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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

10 races that are better than Cathar.


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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


Yeah like Jawa make totally sense, not to mention the Droid,. Special the Jawa one would fit wonderful for all the classes out there......

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Chiss already don't work with at least one storyline (SI), I can't imagine droid working with any of the force using storylines (I'm sure there's some terribly written novel about a force using droid tho, to prove me wrong :p), not do I see droid working with the Trooper storyline (tho the class seems fine).
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I'm extremely disappointed with the choice of Cathar as a premium race and will not be purchasing it. Cathar have zero appeal to me. They are aesthetically repellant in every way, relatively unknown, and I in fact associate them with Thundercats and swords-and-magic fantasy games than I do Star Wars; as I suspect many others do.


What in the hell were they thinking? Whatever big wig(s) ok'd or demanded this should get his(their) head out of his(their) rear(s).




Also, I don't see a single valid point to EAWare's argument against alien species. There is zero language barrier in this game. I accidentally open a holocron of some long forgotten super-race that went extinct, and my character starts conversing with it without missing a beat. Whatever concession was stretched to make that possible can be applied to having playable alien races.

Edited by Sanctioned
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I'm extremely disappointed with the choice of Cathar as a premium race and will not be purchasing it. Cathar have zero appeal to me. They are aesthetically repellant in every way, relatively unknown, and I in fact associate them with Thundercats and swords-and-magic fantasy games than I do Star Wars; as I suspect many others do.


What in the hell were they thinking? Whatever big wig(s) ok'd or demanded this should get his(their) head out of his(their) rear(s).




Also, I don't see a single valid point to EAWare's argument against alien species. There is zero language barrier in this game. I accidentally open a holocron of some long forgotten super-race that went extinct, and my character starts conversing with it without missing a beat. Whatever concession was stretched to make that possible can be applied to having playable alien races.


The problem is less lore but more about to make facial expression work not to mmention amory. Alone for that Jawa will never work.

Aside of that Cathar are not that unkown as you may think and yes nobody forces you to buy them. :p

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The problem is less lore but more about to make facial expression work not to mmention amory. Alone for that Jawa will never work.

Aside of that Cathar are not that unkown as you may think and yes nobody forces you to buy them. :p


Oh yeah. If there so well known n great how come they still havent been added yet?

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You do realize that adding "Droid" as a race would involve a ton of reworking for PvP, right?

Disable Droid now becomes useful in PvP, giving Sentinels a mez. It also negates the In-Stealth Mez moves of Scoundrel and Shadow. One of the great things about this game is that race is purely aesthetic. Adding Droid as a playable race would change that.


EDIT: I will say, I would like to see Kaleesh playable at some point.


I dont see the problem with instealth CC's becoming obsolete in PvP, Scoundrels/Operatives kick my *** since 2 of them can kill anything in a matter of seconds

Also Id love to have a CC on my Sent thats useful in PvP

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All races feel to human to me.


Wanted to see some trandoshan soldier or smuggler




Something not too human like


My calls would be



Cerean (although is too human like)

Some insectoid like Gand


Mon Calamari (man this one should have from the begginin, plus they already have the design for it, you can find a Calamari on Esseles)

And Cathar

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my pick:



3.Mon Calamari





P:S: I really don't understand why many people want Voss as playable,but i guess everybody have their favorites so nvm:i_smile:

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I see that this discussion has taken on a new form of attack. It has been noted and spoken about in great depth on these forums, and while the request to have all these crazy, long headed and disproportionate alien species is valid for customization. It's terrible in terms of design.


All of those funny misshaped heads would need custom variants of all the helms in game. All the armor types would have to be re-weighted to apply to even the smallest body deviations like the mon-cals arms.


The only way to get them in, would be of some species never could have a head slot shown, some couldn't have gloves or bracers shown and some couldn't have boots shown.


If people were to accept that, then maybe I could see it happening. But not everyone will, because like anything on this forum, 10 will say yes, 100 will say no and call those 10 biodrone fanboys who are spineless and lack self entitlement.


Oh the humanity!

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Wow! i'm surprised i didn't think about these. Devaronian Weequay Nautolan trandoshan Cerean Iktotchi Mon Calamari Nikto.


Along with my other list, these would be great to add to the game as playable species as well as.


Hutt, Bith, Duros, Kaminoan, Muun, Pau'an, etc.

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Wow! i'm surprised i didn't think about these. Devaronian Weequay Nautolan trandoshan Cerean Iktotchi Mon Calamari Nikto.


Along with my other list, these would be great to add to the game as playable species as well as.


Hutt, Bith, Duros, Kaminoan, Muun, Pau'an, etc.


Hutt, Kaminoan, Bith, Nikto are unlikely to ever be made playable for varying reasons.


Mon Calamari, Cerean, Muun, Nautolan, Trandoshan while possible would require unique equipment appearances or not show up.


Devaronian, Weequay, Pau'an are the ones that you mention in your post as being the most likely to be added.

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Hutt, Kaminoan, Bith, Nikto are unlikely to ever be made playable for varying reasons.


Mon Calamari, Cerean, Muun, Nautolan, Trandoshan while possible would require unique equipment appearances or not show up.


Devaronian, Weequay, Pau'an are the ones that you mention in your post as being the most likely to be added.


Also in a previous post i had Shistavanen, Which i don't see as to why it couldn't be added. :cool:

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Also in a previous post i had Shistavanen, Which i don't see as to why it couldn't be added. :cool:


Ah but they would fall into the same category as the Trandoshans, Mon Cal's, etc as the Shistavanen would require unique equipment appearance or have the equipment not show up in certain parts of their anatomy

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Annoo dat, Anx, Besalisk, Codru-Ji, Dashade, Croke, Devaronian, Dug, Ewok, Falleen, Iktotchi, (so not possible but) Jedi, Kiffar, Latter, Ogemite, Omwati, Paaerduag, Talortai, Trandoshan, Zhell, Yoda's species ( sense it has never been named think they might be the last true Jedi, it would make a lot of sense)
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If people were to accept that, then maybe I could see it happening. But not everyone will, because like anything on this forum, 10 will say yes, 100 will say no and call those 10 biodrone fanboys who are spineless and lack self entitlement.


Oh the humanity!


Your right about that.ISo i guess i with those 10 people, who ready to accept new spieces without some armor pieces, cause twileks have problem with their lekkus since launch, so lack of some armor for me it is not a problem:i_angel:

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