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..abolish carebear pvp..


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Without rambling endlessly, friendly targets should only be guilded or grouped. Enable the current system only in starter planets but when a player gets his/her ship..it's game on!


Really. When in the swtor universe lore did it state that two sith lords couldn't fight unless they were willing combatants?

How many times have you headed for let's say a node and some rp ****** was 2 metres closer. Why couldnt you charge him and thus fight for it.

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Funny how when people use the word carebear to describe other people you can pretty much make an accurate guess that they are really just a jerk who gets his rocks off by treating other people poorly via the safety and anonymity of the interwebtubez.


*However I would like the idea of FFA pvp. It's one of the reasons I enjoyed griefing... I mean, pvp'ing, in AoC.

Edited by Vaipyr
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Funny how when people use the word carebear to describe other people you can pretty much make an accurate guess that they are really just a jerk who gets his rocks off by treating other people poorly via the safety and anonymity of the interwebtubez.


I enjoy pvp. The current system on planets is the pve server model. It's like they never released the pvp server models. If you get mad because I attack you, well you should roll on a pve server and thus enjoy the system in place.

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Um no its not the pve server model lol , in pve servers people from 2 different factions can choose not to fight each other . In PvP servers people from 2 different factions can always fight each other Edited by Mahariel
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Um no its not the pve server model lol , in pve servers people from 2 different factions can choose not to fight each other . In PvP servers people from 2 different factions can always fight each other


Omg what a terrible hell that must be. I exclamate my point for same faction scenarios for you

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Because not everyone enjoys same faction combat , call it whatever you want "carebear" , "kiddies" etc etc , but some people enjoy the sense of camaraderie in seeing another Jedi Knight/Trooper/consular/smuggler and knowing you can count on them to help you against the evil tide of the sith.


Further more in order to cater to all 3 types of people ( current pve , current pvp and your pvp mentalities ) they would need a new type of server.


There are already few enough players as it is , splitting up the pop further is a bad idea

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Without rambling endlessly, friendly targets should only be guilded or grouped. Enable the current system only in starter planets but when a player gets his/her ship..it's game on!


Really. When in the swtor universe lore did it state that two sith lords couldn't fight unless they were willing combatants?

How many times have you headed for let's say a node and some rp ****** was 2 metres closer. Why couldnt you charge him and thus fight for it.


Yeah as much as I like hardcore PVP, I think you don't understand what carebear means. It means a blue server with no pvp, or a super restrictive server (where you can only attack someone a few levels within your range)


Sounds to me you're just bored and are looking to cause some grief.

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I think you don't understand what carebear means. It means a blue server with no pvp, or a super restrictive server


Sounds to me you're just bored and are looking to cause some grief.


lulz. I think you've described swtor pvp in a nutshell, regarding same faction pvp.

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How many times have you headed for let's say a node and some rp ****** was 2 metres closer. Why couldnt you charge him and thus fight for it.
Translation: I want to be able to kill nerds (aka rp ****** [they always have to make fun of any rpers]) in a videogame because I'm to much of a ***** to be a bully irl.
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Whoa tough guy, hang onto that armchair. EVE? Ever try swtor? I think you epitomise failure.


No, sir, you are the tough guy. You want to annoy people like a 12yo with a squirt-gun, and when they choose to utterly and completely ignore you, you lament a system that won't let you annoy them anyway, and call them cute little names like Carebear, all from the safety of the internet.


You epitomize (with a z) win.

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No, sir, you are the tough guy. You want to annoy people like a 12yo with a squirt-gun, and when they choose to utterly and completely ignore you, you lament a system that won't let you annoy them anyway, and call them cute little names like Carebear, all from the safety of the internet.


You epitomize (with a z) win.


Cmon man, the dude obviously feels bad enough getting destroyed enough in warzones. All he's asking is for some newbs to destroy so he can boost his self confidence and lolmakebelievez (pretend) he is a good player. And then you go and tell him he cant even spell, harsh man, harsh.


But yeah, I really never understood griefing just for epeen behind the internet. You want to prove you have skill? Go destroy people in ®WZ. But I'm betting you're in one of those guilds that think they're elite, while trying to roflstomp lowbies in the unranked bracket, because you cant really hang with the other guilds. It's cool man. :rak_03:

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What in thee hell's goin on here!!!

Looks like I'm the one getting greifed lmfao.

Make a post about same faction pvp and look who shows up to "talk tough"



Back to my example of being able to fight someone of same faction say for a slicing node or w/e, I see you fools are content waiting in line. Apparently you'll even defend that right. Hilarious.

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What in thee hell's goin on here!!!

Looks like I'm the one getting greifed lmfao.

Make a post about same faction pvp and look who shows up to "talk tough"



Back to my example of being able to fight someone of same faction say for a slicing node or w/e, I see you fools are content waiting in line. Apparently you'll even defend that right. Hilarious.


Dont know about you OP but Ive NEVER seen people waiting in line at a slicing node that'll give a box with a whopping 1000 credits. Also, you cant wait in line at nodes, once the node has been looted, its gone till it respawns. In the time it takes to respawn you could speeder off and find 3 or 4 more nodes. I'm also not sure what this w/e means. I would need specific examples of when fighting over a particular item or "whatever" with the SAME faction would be beneficial to the gaming experience as a whole.


One more thing, we do have a FFA zone on Tattoine called The Outlaws Den - - and its soooooo crowded that people are flowing over the sides just wanted more FFA zones soooooo bad. If you want to kill the other faction, go there - - and watch the tumbleweeds fly by.

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You want FFA Open World PvP, Head over to Tatooine's Outlaw den.... so how many people want this kind of PvP again OP? If SOOO many people need this, why isn't the Outlaw's Den flooding with players? or do you not go there because you get pwn'ed every single time? If you have a need to gank just run around Nar Shadaa right now during the world event, some unfortunate level 30 is bound to pass you by.
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You want FFA Open World PvP, Head over to Tatooine's Outlaw den.... so how many people want this kind of PvP again OP? If SOOO many people need this, why isn't the Outlaw's Den flooding with players? or do you not go there because you get pwn'ed every single time? If you have a need to gank just run around Nar Shadaa right now during the world event, some unfortunate level 30 is bound to pass you by.


Your signature says you support OPEN world pvp. Lol. Umm.

Let's hear your ideas , if my suggestion of having more faction vs faction pvp areas on certain planets offends you so much.

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Everyone wants open world pvp ... but no one wants to open world pvp.


This. Once people realize they aren't on the mega-zerg team they go do something else because getting asploded at 1 fps isn't fun. Then the 50 people on the mega-zerg go do something else because standing around isn't fun.


OW-PvP with meaningful objectives/rewards/consequences and a system to balance factions in the zone is what we need and Bioware has no idea how to make it.

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You want FFA Open World PvP, Head over to Tatooine's Outlaw den.... so how many people want this kind of PvP again OP? If SOOO many people need this, why isn't the Outlaw's Den flooding with players?


^This. I hear so much "Carebear This" and "Carebear That" nonsense. BW, for all their faults, create a place where anything goes and guess what? It's almost always empty. Wonder why that is? If you and yours are so hyped up for free for all, no holds barred pvp then why arent you at the place that provides free for all, no holds barred pvp?


I've got three guesses. The first two dont count....

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