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Marauders and Powertechs need a nerf


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so a PT whos already been nerfed twice needs another one... i find it funny that ppl are now just realizing the type of dmg they do


both classes are fine find a few friends and learn to counter them


the burst dps for the pure dps tree such as pyrotech was not nerfed,infact it feels more like its been buffed and if it has that wasnt a very bright idea.


pyrotechs and the vanguards version is far to powerfull for it to be kept the way it is and i can understand players trying to defend there class but its far to strong to be kept this way.

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sorry for you not knowing about sentinels and marauders being overpowerd but they are and its obvious.


Anyone who has eyes, can see they are over powered, but they will still be defended to the hilt, to make sure the remain at the top of the charts on everything.

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LIke i said just be patient i am willing to put money on the fact that they will get the nerf bat soon


yes im trying to be patient but when a warzone consists of marauders and pyrotechs it starts getting rediculous.


its either someone leaping to you and killing you in 5 seconds or being pulled to soemone and dying in 5 seconds.




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You had me until "Most classes have two to three stuns which are instant cast and the can move around or even dps after they activate them." Now I can't trust anything you said prior to that.


ill just list the imp classes since all pubs are mirrors and have similar abilities, I'm also not going to list any leaps/pulls/knockbacks/steaths/slows/roots of any kind that classes have on top of these.


powertech: carbonize-instant cast, electro dart-instant cast

mercenary: electro dart-instant cast, concussion missle-2 sec cast and damage ends it prematurely,

operative: flash bang-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, debilitate- instant cast, sleep dart-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely

Sniper:flash bang-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, debilitate- instant cast

Marrauder:intimidating roar-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, force choke-channeled ability

Juggernaut:intimidating roar-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, force choke-channeled ability

Assassin:electrocute-instant cast, whirlwind-2 sec cast (can be specced to instant) and damage ends it prematurely, spike-instant cast and requires stealth (can be specced to not require stealth), mind trap-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, needs to be used from stealth on a target that isn't in combat

Sorcererelectrocute-instant cast, whirlwind-2 sec cast (can be specced to instant) and damage ends it prematurely


If I got any of these wrong feel free to post them edited correctly. According to this I see all classes have two stuns, a few having as many as 3 or 4, majority of them being instant cast. Like I said, this also doesn't include any other leaps/pulls/knockbacks/steaths/slows/roots a class may have.

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yes im trying to be patient but when a warzone consists of marauders and pyrotechs it starts getting rediculous.


its either someone leaping to you and killing you in 5 seconds or being pulled to soemone and dying in 5 seconds.




just wanted to pick a nit with you.


a WH geared pyro, with zerker buff, his own buff, can only open with incendiary missile -> thermal detonator -> railshot.


that's the absolute max burst, and requires 3 GCD, which is 4.5s - on all crits, assuming it's not a full wh pyro vs. a green-fresh-50-wearing-lvl42-gear, the max amount of damage would be in the 10k range. if you're dying from that, you probably should get some recruit gear.


exaggeration are fun, but i don't think bioware is THAT out of touch, that they can't add 3 numbers together on their own, and immediately invalidate comments like that as purely emotional QQ.


once people actually start stringing numbers (real numbers, real situation) together, and explaining WHY they think marauders / pyros need a nerf, maybe Bioware will pay more attention.

Edited by oredith
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I'll say it again, this is a team game not single player. If you are DPS you should at least put up a close fight with another DPS if you have an idea of what to do. I play a Sentinel and run into good players all the time that kill me or it gets real close...but that 1vs1 which most of PvP is NOT about. That being said us sentinels are out in the open and are hated and often melted down buy "smart" people that focus us and if it where not for my CD I would not even be that useful in a TEAM game. Whats so hard to get we are labeled DPS for a reason.


team game doesnt mean 2 class's being stupidly powerfull leaving the rest useless because you know and i know for a fact everyone will just play those 2 class's and you wont hardly see any of the other class's in pvp other than the ones that dont abuse FOTM class's because they are FOTM and stick to a resonable class.


