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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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Space was a letdown, but that has been talked about over and over and over... It isn't BioWare's fault that the Star Wars gave Lucas destroyed to allow this game to go forward had an in place and truly good space combat system.


I think the lack of community and the inability for players of differing factions to communicate together and group. SWG for all of its faults was fantastic for community. You could go on shore leave and group up with players of any faction, or go to common areas and gather. This game was just too linear, and structured. But... sandbox games are dead and gone... Deemed too complex for the simple minded point and click killers.

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To be honest the biggest issue for me was that they made it a multi player game rather than a solo game. I love the content but the difficulty of getting groups and the behaviour of some of the players detract from what the game could be.
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1) A person of the same class cannot enter the class instance (belonging to someone else) if they have already completed it.

2) Inability to join as spectator for party cut scenes while aboard their ship or while they use a holo-communicator in the open world.

3) The lack of the KOTOR side games (pazzak, swoop, gambling)

4) Inability to change sides (but I recognize why)

5) Space travel. I expected it to be more along the lines of how eve is set up.

6) Consistent extra maintenance. This debate rages on.


For those few points my list of reasons why I like it is much much longer. If it wasn't I wouldn't be a subscriber.

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To be honest the biggest issue for me was that they made it a multi player game rather than a solo game. I love the content but the difficulty of getting groups and the behaviour of some of the players detract from what the game could be.


As a single player game it would have been one of Bioware's most successful titles. This game should have kept this in spirit as it designed and planned the future of the game. I would have paid monthly for content packs just like I would for television entertainment, say HBO or Netflix. It should have been a never ending Star Wars experience.

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1. EA

2. Hero Engine

3. static world

4. gear grinding endgame / random FP / Dailies

5. too many sidequests instead of largening the class story. it takes a lot of immersion out to just go back and forth

all the time between class quest & side quests.

6. more epic music, its too quiet if there is music already. Lotro LOVE that music. they used it well.

7. F2P and what will become of it ... new FP's & Ops just to gather another new set of gear and it will go on.

8. lack of customisation, if i see the fleet, many look a likes, plus it just doesnt feel star wars.

9. same old boring kill X, fetch Y quests where mobs are just stupidly standing in packs of 3-5 waiting to get killed. not even helping out other mobs when they are 5 meters away.

10. Rechewed mmo mechanics based on WoW's gameplay, nothing innovative.

11. No real choices, just a mere way of saying something or kill / live option.


I loved the game for 8 months, i was very happy at start, the storytelling is great but i hated the fact i always had to abandon it to randomly pick up sidequests just to keep up with the levels that was required for the class story.

The direction of the game is not looking good imo, i still love it , but i hate it , you know? strange mixed up feelings.

I wanted it to be with me for years to come, but looking now it will even be one of the shortest ones i've played



Edited by Kozzmozz
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1) Space game. It's fun but short lived. The rail system really is limited and for someone who spent over 1,000 hrs in SWG's space game, TOR's was a let down.


2) Terrible community management (though it seems to be picking up in the last 24hrs...there's hope after all!). Silence really isn't golden.


3) Little to no minigames. For a developer who brought pazaak and swoop racing to the masses (in KOTOR) I was hoping to see some similar minigame that we could play to fill in the downtime between grp content.


4) The failure to use the PTS to it's fullest potential. So many patches aren't tested and go to live with content breaking bugs attached (see the latest patch/break). The PTS is closed 90% of the time.


Not much else to complain about tbh (for me at least). I love most aspects of this game and am generally pleased with the announced new content.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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The decision to gimp classes instead of create challenging content. You don't go through an entire alpha and beta and then suddenly say...oh healers are overperforming. You see that you failed at creating good content and then decide what the cheapest "fix" will be to slow the gear grind down. WAY TO FAIL at development.
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loading times..

small planets, planets feels more like a city or an area. I would much have preferred a lot fewer but alot bigger planets.

no compagnon interaction when compagnon quests are done. this goes especially for your wife

i love the classquests, but when you finished the classquests the game feels over. Maybe the classquests should have been alot shorter and then have put in 5 or so daily class questchains. 5 for each class.. One random 1 pops up every day for you to run. As it is now i have no boss anymore. i feel a bit abandoned.

stupid little thing, but no sitting on chairs, and no getting drunk in cantinas or bars.

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I do like this game a lot, and will continue to subscribe. :) But still, I am a believer in constructive criticism, so . . .


