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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unbalanced Warzone


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This is problem number 1. When we enter warzones we in team with "Recruit gear" peeps while we oppsoing peeps in Full Battlemaster or War Hero. This is Terrible!, Please balance warzones or Delete this ***** expertise stat!!!!!. It s unplayeble! In warzones rules not tactics or brain But only GOOD Geared players!!!!!:mad:
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This is WAR. If it were entirely balanced, it would be a friendly gathering of like-minded people who like to shoot/stab things. This is my 1st MMO. I've died a lot in WZ, sure, but again, this is WAR- I put my time in and got half of my WH gear like the rest of the people who have perspective. If you don't like the idea of an unbalanced playing field, maybe tag or hide-and-go seek would be better?
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I just have to point out that removing expertise will in no way make warzones more balanced, what it will do however is give raiders who have got full campaign gear (which have the best overall stats) a huge advantage in warzones and force PVP players to gear up in raids which most of us have absolutely no interest in doing.


Therefore removing expertise entirely will make PVP more unbalanced. It takes all of a week to get a full set of BM gear, use that time to learn your class better and learn the tactics of other classes that have been playing 50 PVP for a while

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I just have to point out that removing expertise will in no way make warzones more balanced, what it will do however is give raiders who have got full campaign gear (which have the best overall stats) a huge advantage in warzones and force PVP players to gear up in raids which most of us have absolutely no interest in doing.


Therefore removing expertise entirely will make PVP more unbalanced. It takes all of a week to get a full set of BM gear, use that time to learn your class better and learn the tactics of other classes that have been playing 50 PVP for a while


Right, because it is completely and totally impossible for PvP stats to be normalized in some manner that would make gear a cosmetic status symbol. It is also impossible for PvP gear to have the exact same stats as PvE gear.


Therefore the only logical solution is to make PvP gear even more PvEish by adding a whole new stat that requires progression!

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This is WAR. If it were entirely balanced, it would be a friendly gathering of like-minded people who like to shoot/stab things. This is my 1st MMO. I've died a lot in WZ, sure, but again, this is WAR- I put my time in and got half of my WH gear like the rest of the people who have perspective. If you don't like the idea of an unbalanced playing field, maybe tag or hide-and-go seek would be better?

i love this guy

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I don't mind the gear gap at all (and i'm somone with a bunch of chars so some have crap gear) but there are some issues that should be fixed. Overall I have fun and even when on bad teams I just find it a challenge but that doesn't mean there aren't things that could be made better.


The lack of cross server makes less people que'n up and therefore makes it harder to set up a group matching and pug matching system. This is very much needed when wz's cap at 8v8. Take Rift for example. When you pugged you might face that same 5 man premade pretty often however that was still only 1/3rd or many times 1/4th of their team. Therefore even with a pretty crappy matching system as long as enough people were q'n then matches were on average pretty even. Also if only 2-3 really geared players of the best classes q'd up they were still a small fraction of the wz.


However, in swtor even just 2 geared players q'n up is like a full premade in rift. If 4 team up its like in rift when 10 ppl would sync q. This is one reason why so many players in swtor are finally having more success than they ever had before in mmos. You might think this is good, and idc if they are happy now but the problem is that the majority of players are still casual and this is a HORRIBLE set up for casual players.


Also think about this. If 16 ppl q up and 4 of them are a premade which side are you more likely to end up on? This is what is happening to many casuals and is making many people quit.


This is also the reason why a couple ptechs/marauders and a healer are just so deadly and easymode.


Making larger wz's with more people would take a lot of time so really what needs to be done is cross server q's with a good matchmaking system. And really this needs to be done ASAP as many casuals are going to GW 2 and that just means a lower budget for us. Most casuals do like to pvp on occasion and they don't expect to do very well from the many I've known, however they do like to have somewhat even matches.

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Exactly right, removing expertise wouldn't save this problem anyway, so stop asking for this stat to be removed. All your going to get then is people in top level tier raid gear, doing exactly the same thing as the people your complaining about with Expertise.