its called balance you cant be strong in all area's


tough to kill high defense means realy low damage

high in damage means easy to kill low defense's

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This game is based around 8v8? right? so...we kinda need those since we're in the field with aoe, snares, etc taking the most damage. Its not based around 1v1 and if you do get into a 1v1 with a Marauder that's kinda your fault.


how is it my fault a marauder is attacking me lol ?


marauders can kill muliple targets because of all there buffs and the damage they do is idioticly high

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the burst dps for the pure dps tree such as pyrotech was not nerfed,infact it feels more like its been buffed and if it has that wasnt a very bright idea.


pyrotechs and the vanguards version is far to powerfull for it to be kept the way it is and i can understand players trying to defend there class but its far to strong to be kept this way.


oh but it was cause before i could get a refresh on my RS with no CD now its 6 seconds... and DFA nerf would also affect this... how i miss that huge aoe what was it 8meters before not to mention it was hitting ppl 3-4 meters outside it

Edited by wetslampigduex
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just wanted to pick a nit with you.


a WH geared pyro, with zerker buff, his own buff, can only open with incendiary missile -> thermal detonator -> railshot.


that's the absolute max burst, and requires 3 GCD, which is 4.5s - on all crits, assuming it's not a full wh pyro vs. a green-fresh-50-wearing-lvl42-gear, the max amount of damage would be in the 10k range. if you're dying from that, you probably should get some recruit gear.


exaggeration are fun, but i don't think bioware is THAT out of touch, that they can't add 3 numbers together on their own, and immediately invalidate comments like that as purely emotional QQ.


once people actually start stringing numbers (real numbers, real situation) together, and explaining WHY they think marauders / pyros need a nerf, maybe Bioware will pay more attention.


this is how you play a pyrotech


find your target

throw the bomb you get from unlocking at 31 points in pyrotech


flame burst

rail shot


dead target thats if that all crits which 80% of the time it seems to and if that dont kill them just spam flame burst which ignores armor for about 3k-5k which procs your cell dealing an aditional 2k just from that.


this is from experience and playing a pyrotech myself

i also have a WH commando fully augmented out 5k armor 1259 expertise and 19500 hp it takes all but 5 seconds for a pyrotech to kill me with that combo i just mentioned above.

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how is it my fault a marauder is attacking me lol ?


marauders can kill muliple targets because of all there buffs and the damage they do is idioticly high


If they attack you, like i said you should have 7 other teammates to help you. Its built around 8v8 .

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this is how you play a pyrotech


find your target

throw the bomb you get from unlocking at 31 points in pyrotech


flame burst

rail shot


dead target thats if that all crits which 80% of the time it seems to and if that dont kill them just spam flame burst which ignores armor for about 3k-5k which procs your cell dealing an aditional 2k just from that.


this is from experience and playing a pyrotech myself

i also have a WH commando fully augmented out 5k armor 1259 expertise and 19500 hp it takes all but 5 seconds for a pyrotech to kill me with that combo i just mentioned above.


your rotation should be more like... TD>IM>EF>RS>FB/RP>RS ... and that would account for about 12-15k dmg if everything max crit and is more like 10+ seconds


also no chance your getting 3-5k crits on FB highest ive ever seen is maybe 2.5k and that was with the expertise boost u pick up in the WZ's

Edited by wetslampigduex
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we all know Marauders and sentinels,Powertechs and vanguards at the moment are the flavor of the month class's and are also game breakingly overpowerd in the PvP area and are in need of fixing and nerfing badly.



i will start by explaining Marauder and Sentinels.


Marauders and Sentinels have to much utility as well as damage which makes this class godly in pvp at the moment.

they get 3 buffs

1. reduces damage taken by 25% and reflects damage

2. reduces damage by 20% and increases defense by 50%

3. reduces damage by 99%


only 1 buff should be available to these class's.for example of imbalance it would be like giving troopers and bounty hunters 3 versions of energy sheild.

these 3 buffs need to be seperated into the 3 tree's of the class so you will have to spend at least 20 talent points in order to aquire 1 of these buffs.they will no longer aquire these buffs through the skill vendor and will have to be aquired using talent points so they will no longer be able to aquire all 3.


the over all damage of marauders and sentinels needs to be reduced by around 15%.


marauders and sentinels already get enough utility without having all the buffs they currently have which is one of the reasons they are goldy in pvp right now.


