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Hitting 50 makes me want to quit


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Sounds like the worst two weeks of a mans life.


what u expect, swtor just copy all other MMOs,

always grinding, which is the stupid thing all over the world,


MMOs have Paradigm Shift ,such as UO -> EQ -> WoW,

but swtor will never be one of them,

let's see any other MMO or RPG can be the next classic,



D3 and skyrim proved they are not.

if swtor turn into kotor3, maybe has its chance to be just like kotor1, another classic rpg.

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only no life nerd will like grinding, and bw like nerds, because they are.


I dont like massive grinds, but I do like earning gear that makes me better........even if it involves a grind. If I wanted to just respawn the same every time for months on end I would play a FPS.

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Those are great suggestions, first. That sounds like Warhammer's endgame, with a little more focus on the war effort and less on the gear. That would be fantastic, would build a loyal playerbase, and, if you added some open world pvp, space pvp, create its own content.


You could add some storylines as needed. Done.


However, is anyone paying enough attention to ToR now to bother doing that?

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This is not a suggestion post, so don't place it there. It's a *** is going on with the future of this game post. I've been a fanboy of this game but just recently started aqcuiring 50s. And what I've found out is the game suddenly stops. I mostly PVP so I know I am missing a whole lot, but it's what I enjoy. The 10-49 bracket was an absolute blast and I had fun every single match. But at 50... BLAH. The second you enter your first 50 match, ROFLSTOMPED. Even with crappy Recruit gear on. So you start your painful grind for a few measley WZ commendations per match, but you encounter endless ranked war heroes and conquerors in gear a billion time better than your own.


I have literally sat behind a scoundrel who didn't run and just went to town dpsing him and I couldn't make his HP budge. And in the 10-49 bracket I was always top dps. There was no one else healing him either. He would just throw on a heal or two and be back at full health. It's just ridiculous when it comes to the massive gap between new 50's and geared 50's. I'm sorry, but PVPing should be fun but when you hit 50 it's just not. Not to mention all the jerks who talk crap to you and laugh/spit when you can't take them down but you keep trying.


It's just demeaning and demoralizing. I know people say HANG IN THERE but really why should a player suffer this much? It seems like so many other games do PVP better, so why am I even wasting my time? There is no other way to get WZ commendations either. At least give us some other means to grind out some WZ comms when the queues aren't popping late at night or we just get tired of dealing with jerks, organized teams, and players who can 2-shot you.


Tell me again, why can't we have PVP SPACE BATTLES? I was really hoping for something reminiscent of Battlefront II when I got this game, but instead I got StarFox space battles on rails. Once you finish the objectives you can literally walk away and not touch the controls and still win the mission. Come on Bioware, I've got two accounts with you, pre-ordered the game in July 2011, and been on your side every step of the way, but I am just worn out and not having fun anymore.


Tell me Bioware, why should I keep paying and playing? Give me something to really get excited for! Whatcha got?! By the way, yes I am QQing. If you don't have QQs over some aspect of this game, then you are probably spending all your time trolling the forums instead of playing it. :rolleyes:


Rift is normalizing their pvp to bring it in line with Gw2 "no gear disparity" design.


Just saying.


Maybe bioware will do the same thing in warzones.

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People defending expertise make me fuming with rage.


According to you its perfectly fine that the OTHER people have to grind by YOUR rules, instead of YOU having to grind by THEIR rules (PVE). If you cared about it, youd join a guild and grind you that PVE gearset. This is no argument. It is childishness. And it doesn't change the fact that you are still talking about GEAR instead of SKILL.


The only reason expertise exists is because pvp needs some sort of rewards, too bad it destroys the fun out of pvp in the process. I wish someone got a BW employee talking about this issue. It seems Bioware doesn't understand whats wrong.


the only thing expertise destroys is people being taken out in a few hits. it allows people who get ambushed to turn the tables around on their attackers.


PVE gear should not be a universal set that will make you proficient in everything.