Please.. spend a few weeks and grind your gear, I just did this with my Alt Sage, and she's now full BM after 2 weeks of CASUAL game play in WZ's that's just 6 a day, some times 3-4 extra on some days.

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Very few people I know now PVP at all. The reason is simple you get the gear and what is the point after that?


Also as the gear gap is so INSANE I do not even attempt to PVP in Recruit gear anymore on my other 50s.


Being owned is one thing, being owned every single match over and over and over.....



(Sorry for the bad news but that is just a fact.)

Edited by Metalmac
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Right, because it is completely and totally impossible for PvP stats to be normalized in some manner that would make gear a cosmetic status symbol. It is also impossible for PvP gear to have the exact same stats as PvE gear.


Therefore the only logical solution is to make PvP gear even more PvEish by adding a whole new stat that requires progression!


Ok wow you just inferred a whole lot from my post that wasn't there, i never said anything about normalising stats, i never said anything about gear progression


My post was there just to point out that what OP said about removing expertise entirely from PVP gear would not fix the percieved problem that people have with gear in PVP


Generally MMO's that have a subscription have gear progression in both PVP and PVE some people like it, some people don't. Generally it is better to keep these progressions seperate to stop overlap and allow players to progress in both fields therefore maximising the amount of time players spend in the game and keeping them subscribed longer


It is a business decision primarily to include things like expertise, if people don't like the system they don't have to play the PVP aspect of the game and maybe a game that was designed to be free such as GW2 (where there is no gear progression) would be a better fit to such people


I have to point out that even games like GW2 have a form of progression whereby you unlock abilities dependant on the amount of time you spend in the game. It takes about 15 hours of gameplay in GW2 to unlock all abilities, and in TOR it takes about the same amount of time (purely in warzones and farming Outlaws Den) to gain a full set of BM gear

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Very few people I know now PVP at all. The reason is simple you get the gear and what is the point after that? Also as the gear gap is so INSANE I do not even attempt to PVP in Recruit gear anymore on my other 50s. Being owned is one thing, being owned every single match over and over and over.....


(Sorry for the bad news but that is just a fact.)


Personally I have 3-4 BM+ geared chars and enjoy pvp BUT this above quoted post is the identical story many of my guild members give when totally withdrawing from swtor pvp. It is IMHO, a very common perception of swtor pvp and needs to be fixed or we will have zero chance of a sustainable warzone queue.


I do not want pve gear to dominate in pvp, but I would accept bolstering and have my BM/WH gear changed to something cosmetic that can only be gained by pvp rank etc.

Edited by Elkirin
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This is problem number 1. When we enter warzones we in team with "Recruit gear" peeps while we oppsoing peeps in Full Battlemaster or War Hero. This is Terrible!, Please balance warzones or Delete this ***** expertise stat!!!!!. It s unplayeble! In warzones rules not tactics or brain But only GOOD Geared players!!!!!:mad:


O so you mean you dont like PVP in any MMO than, gear grind is part of the game man.... you play you get stronger its the way it is

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Look silver spooners,,,,we and i mean all of us that are current war hero gear holders have played thousands and or million warzones just like you have which in result have been nothing more then getting your butt kicked.


Basically what im saying is if you want the gear quit complaining here and put your WORK in.


Theres others out there that are just as dedicated as i am and we all put our fair share work in for our gear.


*TIP 1* from the time you log in to the time you log out play war zones and keep playing you cant give up. I did just to get my war hero gear. Its not impossible. It can be done. Just needs a little dedication on your part.


*TIP 2* the time it took you to write this thread you could had already had 200 war zone comms.


*TIP 3* stop doing stupid pve flashpoints or operations on a pvp server cuase thats not adding any contribution to your war hero gear.


*TIP 4* Put your work in like the rest of us, hell it could had been worse, hell it was worse then what it is now. With the old BAG COMM system before it was now you had a 1% random chance to even get a war hero piece. So again stop complaining cuase it was worse then what it is.