Powertechs and Vanguards

the pure dps tree's of these class's needs looking at.the burst dps for these class's is far to high.

here are some ways to resolve the problem.

1. add a 5 seconds cooldown to flame burst so it can no longer be spammed.

2. reduce the armor pen passive from rail shot and high impact bolt down from 60% to 15% at 5% per point

3. overall damage reduction of about 10%

the burst dps is far to high and something needs to be done my idea for powertechs and vanguards will fix the issue slightly.



please keep this thread clean as any abusive posts and troll threads will asked to be removed.


thank you.


Jediduckling do you realize after looking at all your past post that the vast majority are all crying posts begging for nerfs to classes? If you spent more time playing the game then you do begging for nerfs in the forums you would be a Ceasar!....Just an observation cause quite frankly the people like you IMO are a cancer to MMO's always begging to nerf this and nerf that.

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ill just list the imp classes since all pubs are mirrors and have similar abilities, I'm also not going to list any leaps/pulls/knockbacks/steaths/slows/roots of any kind that classes have on top of these.


powertech: carbonize-instant cast, electro dart-instant cast

mercenary: electro dart-instant cast, concussion missle-2 sec cast and damage ends it prematurely,

operative: flash bang-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, debilitate- instant cast, sleep dart-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely

Sniper:flash bang-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, debilitate- instant cast

Marrauder:intimidating roar-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, force choke-channeled ability

Juggernaut:intimidating roar-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, force choke-channeled ability

Assassin:electrocute-instant cast, whirlwind-2 sec cast (can be specced to instant) and damage ends it prematurely, spike-instant cast and requires stealth (can be specced to not require stealth), mind trap-instant cast and damage ends it prematurely, needs to be used from stealth on a target that isn't in combat

Sorcererelectrocute-instant cast, whirlwind-2 sec cast (can be specced to instant) and damage ends it prematurely


If I got any of these wrong feel free to post them edited correctly. According to this I see all classes have two stuns, a few having as many as 3 or 4, majority of them being instant cast. Like I said, this also doesn't include any other leaps/pulls/knockbacks/steaths/slows/roots a class may have.


My mistake, I thought you were talking about stuns. Specifically those that allow your opponent to keep DPSing and are instant (as you stated in your original post). So take out anything that says breaks on damage from your list as 1)it is a mezz, not a stun (semantics I suppose) and 2) you cannot keep dpsing them while it is active. Then take out everything that says cast time (which are all mezzes anyway) or channeled, as they are not instant cast as you specified. Most of your list, in fact has no bearing on your point that you need defensive CD's as they do nothing against mezzes that break on damage. All of the abilities on your list, however, are dependent on resolve which makes you immune to them after 2 last time I checked.


Let me tally your new list with correct modifications to remove non instant abilities and mezzes:

PT: 2

Merc: 1

Op: 1 (I'm pretty sure they have a second, but I'm too lazy to look up what it is that you left off the list)

Sniper: 1

Mara: 0

Jugg: 0

Sin: 1

Sorc: 1

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The game has decent balance. You have five dps classes that are very strong and three that could use some love.


Balance is close with Sins, Maras, Snipers, Jugs and PTs.


DPS Sorcs (dot based classes aren't the strongest in rateds), Ops (stealth) and Mercs (something to make them useful) could use some love.

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a WH geared pyro, with zerker buff, his own buff, can only open with incendiary missile -> thermal detonator -> railshot.

bear in mind that incendiary and detonator (and even that first railshot) are all done while running INTO combat range (before you get inside 10m). so yeah...there are those gcds, but he's still moving into position and hammering you. i'm not complaining. just saying it's not as simple "hey, he has to go through X gcds." PTs do have a pretty significant advantage in that respect.

