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The Jedi Voices are killing me!


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Maybe it's just me, but the Jedi voice acting is the only think keeping me from playing the characters.


Anyone else having this problem?


I just made characters that "fit" the voices. The sith side voices seem to be more flexible with the looks of the character.

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Give the Knight a shot. I never had a problem with the male's voice and the story is very well worth your time.


The male Consular, on the other hand, has given me some trouble. I find that if you make an older looking character, maybe with a grayed beard or hair, the voice seems to fit a bit more for that look. That's just me though.

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I find the male Consular's voice works nicely with a Type-4 Body as well. Don't ask why, the fat man seems to fit the voice. And like others say, the male Knight voice seems to fit a younger looking character.


It's true, they have nothing on the Sith voices, but, I mean, c'mon, you can't beat evil British voices.

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My Sages voice is terribad!


I wound up going with one of the blind races so it looks like he has shades on so I picture him as being Neo in the Matrix with that combination. But yet he is balding and gray. He must have been discovered at WAY too old of an age.

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Well it doesn't help that honestly the male consular is pretty terrible sounding, the female consular is a little bit better but that's my own opinion.


As for the knight, David Hayter does a pretty good job with the male knights voice and is personally to me better then the female knight, although she isn't bad either.


Of course part of it is also that the voices just don't match some races, like for me, Zabrak just don't match a knight of either gender at ALL and miralukan are a bit...eh on some classes too.

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I like the Jedi voices much better than the Sith voices. My favorite voice is the female knight (Kari Wahlgren). The voice is young sounding. The Sith voices are very arrogant sounding and do not sound that good when choosing the light side choice.

Oddly enough Kari Wahlgren is also the voice for Ashara. Ashara is my favorite inquisitor companion only because Talos never says "You call this Archeology".

Both the consular voices sound dry to me, but once I get used to them they work well.

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You don't like the sith voices?


Maybe it's the lightside thing with them. I tried to go a little light with my warrior after going very dark with the inquisitor; but I just couldn't. It just feels right being arrogant and evil. "Use your anger! It is the only way to defeat me!"


I do manage to stay light when I can with my crew.

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I found the (male) Consular voice a bit jarring at first on Tython. But well into late act 1 and all the way until the end of the class storyline I honestly thought it was one of the best voices done in the game, second only to the male IA and male SW. My character's looks were young with the padawan braid.


I can only guess it might be because Nolan North started recording the Tython dialogue first and hadn't fully made a realization of who the character he was acting yet. But it was really top notch for a light-side Jedi especially within the constraints of what a Jedi is. The dark-side choices sounding ridiculously out of character is more a fault with the writing not truly accounting for the choice of being a dark-side Jedi Consular, than a fault with the voice actor.


As for the Jedi Knight I find it is a bit dull if you always choose the light-side choice and David Hayter does a great job as a grey or slightly dark-leaning Jedi. Mostly a good guy but has temptations of power.

Edited by Jenzali
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I found a male Consular unplayable. I don't know, it was seemed flat beyond my ability to pay attention. Thus far this is the only class voice that has actively discouraged me from playing it.


I've heard that same accuaation leveled at male Knights, but I was playing my Knight as a proper LS Jedi wise man, so it fit. Plus, Solid Snake. I just liked the voice quality more, and there was some expression in it, just not in-your-face.

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