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A Message from the Community Manager


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Well that would explain why it's hard for you. :) You don't get them until relatively high levels, but they're there.


Mass Mind Control


Cooldown: 45s

Forces all enemies within 15 meters to attack you for 6 seconds. Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts 6 seconds. Does not break Stealth.


Challenging Call


Cooldown: 45s

Taunts all enemies within 15 meters, forcing them to attack the Knight for 6 seconds. Player targets deal 30% less damage when attacking anyone other than you. Lasts 6 seconds.


Sonic Round


Cooldown: 45s

Range: 30 m

Fires a sonic round that taunts your target and all nearby enemies, forcing them to attack for 6 seconds. Enemy players have their damage reduced for 6 seconds unless they attack you.


Thank you for confirming my statement. These should be availible much earlier, not near the end.

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Thank you for confirming my statement. These should be availible much earlier, not near the end.


what? How are they near the end? You get those at level 30. If anything, that's midgame, and most players haven't even finished Chapter I by then.


Not to mention there is a pulling hierarchy anyway. First the CCers CC. Then the tank aggros the strongest awake mob, then the tank keeps an eye on first, the squishier healers, and then finally the dpsers. The tank should be repulling first the mob that aggros the healer before the mob attacking the dpser. Tank single pulls are 12s cooldown, but tanks can sometimes generate their own threat (like in the case of using force sweep against a boss).

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what? How are they near the end? You get those at level 30. If anything, that's midgame, and most players haven't even finished Chapter I by then.


Not to mention there is a pulling hierarchy anyway. First the CCers CC. Then the tank aggros the strongest awake mob, then the tank keeps an eye on first, the squishier healers, and then finally the dpsers. The tank should be repulling first the mob that aggros the healer before the mob attacking the dpser. Tank single pulls are 12s cooldown, but tanks can sometimes generate their own threat (like in the case of using force sweep against a boss).


Um yea, and thank you, too. Level 30 puts you around the end of chapter 1 and beginning of chapter 2. These should be introduced by the end of the Prelude. Somewhere between levels 11 and 20, preferably 13-14.

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The team is responsible for more than just communicating via Twitter and our forum posts are somewhat dependent on new information being available. As mentioned in my post, more frequent updates means that more information will become available for us to post about. Courtney's great weekly Community Round-Up blog has also been a good source of community information during these past few months.


fair enough! lets communicate then! Ill ask a series of questions, in a order and we'll see if they get simple, non-fluff answers.


1. will my brand new sony vaio i7 model pcg-81114L that had a year warranty from sony and a recall on it for the problem that kept it sitting all this time ever get resolved?


2. will it ever be able to play a game without overheating after 20 minutes?


3. Why has no one honored that warranty and/or recall, instead giving me a run around about viruses < wich is funny seeing as how its never been able to be used long enough to run a virus >


4. If no one will honor that warranty or the recall on it do you think perhaps you can pay me back for the lap top I had to buy to replace that hunk of junk?


I dont really expect a relevant answer because we all know its take the money and run with EA wich is why I asked em about a something not related to the game in question.And yeah i replaced that junk vaio and bought a PC from a real company who actually honors their word without trying to sidestep the issues in question.


we dont want info on a new way to mass stun everyone into oblivion, we want answers as to why our overpowered hardware has issues running this simple minded program.

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... we want answers as to why our overpowered hardware has issues running this simple minded program.


If it was a simple minded program, they might be able to fix it. That was the problem, the Hero platform was too complex and misunderstood. On top of terming or running away anyone who really knew how it functioned AFTER all the mods. Hell, the creators of the Hero Engine don't even recognize it anymore.


Great rant, btw.

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Was hoping to hear some news about how they plan to screw this game even further into the ground. Bug fix 2 things? Break 3 others. The incredibly blatant class imbalance is one thing, but it is a completely other thing when you fix a bug that can delete the wrong character and somehow find a white block on the screen. Just one of the many, many bugs.