It is the little things, all combined, that let me down. SImply put, I find this game lacking in the nebulous category often called "fluff", which includes aesthetic concerns. Things like this:


- Run/walk animations and emotes: not very good quality (can we get a non-silly dance please!), IMHO, and some basic ones are lacking such as laying down. And they are the same for every race and both genders. Except select "feminine" ones though, because obviously, they can't possibly have males dance in a sexy way. :rolleyes:


- Gear appearance and customization: There is no dye system, and you can't hide your shoulder slot. Plus mod costs make it a royal pain to customize your appearance at high levels.


- Sexist gear: it isn't that bad, I know. But it really irks me that certain styles lose half their fabric on female characters, and that certain social sets (slave/dancer/formal/elegant) are only for one gender. I can dress to show some skin on my female characters easily, but on males, it is impossible aside from a select few endgame light armor sets.


- Character creation options: many things, but my top disappointments are features being lumped together (such as freckles and eyebrow shape), male faces scaling poorly to body type 1, lack of face variety for Twi'leks.


- Clipping issues: there are just so many, it is especially discouraging when you play Miraluka and Twi'leks.


TL;DR: I had hoped my characters could look better, move better, and could be dressed better. Male and female alike! ^^

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1. The game engine. Your engine should not prevent you from implementing your vision and this one does. Ilum and open pvp sucks because the engine cannot handle it. We had to endure server ques because of the engine. I am sure there are things they wanted to do (like big space battles) but could not because of the engine. What is dumb is there are and were better engines than this that they could have used.


2. Lack of pvp options. Its one thing to not have meaningful large scale pvp battles, but there is also no real incentive to world pvp in general, other than boredom, and we have only 4 repetitive warzones to Que for.


3. The gear design. Its horribly ugly and not very much in line with the lore imo.


4. The planets and the lack of variety. After awhile it all seems to blur together. I remember wandering for hours in SWG, WoW, Daoc and EQ just to explore. You can wander a whole planet in a few hours here. I remember in SWG trying to walk around the whole planet.


5. Lack of housing. Yes I am comparing this mostly to SWG but its a good comparison since it is another SW game. We could completely outfit our houses there with all kinds of crap and it was a great time sink when you were bored of grinding and pvp. There were classes devoted to just providing resources for people's houses. Here the best we get is a few star ship upgrades, but nothing really to make my ride pimp and what's worse is nobody will ever see it if I did. How is it that a smuggler cannot have a first class rig, I mean the Fatman is named after a ship! What about the Wilde Karrde?


6. Congregation points. We all go to the fleet and that's it. There is no other place in the galaxy people will congregate. In SWG if you got wounded you went to the cantina to watch a dancer or see a doc and get healed up, tiping them some credits. That was a really cool feature.


7. Meaningless crafting. Half of star wars is the economy and the crafting in general sucks. Players should be engaged in this and it would drive the economy. One of my buds in swg was a droid engineer, all he wanted to do was build cool *** droids. I loved bio-engineering unique pets myself. Why cant we have something like that?


8. Forced specs/playstyle. Lets face it, there really is only 1 good spec for each class, maybe two (healer/dps). What it means is that fighting any given class goes one way. There are no unique builds that really work, just variations of cookie cutters. I was hoping that we could have customized our playstyles more than we can.


9. BW/EA Managment of the title. It just seems to me the game is getting worse, not better overall. I really wanted them to focus on pvp battles and instead we get legacy and broken promises.


I could go on but that's enough for now. The biggest thing is this game is not epic as it should be. All of star wars is always epic and this is not.

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I'll play. Lack of inner-ship decorating. I'm sorry, I love to customize. That segues into number 2. Everything should have been orange gear, and drops should have been mods, armor, barrel, or enhancements. Not allowing players to look they way they want was a horrible decision.


I think end game needed to be more robust, but I was fine with it. World PVP was worthless, and war zones after 50 sucked. Also, lack of any mini-games despite players clamoring for it.


Finally the biggest nail in the coffin. Space combat. The introduction of a rail shooter developed by another company showed how little Bioware understood the Star in Star Wars.

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I do like this game a lot, and will continue to subscribe. :) But still, I am a believer in constructive criticism, so . . .


