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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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I'll be playing 3 games actually..

DCUO it is F2P and I am enjoying it but I have only been playing it for 2 weeks now

SWTOR.. after grinding my 2 Lvl 50's for over a month doing dailies (3+ hours per day) im taking a break..

gonna stay subbed for at least 2 months for sure..

GW2.. the dynamic events and the somewhat end of trinity is definitely pulling my interest.. different type of learning curve for players.. multi-tasking healing/dps and supporting.. will it live the hype.. well ill be finding out


it is all allegory..


I predicted today that there would be a new event.. but guess I was wrong.. :(

Edited by ThroneOfOP
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Now you just sound like a hater. SWTOR you do the same thing...well except mostly kill 10 of this or that. There are a few escort missions though.


What exactly is a hater? I agree SWTOR has the same stuff, but my main gripe with the comments I replied to is all the talk about how much different GW2 is and my experience simply that it isn't that much different. That's what my point was, perhaps this is a better way of putting it.


What MMO gives you a lot of XP from killing mobs? Also you get bonus XP for killing them in a row and killing ones that have been a live longer. Grinding mobs is NOT what this game is about thankfully.


Although I agree that grinding mobs is not a main focuse but every other MMO I've played gives a lot more xp. The problem I have with GW2 was that I found myself having to repeat events over and over again because there wasn't any other way to get xp. The main focus seems to be on exploring and going to the other races's starter areas. But what if you're not so big on exploring and you don't want to go to the other areas and ruin the replay value once I create the next character of another race and I've done alll that content already?


Since you're killing mobs anyways along the way, why not give a little xp then anyway? GW2 really gives ridiculously low xp from killing mobs.


SWTOR doesn't have a sub any more either. So this point can be made about SWTOR as well. GW2 will rely more on expansion packs though.


See, and this actually is a flat out lie that can be proven factually. Just read the faq....you can still have a sub. GW2 will rely on the cash shop sales and expansions and because there is no steady income, my expectation is a more aggressive sales approach to encourage cash shop sales. I played GW1 for 6 years, GW2's cash shop is not the same.


This part irks me. To say Dynamic Events are anything like SWTOR's area quest is nearly a lie. The biggest difference that everyone can join in?


That's not the only difference. Do Area quest chain into other events? DEs are actually the quest, it is the core quests in the entire game. People don't realize this, and DEs actually happen in the world WITHOUT the player. They actually SHAPE the world.


So if for example Barbarians raid a town, and no players come to stop them...the next DE will be to eliminate the barbarians. Again they are NOTHING like Area quests.


Perhaps this is a matter of perception or focus but to me the events are nothing more than repackaged quests. What you describe here is actually true but this shaping the world thing is vastly overrated. They trigger without the players you say. Well, yes, they are on some sort of cycle but also this cycle repeats and once you know it, that's it. And it really doesn't matter much how it shapes the world. It just really means you go kill the centaurs somewhere else.


Even though what you describe is true, it certainly didn't live up to the hype for me. So you think it's awesome, I think it's boring because I don't think the effect of the events are really that impressive...perception I guess. Maybe I'm a hater but you're the fanboi then?


They are more like Rifts and WARs Public events but they have expanded upon it. According to them there are thousands and they will make new ones and rotate them in and out (according to them) Only time will tell. But some people are playing DEs wrong. Focusing on hearts and at times actually leaving a DE before it chains or continues.


Yep there were over 1500 already. To me they are repackaged quests, to you they are the next greatest thing on earth. Fair enough. I know Anet put a lot of work in it and I hope for them it works out well, but I am not convinced it will do that well. Still I am not going to the forums there to complain about it or creat threads there about how SWTOR is better than GW2. Think about that one. And yes I pre-purchased the game because I loved GW1 for many years, so I will be able to post on those forums if I wanted to.


Perhaps I am just getting a bit irked with all the GW2 commercials on these forums.

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I'm not directly leaving TOR for GW2, just that me leaving this game and then also going to GW2 just happened to take place within the same month.


Bioware Austin isn't exactly a terrible studio, but they were too ambitious with some of their goals while also too cautious in other areas. Regardless of if they'll admit it, they were essentially trying to one-up Blizzard, and fell flat on their face. Now, EA is forcing Bioware into plan B and try to recoup their loses. This game wasn't built from the ground up for Free-To-Play though, which is why I'm leaving.