Edited by Zwipe
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I'm also a bit concerned about level 50 PVP. The level 10 - 49 bracket is wonderful and surprisingly fair. To be honest, level 15 was possibly easier to pvp at than my current 34. While you lack skills and skill tree perks, stat points are much easier to get.



Personally, I'd suggest adding a second type of warzone que for level 50 that gave you stats that are slightly random (+ or - 15% Stat Points). This would appeal to newer 50's and people that dislike gear grinds but like PVP. But, players that already have the gear they like or want a specific setup every time would lean more heavily towards the current warzones.

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drama drama drama


So go do something else with your life. It REALLY, REALLY is that simple. No one cares, no one will miss you, no one will be hurt. This is a completely, 100% painless process - go and do something where you will be satisfied in whatever manner suits you best.

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I left COD for swtor at level 19. I tried it again this weekend, Just dinged level 40 : lots of fun! PVP or bust !

Also saw some incredible play recordings of GW2 on YouTube . Didnt play wow so can't tell if it's another better and improved wow clone but it seems that they got the feeling right.


So yes you may have a point.

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BTW forum etiquette ask for an icon before bad breathing others


Edit : To be fair, I loved some parts of this new event, the jumps thru the room to finish one of the quest that was original :)

And I now have a cool looking sand people helmet that maybe could hold WH mods?

(If they add Wookies next I'll regret the bowcaster):cool:

Edited by Cymate
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Here's the thing, an MMO from 2012 should not be putting people with the best gear available into Warzones against inexperienced and poorly geared fresh 50's.


Non of the OPs complaints are valid, you only ever had a blast in 10-49 because you generally like crapping on the little kids, and then when you hit 50 and start playing with the big boys, who have true pvp skill you just run away like a scared child.


Here's the thing, In every MMO that has featured pvp since Dark Ages of Camelot, there has been a pvp mechanic that differs the game from PvE and PvP.


And recruit gear is there to help you, the fact that it gives nearly 950+ Expertise something and Champion Gear previous tier only gave about 650 Expertise, you should be happy because the gap between Champion / Battlemaster was basically 500+ Expertise, I used to roll people in War Hero in my champion gear not down to the fact that he had like 22k hp and i had 17k but due to the fact that most people "Can" be beaten, maybe you've never heard of that in your life OP.


I wish people would stop complaining about a game mechanic that will never be removed, maybe it will go under changes but Expertise 'will' never be removed and its that simple, you can whine and moan all you want about it, and with free to play coming out the door, f2p pvpers will want more and more and more.


And if hitting 50 makes you want to quit this game, you should go ahead and quit, nobody at this point gives two if someone quits the game because theirs so much drama in relation to people quitting they make it want to feel like their word means something.


On a key note, If you were a fan boy of star wars you wouldn't care about the changes, I've played enough games to relies that CHANGES/NERF'S/BUFFS/PATCHES/ are all apart of basically EVERY MMO OUT THERE, so why complain if its inevitable.



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On a key note, If you were a fan boy of star wars you wouldn't care about the changes, I've played enough games to relies that CHANGES/NERF'S/BUFFS/PATCHES/ are all apart of basically EVERY MMO OUT THERE, so why complain if its inevitable.



that's why majority quit this game and other MMOs,

ppl dont like getting nerf, grinding gears then become **** in next patch,

that's why this game cant be game of the year,

it could be better if it is a console game.

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I find this one funny. Most of the players experienced getting roflstomped to the depths of oblivion with their recruit gears. Heck, pre 1.2 it was much worse. Imagine a deception assassin with only a recruit gear fighting off War Hero geared Marauders/Sentinels and Vanguards/Pyrotechs, it's that painful.. But I don't qq about it because I believe it is a rite of passage for every new 50 characters to go through that phase.



Btw, PVP in 10-49 is the worst.. It's a deathmatch.

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Yeah it's such a big event to get to followed by a massive downer....


You either buy into the legacy aspect of the game (that they've already spoiled a bit by cheapening rewards) or you quit.


