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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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I'm not going to make a list or anything. I just wanted to say that I also think that Cathar was a terrible choice for the first new playable race. They are NOT an iconic Star Wars race and they should have gone with a race that says Star Wars to people who've never played KOTOR.
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You know that same argument backfires for all the other species that are not implemented as palyable or are not even in the game? ;)


Not really man.Cathar are/were supposed to be the next species added, but aside from what many would consider a less than enthusiastic response from players, we havnt heard much on that. :p

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Selkath, Selkath, Selkath, Selkath, Selkath!


^^^ This is the race i was refering to. My god i want to play as one so badly. Why is there a set ammount of races? i mean c'mon its starwars, We dont want to be limited playing 6-7 races in a universe with hundreds if not thousands of races! Star Trek Online did this perfectly by adding the models of almost every race, then having the option of selecting Alien and making your own. (alright, not every race, but there is easily 20 different set races you can choose and the option of creating something unique)


Also, I think the only reason they are adding Cathar is because there is already a few in the world and it means less work they have to do.

Edited by DeludedAussie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, I think the only reason they are adding Cathar is because there is already a few in the world and it means less work they have to do.

If that was the case, they could have just chosen Togruta to begin with - better known and more iconic.


Not gonna bother listing my favorite species but yeah, Cathar was a pretty horrible choice.

Edited by jupezz
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Only assume that Cathar were picked because they are easy. I wonder if now its kinda back fired, because the Cathar we saw in the video was a human with pointy ears and tiger tattoo's are they now making them more cat like and finding loads of clipping issues and just wishing they had gone with either a more iconic alien species so people would have been happier they were getring an iconic alien species like Mon'cal, Kel'dor or Rodian or just gone for another reskinned human and had it in the Cartel shop by now?


Personaly I would rather have anything more alien than Cathar.

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One diminutive species which fits the criteria that BioWare claims will allow a species to become playable, and which I believe would be perfect, is the Lannik:



Lannik speak basic fluently and would be able to romance. The only issue would be the size of the armor and their ears clipping but I don't think that'd be difficult to handle. Other than that, they're what the devs claim to be a possible species to implement and they're close to looking alien. One concern players might have is the camera height in cutscenes but that's something you wouldn't have to worry about because it automatically aligns with the player's height as shown a while back with the tiny player bug:


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Ever since they announced that the Cathar were going to be playable I was like "what!?" Star Wars has a very rich mythology and for the developers to decide on the Cathar as their first new playable species is dumbfounded to me.


This is my list of wishful thinking:

(in no order of preference)


Kilik or Kilik-joiner











Sure many of you will say they aren't easily applicable to the current status of the game because of the story and dialogues. BUT, what if a new faction is introduced that is more neutral and you can eventually ally yourself with the Empire or the Republic? I'm sure with all the creds being made by BW on this game they can develop and apply such an expansiion. Or something similar to what City of Heroes had when they came out with 'Going Rogue'.

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Vurk would have my vote. Awesome species that didn't get enough camera time. Takes me back to my days in kindergarden and just finding about dinasaurs, they were only the coolest thing I had ever discovered at that time. Edited by tXHereticXt
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I feel like Cathar would be on my top 10 list, honestly. I mean not when Cathar looked like Juhani... but I think the TOR Cathar look pretty sweet. Anyway, here's my top 10. Now I would like to see some varied size races (like Jawas or Yoda's race), but those may be out of the question at the time being, so I left em out.


1. Kel Dor - Always my favorite race to play as in Jedi Academy, and Plo Koon was pretty awesome. Lots of customization options with the face masks.

2. Togruta - There are already so many iconic Togrutan characters in the movies and now TOR, I think they should be an option for players. And they'd probably all look very unique.

3. Bothan - I feel like a Bothan Scoundrel or Operative would be really cool.

4. Wookiee - Come on, a Wookiee Jedi or Sith? Epic.

5. Trandoshan - There honestly aren't enough exotic feeling options to a Bounty Hunter race. Trandoshans would definitely make it happen.

