must face them with their defensive CD ready wich give them a HUGE advantage. Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst.


On my realm their number have increased alot, all Wz are full with them ppl realizing how strong this class it is.

As i stated before myself have one and i know how strong they are (have all other 7 specs). But i hate this class since SWTOR release cause it was an OP and GOD mode class.


Discuss. Cheers.


Well, if the scoundrel could do that combo of moves to every opponent, yes it'd be unfair.


However, you listed most of their major cool down being used in your example (dirty kick, flash grenade, disappearing act). I hate getting banked by scoundrels just as much as you... But if he uses all of his cooldowns against you, I think it's fair that he has the upper hand in winning (no pun intended).


He can't do that combo of attacks on every opponent. Sometimes an unlucky person just gets to deal with a scoundrel with all his cooldowns. It stinks but it can't happen too often.

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Well, if the scoundrel could do that combo of moves to every opponent, yes it'd be unfair.


However, you listed most of their major cool down being used in your example (dirty kick, flash grenade, disappearing act). I hate getting banked by scoundrels just as much as you... But if he uses all of his cooldowns against you, I think it's fair that he has the upper hand in winning (no pun intended).


He can't do that combo of attacks on every opponent. Sometimes an unlucky person just gets to deal with a scoundrel with all his cooldowns. It stinks but it can't happen too often.


Unlike facing Sents.

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Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik.

This is where DEVS must take a closer look. Dirty kik also bring a BUG not yet fixed since the launce of the game.

The animation needed for you to stand up even when trinket is used makes imposible to use your defensive abilities in time. What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. If the scoundrel is smart he will use dodge+prone+recuperate (2% HP/3 sec) and put you down. If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman.

I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win).

Now they are the GODs of healing and zerging fastest in all games. Ask tanks and they will admit this is the only class that drop their Hp so fast from all other classes.


Comparing with deception/infiltation shadows/assasins dps this class is terible OP.

To fix it you must fix animation BUG first, then their opening burst. Also remove healing from dps classes. Or whatever is needed to counter them proper. Is not fair to fight them back when you have lost half Hp alrdy and you must face them with their defensive CD ready wich give them a HUGE advantage. Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst.


On my realm their number have increased alot, all Wz are full with them ppl realizing how strong this class it is.

As i stated before myself have one and i know how strong they are (have all other 7 specs). But i hate this class since SWTOR release cause it was an OP and GOD mode class.


Discuss. Cheers.


Nothing to see here...move along.

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Scoundrels/Operatives are right where they should be. Stop the unnecessary nerf calls.


However, there certainly is an issue with some stuns that have a knockdown animation tied to it. The animation makes the stun longer than the tooltip states. Should you trinket out of a it, it brings you to the point of the animation where you're in the middle of standing up and it does not stand you up. Your ability bar is greyed out for a split second longer than it should be.

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Scoundrels/Operatives are right where they should be. Stop the unnecessary nerf calls.


However, there certainly is an issue with some stuns that have a knockdown animation tied to it. The animation makes the stun longer than the tooltip states. Should you trinket out of a it, it brings you to the point of the animation where you're in the middle of standing up and it does not stand you up. Your ability bar is greyed out for a split second longer than it should be.


No, it's not. Stop watching the animation and use your ability; it'll fire regardless. I knocked down my guild's Commando healer and he started casting a heal in the middle of getting up; it was halfway done when he was on his feet. The stun lasts 1.5 seconds, the animation lasts a bit longer because it used to be a 3 second stun, so don't wait for it.

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Dirty Kik+Black Blast+Blaster Whip= You lose HALF HP in the 4 seconds stun from dirty kik.

This is where DEVS must take a closer look. Dirty kik also bring a BUG not yet fixed since the launce of the game.

The animation needed for you to stand up even when trinket is used makes imposible to use your defensive abilities in time. What does this mean: if i stay stuned 4 sec and do not use trinket i will die surely. If i use trinket the BUG animation for me to stand uop again make this stun to last 3 sec anyway. And you already lost half HP. If the scoundrel is smart he will use dodge+prone+recuperate (2% HP/3 sec) and put you down. If you are still alive (tank proly) he will use flash grenade and disapearing act. You have no trinket , he can recover his HP back and reopen on you again. This time you will die even if you are Superman.

I have scoundrel but i dislike this class because it started like GOD mode class (1v4 easy win).