It's sad really , this game had such great potential. The only good thing that came out of this game is that future MMOs will now push for more voice acting instead of pages of dialog.


Honestly, I don't care that Guild Wars 2 is just another sword and sorcery fantasy game. The fact of the matter is, Arenanet knows what they're doing with this game and what will become the standard for the next generation of MMO's.

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Bioware Austin isn't exactly a terrible studio, but they were too ambitious with some of their goals while also too cautious in other areas. Regardless of if they'll admit it, they were essentially trying to one-up Blizzard, and fell flat on their face. Now, EA is forcing Bioware into plan B and try to recoup their loses. This game wasn't built from the ground up for Free-To-Play though, which is why I'm leaving.


It's sad really , this game had such great potential. The only good thing that came out of this game is that future MMOs will now push for more voice acting instead of pages of dialog.


Well I would agree with you there. I still like SWTOR but the flaws are there and I think your assesment of Bioware here is one I agree with.

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I've already left this garbage. But GW2, I haven't had a chance to experience that yet. i'll give it the shot I gave swtor, where they failed to meet expectations and communicate with their player place. The joke that is bioware will now forever be looked as such. A joke. LOLOLOLOL GW2 here we go.
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I will not be leaving FOR GW2, I will simply be leaving after my subscription runs out later in August.


The endless repetition in SWTOR is getting to to me. I've lost count of how many dailies I've done (got over 500 unused daily commendations, even more tionese comms and crystals etc. etc)..and I just can't do it anymore.


I probably stayed with SWTOR longer that I should have. That is not EA/BW's fault - that is my own. I've enjoyed SWTOR a lot and many enjoyable hours have been had - most certainly worth the 15 bucks a months. Heck, that's what you pay for one drink in some places.


But, I am certain that BW cannot produce content in large enough batches, to literally keep me occupied and entertained at the same time, for very long.


There is a good chance I will pick up GW2 - it is a visually beautiful game and the ease with which you can team up with others, not steal from one another and get a share in everything if you participate and contribute, is the way MMOs should be, I feel. Getting away from the whole "LFG"-nonsense, just to be able to get started with your gaming, should be a relief.


It may be that GW2 can't offer more than a few months of entertainment, but that is enough for the price. We shall see.

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I played the beta's. I got bored within the first day.


What does GW2 offer? Kill mobs, pick up items, escort npc's, crafting etc.


Downscaling you to the area you are in is actually lame. Virttually no xp from killing mobs....but you can buy xp boosts in the cash shop!


It doesn't have a sub and I see this as a minus point. No sub means they have to make their money elsewhere and that's called a cash shop. And although I don't mind a cash shop with cosmetic items and services, GW2 is already on the edge of crossing that line and they will advertise their cash shop to entice you to buy stuff. I don't want to play in a live commercial.


Events some people say....well in SWTOR we call the AREA quests. The difference is that in GW2 everybody can join in, which is a nice feature, but it's just a zerg idea without any tactics, so it does get boring quickly. At least it did to me. And really? Picking up apples and feeding cows? Thx but I am over 12 years of age.


Oh my poor sides! :D

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I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months


Yep, the game is not the solution as many hyped up kids seems to think.


It will be very entertaining to read the whine posts in a few weeks :tran_grin:

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Seems to me you still just prefer how the current generation of MMO's work.


While I will respect your opinion and your MMO choices, I will take pity on you for not being able to enjoy a refreshing change in the MMO scene.

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What exactly is a hater? I agree SWTOR has the same stuff, but my main gripe with the comments I replied to is all the talk about how much different GW2 is and my experience simply that it isn't that much different. That's what my point was, perhaps this is a better way of putting it.


Well you made it sound like a bad thing is all.



Although I agree that grinding mobs is not a main focuse but every other MMO I've played gives a lot more xp. The problem I have with GW2 was that I found myself having to repeat events over and over again because there wasn't any other way to get xp. The main focus seems to be on exploring and going to the other races's starter areas. But what if you're not so big on exploring and you don't want to go to the other areas and ruin the replay value once I create the next character of another race and I've done alll that content already?


You should know that you can get a ton of XP crafting, doing the reknown hearts, and really doing anything that comes your way. You can get enough XP by staying in your own area though and also you still have personal stories to re-roll a class.


Since you're killing mobs anyways along the way, why not give a little xp then anyway? GW2 really gives ridiculously low xp from killing mobs.