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Look silver spooners,,,,we and i mean all of us that are current war hero gear holders have played thousands and or million warzones just like you have which in result have been nothing more then getting your butt kicked.


Basically what im saying is if you want the gear quit complaining here and put your WORK in.


Theres others out there that are just as dedicated as i am and we all put our fair share work in for our gear.


*TIP 1* from the time you log in to the time you log out play war zones and keep playing you cant give up. I did just to get my war hero gear. Its not impossible. It can be done. Just needs a little dedication on your part.


*TIP 2* the time it took you to write this thread you could had already had 200 war zone comms.


*TIP 3* stop doing stupid pve flashpoints or operations on a pvp server cuase thats not adding any contribution to your war hero gear.


*TIP 4* Put your work in like the rest of us, hell it could had been worse, hell it was worse then what it is now. With the old BAG COMM system before it was now you had a 1% random chance to even get a war hero piece. So again stop complaining cuase it was worse then what it is.


most of us have put work in. from lvl 1-49. rwz coms should be raised to 7.5k and wz coms should be 5k. a lot of people level up through pvp/story quests... so guess what we have put our work in.

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most of us have put work in. from lvl 1-49. rwz coms should be raised to 7.5k and wz coms should be 5k. a lot of people level up through pvp/story quests... so guess what we have put our work in.


so put the work in i dont understand what your point is here.

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pvp grind is not done for battlemaster or warhero gear below the rank of 50. With that said in mind your grind begins and starts once you hit 50. So have fun doing exactly what i did. ;)


we know the warzones.... So what is the problem with getting it right at 50? Because u need gear to beat on people?

im not saying the gear should be free. but its a joke we can only save 3.5k rwz and 2k wz

Edited by Slicktime
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we know the warzones.... So what is the problem with getting it right at 50? Because u need gear to beat on people?

im not saying the gear should be free. but its a joke we can only save 3.5k rwz and 2k wz


thats so you dont stack it up prior to lvl 50 and then go straight battlemaster. Its to prevent that. The grind is meant for end game war hero gear, and it starts at lvl 50.

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thats so you dont stack it up prior to lvl 50 and then go straight battlemaster. Its to prevent that. The grind is meant for end game war hero gear, and it starts at lvl 50.




Also, stop saying that expertise needs to be removed. Then it would be the PvE raiders that would dominate PvP. If it's not expertise you're making a fuss about it would be those wearing PvE gear and destroying you next. And atleast you get a free recruit set given to you, instead of grinding for Centurion/Champion gear. Or Champion/Battlemaster bags... The bag comms... THE HORROR! Worst system ever. -.-

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Also, stop saying that expertise needs to be removed. Then it would be the pve raiders that would dominate pvp. If it's not expertise you're making a fuss about it would be those wearing pve gear and destroying you next. And atleast you get a free recruit set given to you, instead of grinding for centurion/champion gear. Or champion/battlemaster bags... The bag comms... The horror! Worst system ever. -.-



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The lack of cross server makes less people que'n up and therefore makes it harder to set up a group matching and pug matching system. This is very much needed when wz's cap at 8v8. Take Rift for example. When you pugged you might face that same 5 man premade pretty often however that was still only 1/3rd or many times 1/4th of their team. Therefore even with a pretty crappy matching system as long as enough people were q'n then matches were on average pretty even. Also if only 2-3 really geared players of the best classes q'd up they were still a small fraction of the wz.


When i played rift (until swtor came out) It was all about FOTM in pvp. Capture the Flag ( i forget the name in that game) was all about rift stalker tanks with their jumps. I do not consider rift any different then this game. You have games that your team dominate, the other team dominates, and it was about equal. In rift i had many of matches when i spawn camped the other team at codex spawn point as the other teams spawn on ours. It was dependent on how many FOTM classes you had, how good/bad your team is, and how geared they are.

Edited by Carnaje
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