The game is the story, give it away free and.....

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i agree that something needs to be done about lvl 50 pvp

i have levelled a few toons to 50 now and if im having more fun lowbe pvping

than when im at level 50 something is wrong with the game mechanics ...


just for the record some of my toons have augmented warhero

but roflstomping people is fun for only so long

Edited by R-Tee-Doo-Tee
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So according to the OP and many others there should be no reward for me having sat through hours of war zones and put in the effort over someone who has just hit 50?


Your reward should be the satisfaction of knowing you pwned those noobs. Why do you need to be paid? Is PVP something you don't really enjoy?

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I'm with the OP on this one... this being my first MMO - I don't really 'get' the gear grind.


I hate to say it, but the player equity/equality gearing in Guild Wars 2 PvP really appeals to me, so the focus is placed more squarely on skill, even though the best PvP gear in that game still offers very small extra benefits over the stuff you can get initially straight out the gate.


Too late for our game to adapt to any type of similar model, but hopefully some aspects of 'skill' focus can transition into TOR's PvP over time.

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hm maybe I'm missing something but.. why those all who've loved 10-49's wzs so much don't have enough comms for buying full BM almost instantly after hitting 50?

And don't jump on me, I was mostly ignoring all the pvp on my first char until 50 and I really know the pain of being totally useless in 50's wzs because of it... in addition it is BH tank... so yeah I understand some statements here but it seems to me that some ppl are just upset bc their pvp stats are crushed by those two weeks of grind... no wins, less votes, slower valor progress... come on, that's nothing :w_wink:

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I have two characters i have levelled purely with pvp and i also had great fun. Everything was pretty balanced even if someone might have a couple more skills than the nexr person, it all evened out.


Then as soon, as i got to 50 it was horrible and i just didn't really want to pvp anymore because it's just painful.


Especially considering my character choices of Sniper, Merc arsenal, Jugger.

I played pvp games before all this WH nonsense and veteran gear and the balance problem was far less pronounced

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hm maybe I'm missing something but.. why those all who've loved 10-49's wzs so much don't have enough comms for buying full BM almost instantly after hitting 50?

And don't jump on me, I was mostly ignoring all the pvp on my first char until 50 and I really know the pain of being totally useless in 50's wzs because of it... in addition it is BH tank... so yeah I understand some statements here but it seems to me that some ppl are just upset bc their pvp stats are crushed by those two weeks of grind... no wins, less votes, slower valor progress... come on, that's nothing :w_wink:


You can only buy a single piece of BM gear once you hit 50 though (normally weapon)

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So to be clear then join a raiding guild, quit your job and dedicate yourself fully to repeating content once you have explored the factionally accessible locations on each planet. Oh yes, and roll alts. And pay a sub to do this.


So much for casuals and welcome to f2p.


So much for the next generation in immersive story driven content.


To be fair - this raid/gear focused "end game" is driving the whole genre into the ground. This game was made for where the market was 5 years ago. Oops.


Reductio ad absurdum.


I'm not only raiding, but leading raids, a guild leader, and helping to try to recruit....and I run a business. There is plenty of time to do so in such a casual game that does not require addons, extensive study, min/maxing or any of the other "hard core" requirements that one would have to endure in order to participate in the end game.


You are just making excuses for your lack of ability or willingness to participate in a game when content is not spoon fed to you.


Sorry, but that's how I see it based on your answer.

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I didn't mention anything about raids and datacrons on purpose because those are things I don't enjoy doing and space missions? pleeeeease.. I would do love to do space missions but not with the current kid edition space system that gets boring after 2 min of playing. Almost everything you listed for me is grind oriented repetitive themepark stuff.


So the problem is not that there is no end game, but that you do not want to participate in such.


I have no issue with that. What I took issue with was your declaration that amounted to little more then a disparaging remark toward the game. Had you said, "I'm not interested in what they have for end game and would like more added for my kind of play-style" I could agree with you, but blurting out "this game has no end-game" is just game bashing.

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