Well you get enough, I don't think anyone is going to go out grinding mobs in this game (or any game nowadays) any ways.


See, and this actually is a flat out lie that can be proven factually. Just read the faq....you can still have a sub. GW2 will rely on the cash shop sales and expansions and because there is no steady income, my expectation is a more aggressive sales approach to encourage cash shop sales. I played GW1 for 6 years, GW2's cash shop is not the same.


It is not a lie. SWTOR will be depending on it's cash shop JUST AS WELL. That is the point. Yeah you played GW1, and what in the cash shop was Pay to win? SWTOR has a cash shop as well and already are limiting players without a sub to PVP/Space/OPS/ and Flashpoints...seems they are going to rely heavily on their cash shop.


Meanwhile in GW2 you can get everything in the game with in game gold.


Perhaps this is a matter of perception or focus but to me the events are nothing more than repackaged quests. What you describe here is actually true but this shaping the world thing is vastly overrated. They trigger without the players you say. Well, yes, they are on some sort of cycle but also this cycle repeats and once you know it, that's it. And it really doesn't matter much how it shapes the world. It just really means you go kill the centaurs somewhere else.


If there are over 1,000 events and Anet plans to make more and rotate them in and out then it may be unlikely that players will run into events over and over and over and over again. This seems like the plan here.


All it really means is that you go kill centaurs? What is the difference between that and any other MMO where it is always means you'll just go kill some junk?


Difference is I have a different reason for killing them, they aren't standing around waiting for it. They are charging the city and making the world come more to life.

Even though what you describe is true, it certainly didn't live up to the hype for me. So you think it's awesome, I think it's boring because I don't think the effect of the events are really that impressive...perception I guess. Maybe I'm a hater but you're the fanboi then?


Don't care. I've been called fanboy and troll both on these forums. Both for this game.



Yep there were over 1500 already. To me they are repackaged quests, to you they are the next greatest thing on earth. Fair enough. I know Anet put a lot of work in it and I hope for them it works out well, but I am not convinced it will do that well. Still I am not going to the forums there to complain about it or creat threads there about how SWTOR is better than GW2. Think about that one. And yes I pre-purchased the game because I loved GW1 for many years, so I will be able to post on those forums if I wanted to.


Perhaps I am just getting a bit irked with all the GW2 commercials on these forums.


Well I've been around this game since it started. I'm allowed to post here and post my opinions whatever they are. I think they are always my opinions and if they seem harsh then ah well. I used to be in love with this game and fell out of it now, I wish it had become more than what it is now.


I wish SWTOR the best and like I said...I'll come back. Since it's F2P it's likely I'll check it out again. Star wars geek here who reads the books and all.... I DESPERATELY wanted this game to succeed. Go back and read my older posts and you'll see that (when I was being called fanboy instead.) I'm not hating on SWTOR i'm just saying how I feel about it.


Playing newer games like GW2 though has seemed to kind of show the many weaknesses in this game though.

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My sub here ends the day the headstart for GW2 begins.


I had planned on keeping my TOR sub, but the "arrogance" shown by the developers of this game has left a bitter taste. Is it arrogance? I'm not sure. The hype they spread, the lack of communication, the ridiculous spin they put on their game, is almost insulting..


I feel like im watching Baghdad Bob...


And other than story, their game is just ok, in my opninion. It really brings nothing else to the table.


I've been playing MMOs for quite some time, went through some pretty ridiculous stuff, (Trammel, NGE, Trials of Atlantis, Warhammer) but i don't think i have ever looked at a bunch of developers the way i look at these folks.


Naw, i think I'm done here. I'll peruse the boards till GW2 though.


Its too bad, I was expecting a whole lot more :(

Edited by Tic-
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I like this game, as much as I am aware of its deep flaws, and I'm a SW fan. However, as a pvp enthusiast, I do not currently see a reason to keep playing Tor as GW2 is leaps and bounds ahead of it on the pvp, and especially, wpvp front.


So, probably not.

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Cancelled my sub (12 days left) this week, but not because of GW2.


I finished my eighth different character story this week, having completed all of the companion quest lines, each character has at least 4 parts BM if not WH gear, all have maxed crafting, but warzones and ops have gotten stale really quickly and there's just no diversion left to justify re subbing. All of this was done playing for an hour or two in the evening after work and the kids were in bed and slightly more time at the weekends.


