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Everything posted by Slicktime

  1. yes. i put a lvl 1 double lightsaber on my shadow. i lost 1 expertise going from 2005 to 2004 and gained 20 or 30 willpower and endurance.
  2. it's not about gear advantage. it only takes a few days MAX to go from recruit to war hero so nobody should complain about that. this new system is just BAAAAAAD.
  3. lol at being naked and stats going up even more. instead of the BAD bolster they have given us they should have given each advanced class set stats and let skill decide who wins. this bolster system is really bad.
  4. the game is filled with stvpid people. i don't deny that. if you can't identify which door needs help by looking at the minimap, how many enemies are on the same side you are on and the health bar(s) of people on the other side then you aren't very smart. things change very quick in voidstar. nothing should have to be called. watch the minimap and d up or g.t.f.o.
  5. i may have been born at night but it wasn't last night.
  6. how would it be bad? group vs group and pug vs pug it's simple really. how will facing the same premade be good for the game? casual players make a h3ll of a lot more money than the groups would. so all it is doing is pushing people away from the game.
  7. we both have to learn to stop caring. i can't do everything in the wz and sometimes i tell them. if i guard the other people run back and forth wayyy to slow and they stay until the last man is dead... we don't need 6v1. if i don't guard people don't call inc. it's a lose lose situation.
  8. oh look, another person who thinks everyone else is bad. you are the one that needs a dps buddy and dedicated healer on you nonstop. i see what happens when you don't have a group.... you die just as easily as anyone else. you think it's all about good players vs bad players but it's good coordination vs pug coordination. the only reason a group vs group q would take so long is people wouldn't use it because it's not a guaranteed roflstomp like it use to be.
  9. you know whats worse than the complainers? people who complain about the complainers. oh please love my premades. i just can't do anything without a dedicated healer and dps buddy to always save my butt. i need the extra help to look good. oh please love my premades.
  10. so complaining about premades is bad yet you claim to win 90% of the time when you are in one. so just screw everyone else that want an actual pug match? yes that is exactly what im saying. i see people all the time in premades that i can't kill because they have a dedicated healer for their premade yet other times when i see them solo they die fast and easy because they don't have that extra crutch to lean on.
  11. why should we be put in with crap premades? true story. 3 days ago i was the only person on the team not in "xxxxxxxxx" guild. we got stomped. group vs group and pug vs pug. the only people who disagree need the advantage of having a healer and dps buddy to save you and the extra coordination to beat uncoordinated teams.
  12. no. the reason we can't beat them is because they have a pocket healer and atleast 1 other dps buddy that save them 100% of the time. premade coordiantion > pug coordination. ya i know you want to save your premade because without a pocket healer you die just as fast as anyone else.
  13. wrong. you weren't there. we would have 2 turrets and the group would go run off and attack the 3rd. in the process we would lose 1 of the turrets we currently posesed. nobody cares about numbers. what did they help the team do to win? obviously they had a healer that did absolutely nothing to help anyone else outside their group. i lose more matches with them than i won. they need to l2p and the other people from the wz's agreed with me. edit - so you are saying we should be forced to group to play? g.t.f.o. i didn't have to group to level why should i be forced to group for pvp? the only people who pvp need the "extra" help because they can't cut it without a healer on ther bvtt 100% of the time. aka oh please save me im getting beat down oh please save me.
  14. yes please get rid of premades. im tired of wannabe "elite" players running around saying look at my numbers even though they had another dps and healer on his butt the entire game. healer healed nobody but his buddy in another wz loss. get rid of these people.
  15. huttball is the best. nobody has to stand around and do nothing. everyone gets in on the action.
  16. again... why should i be the one to make the effort to not see the premades? im not the one that relies on a healer or another dps buddy to save my bvtt because i suck. you do.
  17. this is very true.still doesn't change the fact that seeing the same premade 3,4 or 5 times in a row really pisses you off and gives you no chance to win. premades vs premades OR matchmaking based on individual rankings would work.
  18. i'd say a 30 minute penalty would be right. 5,10 or 15 is too short. 15 is how long, give or take a few minutes a normal match would last. to all the quitters out there... if you want a guaranteed win go pve. grow a pair and quit being sissies.
  19. we don't want to stop you for playing with your friends. you should only play against other people playing with their friends. why should it only be your way? casual players make this game more money than they elite groups that always lolpugstomp.
  20. what i meant was... the worse i have ever entered 50pvp is with recruit. the fact that you indicated otherwise shows how ignorant you really are.
  21. again shows how much you know. i enter with recruit minimum because im a fresh 50. pve gear in pvp HAHAHAHAHA. the better fix would be for everyone who ever pvp's to get a ranking and for the ranking system to put people together based on ranking. then premades wouldn't matter because even the good solo people would have a chance because they try to win.
  22. you don't have to do heroics or bosses that's the point. right now the only option for pvp is a big chance to get a premade and you will get rolled. i know you will never agree because oh pwease wuv my pwemades. i can't pvp alone because i need help nonstop to stay alive. oh pwease wuv my pwemades
  23. people don't have to group up to level. why should this be any diffferent. maybe you should b*tch about not forcing people to group up to level up through the quests and story. exactly... you don't want premades taken away because you svck without someone watching your bvtt nonstop.
  24. i know there are some really bad players out there with no teamwork. i shouldn't be forced to group up with other players to have a chance to win.
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