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Devs/Mods please let us know if the secret space project is still in development


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The super secret space project was announced before launch but we have had basically no info on it since then.


For all we know the project was scrapped. God i hope not this is the thread of hope alot of us players have been holding onto


Some new info on the SSSP would really give new hope to this game we really need some new info on this or at least just tell us its still being worked on. If you guys would simply put it out there im sure it would bring many players back in anticipation. Just let us know what it is!


I still have faith in you Bioware, im a biodrone till the end :p

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I don't know about this announcement prior to launch you write about. Perhaps you have a link bookmarked someplace you would care to share?


If they announced they are working on something, then it's coming. They are pretty much against telling you they are working on anything that may not ever come.

Edited by Kourage
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Let me see if i can find it. The first time i saw it was that letter from one of the devs the day the game went live and it had a bunch of what they want to accomplish like Illum, guild stuff, legacy and whatnot. Someone actually necroed it the other day let me see if i can find it.....
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F2P was the secret project


No they specifically said its a space project that will completely change the space game. They said itll be totally diffrent from the space game we have today...


Id just like the devs to come out and say yea were still workin on it maybe throw us a bone and let us know a lil bit

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I can find a mention from 12/13/11




They've been working on that for quite awhile and mentioned it again in July. They aren't going to scrap it.


Hmmm...he said:

Space Combat – We will continue to add missions to the space game. We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way... for now the details will have to remain under wraps.

That's the extra 10 missions coming with F2P and at the very best, maybe some type of multiplayer scenario or PvP style map. Don't get too excited...remember how they told us Illum would blow us away?!

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Hmmm...he said:


That's the extra 10 missions coming with F2P and at the very best, maybe some type of multiplayer scenario or PvP style map. Don't get too excited...remember how they told us Illum would blow us away?!


Thats not the only mention of the SSSP. There are quotes out there stating that its a completely new play area or somthing like that.

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


the so call community has had many requests spun with soon were looking into it or we kno about it and are working on it. more input from the dev might help instead of cut and paste responses

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


Allison, thank you for at least responding that you don't know. Hopefully you guys will not be kept in the dark forever. I for one appreciate seeing you guys post just to know you are watching and alive.

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


Thanks for responding but, you didn't answer his question. This is a non-answer answer in regards to the question asked (in the title of this thread). Your response can be taken multiple ways:


1) No, the "secret space project" that was rumoured in the past was tabled and we went back to the drawing board.


2) Yes, all is fine in regards to the "secret space project" not to worry, just don't have any updates.


3) Meh, we're not sure either way but this was the answer I was told to give.


I would be nice if you could clearify what you mean.

Edited by Urael
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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


Thanks for the post, and thanks for making sure that player interest in such a feature gets to the right ears/eyes !

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


I'm pleased to see you again today Allison. Would it be possible for you to find out this answer? We know we're getting the 10 new 50+ missions...is that all that's currently planned for space or is there more than that? And by "more", I mean the super duper secret stealth space project that had been mentioned by a bioware guy at E3, not "more" as in 5 more missions later on.

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Not to poke at the community manager but your bosses could learn a lot from Square Enix and how they handled Final Fantasy XIV disaster. They learned very quickly that customer satisfaction is important and how to engage the customer. Planned content with timeline, updates on this content, polls to find out what the community wants, heck they are even having a design the armor contest right now.
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Planned content with timeline, updates on this content, polls to find out what the community wants, heck they are even having a design the armor contest right now.


Yeah all that would be good.


In relation to space, they poll they did do clearly showed that was wanted. :)

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That's the extra 10 missions coming with F2P and at the very best, maybe some type of multiplayer scenario or PvP style map.


No it is not. Unless you have a link where they said that the SSSP was the 10 extra missions. Can you link it please?

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I know they are being silent about it to avoid revealing too much, but that is a mistake. Bioware needs to step up and either say straight up whether the open flight space content has been scrapped or not. Keeping silent on the issue is a poor customer relations decision. Tell us the truth on the future of space combat and what we can expect, even if it isn't the answer we want to hear. I know the community mod may not have the answer, but one of the devs can step up and talk to the forums too. Look at how blizzard has both devs and community relations people talking to the community, we need that transparency from Bioware desperately. One of the major problem people have with SWTOR is that bioware isn't open and honest about what's coming down the road. Being silent is the worst thing they could do
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