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Stealthies in huttball


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LOL if u think 8v7 means **** all in CTF(ESPECIALLY A CTF WHERE U CAN THROW THE FLAG AHEAD OF U!) dont play games ever again **** ive been laughing for like 5 minutes straight at how *********** stupid that is Edited by KefkaXXX
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LOL if u think 8v7 means **** all in CTF(ESPECIALLY A CTF WHERE U CAN THROW THE FLAG AHEAD OF U!) dont play games ever again **** ive been laughing for like 5 minutes straight at how *********** stupid that is


And this is why you're complaining about stealthers camping the end zone. Clearly you don't understand the mechanics of how huttball works.

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Sometimes I do this on my Scoundrel and Operative when i'm playing Scrapper/Concealment.


Seeing as people know i'm there after the initial pass, I pass the time by repeatedly killing Sorcs and Sages that run out. I killed one Sage 5 times each time he came out because he was so deliciously squishy in his recruit gear, before he respawned with 3+ people.

Edited by Ashania
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The side with the stealther is playing 6 on 8 (the guy with the ball generally isn't going to be anything useful toward fighting) and if you can't take the ball back with a 2 man advantage then you're clearly way outclassed to begin with and had no choice of winning.


At any rate stealth isn't even a big deal because you can do the same thing while visible except you can get there sooner. No they can't stop you because whoever stops the Assassin gets charged by the ball carrier instead. As always fancy passing schemes are deal with by killing the ball carrier near the middle.

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I find it amusing that some peeps are just now figuring this out. lol


just wait until they find out people without stealth are camping the end zone. i've seen many people put their back to that wall and never get spotted by the opposing team, no matter how many times they spawn, they just never think to look back to their own end zone

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Remember this too ... even if im stealthed at the goal line and its 7v8, it doesn't matter sometimes because if all of the 8 people on your team aren't working to win, then you're really at 7v7 or 7v6 or worse ... so many times i see people wasting time on rubbish kills that take them away from the objectives.


Im at the goal line which imo contributes greatly to the chances of scoring instead of killing someone who just scored on me etc. I think its always better to have some kind of strategy that a pug team can follow than to trust 8 individuals to figure out how to work together and actually pull off plays haha.

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How fair is it that an assasin can just stealth his way thru the opposing team and sit on our platform for 15 minutes. Ill give a prime example, were winning this huttball 2-0 pretty even game were both pushing it far but they keep diving right into our pit and were like *** are the doing? At no point during the brawls of us pushing to their endzone did we see any trace of an assasin icon so where could he be for 10 minutes? well hes sitting in our endzone just waiting for the ball. I mean come on thats that dumbest thing in the world. "ima just wait here for the rest of my team" so then theirs 5 minutes left and they get the first score by diving in, passing to the stealthie NO ONE HAD ANY CLUE was their for 10 minutes, n he speeds in. Of course were scatered so they get the ball and what does the stealthie do, vanishes and waits for them to dive into the bottom again, what do u know 3 scores in 2 minutes because 1 guy sat in our endzone for the hole game.What a way to lose! Get this **** together and make it so if ur sitting on their pad for to long u get booted off. For ea being prob the best maker of sports games they sure ****ed up huttball


I'm not sure if this has already been said, since I didn't go through all the replies. I just felt the need to say it (again with more style) if it's already been said:







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The game has a broken stealth-busting mechanic. Basically there is nothing you can do to bring out of stealth a skilled player. He will always fight only when he wants to. You'd think at least one class would have the uncleansable dots to keep them from vanishing, but hey lets give the scum of SWTOR force shroud or improved evasion.


They give pyro a laughable +2 detect and and even more useless stealth scan and they call it a counter to invis? :) every idiot can take advantage of temporary +10 stealth skill, with dps having the advantage of getting some passive bonus as well.


Just dont take PVP seriously. What do you want from a game designer that was behind the bright wizards? Keep your expectations as low as possible, play premades, roll a tank asassin ask your frind to roll a ops healer and you can have some undeniable fun while the rest will eat dirt.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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