It is the little things, all combined, that let me down. SImply put, I find this game lacking in the nebulous category often called "fluff", which includes aesthetic concerns. Things like this:


- Run/walk animations and emotes: not very good quality (can we get a non-silly dance please!), IMHO, and some basic ones are lacking such as laying down. And they are the same for every race and both genders. Except select "feminine" ones though, because obviously, they can't possibly have males dance in a sexy way. :rolleyes:


- Gear appearance and customization: There is no dye system, and you can't hide your shoulder slot. Plus mod costs make it a royal pain to customize your appearance at high levels.


- Sexist gear: it isn't that bad, I know. But it really irks me that certain styles lose half their fabric on female characters, and that certain social sets (slave/dancer/formal/elegant) are only for one gender. I can dress to show some skin on my female characters easily, but on males, it is impossible aside from a select few endgame light armor sets.


- Character creation options: many things, but my top disappointments are features being lumped together (such as freckles and eyebrow shape), male faces scaling poorly to body type 1, lack of face variety for Twi'leks.


- Clipping issues: there are just so many, it is especially discouraging when you play Miraluka and Twi'leks.


TL;DR: I had hoped my characters could look better, move better, and could be dressed better. Male and female alike! ^^


The little things are those that give happiness in an RPG. I second that. It's a role playing game after all, we should care about little things. I do. Otherwise we would play Lemmings.


(Nothing wrong with Lemmings). ;)

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The little things are those that give happiness in an RPG. I second that. It's a role playing game after all, we should care about little things. I do. Otherwise we would play Lemmings.


(Nothing wrong with Lemmings). ;)


Precisely. Everything just feels much too like a game. Yes, I know it is. But MMOs uniquely allow you to forge a personalized, virtual identity. They allow you to take part in a world. SW:TOR did not take advantage of that. It is simply a video game, and everything in it, from character looks to world design, reflects that. Very little exists outside of the "level to 50, PvP or raid"-mentality.

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Not giving players enough freedom. Bland species selection and limited character creation options, not enough opportunity to customize characters in terms of gear and looks until several patches down the line.


Aside from that I still love the gameplay and stories, but just major bugs and lack of content updates were most disappointing. Every major patch I was hoping they would add the species I wanted or some cool new armor sets and fix major bugs or balance issues but those things never seemed to get addressed and every new patch either didn't fix something or broke something new.

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My 3 biggest complaints are


1) No Pazzaak / swoop racing.


How this game, based off of KotOR series launched, was designed, was conceived with out Pazzaak and swoop racing is completely and utterly mind boggleing beyond comprehension and who ever said no to it should be fired with great prejudice and hostility.


Let me be clear, I SUCK AT SWOOP RACING. But this isnt about what I like and dont. This is about a iconic mechanic from the original 2 games some how not making the cut for release.


Utterly and completely shamefull


2) No RP servers.


They have servers called RP server but closer inspection shows you these are just PVE servers where kids are allowed to troll the RP crowd with stupid names and bad attitudes.


I switched to a PVE server and I find LESS stupid/non RP names on the Harbringer then I ever did on RC and other RP server.


There should have been ENFORCED naming rules from day one on the RP servers. There should have been chat moderation so someone saying something in character isnt attacked and insulted for RPing on a RP server.


The lack of support on the so called RP servers is again shamefull on EA/BW part and if they were not prepared to offer up a REAL RP server, then dont offer at all.


Do it RIGHT or dont do it EA/BW


3) No DAoC RVR system.


This game is perfect for DAoC RVR concept and yet we get stun wars in a warzone instead.


Why even go in depth, we all know this is one of EA/BWs BIGGEST stupid moments when they decided warzones and gear dependant pvp was the way to go.


Rookie mistake made by a company that simply didnt do their homework properly.

And the game has suffered because of it.


Those are my top 3 but there is a whole lost of things on almost equal ground as these. Its pretty appearent EA looked at WOW and no farther then WOW for MMORPG lessons and concepts.


And thats why they going F2P soon.

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My biggest let-down has to be the somewhat-closed environments.


I understand the reasons why they did what they did, but I had hoped for larger, more open spaces that took some time to explore and find your way from place to place.


I am probably spoiled, however, as my previous game was Entropia, and those environments were often so treacherous that we actually have a society called Calypso Rescue Team, dedicated to finding players who are stranded and can't get back to a major city and escorting them through the treacherous terrain and mobs to get back home.


These environments really do feel lacking when compared to the possibilities.


Hopefully some of the new planets they add can have a more open expanse to them.

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