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A Message from the Community Manager


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Maybe they have nothing new to tell us, and the last word is still current. Has Community asked them? If not, why not?


Even if they have nothing new we deserve to know if that's the case or not. After all this silence I think that's fair.

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Hello everyone,


Joveth - after reading through this topic yesterday I've decided to trust you once more and re-sub after 5 months. But I won't be so forgiving next time...


For me the main issue for this game is to figure out what it wants to be and focus on one or two player groups. My guess - you can't beat wow, so be different - use the story to you advantage. Use the SW IP to your advantage - implement some basic string free space fights, even space pvp - I would stay here just for that. Think like when you were making Kotor just make it bigger and more lasting. Adding new raids and warzone is basically extending the same approach, think about some new approaches that could keep players with the game.


One other thought from coming back - there is something seriously wrong with the class balance, I see everyone running with Juggs and Marauders now. My main since mid december was a Jugg. It had it's place in pvp - and I was happy with it's role. Some ppl were complaining about some classes being OP but the game itself was fun and all classes were in it.


Plus I for one see an opportunity in the F2P - a wave of new players learning the game will allow the people who quit the game before to come back and re-learn it and gear up without being massacred in PVP by some pervs wo were grinding the same gear for 9 months (no offence guys!).

For this to happen you have to show that you have changed your approach to the community and the PR language.

Thans and good luck,

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Why cant the people wanting information regarding Same Gender Romances have a thread in general discussion like every other group of people.. we get shut down any time we try to make a thread anywhere else other than story and lore and have for the past 9 months.. not only have we not been given any information but its almost like we aren't even allowed to ask despite it being promised to us at the guild summit.


Please, do not ignore this!

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Has Community asked them? If not, why not?


The community has definitely asked them, I hear that one thread in the lore section is on its 14th reincarnation and is getting ready for its 15th... I never recall seeing any answer everytime that I peak in.


Edit: Turns out I was wrong, it is the 6th reincarnation going on for its 7th, another user told me this.

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The community has definitely asked them, I hear that one thread in the lore section is on its 14th reincarnation and is getting ready for its 15th... I never recall seeing any answer everytime that I peak in.


Uluain means has the Community Team asked the developers. We, the community, have definitely been asking.

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Indications in April - when information was at least available - were that same-gender content related to current companions


Really? I'm sure I saw somewhere that they said SGR's wouldn't apply to current companions and only those going forward. But I haven't been keeping up on the details of SGR's so you probably know more than me.


If that's the case, has there been no news on whether if you've already completed the 'standard' romance option with an opposite gender, if you could 'divorce' or 'delete' that quest chain, allowing you to go back and redo the romance but with a same-sex companion?


I guess we'll see if this is still on-track within sometime in the coming 4 months. Probably by the end of the year the only communication on the matter will be them back-tracking the statement and them saying 'SGR's are still coming, however final details haven't been worked out yet. They will be here soon!'

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I would also like to second the request for clearer bug reports and CSRs actually being trained on them, so they don't mis-close tickets when there is no fix and you need honest to goodness help from a live person.


"You can't progress w/ this toon until a further update" is a pretty crap-tastic response, especially when you read in the forums that you can be teleported in if you're lucky enough to be online when someone feels like correctly reading your ticket.


I would also like to know how many 'live' CSR/GMs there are... b/c I'm guessing, not enough. (I was planning on calling next time I could be in front of my gaming rig during support hours, but I'm moving IRL and working 2 jobs ATM so that hasn't been a happy arrangement) In-game options should really be a stronger option, since it's, an online game and all.

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Really? I'm sure I saw somewhere that they said SGR's wouldn't apply to current companions and only those going forward. But I haven't been keeping up on the details of SGR's so you probably know more than me.
BioWare hasn't said which companions will be available for SGRs, and hasn't clarified if SGRs will be with new companions or with the current ones. One of the earliest dev quotes about SGRs could be interpreted to mean they will happen with new companions, but it could also be interpreted the other way. At the guild summit, Mr. Erickson said that BW knew which companions they would do SGRs with, but put very specific emphasis on "We're not going to tell you." :D


If that's the case, has there been no news on whether if you've already completed the 'standard' romance option with an opposite gender, if you could 'divorce' or 'delete' that quest chain, allowing you to go back and redo the romance but with a same-sex companion?


I guess we'll see if this is still on-track within sometime in the coming 4 months. Probably by the end of the year the only communication on the matter will be them back-tracking the statement and them saying 'SGR's are still coming, however final details haven't been worked out yet. They will be here soon!'

Things like these are a big part of why many people want to know about SGRs. Not only would we like to know how they will interact with current companion romances, we'd like to know if companions we already have at max affection will start the SGR romance line if they suddenly become available.