I'm not saying this bug is game breaking, but the complete and utter disregard for this game's well being is just so obvious. If I didn't know any better I'd say EA pulled the plug and is intentionally telling devs to ruin the game in an attempt to kill the player base.

Edited by Psirebral
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we want answers as to why our overpowered hardware has issues running this simple minded program.


Please speak for yourself, not for "we".


My mid-range gaming laptop plays this game just fine at 1920 resolution.


Some people are having graphics issues since the patch, many are not. Many who did have issues were able to make simple adjustments to their settings in game and out of game and resolve their issues. Some still have issues, that either they cannot or will not try to resolve.


TL;DR: don't speak broadly in general forum for others. Just state your opinion and own it.... use "I" rather then "we". ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Please speak for yourself, not for "we".


My mid-range gaming laptop plays this game just fine at 1920 resolution.


Some people are having graphics issues since the patch, many are not. Many who did have issues were able to make simple adjustments to their settings in game and out of game and resolve their issues. Some still have issues, that either they cannot or will not try to resolve.


TL;DR: don't speak broadly in general forum for others. Just state your opinion and own it.... use "I" rather then "we". ;)


Being unsympathetic is becoming the halmark of the gaming community. It used to be once in a while, now it's commonplace. I felt for those who had the Black Screen of Death back in 1.2. I supported their cries for help even though I did not experience it myself. Good for you that you are not, but don't expect that to continue. When you have problems, don't be surprised to have this kind of post come back to bite you in the rear.

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As I said in another post, I could care less about future content until what's already broken is fixed. I love this game but since 1.4 hit I'm shutting the game down, or it does it on it's own, at least 3-4 times a night due to it freezing up (anytime), or locking up in load screens.


My favorite was when it happened on phase 2 of the Kephess fight in TFB....yeah that was friggin awesome!


Fix what's already broke before you add more crap that will most likely be broke too!

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Being unsympathetic is becoming the halmark of the gaming community. It used to be once in a while, now it's commonplace. I felt for those who had the Black Screen of Death back in 1.2. I supported their cries for help even though I did not experience it myself. Good for you that you are not, but don't expect that to continue. When you have problems, don't be surprised to have this kind of post come back to bite you in the rear.


Note that I made sure to acknowledge that some people are having issues. And I always do when commenting on any game bugs that are affecting some players. ;)


Also note that I do not accept people speaking for me using "we" when they really mean "I". [the main point, which you brushed right past]

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Um yea, and thank you, too. Level 30 puts you around the end of chapter 1 and beginning of chapter 2. These should be introduced by the end of the Prelude. Somewhere between levels 11 and 20, preferably 13-14.


Yeah, this game as too few tanks and this is indeed one of the reasons why: at low levels, people can not tank decently. So maybe they never get to 30 (altough I can imagine most people spec for DPS while leveling). Metrics may or may not proof this point to be corrrect.


But there is another reason, much harder to fix. In SWTOR, there are only 4 people in a group, a tank, a healer and 2 DPSers.. So you need 1 tank for each *2* DPSers, that's more than in other MMOs. I do not know why Bioware made this decision, but in my opinion, this is the main reason why there is a shortage of tanks: the game design of a 4-man-group, so that 25% of the players must be tanks.

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Note that I made sure to acknowledge that some people are having issues. And I always do when commenting on any game bugs that are affecting some players. ;)


Also note that I do not accept people speaking for me using "we" when they really mean "I". [the main point, which you brushed right past]


Well you must not be part of the gaming community then. WE are only as strong as our weakest link. Those "few" weak links are distressed and affecting us as a whole. Either through longer queue times for WZ or FPs or getting together a PUG for a heroic. Being able to sell or buy gear is affected as well. Less crafters means higher prices, less purchasers means less money going into the great circle of commerce. So WE are affected one way or another. How many guilds are now abandoned because of this? Missandei had a great post in this regard...


lol.. I hope you are not suffer[ing from] autophilia.. because you are looking forward to find yourself alone at the Fleet in peak time someday..
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Sorry you feel that way. I'm hoping our actions will speak louder than words and win you over eventually.