I really enjoyed completing the story lines and with each character did all of the side quests up to the end of Voss, just to queeze out the content, but by the fourth character this felt like a real grind and dailies have just become a chore. There's nothing in the game to dip in and out of to keep interest fresh.


Keeping valor rank matched to my level and doing the side quests / bonus series, I was always overlevelled for the planets. I hit 50 at the end of the Hoth bonus series or beginning of Belsavis on every character. The game just felt too easy throughout.


The companion quests and crossover between the companion storylines were great, but nothing mattered. No choice made during conversations materially affected my experience in the game- LS / DS were purely cosmetic, companions could be bought off with gifts far too easily. Legacy was a complete bust and a blatant money sink. There was no reflection for having got to mid 40s legacy, which made the whole thing redundant.


Enough has been said about the rails shooter- I found it incredibly dull and kept going back to Battlefront 2 to play Star Wars space combat.


With the lay offs and move to F2P, I have no faith that character based content, the secret space project, or new pvp / large scale WZs will be generated enough to warrant sticking around. Having alreasy consumed everything that will be available for a F2P account, I just can't see anything left apart from grinding for the sake of it.


I really enjoyed story lines and have no qualms about having got a 6 month subscription from launch, but WoW (my only other MMO experience) held my interest and subscription for 6 years- SWTOR failed to keep either for more than 6 months.

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Tried and tried to keep my interest in swtor alive, but the lifeless worlds and a total lack of dynamic content just leave me with no connection to the universe at all. So many corners were cut... cyborg implants sinking into faces, broken class cinematics still broken after all this time, closed in worlds of corridors, the linear levelling, visual bugs, terrain bugs, falling through floors/ceilings/grass bugs, rezzing in pvp stuck to the floor... all playable races based off the same humanoid model, droids working off that same model...

/stuck exploiting in pvp, reused instances in class missions (e.g. knight/trooper both using the same space station for their level 40 class quests), kill x number of dudes quests everywhere... lousy graphics, server lag, absurd amounts of downtime for oceanic players (we had 4 out of 7 nights primetime lost a few weeks back).

Still no cross-realm pvp or pve, no direction, no communication, no changes. EA/BW just seem content to repeat the same mistakes others have made again and again expect different outcomes:



Friends want me to play GW2 with them, not sure if it'll keep me interested, but either way I'm done here.

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Might play it for a couple of months, then I'll get bored, eventually, if it's anything like the GW 1 model.


So far, ToR's far from perfect, but it's slowly getting there. Not a fan of F2P\Freemium model, but it's noting devastating for me.

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I see a lot of star wars fanboys slamming gw2 and spouting out nonsense that leaves me to believe they have never played it. When gw2 launches the truth is that your ops and server populations in star wars will go from medium to light. Star wars doesn't need new games to launch to lose subscribers they are sinking their own ship just fine by themselves. Gw2 offers a place for people leaving to go and it wont matter to arenanet if people stay or leave once they get your initial purchase.
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You can play this and GW2 i dont understand the need to announce you arent leaving or bad mouth a game cause a specific game isnt what people wanted, so people are moving over to bash another game that is a completely diffrent game from TOR, its ok to like more than one thing believe me its not a crime.
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GW2 is a good game , i have the game and i'm in beta but no will not leave for GW2, why ? game is to easy and boring

a solo players game with no raids no trinity no real challenge and after a few weeks even the bigg bosses in the events will be boring because it's pretty much tank and spank without the challenge, lie hald dead while someone is healing you over and over while you throw rocks no thanks.Also fantasy sucks, i need sci fi to live.Did i mention pvp is easy and require no skills what so ever, but there is dodge so you get to use 4 more key binds....


I don't get it... if the game is so easy why do you die so much?


Also LOL to the last part, that's funny.

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I for one will still be here and on my operative ( love my gimp class ) who else will be staying? I honestly think GW2 is just another hyped up game that will lose alot of player's after the first few months


Don't really like fantasy prefer the Star Wars IP. However, GW2 has a lot of elements that I like that are done better than SWTOR, so prob play both for a bit. The World v World is looking to be the best part of GW2 so far.

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Played 3 of the GW2 beta weekends, extremely disappointed. The game does not live up to the hype at all. Combat is boring, movement is awkward, add that to the worst MMO community ever and I'll be avoiding it like the plague.


May as well face it, MMO's are a dying breed. Hopefully TL2, Dark souls and Borderlands 2 can keep me interested until something great comes along.(even MoP is looking like complete fail.)

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