Lots of questions, no answers yet; hopefully that will change soon. :)

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For #1: Thanks for this, I've pinged some folks to see what's going on there and will update as soon as I hear back.


.... Lots of considered response..........

Stay tuned for more.


Thankyou Joveth, looks like things are finally heading in the right direction, as you yourself stated actions speak for them selves, this action is a good start and the other posts/activity I have seen recently is encourageing.


Keep it up.

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Then GO and find it, and be an advocate for the player community and an agent for improved relations instead of just more of the same tired shell game trick.


The community wants and needs an advocate - someone who we feel will take some initiative to find out the things we're asking for instead of explaining how they're really not much use after all when the chips are down.


Absolutely.. time to step up to the plate and act for the community your supposed to be supporting.


Right now all I can think of is... hell we need a BRANIGAN - - Some old EU MMO players may well recognise that name and know what efforts that person went to help motivate and turn round a deflated community in another MMO suffering the same ignorance and resentment that is now prevalent in SWTOR.

That person went out and got answers, he took the time to interact with us, he organised mini events and won alot of trust and respect simply by being active amongst the community and not settling for half hearted "soon" statements - none moreso was such efforts acknowledged as when that MMO finally decided, after a year long hush by the powers that be, to finally come out and tell us.. LIGHTS OUT, ITS OVER!... What did Branigan do.. organised one last hurrah, even dipping into his own pocket and gave the community the last ounce of his soul...




FYI - since closing the EU servers down and mass transfering player accounts over to its US servers, that MMO has become one of the few successes that F2P can actually boast about.


EDIT - Good to see another piece of content pushed out the door without proper testing.. guess the patching tomorrow will sort it out.. one hopes without the need to patch that patch and patch it again next week....

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Hi everyone,

We're all excited about the future of this game and with the new focus on more frequent content updates and the introduction of the Free-to-Play experience, you can expect more communication opportunities overall.


You know what, maybe you should tell us more about the exciting future of the game because I'm pretty sure the community isn't seeing it. All we see is a long list of broken promises.

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21:00 - he says this year.


Wow.. I managed to answer faster than the new and improved Communication team. I need a raise...


Continental Drift works faster than the communication team. Their definition of "soon" seems to be within the next decade and by "this year" they seem to mean before the first number on the year switches from 2xxx to 3xxx.

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Mr. Gonzalez at this point simply acknowledging that this question has been asked would be sufficient, as you have not addressed any questions on the subject.


The number one question they are asked in total number of unique sources is "When will same-gender-relationships be enabled in game?" And their only response ever is "soon." If they say anything else they know they will have to put up or shut-up. They do not even talk about it in the forums and delete any thread about them to keep the subject under the table. I do not think we will see anything until the question of whether or not EA gets sold is decided and the new owners (if any) decide whether or not they want SGR's in EA products. If they do not, I'd imagine they will vanish from all future EA products.

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1. http://vid.buffed.de/hdvideo/10222/SWTOR-Interview-mit-Bioware-zur-Zukunft-des-Star-WarsMMORPGs

2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=521863 - 1st post and last on page 2


Can you GUARANTEE what is said there?


Are you willing to pay everyone 500 bucks worth of cartel coins for each day that passes the 6 weeks, interval which yourself set? And are you willing to pay 5000 bucks worth of cartel coins for each patch that doesn`t deliver, as Syrrion described on page 2 of the 2nd link?


Do you believe in the product you are selling that much that you are willing to put money down?

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I understand that the focus of Dev Tracker info is on content that is coming soon, so players can look forward to it. And I understand constructive questions are easier to work with than complaints. But there is content which has been promised since release, and no news of it since March before major changes occurred at BioWare Austin.


Further, while it has been discussed continuously with posts constructive and otherwise on these boards since launch, and the current thread - the only thread where discussion is permitted - has been running since January without any substantive reply from the Community Team.


Please address same-gender content. We've been more than patient, but patience is harder every day and silence from the Community Team and the Developers makes it worse.

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Hi Joveth,


I'd like to ask a question that you must know the answer to.


OK, the GA Race event which is on at the moment gives reward tokens (Enrichment thingies!), now what I'd like to know is what we can do with them. Hear me out...

After the Last event (Rakghoul plague) many people complained that they could not use their DNA samples as the vendor went as soon as the event finished - a Dev has said that future events will have a different system in place.

I'd like to know how is it different?

Can we expect...

1. The Vendor is staying for an extra week (I know that it WILL be staying an extra week, but really? this is the new different system!?)




2. The tokens can be used again for future events (not necessarily the next event mind)




3. Both of the above


Many thanks in advance for a clear concise answer to my question!



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