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My mistake, I thought you were talking about stuns. Specifically those that allow your opponent to keep DPSing and are instant (as you stated in your original post). So take out anything that says breaks on damage from your list as 1)it is a mezz, not a stun (semantics I suppose) and 2) you cannot keep dpsing them while it is active. Then take out everything that says cast time (which are all mezzes anyway) or channeled, as they are not instant cast as you specified. Most of your list, in fact has no bearing on your point that you need defensive CD's as they do nothing against mezzes that break on damage. All of the abilities on your list, however, are dependent on resolve which makes you immune to them after 2 last time I checked.


Let me tally your new list with correct modifications to remove non instant abilities and mezzes:

PT: 2

Merc: 1

Op: 1 (I'm pretty sure they have a second, but I'm too lazy to look up what it is that you left off the list)

Sniper: 1

Mara: 0

Jugg: 0

Sin: 1

Sorc: 1


I did word my first post poorly and this may be a more accurate count of "true stuns." This also doesn't include roots though which as long as you stay outside of melee range is essentially the same thing as a stun to a sent/marr as they have few abilities that can hit a ranged target. When a root is on us we cannot use our leap to get close to anyone and the root has no relationship to our resolve. Most classes have a root as well, this means there could potentially be a stun/root put on a marrauder which would incapacitate them for quite a bit of time which means they would need to pop their defensive skills just to be able to survive and hit back.

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Obviously you're going to sit there and say Marauders aren't overpowered if Marauder is you're main, if they aren't overpowered then atleast ever other class needs a buff, Marauders are the ONLY class to get a party-wide buff that can potentially increase speed by 80% AND increase defense. They are probably the best DPS class, they have the best defensive abilitys for short CD, AND have constant self-heals and party heals. How is that not overpowered? maybe that's the way the game should be, but they definitely should not be the only class to have these utilitys.

I've played marauder to 32 and I've stopped because of how easy it is, you steamroll through PvE like no ones business, the self heals from Annihilation combined with Quinn means you barely have to stop to heal.


Compare Operative concealment/Lethality spec to Marauders Annihilation and it's pretty clear which class you're going to want with you on a raid. No class should have such a huge difference in demand over another of the same type (DPS).


I'm all far Marauders not getting nerfed, but if they don't get nerfed, every other class definitely needs buffing because right now Marauders trump every other class for their usefulness (besides healing ofcourse)

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You're worried about 3 defensive skills when were in the middle of the action and get, for the most part sunlocked to death? lmao..keep drinking that QQ koolaid..


instead of being abusive you should think that the stun lock issue is a problem by itself and its not just marauders that suffer from this,all class's suffer from the stun lock issue because the resolve system doesnt work properly.


do you want some of my coolade now ?

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your rotation should be more like... TD>IM>EF>RS>FB/RP>RS ... and that would account for about 12-15k dmg if everything max crit and is more like 10+ seconds


also no chance your getting 3-5k crits on FB highest ive ever seen is maybe 2.5k and that was with the expertise boost u pick up in the WZ's


you must have recruit gear on your powertech or being attacked by undergeared powertechs

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team game doesnt mean 2 class's being stupidly powerfull leaving the rest useless because you know and i know for a fact everyone will just play those 2 class's and you wont hardly see any of the other class's in pvp other than the ones that dont abuse FOTM class's because they are FOTM and stick to a resonable class.


its called balance you cant be strong in all area's


tough to kill high defense means realy low damage

high in damage means easy to kill low defense's


I'm starting to think you are just plain clueless, and sorry your server has a in-balance of those classes...mine has tons of Sorc's should I cry about them? And please answer me whats so hard about working with a team to kill someone? Clearly your lack of friends/team play is your down fall. Just because you "think" they are over powered does not make them so. Put some effort in and talk to the people in this forums that tell you they have no problem with us and ask them for some tips. Until I figured out Pyro's I had a very bad time with them (not once did I come here to call for a nerf) I found and befriended one and dueled them and asked them for tips.

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