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Cathar .....BOO


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The Cathar is awesome. This was igniting lots of hope for SWTOR.


Than comes the video....it's not a REAL Cathar it's just a human with Cathar body paint.


BOOOO. Now my firends won't come back to play.


Take your time and fix this Bio Ware. I'm getting scared.


Maybe I will have to go to that other game...

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The Cathar is awesome. This was igniting lots of hope for SWTOR.


Than comes the video....it's not a REAL Cathar it's just a human with Cathar body paint.


BOOOO. Now my firends won't come back to play.


Take your time and fix this Bio Ware. I'm getting scared.


Maybe I will have to go to that other game...


dont know what your talking about it just looks like aric with a different skin


they should of chose a better race to start with a kitty cat ffs, ad rather have a bothen dog and i hate them more than wookies

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Is this for real?


If so that's really pathetic. Did they fire all their artists or what? Nobodys going to be subbing for this game if the quality is going to be this ******.


Does anyone have pics? You got me curious.

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They already have Cathar models in the game....would they not be based off those same models? I just looked at the video that has the playable cathar in it....definitely not just a human with facepaint. They aren't far off from humans, but they kind of have to stick to a similar model for them to work with all the class animations/voices. I don't know if we'll ever see something like a Trandoshan playable.


My only concern though, is that you won't get to pick any hairstyles other than the current ones....rather than the shaggy manes the NPCs have. Bioware...we need more hairstyles anyway...please give us more hair options, lol.

Edited by chuixupu
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Cathar Picture


I don't see the problem? There have been 2 videos with cathar being shown and this one looks quite a bit different. Maybe the Cathar smuggler looked too much like an 'Assimilated Cathar', where as the one in the pick above looks quite different.


But if the Smuggler was a Cathar I'm sure he'd trim up his stuff too.


Most recent Cathar Picture


He seems to have pointy ears and a cat-esk nose. Maybe I'm not familiar with what Cathar are supposed to look like...

Another Cathar Picture.


They look like Human/Cat crossbreeds and it shows I guess...iuno, maybe i'm missing something.

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If they dont look like clowns, i'll make one. If they do however, that is just one more thing for me to qq about.




*Teeny, tiny spoiler*

That one looks like the cathar you meet in the smuggler storyline...actually, it looks just like him just with jedi crap on


Could be also the one from the Inquisitor quest?

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Another Cathar Picture.


They look like Human/Cat crossbreeds and it shows I guess...iuno, maybe i'm missing something.


I just want to point out that that picture is someone's fanart, just in case someone thought it was actually official artwork.

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*Teeny, tiny spoiler*

That one looks like the cathar you meet in the smuggler storyline...actually, it looks just like him just with jedi crap on


Umm... it looks like every single male Cathar that's currently in the game other than Aric Jorgan :p It's the standard model.

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I just want to point out that that picture is someone's fanart, just in case someone thought it was actually official artwork.


Umm...this fan art is way better than the Cathar in the game. I wish I got them mixed up.

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Maybe there is some confusion on my part.


I watched some Youtube videos and MANY CATHAR HAD FUR.


Than I realized...I guess when you customize the Cathar...you will be able to add hair (mane)

and facial hair/whiskers..etc


Let's hope this is where the confusion comes from. I'm just worried we won't be able to customize much.


When you throw a mane and whiskers in the mix Cathar actually stand out and look more unique

Edited by NoaFlux
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it's not a REAL Cathar it's just a human with Cathar body paint.


Actually it has all the model points that existing Cathar have in the game already,


Flat nose, pointed ears, sloped forehead. The difference is that its skin/fur/whatevs is unique rather than the same reddish brown+tan combo that all the in-game Cathar have.


In other words, this thread was pointless.

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As others have pointed out, the bone structure in the video is the same as the other Cathar models in the game, including Jorgan - flat nose, pointed ears.


I'd be willing to put money down on lots of customization options in terms of designs on the face, hair styles, etc. (and I don't gamble). I distinctly remembering reading a dev post in which they talked about not having Voss as a race because they only have two head types and players need more customization options than that. I seriously seriously doubt that you'd be stuck with "clownish" facial markings (although I kind of like them).

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The Cathar is awesome. This was igniting lots of hope for SWTOR.


Than comes the video....it's not a REAL Cathar it's just a human with Cathar body paint.


BOOOO. Now my firends won't come back to play.


Take your time and fix this Bio Ware. I'm getting scared.


Maybe I will have to go to that other game...

The other playable species in the game are also "humans" with twilek, zabrak, chiss body paint. If you're talking about a distinct voice for the Cathar, I don't think that's possible. What else do you want for a new specie?

Edited by Ph_Blacksign
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