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The Grand Acquisitions Race


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For a short time only, The Chevin Conglomerate is offering great riches to anyone who brings them rare and unique items. Scattered across all parts of the galaxy, these items must be retrieved before the Chevin return to their home in the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim! Be cautious as some within both the Republic and Imperial governments wonder if there is something more sinister driving the Chevin and their quest to acquire these goods…


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A lot of us are wondering if there is an exploit. Seems you get all 9 items from doing space missions a response would be nice

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A lot of us are wondering if there is an exploit. Seems you get all 9 items from doing space missions a response would be nice


There was a post in this thread about it, which got deleted, as did my post as I quoted it. So that should tell you something. Someone has created their own thread for it, so let's hope it gets a response.

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There was a post in this thread about it, which got deleted, as did my post as I quoted it. So that should tell you something. Someone has created their own thread for it, so let's hope it gets a response.
whats the point in deleting it? everyone already knows and is doing it right now. This sucks Edited by chronosxx
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Check back later, check back later, check back later.... That's what i'm seeing. I just started these quests and that's all i'm seeing. How are we to get this done when we get cut off before even starting??


It's an event over several days, the 'check back later' most likely means tomorrow. There are several that can be completed today, but the three quests with 'Lead' in their name cannot.

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The Lobelot 250 token pet, I've seen in General chat someone say they got it in a Smuggler crate on Nar Shadaa rather than having to spend tokens on it.


Can anyone(Dev/Comm member/Anyone who actually got it out of there) confirm this? And/or are there outher pets in those crates?


I can confirm this. Got it while seaching crates for the pieces of one of the items (forgot which one). I wonder if there will be other rare drops from the crates, i.e. the sand people gear.

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I don't suppose the speeder adapts to your speeder licence level? Wondering if I should just sit on my tokens for now and see if there's a different one available later.


I'd say sit on em.


Right now looks like Gear is for Vanguards and Agents.


Hopefully they'll push more stuff out because if thats all the rewards?



Well... So much for a "good" event.

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So very poorly implemented....


Grathan Estate lazer puzzle is the perfect case in point. 20 people all in the same room clicking the damn buttons, making the mirrors move around so no one can get the thing done, and when you inevitably fail after the 2mins u have to wait an hour to try the whole charade again?!?!?!


Bowcasters are cool n all but yeah, what about the rest of us who are not Snipers or Vanguards. Thats like 2 out of the 8 AC's that are catered for in this event. We are presuming that more weapons will be available but am I going to devote hours of my gaming time lugging my arse around Nar Shadaar and DK/Corusc on the basis of this presumption?

Based on the horrible start this event has had i really dont think so...

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I will say that i'm kind of confused about the rewards present. I like that the armor can be purchased with the tokens rather than as quest rewards, meaning people can get as many pieces as they like, even if they start late. I'm stoked about the speeder if it's the one I think it is.


And yes, maybe there could be a few things done differently here and there, but holy frickin' Toledo, people, some of you need to lighten up. Seems like your entire existence is aimed toward pouring out foul sentiments on this board.


I, for one, love the missions. I like what they've done with it, and I've had fun doing them regardless of the rewards so far.


I sure hope the transition to F2P brings a lot more people to the game that aren't spoiled, jaded and angry. This game could use a good influx of those kinds of players.


Thanks again for a great event so far, BioWare, and it's just Day One!

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The event idea is pretty nice but why is it in public areas? One of the worse bloody ideas you lot have had everyone is crowded around them pressing buttons and you have no idea whats going on and its by luck you get anything done.


I don't want to do missions / task where everyone one is spaming the click'able items I want a enjoyable rich story, my story which you lot claimed when releasing the game!!!!! I enjoyed the last event as it was a world event and bought people together and didn't ruin each others experince. This one does and is very poorly implemented.


This. If I wanted to actually see other people, I would play some kind of massively multiplayer game, perhaps online.

