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Ranked WZ, why u no play


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Your ranked warzone concept is a complete failure. I play on three servers and they are dead. Here's the sad part, when I group I roll in the normals and murder the opposition, boring. When I que solo, I get faced by groups. Why is your ranked concept such a disaster. Has any decision worked out yet? Cross server already.
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Here's the sad part, when I group I roll in the normals and murder the opposition, boring. When I que solo, I get faced by groups.


This is completely killing the fun in PvP for me. I used to love it. I really did. But it's been absolutely atrocious lately.

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new thread, same topic.


Because i have no option to solo queue.


If you want to solo queue go back to regular WZs. Ranked should be about premade vs premade, not pugs fighting pugs and getting best gear in game.

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Your ranked warzone concept is a complete failure. I play on three servers and they are dead. Here's the sad part, when I group I roll in the normals and murder the opposition, boring. When I que solo, I get faced by groups. Why is your ranked concept such a disaster. Has any decision worked out yet? Cross server already.


strange, im getting my queues every time i queue and i have no problems with finding foes.

how can you get words like "solo" and "ranked" togethter.

stop queue alone if you dont like be pwned.

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If you want to solo queue go back to regular WZs. Ranked should be about premade vs premade, not pugs fighting pugs and getting best gear in game.


this is why you will play the same RWZ team over and over again. In fact on some servers people are not even that lucky.

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There would be more people doing RWZ if it was put in with 1.2 but Bioware screwed that up and alot of people that wanted it in 1.2 were not gonna stick around for another couple months for it. My guild on Mind Trick all quit this game because of this.

It was promised in 1.2 and at the last second "oh by the way RWZ was scratched till next patch" good job on losing alot of players that stuck around only for that in 1.2 and quit when it wasnt put in.

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This is what I do not understand. If you could solo queue ranked war zones then what is the regular war zone there for?? :confused:


Wha't so bad in regular warzone dying? Why not have every game ranked? Who said we need this [insert any censored word here] unranked warzones when all they do is promote one team destroying another?

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Wha't so bad in regular warzone dying? Why not have every game ranked? Who said we need this [insert any censored word here] unranked warzones when all they do is promote one team destroying another?


Because the idea is that ranked war zones are for the hardcore pvp players, with their team-speak, headphones etc. etc. If anything I would like any sort of pre-made to be able to only queue ranked and the regular war zones and their rewards maintained as they are for pugs.

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If you want to solo queue go back to regular WZs. Ranked should be about premade vs premade, not pugs fighting pugs and getting best gear in game.


If you were the one defining what ranked games should be then fine.


However, ranked matches in other games often pit pugs vs pugs for rankings. They have had no problem.


Halo has had ranked matches for pugs vs pugs or pugs vs premades or premades vs premades all in the same queue.


Call of duty has had ranked matches for pugs vs pugs or pugs vs premades or premades vs premades.


Dont give me the "this isnt an fps game" excuse, because it doesnt apply to this argument either. Plenty of games have a history of solo queuing for ranked matches, with out having problems.


Personally I dont care if I get matched up against a premade in normal or ranked warzone. Personally I would rather face a premade because I know that im at least facing someone with decent communication and will make for a good challenge.


dont be so close minded about things. Im not asking for a solo ranked bracket, just stating thats why I dont queue up for ranked warzones. Not everyone has guilds large enough to fill a premade. Not everyone cares to go around "recruiting" people to fill the guild ranks to form a premade. Some people enjoy playing the game by with the small group of friends they have been playing with for a long time. So you can remain closed minded as you like. Ill continue to state why I dont queue for ranked warzones. When they add a solo queue, Ill begin queuing back up for ranked (i jumped in a couple groups on the first day just to play around with it.)

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This is what I do not understand. If you could solo queue ranked war zones then what is the regular war zone there for?? :confused:


Because we want to try and attain a certain ranking?

Because maybe we like the competition found in ranked queue's better?

Because maybe we want some of the ranked gear?



In other games typically, Unranked games are for those that play casually and dont really care about winning or losing but just want to have fun playing the game. Meanwhile, ranked games are put in for those that take winning and competition more seriously and want to pit themselves against better players/teams.

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because they need to separate average/good players from the people who have never seen sunlight in 5 years




RWZs are pretty much a disaster as presently implemented. It's too difficult to find a group and there is no matchmaking whatsoever when you do.


It's too bad because I was really looking forward to them. Preseason is right.

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If you want to solo queue go back to regular WZs. Ranked should be about premade vs premade, not pugs fighting pugs and getting best gear in game.



Uh... I must have missed the CCRs on ranked WZ but why again is this?

Edited by _DaGreat
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This is what I do not understand. If you could solo queue ranked war zones then what is the regular war zone there for?? :confused:


Messing around like it's open world PvP.


I feel bad when I queue for normals with friends and we end up losing a game for our team because we're more focused on doing random things that we laugh about than actually playing the objective. But it's just unranked...and plus, there's not really any open world PvP where we can just have fun.

Edited by Lymain
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RWZ are a joke cause plain and simple the rewards from the rating is a joke, in fact all the loot tables in this game are a joke.

Dnt take me wrong i love every part of this game and i only see this improving with time but come on, making RWZ's to have exactly the same pieces of WZ gear but with a different color?!?!?!? Whats the point going face to face with though opposition if u arent even ripping rewards, not to mention that u have to pay from your pocket to rip modules out from the normal WH gear to insert into the RWZ, whatever.

The same can be said from PvE but it isnt as bad as the pvp counterpart tho.

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Whats the point going face to face with though opposition if u arent even ripping rewards,


To play agains't organized teams that are around your skill level with your friends? Can't figure out a better reason.

Too bad the matchmaking is a disaster currently but that's a whole different issue.

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Your ranked warzone concept is a complete failure. I play on three servers and they are dead. Here's the sad part, when I group I roll in the normals and murder the opposition, boring. When I que solo, I get faced by groups. Why is your ranked concept such a disaster. Has any decision worked out yet? Cross server already.


the ranked warzone system is a failure yes specialy when you have people win trading which is a huge problems,this is just 1 reason i dont bother with them the other is the class balance and other issues like the resolve and other bugs and exploits people are using and abusing.


the rated warzone need to be put on hold while the win trading issue is fixed

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To play agains't organized teams that are around your skill level with your friends? Can't figure out a better reason.

Too bad the matchmaking is a disaster currently but that's a whole different issue.


Everything that gives u a need for a rating in order to grab X or Y piece of gear deserves an item that infact is better than the one from the loot tables that dnt need that rating.

Its pretty obviious, if you work hard to get an item because the game devs putted them harder to get, either by the amount of commendations or boss tactics or whatnot, than the item in question MUST be ALLWAYS better than the ones u didnt had that much trouble to get them, if not, than why in the nine hells am i working hard for?? To grab a different look or a different color?? Come on, wake up.

If you are having fun with it or not, has nothing to do with what i said. I aint debating that.

Just explaining on the why i will never make RWZ's.

Edited by Kophar
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You understand how much QQ will ensue from that solo que option, right? Not that I mind it or anything.


It couldnt be any worse than any QQ that normally pops up. People are going to whine and complain because thats all they know how to do. The people that know how to constructively post critisicim or feedback probably got two weeks into playing this game saw what the community was like and stopped showing up on the forums.


this community is atrocious and cancerous.

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