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Rate yourself and be honest, How do you play an MMO ??


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Lonewolf who tags along.


I've never been in a PvE guild but I'm only a few mods away from BiS and the companions I mainly use are in Rakata and some BH. I've pugged/filled in with enough guilds to come to the conclusion that it would have to be an exceptional guild for me to not get annoyed as hell by the members and leave in 10 minutes. I hate having to be in chat, I hate having to visit a freaking guild site and I can't stand how most people feel the need to strategize every single thing instead of just burning through it. Less talk, more action is my melody. Let me know if you know of a Guild like that because so far I've only come across individual players like that and they're ironically guild'less too, it's the type of people who will get a NP/EC pug going and actually beat it.

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Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content.


That's what describes me best I think. I play a lot and want to min/max my gear, but I'm not concerned with being the first to clear content.

This describes me best as well.

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League 1 = Happy with Getting End Game done, Like End Game gear but will settle for second rate, Not to fussed about having the best stuff. But like Endgame, will take a back seat. Casual, fun, serious if I have to be.


that be me right there with a little bit of Championship.

Edited by happysister
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Love small groups and people who play their roles WELL. Nit-picky about small things like threat when I tank or heal. Love end-game when I can get to it and spend forever tweaking stats.


I get end-game gear so I can go into heroics and blast through them, that is fun for me.

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I'm between league 2 and 3, I am not bothered by heroics or flashpoints (in fact, I try to do every heroic on every planet I visit), sometimes I do a daily FP for the comms or maybe a lucky roll of gear, but mostly I like to solo and enjoy the story and levelling of the game. Not interested on Operations or PvP at all, and alt maniac :D
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I apologise on behalf of the OP for those players unintentionally assaulted by their position in the list provided. Many players are very aware of how difficult it is to keep personal bias out of such a list, Unless it is vetted by a series of people with varying opinions.


I apologise in particular to those players who spend 5-6 hours a day organising hardcore Roleplayers.

I would also like to give a mention to those guild masters organising raiding for a disinterested group. My hat goes off to you, way more hardcore than directing a dedicated well geared group.


I know that these two examples and in fact many more actually could fit ABOVE the current list but lists do have to have a cut off. Maybe, we could add several leagues above the Premiership and championship leagues so examples such as I have mentioned can accurately be portrayed.


See how personal bias can sneak into a proposed list?

Edited by Elkirin
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Premiership = Die hard Raider, Have to Min Max Everything 2 weeks after new gear is released, Finish new OPS Flash-points on farm asap, Top rated in PVP. All the Best stuff. Serious gaming, Organised Raid teams.


Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content.


League 1 = Happy with Getting End Game done, Like End Game gear but will settle for second rate, Not to fussed about having the best stuff. But like Endgame, will take a back seat. Casual, fun, serious if I have to be.


League 2 = Not bothered by End Game, will do Top level content as long as its easy going. Not fussed about OPS or Gear. Will just solo everything if i can, if i need a group, not bothered.


League 3 = Happy to just chat in Guild chat, General Chat, Like RPing and taking it totally easy, happy to just mull through the game. No interest in End Game at all.


League 4 = Complete Soloist, No interest in groups, no interest in Raid or Group content, Like the Game but want to get everything on my own. Dont feel i should have to group with anybody.


Just wanna get some feelers for the type of gamer's that are left in the community, I am imagining most Premiership players are long gone by now...

Id rate myself as....




League 1 for me easily.


I spend most of my game time with guildies running HMs or pvping, i join an ops from time to time with my friend from some more serious guild. I do care about the gear, but i'm not bothered that i don't do ops on a regular basis. All in all: i enjoy what options i do have available (gear and content wise)

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League 2 per the OP criteria.


My fun stops where the sandbox style of play ends. Pet collecting, pet taming, and pet training was a big hit with me in SWG. WOW became the 2nd best version of pet taming and collecting to be found in an MMO after the NGE. This includes mounts of all types.


My MMO resume: Planetside - never did the grind for the walking battlebot BFR's.

SWG - never completed the grind for a full Jedi but had 4 toons at level 80.

WOW never leveled past 80 or completed a raid gear set (1 level 80 and 49 alts in various stages of twink). Private server mid-rate (20 level 80's all classes till the end of WOWLegacy with raid sets earned).

EVE - unless you subscribed since BETA, you will never attain the millions of skill points the old timers there have (3 toons/1 account avg 12 million sp each).

STO - (3 Vice Admirals and 4 Lt. Generals) mission geared only.

RIFT (6 toons at 50 but no full sets of gear from any dungeon or raid).