2 months later:


  • Still no 2 way communication: screening the devs through Allison
  • Useless dev Q&A chat: with questions only focused on new patch
  • Still not listening to player feedback: 1.4 changes going against the majority. Ie.: Commando nerfs, Sage changes, lengthening Stuns in PvP

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2 months later:


  • Still no 2 way communication: screening the devs through Allison
  • Useless dev Q&A chat: with questions only focused on new patch
  • Still not listening to player feedback: 1.4 changes going against the majority. Ie.: Commando nerfs, Sage changes, lengthening Stuns in PvP


Listened to player feedback: remember Banana Sage? you might as well list things that they do right.

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Any word on when the friends lists will be fixed for people that transferred servers?

Mine has been broken since server transfer was enabled, have submitted four tickets and still no fix.


Half way though October and still no fix. More open communication from the community manager my a**.

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Wow I started reading this thread thinking how great it was that BW was finally admitting that their Comms team just aren't hitting the mark and was going to start picking up their game


And then I noticed how old the OP was...


As someone with over 10 years Marketing Communications experience, I can say that this game has got to have the worst communications in a game going around. It's as close to non-existent as you can get. Compare this game with something like League of Legends where devs are constantly on the forums communicating with players and it is world's apart. Not only in that the player base finds it hard to discover new information, but also that genuine concerns and suggestions appear to be completely ignored. How many times has a patch been deployed despite potentially game breaking bugs being reported from PTS?!


Come on BW, this stuff isn't rocket science! Start addressing the problems by at least acknowledging things when they're wrong. Tell us your priorities so we can understand when great suggestions aren't picked up. And for pities sake, start having fun with us. Join in the conversations just as people, let your Devs share their thoughts, enjoy the rich lore of Star Wars. After all, it is a game, it's meant to be fun isn't it?

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Wow I started reading this thread thinking how great it was that BW was finally admitting that their Comms team just aren't hitting the mark and was going to start picking up their game


And then I noticed how old the OP was...


As someone with over 10 years Marketing Communications experience, I can say that this game has got to have the worst communications in a game going around. It's as close to non-existent as you can get. Compare this game with something like League of Legends where devs are constantly on the forums communicating with players and it is world's apart. Not only in that the player base finds it hard to discover new information, but also that genuine concerns and suggestions appear to be completely ignored. How many times has a patch been deployed despite potentially game breaking bugs being reported from PTS?!


Come on BW, this stuff isn't rocket science! Start addressing the problems by at least acknowledging things when they're wrong. Tell us your priorities so we can understand when great suggestions aren't picked up. And for pities sake, start having fun with us. Join in the conversations just as people, let your Devs share their thoughts, enjoy the rich lore of Star Wars. After all, it is a game, it's meant to be fun isn't it?


So you are in marketing communications for a living (allegedly), and yet you are just now reading this very old thread? :rolleyes: Not to mention, if you really were in marketing communications for a living, you would know some of what you are demanding is just silly and unprofessional from a corporate point of view.


On the other hand... hats off to.....Ailie crit's Joveth with an armchair for 10,000. ;)


Tell us your priorities so we can understand when great suggestions aren't picked up. And for pities sake, start having fun with us.


Two points:


1) no MMO producer tells their player base their priorities in any level of detail. Broad brush strokes is all you get. So get over it. If you were in MarCom, you would know this.


2) FUN? seriously? It is not a developers job to frolick with the players in a gaming forum. They are professionals, and it's their job to develop and release content. Now, you can complain about how good a job they are doing, but

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  • 2 months later...

Mr Gonzalez, can we have the name of all the testers in charge of this mythical quality game, that they missed the "Fancy" cartel armors`s icons, as of this latest patch?


Also, why is inspect still bugged and "funny running" still not fixed? Can you also give us some names and timelines, Mr. Gonzalez?

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