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I guess my biggest funkill factor is that I don't know what to do. I have a list of things to get and the log just says to search the planets. The other two quests i have are "lead" quests that just say to come back later. I don't want it to all be handed to me, but c'mon, gimme something beyond, "Search Nar Saddar and Coruscant."
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So very poorly implemented....


Grathan Estate lazer puzzle is the perfect case in point. 20 people all in the same room clicking the damn buttons, making the mirrors move around so no one can get the thing done, and when you inevitably fail after the 2mins u have to wait an hour to try the whole charade again?!?!?!


If people would stop being rude and group up, or at least not fight over the objectives, this would not be a problem. All of the summoning quests can be done in a group with everyone getting credit and the items so there is no reason to fight over the stuff when you can group up and be done with it...or wait your turn.


It's also my belief that people clicking on the terminal to summon Fallaxen when he is already fighting someone is the cause of him bugging out and needing to be reset, which inevitable leads to someone else running up and clicking the terminal, though it could just be a coincidence that he bugged those times I observed this.


Why is it so hard for folks to be team players? I remember the Rakghoul event having more camaraderie, though there were still some problems and there will always be when it comes to people.

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The Lobelot 250 token pet, I've seen in General chat someone say they got it in a Smuggler crate on Nar Shadaa rather than having to spend tokens on it.


Can anyone(Dev/Comm member/Anyone who actually got it out of there) confirm this? And/or are there outher pets in those crates?


Yep I got one that way, must have been pretty rare, I opened about 100 or more crates before I got that one, all the others contained 1 or 2 tokens (after I got the 'parts' for the mission item). I had seen one person claim they got one that way a couple hours earlier, I thought they were kidding. :p

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When I heard about this event yesterday, I got quite excited. Any extra content, in my opinion, is a welcome break from the daily grind. However, as much as I did actually enjoy it , I couldn't help but feel that there really wasn't enough. It took me the most part of the day to do this on both my characters of high enough level to do so and when I did finally feel I was getting somewhere I was told to 'check again later' and like many others, I was confused. What does that actually mean? does it mean come back tomorrow? in a few hours? or was it even a bug? I'm still not really sure, but I felt frustrated. Without sounding like a negative Nancy, I do want to point out that the premise was good and I did enjoy it, it's just a shame, for whatever reason, it was unfinished.


Reading many of the posts on this thread, I can relate. The rewards, I feel, are lacking and for not putting out all the content at once is like shooting yourself in the foot. I hope Bioware can learn from this and fix the errors, but i'm finding myself saying this with every content update. I'm an avid supporter of this game, but even i'm starting to get worried!


Throw us a bone Bioware, I know you guys have it in you! :rak_03:

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If I'm continue to play this game, then BW, you really need to get me interested in it, cause otherwise I just go GW2, and will be back after half year (after I clear the GW2 content), and hopefully there will be new content in SWTOR.

That is, if SWTOR will still exist.

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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I find your lack of faith... unsettling.


In all seriousness, does it kill you to gear up your companion? The quest is fun in it's own right, with or without the rewards. And I see why they made everyone wait for the "lead" quests: they didn't want everyone to beat the quest within a couple hours. Don't get me wrong, I do hope they expand the rewards.


Speaking of beating the quest in a couple of hours, it seems as if everyone on Ebon Hawk rep side used the same online guide to beat the quest. It's a nice change of pace, IMHO. It would be really cool to have some sort of open world PvP event. (like a space station appearing somewhere, and players are given some story context to fight over it. Players would be bolstered to LvL 50 WH (or something like that) and commendations would be provided for fighting. IMHO).


As a side note, the player-character VO's aren't there. I know you can't easily cook up dozens of possible lines form the 16 player-character voice actors this game has, but there are still the generic responses. (i.e. smuggler "You're about to see a real-live hero in action")

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This event SUCKS! Horrible end rewards, no real direction, and the stupidity of the people fighting over the things, like the laser mentioned earlier. Whoever came up with this world event, wasn't thinking very well. Nice try BW, but why don't you put more effort into the end game, instead of pushing out junk like this?


No wonder a game they spent $200 million to develop is going down in flames after only 8 months.

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