Now they are the GODs of healing and zerging fastest in all games. Ask tanks and they will admit this is the only class that drop their Hp so fast from all other classes.


Comparing with deception/infiltation shadows/assasins dps this class is terible OP.

To fix it you must fix animation BUG first, then their opening burst. Also remove healing from dps classes. Or whatever is needed to counter them proper. Is not fair to fight them back when you have lost half Hp alrdy and you must face them with their defensive CD ready wich give them a HUGE advantage. Not all classes are PT to counter them by even a hier burst.


On my realm their number have increased alot, all Wz are full with them ppl realizing how strong this class it is.

As i stated before myself have one and i know how strong they are (have all other 7 specs). But i hate this class since SWTOR release cause it was an OP and GOD mode class.


Discuss. Cheers.

Sounds like a terrible butthurt you took.


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I'm sorry, but doesn't cyro grenade - assault plastique - 18 second DoT (Don't know exact name) - High Impact Bolt end up doing more damage with the same 4 second stun where you can't move?


The number some stated here are incorect. I have over 19k HP on most of my classes (ful WH). Scoundrels are the toughest enemies i fight with in fair fights. And i am not scared and i do not run. I only posted their major hits during the 4 seconds stun. And plz read carefull. After that he can use dodge+prone+recuperate+disapearing act. You will use your CD also so when he vanish you are out of CD and he have the stelth advantage to put you down on the second opening atack.. Also they stay in cover and heal themselfs reducing the incoming dmg taken.

In a fight with them you have 40% chance to win if they play proper. I speak of the masters of this class. If you want to see what is all about i invite you to make some tests with my own scoundrel (half bones half scraper=he can't be killed in any 1v1 i got so far). I have dots and alot of dps tools to put down any other class. I can set some picture with my recruit gear doing over 300k healing and 200k dmg in WZ easy mod (or over 500k healing in full healing spec mostly) . Imagine when i will have full WH gear. Still i do not enjoy it.

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Stealth operatives are perfect where they are right now; when twinked out and working in pairs they rule the sub 50 WZs by stunlocking a single target and burning it down fast. They are also great at ganking leveling low levels, but shouldn't ever have a place in a proper ranked WZ if they can instagib people and stealth back to safety consistently. Or give em their burst back so they can down a high priority target like a healer but can't escape easily. I know I'd willingly trade a stealthy's like for the enemy healer's. Edited by HaibaneRenmai
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Not calling for a nerf but I was, in almost full WH, hit for 5,2K+3,6K by one today. That's an insta death seeing that there's always more than one enemy around and when they see someone with half HP they're going to attack.

This doesnt happen to this extreme that often but I think that bursts are too much across the board in this game. It would be more fun to play if TTK'es were longer.

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Yeah, once a week a OP/Scrap does indeed do alot of dam - nerf 'em!!!11


Oh boy, when at last my OP will be min/maxed with WH I also will get me own QQ-thread 'cause someone actually noticed concOPs/Scrappers are still in the game. Too bad GW2 will come out first :/

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The number some stated here are incorect. I have over 19k HP on most of my classes (ful WH). Scoundrels are the toughest enemies i fight with in fair fights. And i am not scared and i do not run. I only posted their major hits during the 4 seconds stun. And plz read carefull. After that he can use dodge+prone+recuperate+disapearing act. You will use your CD also so when he vanish you are out of CD and he have the stelth advantage to put you down on the second opening atack.. Also they stay in cover and heal themselfs reducing the incoming dmg taken.

In a fight with them you have 40% chance to win if they play proper. I speak of the masters of this class. If you want to see what is all about i invite you to make some tests with my own scoundrel (half bones half scraper=he can't be killed in any 1v1 i got so far). I have dots and alot of dps tools to put down any other class. I can set some picture with my recruit gear doing over 300k healing and 200k dmg in WZ easy mod (or over 500k healing in full healing spec mostly) . Imagine when i will have full WH gear. Still i do not enjoy it.


Nerf skill!


Also, I will destroy your hybrid with my Scrapper. Try me in a duel.

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Yeah, once a week a OP/Scrap does indeed do alot of dam - nerf 'em!!!11


Oh boy, when at last my OP will be min/maxed with WH I also will get me own QQ-thread 'cause someone actually noticed concOPs/Scrappers are still in the game. Too bad GW2 will come out first :/


It does feel good to be a threat when in fully optimized War Hero. Any healer is in the for the fight of his life is he's good, or a swift death if he's not.

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