6. Iktotchi - Haven't even seen one of these in the game, but I would like to.

7. Kaleesh - Just like the Kel Dor, it would be pretty awesome to customize the face masks.

8. Cathar - I was honestly underwhelmed with how Juhani looked like a Human with a cat mouth and super thin hair, but the Cathar in TOR look pretty sweet. I will definitely play a Lion Jedi.

9. Nautolan - Kit Fisto... Enough said.

10. Nikto - This desert race will definitely add a unique option to Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, and Troopers.

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LIST BASED OFF BIOWARE's Lame restrictions (human like, kissable)


1) Cerean (surprised this not brought up more, tall headed humans...simple, its Ki-Adu Mundi's species)

2) Chagrian (these NPCs are everywhere and SGT Rusk is one of them)

3) Devaronian (dont see why not)

4) Nautolan (kit fist)

5) Voss (i suppose)

6) Godoan (human with antena heads)

7) Torguta

8) Iktotchi


That's it really, i dont want to put the pink people.



1) Sullustan (they speak basic now as well, there is a basic speaking sully on taris)

2) Falleen (because they are awesome)

3) Cerean

4) Chagrian

5) Devaronian

4) Nautolan

5) Nikto

6) Kel dor


8) Duros (I like Cade Bane, so this would be an awesome mercenary)

9) Rodian (they are a staple species)

10) Mon Cal (Not even a fan, but people love these guys)


SO MANY OTHERS like Bothans, Ithorians, Wookies, Kaleesh and MUNNS (DARTH PLAGEUIS, was a Munn) and i only left out Togruta because they are on every list already.

Edited by kirorx
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I think we can all agree that everybody likes alien species and something too human is just lame.

Reason for this, nobody wants to be a human given the chance to not be a human, why? Because humans suck.


Whoever said something along the lines of "the more human looking species are, the better we can relate to them" is completely untrue and extremely ignorant. Kit Fisto - A lot of people love him. Yoda - A lot of people love him. Etc.


Nautolan's are my favourite species and their head tentacles shouldn't be a problem since for them it's like hair, they could have a pony-tail, out and around their face or pulled back like Kit Fisto and theres flexibility with head gear e.g they tuck their tentacles (since they're tentacles they're incredibly elastic), though I don't think anybody would want to put a helmet on a nautolan anyway. They're pretty much Twi'leks with bug eyes and dreadlock lekku.


Much better than Cathar (Human looking thundercats)

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I think we can all agree that everybody likes alien species and something too human is just lame.

Reason for this, nobody wants to be a human given the chance to not be a human, why? Because humans suck.


Whoever said something along the lines of "the more human looking species are, the better we can relate to them" is completely untrue and extremely ignorant. Kit Fisto - A lot of people love him. Yoda - A lot of people love him. Etc.


Nautolan's are my favourite species and their head tentacles shouldn't be a problem since for them it's like hair, they could have a pony-tail, out and around their face or pulled back like Kit Fisto and theres flexibility with head gear e.g they tuck their tentacles (since they're tentacles they're incredibly elastic), though I don't think anybody would want to put a helmet on a nautolan anyway. They're pretty much Twi'leks with bug eyes and dreadlock lekku.


Much better than Cathar (Human looking thundercats)


The "relate to them" is a silly answer, how am i supposed to relate to a sith, i have never shot lighnting before and i have only been on earth.

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1) Sullustan (they speak basic now as well, there is a basic speaking sully on taris)

Also they just introduced another who speaks basic in the Clone Wars series:





Just like Darth Tenebrous:


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My list...in no particular order...:


  1. Kel Dor
  2. Togruta
  3. Quarren
  4. Nautolan
  5. Bith
  6. Mon Cal
  7. Rodian
  8. Nikto
  9. Ithorian
  10. Wookiee


Maybe the last two are a little out there...but why not?...anything is better than a bloody Thundercat....of all the species they could have had and we get that one?

Edited by Vigilanis
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