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Everything posted by Legonick

  1. Legonick

    Good pair for PVP

    I found that a Gunslinger + Commando can do INSANE DPS, Me and my friend melted a Jugg in 5 seconds
  2. Open World PvP doesn't offend me, your idea for it does.
  3. You want FFA Open World PvP, Head over to Tatooine's Outlaw den.... so how many people want this kind of PvP again OP? If SOOO many people need this, why isn't the Outlaw's Den flooding with players? or do you not go there because you get pwn'ed every single time? If you have a need to gank just run around Nar Shadaa right now during the world event, some unfortunate level 30 is bound to pass you by.
  4. I really like some of your ideas, however we all know Bioware/EA would not change their game this drastically this far into it. This is the game now, Like it or go away and make your own.
  5. -_- how about no. This speeder is really only obtainable by either being 40+ or in a group to carry you. At least 100% speed boost because I did this with my level 43 commando. It was tough but i got the mount and some other stuff too. Why are we gimped by being rewarded?
  6. Why is it only 90% (Lvl. 1) Speeder. Why not the usual 110%? Most players are either 50's or upper 40's to go through the race anyway. I suggest either make it scale to your speeder piloting or make it the 110% because I don't comprehend the reasoning for this. -Legonick
  7. start now and early, learn the warzones and the mechanics of how to kill people, don't be an idiot who starts pvp at 50 with leveling greens. Get commendations and do the dailies. START NOW
  8. Oh god.You can't say a person is bad when you complain about bad players calling you a bad player for doing a bad thing. It just rips a big-ol hole in the universe and the Doctor is like " Well **** you too" and then **** goes down and you end up at the end of the day.... as a baddie
  9. At either the supplies or the crew skills area, there is a terminal in the middle of them that give the flashpoint and World boss dailies
  10. all for looks, the custom ones just look different
  11. Legonick

    Is there world pvp?

    World pvp is mainly dead, you may be able to find some players in the Black Hole, Outlaw's Den, or Ilum. But you will never see random huge battles because the game can't handle it and Bioware doesn't want it. (I know you're just lvl 14 but letting you know for future reference)
  12. Legonick

    Leaving Mid-Match

    if i join the team who doesn't talk in the beginning, make any plays beside team deathmatch, and start raging/disrespecting in Ops chat, I WILL LEAVE. I don't take poop from anybody and why should I? I want to enjoy this game but some people don't let me.
  13. You should start saving for the PvP vender gear, it's a nice buff from the lvl'ing greens and can make you viable as a low lvl in PvP
  14. How about no? this game pvp is mainly balanced for group fighting, classes would just rock paper scissor each other and guarantee a win/loss. Sorry but it wouldn't work.
  15. Rift hands down for me. the open world on my server was amazing. Fighting off hordes of PvE mobs coming to your city is exciting, but that and Guardian Players trying to kill you too is amazing. Just an amazing system for players to have fun... unfortunately some balance issues brought me too this game. I tihnk I might go back soon though.
  16. well then, I trick people as a commando and run the High Impact Bolt tree. DoT you up, melt you later... get in my face I knock you back, stun, and unload... I take on 2 on 1 all the time no problem
  17. chill out bro, you obviously got the wrong thread... move along
  18. Thank you for the help everybody.
  19. How does this work? Is it granted if we transfer now, or is it given to all who transfered when it first came up. If it only gives it to new transfers Im gonna rage my face off because of how stupid that would be....
  20. Thank you, I have noticed blaster barrels are always on demand. thus i sell them. I have an alt bringing in money from slicing and getting some mats, then my main makes purple assault cannons at lvl 21 that are better than anything out there, goes for 5-7k each but is just as expensive to make. Thank you for this PyroJosh
  21. Bioware pulls it out of their butt and gives operatives a tiny buff. I mean seriously besides healer this class can't do poop versus anyone similarly geared, the stealth tree was designed for 1v1 but the nubs complained and it got so bad I need support to kill anyone else (except maybe operatives), and when i go to my commando... I literally tear through operatives and scoundrels like 1ply toilet paper. Just a tiny buff to our burst would be nice so we could kill maybe a womp rat. good day to you pvp players tl;dr Operatives require a small buff because the current damage is laughable. I understand before they were OP but now they drove them into the ground.
  22. first of all. hello crafting community! I am mainly a pvp player and recently got armstech (about 200 already). Can i make a modest amount of money with this profession? or should i just go back to biochem? Numbers is what i want. I did sell some lower level aug kits and make a decent amount. but should i keep going? thx in advance.
  23. ZOMG YOU HAVE TO CLICK TWO BUTTONS???!!!!! RAGEQUIT lol seriously.... seriously.... i barely even notice, the first time i was like 'oh... ok' and clicked myself back in. It's actually better since people who want to play again will que, and ppl who forgot to uncheck and leave aren't in the que
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