SWTOR (8 toons avg level 20 and leveling up) my ambition is limited to F2P limits imposed.

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Premiership = Die hard Raider, Have to Min Max Everything 2 weeks after new gear is released, Finish new OPS Flash-points on farm asap, Top rated in PVP. All the Best stuff. Serious gaming, Organised Raid teams.


Championship = Casual but borderline Die Hard, Want good Gear and to compete in End Game but will wait longer to get it, still a frequent player, Like good gear. Min Max eventually. Serious but want fun as well, Love group content.


League 1 = Happy with Getting End Game done, Like End Game gear but will settle for second rate, Not to fussed about having the best stuff. But like Endgame, will take a back seat. Casual, fun, serious if I have to be.


League 2 = Not bothered by End Game, will do Top level content as long as its easy going. Not fussed about OPS or Gear. Will just solo everything if i can, if i need a group, not bothered.


League 3 = Happy to just chat in Guild chat, General Chat, Like RPing and taking it totally easy, happy to just mull through the game. No interest in End Game at all.


League 4 = Complete Soloist, No interest in groups, no interest in Raid or Group content, Like the Game but want to get everything on my own. Dont feel i should have to group with anybody.


Just wanna get some feelers for the type of gamer's that are left in the community, I am imagining most Premiership players are long gone by now...

Id rate myself as....


League 2+

Playing for fun with my wife, have no time or desire to go in end game guilds/raids & so on.

If we could do something in group of 2 ... we do it, if not... there is other things in game.

MMO because it is in persistent world and can play together with my wife.

This one because of SW and game/movie mix feeling.

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I think i rate myself as "League 1" I like end game content alot, but I am not die hard raiding, nor I have to play end game all the time ... That said, I have 3 characters to look after, I would get borred if I have to play end content with all 3 of them in 1 week. I rotate arround with characters, to keep it intresting for me.
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League 1/2. I like the challenge, but I'm not a maximalist. I consider it as a game where I'm there to have fun, rather than a 2nd job- so I play a lot of 10-49 pvp. Not much after 50, since premades in warhero just facepalm on the keyboard and still 2 shot you.
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New category: Troll - Stand next to the light side vendor on the republic fleet and meditate. Dance in front of someone when they're in a conversation. Join an HM and attack the CC'd elite. Cast 300 consecutive force quakes on the GTN. "Rescue" (force pull an ally to get them out of harms way) all tanks in war zones. Select the fat male body type and run war zones naked.
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Can we get a tier between Championship and League 1? Cause that's where I fall. I'm dying to do EC, but haven't even been grouped for it once, I have a good amount of higher end gear, but not Campaign or Rakata. I'm really trying though and prefer to have lots of alts and already have 2 50's full Columi, with 3-4 BH items. I guess I need to do more EC HM and KP HM but I have to interest in that.
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League 2 = Not bothered by End Game, will do Top level content as long as its easy going. Not fussed about OPS or Gear. Will just solo everything if i can, if i need a group, not bothered.


League 3 = Happy to just chat in Guild chat, General Chat, Like RPing and taking it totally easy, happy to just mull through the game. No interest in End Game at all.


I am definitely between League 2 (as I find myself with a bit of 1 and 3 mixed in.) I like to be able to solo things if I feel like it, and I like being social/chatting while doing so. I also like grouping up sometimes and having that option but it's not my preferred way to play. I'm more than happy to just run in circles on fleet and carry on conversation or to fraternize with the enemy in cantinas. I have run the occasional op for some better gear and they are fun but I would not be able to grind them constantly for gear. Same for wz's, I have certain toons I like to wz with a lot more than others but even then I don't play more than 3 or so matches in a row. :p


I really just don't get how some people could be premiership or whatever in ANY MMO but I guess to each their own. I suppose that's why I don't understand the end game complaints either. How is gear-grinding different in any other MMO? Is it really better to be able to grind out the same 8 pvp zones over and over rather than the 4 we have currently available? :rak_02: I don't mean for that to sound "my way, best way" but I just don't really understand it. =)


All I know is... I can't really play solo games any more because the ability to chat with others while playing (even if I'm not grouped up and am technically playing solo) is too much added fun.

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League 4 = Complete Soloist, No interest in groups, no interest in Raid or Group content, Like the Game but want to get everything on my own. Dont feel i should have to group with anybody.


I'm mostly solo in PvE but I do like to group up for Warfronts. For PvE I like to solo so I can take the game at my own pace and enjoy the story. Also, I've never desired to be an actual raider in any MMO I've played.

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